The monitor. (Omaha, Neb.) 1915-1928, July 24, 1919, Page 5, Image 5

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    Diamonds Watches Jewelry
E. L. Kennan
Watchmaking, Engraving,
Jewelry Repairing.
501 Security Bldg., Omaha
Phone Tyler 3299-W
The Oldest Market in the City.
Tel. Douglas 1198
1244 So. 13th St. Omaha
Petersen A Michefsen
Hardware Ca.
2408 N St. Tel. South 181
a... »*<
| Liberty Drug Co. f.
£ We Deliver Anywhere.
£ WebHter 386. Omaha, Neb. 4*
Established 1890
Dealer in
Shoes and Gents' Furnishings
1514 No. 24th St. Omaha, Neh.
—• j . « « ... .■.»■».».«■«....
N. A. Patton, Proprietor
1014-1016-1018 South 11th St.
Telephone Douglas 4448
MELCHOR- Druggist
The Old Reliable
TeL South 807 4826 So. 24th St.
Ol.-riTT-■■■OOT T----*
Hill-Williams Drug Ci.
Free Delivery
Tyler 160 2402 Cuming St.
4 . . .. .—.. »
/ ..»*
Start Saving Now
Ode Dollar will open an account In tfca J
SavUifli DeparinwHl
of tll« ’
United States Nat’l Bank
loth and Farnaoi Slreeto
i,i -- - ----
We Have a Complete Uine of
Bulba, Hardy Perennials, Poultry
F resh cut flowers always on hand
Stewart’s Seed Store
119 N. 16th St. Opp. Post Office
Phone Douglas 977
... « » —* ■ .
Across from Alhamhra Theatre
The Beet It None Too Good for
Our Cuetomere.
Telephone Webster 673
Retail Dealer in Fresh and Sail
Meats, Poultry, Oysters, etc.
?003 Cuming St. Doug. S8S4
Flome Rendered Lard. We Smoke,
and Cure our own Hama and Bacon.
.. >---4
I. A. EdtMDn C. w. Sherman
Standard Laundry
24th, Near Lake Street
Phone Webster 130
£ Just Call
| Douglas 3889
t £ Autos Everywhere
<5 Empire Cleaners and Dyers
Y 1726 St. Mary’s Avenue.
£ Shoe Repairer*
•j* 1416 North 24th St.
I First class work; reasonable prices.
f Note—Coleman Dangerfluld no long
Aer connected with this firm.
Events and
The Negro Business League meets
every Friday night at the office of
Jones & Reed. All business men and
women are invited to attend.
Mr. Noble Simmons of North Platte,
Neb., visited a few days last week
with his brother, Mr. Albert Simmons.
Mrs. Dee Woods entertained at a
delightful luncheon last week in honor
of Mrs. Walter Brown of Duluth,
Dr. J. L. Green, mechano-therapist.
Chronic diseases a specialty. Over the
Progressive Tailor Shop, 1614% North
24th street. Only Colored mechano
therapist in the city. Office phone
Webster 3694.
The Alumni association met July 16
with Mrs. Carl Daniels, 3504 Blondo,
and went into permanent organiza
tion. Twelve members were enrolled,
and after brief remarks by Lieutenant
Turner, M-e. Seals and others, they ad
journed to meet July 23 at 2726
7-room house, 3521 Parker street,
$250 cash. Douglas 2842 or Webster
Mrs. Charles Bruce of Kansas City
is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Walter Craig
of 2720 North 27th ami Mrs. F. K.
Stone, 2130 North 27th.
Mrs. Larry Peoples has succeeded in
organizing a class of twenty in home
nursing which meets every Monday
evening at the Central Y. W. C. A.
The course consists of fifteen lessons.
Mrs. A. F. Leermakers is the instruc
tor. The course is given under the
auspices of the American Red Cross.
Get a new Subscriber for The Mon
itor. It is only $2.00 a year. It is
up to you to help push your own pa
per. The Monitor must go into every
Colored home in Omaha. Help us put
it there. Thank you.
Mrs. Bertha Hawkins of 2603 North
26th street has returned from a pleas
ant visit to Kansas City, Mo.
Mr. and Mrs. Asa C. Oglesby have
left for an extensive trip to the west.
