The Monitor K National Weekly Newspaper Devoted to the Interests of Colored Americans Published Every Saturday at Omaha, Nebraska, by The Monitor Pub lishing Company. Entered as Second-Class Mail Matter July 2. 1915, at the Postofflee at Omaha. Neb., under the Act of March 3, 1879. THE REV. JOHN ALBERT WILLIAMS, Editor and Publisher. Lucille Skaggs Edwards and William Garnett Haynes. Associate Editors. George Wells Parker, Contributing Editor and Business Manager. Fred C. Williams, Traveling Representative. SUBSCRIPTION RATES, *2.00 A YEAR; *1.00 6 MONTHS; 60c 3 MONTHS Advertising Rates, 60 cents an Inch per issue. Address. The Monitor, 304 Crounse Block, Omaha, Neb. Telephone Webster 4243. L _A A NEW INTEREST IN LIBERIA DR. ’N. H. B. CASSELL, president of the University of Liberia, is in the United States for the purpose of securing financial aid for Liberia’s education work. Hampton Institute has taken the lead is not only calling upon the race to give aid, but encour aging the emigration of our people to Liberia. It is our hope and desire that American Negroes give liberally to this cause and help this little nation so far across the seas. She needs help. In the war Liberia cast her lot with the allies and thereby lost much of her trade. She is in desper ate straits, but the prospects are that the United States will lend her suffi cient money to tide her over this pe riod of stringency. Her country is a rich one and its very richness has made it an object of desire to many of the European nations. Some have said that Liberia is not a success as a government, but those only say it who are ignorant of her history'. When one considers the many difficulties which Liberia has been forced to overcome, the aggressions of England, France and Germany, and the inadequate facilities for develop ing her latent wealth, Liberia can be but considered nothing but a success. It is now the turn of the Ameri can Negroes to show their interest in Liberia and we hope that they' respond cheerfully in aiding Dr. Cassell in his work. It is a deserving one and one that should awaken the pride of every' race loving man and woman. LEARN TO THINK BLACK IN a recent article submitted to The Monitor by a man of many years experience as a teacher, we quote these words: “If under present condi tions the Negro has more regard for the white race than his own, is it not because he has been taught to think white? In my' school experience I have taught from dozens of readers from the primer to the eighth grade, and in all these, not a line have I found from a Negro author or a word relating a commendable Negro deed. Are we to sit supinely by' and permit this teaching to go on without raising our voices in dissent? If so, then let us not complain because our youth prefer peroxide soaps and cosmetics.” There is much in these words to cause us to stop and consider. In the school room the mind of youth is moulded and there is no doubting the truth that the mould today is the white man’s mould. We must get away from it if we are to become a real factor in the world. We must learn to think black. We must change the factors of our mental life and make the final equation black instead of white. If it cannot be effected in the school room, then it must be per fected in the home. Our children MUST KNOW and it is incumbent upon the parents that they SHALL KNOW. In the columns of The Mon itor is a small list of racial books, cheap in price, that will give the facts and we insist that race men and wom en who care should have them, should read them and should disseminate the truths they contain. We must learn to think black and until we do, we are but sounding brass and tinkling cymbals. THE BOLSHEVIKI. TIE terror of bolshevism is start ling Europe. Russia has long since fallen to its sway, it is rife in Germany, Hungary has fallen into its clutches, and reports are that it has crept into the French army. Egypt has rebelled and Arabia is growing restless. The press claims that the doctrines are being preached in Eng land, North America and South Amer ica. What does it mean ? To our mind it means that the masses are determined that liberty shall become a real thing and not a dream. It is not to be gainsaid that the craze for wealth brought about the war and justified it. Wealth de clared that the war was for human lib erty. Then when wealth saw that the masses of mankind were taking the word too literally, it called a halt and ended the war. But already the war that real liberty may reign. This is the had gone too long. The masses were not satisfied and so today they are warring against capitalism to the end real liberty may reign. This is the real truth of the bolsheviki movement. The press of this country may howl, condemn, misrepresent, and falsely re port, but it is only the money power speaking