| K. & M. :j: GROCERY CO. | x We solicit vour patronage. •j. 2114-16 North 21th St. .{. DR. CRAIG MORRIS DENTIST 2107 Lake St. Phone Web. 4021 C. S. JOHNSON 18th and l/.ard Tel. Douglas 1702 ALL KINDS OF COAL and COKE at POPULAR PRICES. Beat for the Money T"« »■■»■■«■ « • . . ... . »■ ’ Res. Colfax 3831. Douglas 7150 AMOS I*. SCRUGGS Attorney - at • Law 13th and Farnam Classified Advertising RATES—1>£ cents a word for single in sertions; 1 cent a word for two or more insertions. No advertisement taken for less than 15 cents. Cash should accom pany advertisement. DRUG STORES THE PEOPLE’S DRUG STORE Douglas 1446. 109 South 14th St. ADAMS HAIGHT DRUG CO., 24th and Lake; 24th and Fort, Omaha, Neb. COLORED NEWSPAPERS AND MAGAZINES FRANK DOUGLASS Shining Parlor. Webster 1388. 2414 North 24th St. FURNI8HED ROOM8 FOR RENT Furnished rooms for rent, 980 North 25th Ave. Douglas 6077. FOR RENT — Neatly furnished rooms for light housekeeping. 1107 N. 19th st. Web. 2177. Mrs. T. L. Haw thorne. First class rooming house, steam heat, bath, electric light. On Dodge and 24th st. car line. Mrs. Ann- Ranks 924 North 20th st. Doug. 437u. First-class modem furnished room* Mrs. L. M. Bentley Webster, x7o* North Twenty-sixth street. Phone Webster 4769. LODGE DIRECTORY Keystone Lodge. No. 4. K. of P . Omaha, Neb. Meetings first and third Thursdays of each month. M. H. Hazzard. C. C.; J. H. Glover. K. of R. and 8. NIMROD JOHNSON INVESTMENT CO. Will help you buy a home on easy payments. Money advanced on your first payment. Just call Webster 1302. Cuming Rug Cleaning & Mfg. Co. Vacuum Cleaning, Renovating and Alterations. 2419 Cuming. Phone Red 4122 M. ROSENBERG, Groceries 2706 Cuming Hamey 2560 All Kinds of Shoe Repairing Work guaranteed. Give us a call. Coleman Dangerfield. 1415 No. 24th WANTED A POSITION As clerk in a general merchandising or gents’ furnishing store. I am a Colored man, aged 36, am now em ployed in general store. Can give good references. Address Monitor. : : ■ I ■ Smoke John Ruskln he Cigar. Big gwt and Best.—Adv. | South Side Notes I Rev. Mr. Walton, who has had charge of the M. E. church on this side and who deft for conference last week, has been assigned to Rolling, Kas., this year. Mrs. Walton came back and is preparing to move their household goods to their new charge. Rev. Allen of Oklahoma has been as signed to this charge. He is now stopping with his brother. Mr. Chas. Hilton is quite sick at the home of his parents, 5710 South 32d street. Mrs. Robt. Gray had a severe at tack of la grippe last week, but is better now. Mrs. Lulu Thornton has been in bed for about a week suffering from an attack of la grippe and stomach trou ble. Little Wm. Johnson has been seri ously ill at the home of his parents, 2912 U street. He is some better at this writing. Mr. Robt. Burton has opened a gro cery store at 30th and U streets. He solicits the patronage of each and every one. Mrs. Cornelia Keaton of 2514 K street burned her foot severely last Thursday out to Fort Crook. She ac cidentally put her foot in a kettle of boiling water when she attempted to step off a stool upon which she had been standing. Mrs. J. C. Parker of Fort Worth, Texas, is here visiting her sister. Mrs. Effie Pitts. Mrs. Audry Stewart and three small sons of Austin, Minn., is here .visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gray, of 1211 Missouri avenue. Her sister. Miss Leona Gray, who has been visit ing her since the holidays, returned with her; also her grandmother, Mrs. Mary Wallace, who has been with her since she left Omaha to make Austin her home. Mr. and Mrs. F. Harrington have moved into their new home on South 33d street. Mrs. G. C. Tucker is again able to be up and around the house after an attack of influenza last week. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Carter enter tained a few of their friends Sunday afternoon in their beautiful new home at 26th and Jefferson streets. It was their 20th anniversary. Those pres ent were: Mr. and Mrs. L. Pegram and son Charles, Mr. and Mrs. J. Smith and son John, Mr. and Mrs. P. Jefferson. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Redd, Mr. and Mrs. Jackson, Rev. and Mrs. Broadnax, Mrs. Z. Floyd, Mrs. Lulu Thornton and daughter Ivatheryn, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Carter and family. Mr. Robt. Severe, who has been at St. Joseph hospital for two weeks, is improving slowly. It is a pleasure to trade at Philip's department store, where prices are right and everybody courteous. .... W. C. CRAIG High Class Pool and Billiard Parlors. Soft Drinks in Connection. 2121 North 24. Web. 280 I- ' I The mock trial given by the mem bers of the “Roosevelt Literary So ciety” was a marked success. It was conducted in such a manner that it I brought forth much amusement, both on the part of the participants and also the appreciative audience. On Thursday evening, April 10, the j Roosevelt Literary society and the ! \. A. A. C. P. with the other local j bodies gave a reception at the A M, E. church, 9th and C streets, | complimentary to all of the returned j soldiers. A splendid program was rendered and all refreshments were j free. A Sunday meeting of the N. A. A. C. P. was held April 6, at the M. E. church, 8th and J streets, at 3:45 p. m. Rev. R. R. Powers, pastor of Ref ugee Missionary Baptist church, was aide to return to the pulpit Sunday, after a week of serious illness. He delivered two sermons during the day. Baptizing at 1 p. m., was performed by the assistant pastor, Rev. R. Bell. Rev. Powers left for Oklahoma Sun day at midnight, wher he will spend a few weeks on a vacation. Rev. Benjamin Hampton will leave foi Hiawatha, Kas., where he has been called to do evangelistic work. Rev. E. N'. Cohron of Brunswick, Mo., ably filled the pulpit at the Mt. Zion Baptist church Sunday, and preached two excellent sermons. He will hold a series of meetings until Wednesday, when he expects to leave for his home. The Utopian Art and Helping Hand j clubs of the Mt. Zion Baptist church, held a beneficial meeting last Wednes day afternoon at the residence of Mrs. I J. T. Wright. Previous to the busi j ness meeting, much needlework was : indulged in, after which a most de licious luncheon was served. The meetings hereafter will be held on every Thursday evening. Mrs. Alma Wiley, accompanied by bee brother, who has recently returned from Fiance, reached home Sunday ! after a short visit in St. Joe, where -he had gone to meet him. FREMONT, NEB. Mr. Sydney Thomas spent Sunday in Lincoln with friends. We’re sorry to report that the home of Mr. John Berry was badly dam aged last week by fire. Lieut. Andrew Reed of Omaha was visiting Lieut. C. R. Brannon. Mrs. U. S. Watts delightfully en tertained at a stag party in honor of her brother, Lt. Brannon, who re cently returned from overseas. De licious refreshments were served aft er which the evening was spent in music and social conversation. Lt. Reed of Omaha was an out of town guest. Several members of A. L. Williams family, who have been ill have recov ered. The deed and abstract to the two lots which were purchased by the church at 17th and Platte have been delivered to the church. June Winters has returned from Sioux Ctiv. •*« | Philip’s Department Store j !j! 21th and 0 Streets, South Side. Z :|: The Fastest Growing Store in Omaha | l “WATCH US GROW” f y y X We greet you for pre-Easter selling with special prices for this y y week. Never have we offered our friends more wonderful bargains * ,|. than now—in practically every department of this, the' public’s own X X store. Our price on every article will be just a little less than you y X could expect to find it. X v y X This week every article will be a greeting to you of a wonderfal f •j* value at a wonderfully small price. Will mention just a few values X as space does not permit us telling you of everything, and we want .j. X you to come and satisfy yourself by inspecting every department, Y X which you will find stocked full of merchandise for Easter selling. y y Mina Taylor Dreses come in every grade desired for street, after- £ Y noon or house wear—fabrics always the best selected not only to carry y •{• out a late style, but give the longest and best wear. * Y X Girls White Dresses—That are not only really girlish, but styles are y X so new and varied it would be impossible to describe their beauty. Y X X Our Infants’ Department—Has so many new and novel things it Y y would pay you to inspect it even if you do not intend to buy. We £ are always glad to show you the nice things we carry for babies special X X wear and comfort. DRESS SHIRTS Y ? X We are selling such grades as “Pure Fibre,” “Silk Striped Madras,” X y "Fibre Silk Crepes”—values regular $4.60 to $6.50—for pre-Eastei X •j* selling, $3.89. X P. S.