Among the points of interest they will
| visit are Ogden, Seattle, Oakland,
| Portland, Los Angeles and San Fran
| cisco. While in Oakland they will be
J the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Hudson,
| who were formerly of Omaha.
E. F. Morearty, Lawyer, 610 Bee
Building. Douglas 3841.—Adv.
Mrs. Mabel Simmons and little
daughter, Dorethea, and sister, Mrs,
Lou Mitchell of North Platte, Neb.
[ are visiting the family of her brother
j in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Simmons
Mrs. Rachael Wooel, 2409 North 29th
j street, entertained at 4 o’clock dinnei
J last Friday in honor of Mrs. Maud
Brown of St. Paul. Covers were laid
for six.
5-room cottage, 1818 North 27th
street, $150 cash. Douglas 2842 oi
Webster 6619.
Mr. and Mrs. John Gardner of 2622
Maple, entertained several of theii
1 friends at their residence Friday even
ing in honor of the return of theii
son, Private H. P. Gardener. Private
Gardener entertained the guests with
stories of the boys overseas.
Daughters of Bethel LAWN SO
CIAL at Mrs. E. Golden’s, 25th and
Grant, August 1. Admission 10c.
A delightful surprise party was
given last Tuesday evening, July 15
at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. W. A
Scott, 2204 North 19th street, in honoi
of Mr. Scott’s birthday. Refresh
ments were served to seventy guests
Mr. Scott was the recipient of manj
beautiful presents.
Houses for sale in all parts of the
city. Tel. Douglas 2842 or Webstoi
6519. Guy B. Robbins.
Mr. William Travis died at the homi
of his sister, Mrs. Malinda Washing
ton, 2316 North 28th avenue, witl
cerebral hemorrhage, on July 13. Hi
was formerly of Brewton, Ala., bu
has resided in Omaha since June, 1918
Funeral was held July 17 from th
Western Funeral home by Rev. Will
iam Franklin, and was laid to rest il
Forest Lawn cemetery.
Hiawatha Grand Entertainment
At Mrs. B. Mack’s, 2708 Corby
July 21, Admission 15 cents.
Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Cattoms of De
Moines, Iowa, and Miss Rose Cattom
of St. Paul, Minn., spent the Fourtl
with their sister, Mrs. W. B. Long
2517 Lake street.
Buy your groceries and meat:
' on Saturday, as all first clas:
\ grocery and meat markets an
^ closed on Sunday. Come to Fink
f enstein’s.
f Mr. and Mrs. Brown, 2724 Burdett
> street, entertained in honor of Mi
' and Mrs. W. B. Cottoms of Des Moine
'r and Miss Rose Cottoms of St. Paul
l A four-course dinner was served am
t covers were laid for nine.
\ Please remember that your subscrip
J tion is due, and be kind enough ti
> drop into the office and pay it prompt
f ly
Mr. William Wakefield who has re
cently returned from France, left last
Thursday for his home in Normal, 111.
Straightening combs, $1.60 to $3;
dressing combs, 60c to $1.60. D. S.
Clarke, 2404 N st., South Side.
Please patronize those who adver
tise in The Monitor.
Mrs. Lena Gibbs, who has been
suffering from a slight attack of blood
poison, is able to be out again.
cn Brooks, well known
resident of Omaha, employed at army
.tmuquaiters is on a 15 days’ vacation.
8-room house, 280!) Ohio street, $200 j
cash. Douglas 2842 or Webster 6619.
Mr. William Reed of St. Louis has
recently come to Omaha with the in
j tention of making Omaha his home.
For Rent—Modern furnished room
in private family for gentleman. Call
Webster 1196.
Miss Viola McAllister entertained
Mrs. Walter Brown of St. Paul, Mrs.
Walter Bell and Mrs. J. H. Hill at
breakfast Tuesday.
Mr. Henry C. Smith, son of Mr. and
Mrs. J. W. Smith has recently re
turned to the city. He brings with
him a splendid letter of recommenda
tion and commendation from the firm
of the R. & R. Auto Sales Co. of Jack
sonville, 111., where he has been em
ployed as a mechanician with the sal
ary of $175 per month. Mr. Smith,
5 who is an expert in his line will follow
this kind of work in Omaha.