through the press. If bol shevism has become a Frankenstein, it is the money power that has created it and it is now reaping the reward of its baseness. So far it little concerns us as a people. The fight is among the whites themselves and we are con tent to let it remain there. CO-OPERATION IN PITTING OVER WORTHY ENTERPRISES THERE are several noteworthy big enterprises calling for co-opera tion upon the part of our people to put them “over the top." Among these may be mentioned the campaign to raise $20,000 to complete Zion Bap tist church, which will be a credit to oui citizens; and a campaign soon to | be launched for $25,000 for a much needed Y. M. C. A. Allen Chapel A. M. E. church, South Side, wants $5,000 for needed improvements on its and can be speedily accomplished by hearty co-operation upon the part of all citizens. and Paul. These perhaps are the most immediate enterprises calling for financial drives. They are all worthy church building. The Rev. John Cos tello of Pleasant Green Baptist church wants $1,200 to wipe out the indebted ness on his church at Twenty-second 'rhis, however, should be done, by all orgnizations appealing to the pub lie for subscriptions. A careful and [omplete accounting for all monies received and expended should be pub lished, so that the public may know that their contributions either large or small have been expended for the objects designated. Accounts should be audited and reported. This will inspire confidence and make the pub lic more willing to respond. Let all our citizens co-operate cheerfully and willingly in putting over praiseworhy enterprises of all kinds in the community, and in jus tice to all concerned, let there be, too. an honest and complete accounting for all monies so contributed. SKITS OF SOLOMON The Peace Conference The peace conference of Paris is an international consolidation of agitated opinion. When the German nation \ riled “Kamerad!” and decided to dec orate the terms of the armistice with its John Henry, fourteen points were jabbing her in the ribs. Now there are fourteen thousand. Every nation from Hingland to the two-by-fours unknown to history and geography, are demanding everything that Ger many ever had or will have in the next million years. If the double headed eagle of the Rhine has any .‘eathers, flesh or bones, left when the allies and neutrals get through, it will be because they don’t like gizzards and livers. The thing which makes the world hot under the necktie is that nobody knows what is going on at the peace conference except the delegates and the furniture. When the allies scored the knockout, it was un derstood that there would be no stacked cards or diplomatic sleight of hand, but now it is different. If a delegate breathes a word concerning the collective tabasco tempest, he is presented with a pair of steel ear muffs and opaque glasses and shown to a seat in the gallery. The leaders continue to clamor for action, but from all accounts the lower maxil lanes of the delegates are the only things getting any of it. Meanwhile Germany and her immediate friends are getting nervous and making the allies nervous too. The League of Nations is sliding down a greased trail and the conference wants to hur ry through a treaty so that they can hand the Bolsheviki a hot one. All in all the peace conference is becoming i a huge joke. j Obvious Observations 1 VV'T’E are glad to be able to say that W spring has at last arrived with both little tootsies on the ground. We all want to go to Liberia, but we want Liberia to be ready for us when we get there. Simonds says that the peace con ference will become the greatest fizzle of modern times. England got what she wanted and is letting the rest hustle for themselves. Have you planted your lettuce and radishes yet ? Housecleaning is now in order. Also the semi-annual bath. We thank the many friends who are paying up their subscriptions and want the others to hurry up and find our office. Our collector can’t get ! to everyone at once. The Bolsheviki are busy in Europe and are keeping the big nations jump : inp sidewise. The boys in the aviation corps j raised the red flag down in Texas and said if they weren’t discharged, there wcuId be something doing. Yester day they were discharged. A job for every returned soldier hasn’t panned out and the soldiers are growing nervous. When wlil the H. C. L. take another tumble? Thanking you kindly for your earn est and undivided attention, we will now tie a ribbon over our dome and start helping the wife get rid of the winter’s dust. ...... ...... • .*.....« .* -• • -.