—Not only are these shirts the best of material like all stores -y X carry at $4.50 to $6.50—but they are real shirts which all stores can- I X not give you—They are Beau Brummel Shirts, every one not only madr X X to sell, but to wear. Let our Beau Brummel man explain why it is the X X shirt among shirts for men—7 reasons. y | OUR BASEMENT f; Will greet you with such wonderful selections of Chinaware, Crock- y X ery, Enamelware, Hardware, also specials in grocery line like— X x Armour’s 15c Oats.—........._.10c X X Regular ?6c size of best Com and Peas... 14c y X 50c lb. Best blend Mocha and Java Coffee...40c X X 12 bars of large size Washing Soap.. 50c X X While inspectiong our basement do not forget to be shown our spe- X X cial China Dinner set of 42 pieces, pre-Easter price, $9.95. X HASTINGS, NEB. Mr. Orin Switzer has returned to his home in Nicodemis, Kas., after spending the winter in Hastings. Mrs. Arthur Gates spent a week in Hastings visiting her husband and f riends. Mr. Charles Harris and Mr. Mark Jefferis have returned to Hastings after spending the winter in Kansas City and Concordia, Kas. Mr. Alonzo Phecherhean of Des Moines, la., is making his home in Hastings. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Horton left the first of the month for a visit at Hoiton, Kas. Corporal Potassie Alfred Smith has returned to Hastings from overseas. Mr. Louis Taylor is back home from Grand Island, where he has been for the last month. Those on our sick list are Mr. Ernest Taylor, Mrs. Washington and the baby daughter of Mrs. Josephine Lee. Mrs. James McKinzie left Saturday morning for parts in Kansas on a visit. Corporal Leslie Daugherty, who has returned from overseas, visited in Hastings last week with his father and brother and friends. He returned to Grand Island to make his home. Mr. James McKinzie entertained Monday evening in honor of his wife's birthday. Ice cream and cake were -erved and a very enjoyable evening was spent by all present. Private Famuel Lane gave some very good lectures on trench life and showed the use of the French and American gas masks. AFRO-AMERICAN REALTY CO. 2709 Lake St. Will open its office on or before April 17. The public invited. NIMROD JOHNSON, Mgr. MONARCH CAFE The New Monarch Cafe will open April 20 at 107 South Fourteenth street. Everything first class and up to-date. Come in and look us over. We will appreciate your patronage. C. R. Trimble, Proprietor. Adv 3t BUSINESS IS GOOD. Eighteen successful years real es tate dealer, six years in Omaha. Nim rod Johnson, Webster 1302. Eat at West’s Cafe, 1612 No. 24th. You Are Proud of That Boy in Uniform! SO ARE WE ALL! Why Not an Enlarged Portrait of Him? The utmost care in all our work and guarantee to please you. ENLARGEMENTS From Any Photographs. Mail Orders Solicited. The Butters Studio } 1306 North 21th St. Phone Webster 6701. Telephone Dr. liritt Upstairs j 1 Douglas 2672. Douglas 7812 and 7150 1 Pope Drug Co. j Candies, Tobacco, Drugs, Rubber Goods and Sundries. PRESCRIPTIONS OUR SPECIALTY. j ? 13'h and Eamam Streets. Omaha, Nebraska ~-;;V.. ■ Un4ol Puminn 1916 cumjng street nl'lCl uLI III Illy Comfortable Rooms—Reasonable Rates Douglas 2466 D. G. Russell, Proprietor I | j 25,000 MORE PORO AGENTS WANTED | Equipped with the Very Latest Apparatus for Teaching the Pore System of Scalp and Hair Culture 1 and ah Branches of Beauty Culture Terms Moderate Diplomas Given Write Today for Further Information 'FOil” COLLEGE Corner St. Louis, Mo.