Neatly furnished room for rent.
Mrs. R. Bohannon, 2427 Lake street.
Webster 1256.
Mrs. Leonard Britt returned Mon
day from Carrollton, Mo., where she
went as a delegate from Shaffer chap
ter to the grand chapter of the East
I ern Star. Mrs. Lulu Rountree was
elected associate grand matron at this
: i session.
Miss Anna Britt, teacher at Wichita,
Kas., is the guest of her brother, Dr.
S L. E. Britt, one of Omaha’s most
j successful physicians.
We have trusses in stock and do ex
pert fitting. D. S. Clarke, 2404 N st.,
South Side.
Mrs. J. H. Russell and her mother,
Mrs. Louise Bass, have gone to Nash
ville, Tenn,, for a brief visit. They
stopped en route in Chicago to visit
Mrs. English, Mrs. Russell’s sister.
J. D. Lewis lias recently purchased
a seven-passenger limousine, 1919
model which he will use in his busi
bmoke John Ituskin oe Cigar. Big
ami Beat.—Adv
Mrs. C. Hill of 2517 M street, South
Side, entertained at a six o’clock din
ner Friday, July 18, in honor of Mrs.
Perry of Gary, Ind., and Mrs. J. Vin
egar of Minneapolis, Minn. Covers
were laid for Mrs. Jackson and daugh
ter, Olive, Mrs. Vinegar and daugh
i ter, Lavinia, Mrs. Perry, Mrs. S.
i Browning and Mr. E. Wright.
1 Let us fit your next truss. We are
1 experts. D. S. Clarke, 2404 N st.,
South Side.
i H. P. Sadler, 2115 Clark street, ha.
i- ici-urricd from the grand session of
| K. and I). of Tabor held at Hutchison,
l Kas., after visiting Kansas City, Leav
i- enworth and other places of interest,
-j Mrs. Laura Bell of 2814 Miami, re
i turned from a three weeks’ visit with
• her daughter, Mrs. Crittondon of Cen
i : terville, la. She was accompanied by
; her little granddaughter and grand
. son,-Olive Jackson and James Crit
I tendon.
Miss Call i a Anderson of Indianap
3) olis, Ind., is the house guest of Mrs.
F. J. McCullough, 2430 Patrick ave
ri Furnished rooms for rent. 1118 N.
-117th. Webster 135.3.
•1 Mrs. W. A. Robinson left Saturday
>' I evening for Los Angeles. En route
she will visit relatives in Kansas City
; and St. Louis.
r Mrs. Walter R. Brown of St. Paul
and Minneapolis has returned after a
e ten days’ visit wdth mrs. Walter W.
- Bell, 2320 North 26th street.
h I i t-.-cial and wedding given by
e Friendship Temple S. M. of T. Tues
t day evening, July .29, at residence of
!• Mrs. Geo. McClanahan, 2866 Miami,
e Admission with ice cream 10 cents.
1- Wedding at 9:30.—Adv.
n Mrs. Callie Anderson is spending
the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. E. G.
Scott, 2513 North 28th avenue.
6-room cottage, 2606 Patrick ave
nue, $160 cash. Douglas 2842 or Web
s star 5519.
s Mrs W. R. Brown was entertained
h at breakfast last Monday morning at
!, the home of Mrs. Elizabeth Howard
and mother, 2425 Maple. Covers were
S/iaid for six.
S We wish to thank the readers of
0 The Monitor for the recognition given
- us through our ad in these columns.
Come again.—Finkenstein.
e The Negro Women’s Christian As
• sociation will picnic July 31 at Hans
s com park. The public is cordially in
i' vited to bring their lunches and picnic
d with them.
Mrs. E. Britton, 2412 Erskine, gave
i* a birthday party July 19 for her son,
o J. W. Britton, who recently returned
i- from France after doing eleven months
service. Covers were laid for twelve.
St. Philip’s Church club, which has
for its purpose a more frequent get
ting together of the congregation so
cially, gave a delightful dancing party
Monday night at the Hanscom park
pavilion. Mesdames Riggs, Donley,
Gregory and James were the hostesses
for the occasion. About ninety mem
bers of the congregation . enjoyed a
delightful evening.
The O. N. E. club has arranged a
program and lecture to be given by
the following ladies: Mrs. J. Snowden j
Porter of Chicago, president of the j
Northwestern Federation of Colored
Women's dubs, Mrs. Eliza Johnson, |
president of the Phyllis Wheatly (
Home, Chicago; Mrs. Myra Hunter
Reed, president of the Young Matron
Culture club, Chicago; Mrs. Martha
Wclton, president of Chicago Feder
ated Colored Women’s clubs.
Every body invited. Ladies espe
cially. No admission. Friday, July
2'\ at St. John’s A. M. E. church.
The Ocowasin lawn social, which
was given Tuesday, July 8 at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Brown
was an overwhelming success.
Pop, ice cream, cake and candy
which were furnished and made by the
Camp Fire girls were sold at booths
designed by them.
Dancing, music, games and grab
bag furnished amusement for all. The
affair was well attended by old and
All of the girls worked hard selling
tickets, designing posters, hanging
lanterns and selling at the booths to !
earn their honor beads. The money |
received will be used for ceremonial
A business meeting was held Fri
day, July 11, at the Camp Fire room.
The girls decided to have their first
council fire or ceremonial meeting
Thursday evening at Elmwood park.
Do you know where Patrick;
avenue is? Blondo is one block j
south. Finkenstein’s first class
groceries and meat market is lo
caetd at 26th and Blondo. Tele- j
phone number is Webster 1902, |
and don’t forget, j
• i
X The House of Courtesy. X
A 24th and Parker Sts. A
\j--—. |
.j! C. M. Anderson as X
j X “Bronco Billy” in X
^ Comedy X
•|« Sessue Hayakawa in A
X Pathe News X
.]! Comedy !j|
•> Marguarctte Fisher in
Arhuckle Comedy
.j. Pathe News !|!
Better Goods for Less Money. Credit if You Wish.
1839-47 N. 24<h St. Phones—Webster 1607; Webster 4825
soldiers, Attention!
j; Please fill out the form below and cut out and mail, or A
|* or bring to Monitor Office, 304 Crounse Block. *j*
}• Name . y
j! Address .Phone. |
!; Business Address..—.Phone. *:*
|> Branch of Service Army, Navy, etc.). V
j! Organization ...Company...Regiment. |
i; Rank . X
[• Date of Enlistment.-.... y
t Date of Discharge.—Serial Number.. |
s ^§§31 i
|l803 fern310 j
!; DO YOU NEED A TRUNK?—Buy it from the factory |
| and save money. This trunk well built with good corners, |
^ locks and hinges; fiber covered, $17.00. |
. I
The Monarch Billiard Parlor
Latest improved tables. A pleasant place for an evening’s recrea
tion. Full line of cigars and tobacco.
Free Employment Bureau Maintained.
109 South 14th Street. Douglas 3578.
__ ■■
W .•••••Z*4Z~Z~Z"Z~Z4*Z'*Z~I**Z**Z**Z~Z*4Z~Z~Z~Z,*Z*4Z4*Z**Z**Z4*l"Z~Z4*Z#*Z~Z**Z~Z*4Z*»>4Z*4Z4*Z44I#*Z~Z44Z**Z**Z**Z**Z">*Z*<**Z**Z*,T
IP. H. Jenkins, the Barber f
X My shop stands on its merits for what is
X right, and what the people demand, with
•{• first class barbers, who know their busi
X ness. I have added one more chair to my
X shop, in order to take care of the increase
.j. in my business. The Colored people are
y growing and improving and we must meet
X their demands. They want the best and we
X must deliver it. I have it for you, so come.
X I solicit your patronage. There is r.o pool
X hall connected with my business. Barbers
•{• are: Mr. W. Bruce, Mr. H. Bascom, Mr.
* J. T. Thompson, Mr. J. Reddic, Mr. Ted Car
X man—all first class hair cutters. I have in
*{• connection soda fountain and ice cream par
X lor, with Mrs. Edith Whitney, soda dispen
X ser and manager. Webster 2095.
£ New Location, 2122 North
Mr. Advertiser:
I The Monitor is read in prac- I
tically every Colored family I
in Omaha, Council Bluffs and I
Lincoln. ,
It has also a wide circulation I
in Nebraska and other states. |
Do You Want This Trade? 1