• ...» » • R ■ ■ ——- :: . — .....jj X Just a part of the crowds that visited our store at the last big DOLLAR SALE Another Startling SHOE SALE FOR THURSDAY and FRIDAY ONLY l 1 Women’s and Children’s white slippers Men’s Dress Shoes in vici, gunmetal and and shoes in canvas, Nubuck and kid, ,, , . nearly all sizes and styles. A splendid calfskin this lot includes all styles, chance to get your Easter $100 among them the dressy Eng- $198 footwear at bargain prices, I lish last. This lot Monday I Monday and Tuesday, at and Tuesday, at Children’s Shoes and Slippers in patent gunmetal and vici, all sizes; $198 Ladi^’ StraP Slippers, with $149 Monday and Tuesday, I high or low heel, Monday 1 at and Tuesday, at a •j* Any other pair of men’s, women’s and children’s shoes in our store will be sold during this two- ^ f day sale at a discount £ ^ KINNEY’S BIG I LOW PRICED SHOE STORE i 205-207-209 North 16th Street. Hotel Loyal Building The Beautiful Thing | I About the FORD CAR is its 100% simplicity of operation, 100% per X cent economy, and 100% service. That’s why we’ve adopted the A slogan 100% Ford Service. We strive to maintain the Ford standard X all the time, in all ways, in all departments. * We sell Ford Motor Cars and Fordsom Farm Tractors. y | Sample-Hart Motor Co. | & Tyler 513. 18th and Burt Streets. Sj t-»—....— 1 I DIXON’S shop: shining PARLOR, 1821 North 21th St. All kinds of shoes cleaned and repaired. Carpets renovated, j Candies and soft drinks. i ..* *......■■■■■■' 24TH ST. SHINING PARLOR 1823 N. 24th. Opposite Alhambra Private chairs for ladies. We clean and dye all colors of ladies shoes. J. J. Jones, Prop. ...■ ■ »i H Classified Directory of Omaha’s Colored professional and Business firms % ALLEN JONES ANDREW T. REED \ V Res. Phone Web. 204. Res. Phone Red 5210. JONES & REED | | Funeral Parlor •{• Parlors 2314 North 24th Street. Phone Webster 1100. Expert Licensed Embalmers and Funeral Directors. Auto and Horse J‘ X Drawn Vehicles. Lady Attendant. Open Day and Night. X t NOTE I. | X The characteristics which best distinguish quality and service are X £ pre-eminent in Jones-Reed Service. .. . » » » » »1 ; OR. P. W. SAWYER j DENTIST I Tel. Doug. 7150; Web. 3636 j 220 South 13th .St. I SflH3fl>CiSS<[g1X;XTxf);:x.>(;ifftf.xixifc'x X xv>< X xlx'iii & Mmes. South & Johnson 8 :: Jk Scientific Scalp Specialists Sole Manufacturers of j: MAGIC HAIR GROWER AND V MAGIC STRAIGHTENING OIL sr K iX Vve teach the Art of Hair Dress- f £ ing, Shampooing. Facial Massage, *5 § Manicuring, Scalp Treatment and <0 « the Making of Hair goods. S £ Hair Grower, per box 50c. Straightening Oil, per box 35c CJ u For Appointment Call Web. 880. r >* 2416 Blondo St., Omaha, Neb. « it 'it u’iooooi« x IE. A. Williamson j » '« « druggist « ;; s * I « Competent and Reliable § f 2206 North 21th St. B I v a Webster 4443. S x P ™ W ; x x x x x x x X x x X x x x x x x x x x x x x >i i Mrs. A. HICKS i 5 i; Scalp Specialist SLAUGHTER SYSTEM £ Guaranteed to Grow Hair in | ,«i Six Treatments or Money Re- !1 x funded. Diplomas Granted. 2716 Miami Street. Webster 6426. xm»««MKB»JteX-w;-w;x'x/x x x x x x:x|x x;x| Telephone Webiter 248 Open Day and Night C jj Silas Johnson MHome st. d Service | ILE. [tendance | salred. FREE. | bins l ! x GROCERIES AND MEATS i ' y An Up-to-Dute Store. ; 1 III North 24th Street. Prompt Delivery. W. 241. ! S Concert Violinist ^ and Teacher X STUDIO, 2416 BINNEY ST. Webster 3028. S EAGLE CONFECTIONERY 1 t Delicatessen and Soda Fountain f EVERYBODY WELCOME i Open 8 A. M. to 12 P. M. | 1409 N. 24th St. Web. 580 t :: a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a H gj ENROLL NOW FOR SPRING CLASS 5 Snow’s College J i of Dressmaking | . A( .j’ a For Further Information Call or ' Write for Catalogue. B «! MRS. C. RIDLEY, Phone Webster 2846. 1922 North 25th St. g n ;! a a a a :< a a a a a a a a :, a a a a.a a ;t a a a « J. H. HOLMES I TAILOR « a. „ All work Guaranteed. La- « « dies’ and Gents' Suits Re- » a modeled, Cleaned, Pressed « ” and Repaired. New Hoff- ;; | man Press. B g g 2022 N. 21th St. Web. 3320 | W ,, , , _ B a a a a; a.a a a a a a a a a: a a a a a Jffatt a •(’ )t I A. F. PEOPLES I x a a Painting Paperhanging and Decorating | i ^ ;k Estimates Furnished Free. » | All Work Guaranteed. 4 1827 Erskine Street. Phone Walnut 2111. 1 H _ “•OdgDtDOOXMMxtJfBr a'a'a.H a a a :m< a a'a x « x a | South & Thompson’s Cafe » J| 2418 North 24th St. Webster 4566 Q < SPECIAL SUNDAY DINNER a Stewed culcken with dumpllngB..40c J§ a Roast Ihdme Beef au Jus _40c a Roast Pork, Apple Sauce ..40c a a Roast Domestic Ooose, dressing 50c a B Early June Peas • In ♦ - . x Mashed Potatoes x Salad .» Coffee Dessert i I We Serve Mexican Chile a X J! 1_g x xocxmim xx xixiXDtimmtv u x x a :u m « THE S' WASHINGTON - DOUGLAS ;; INVESTMENT CO. : I i X RONDS, INVESTMENTS, a X RENTALS AND FARM » | I LANDS I a Phone Webster 4206. 1413 North 24th St. 4 $ ' UREKA | i Furniture Store ff Complete Line of New and Sec ond Hand Furniture PRICES REASONABLE Call Ub When You .Live Any a Furniture to Sell 1413 N. 24th St. Web. 4206. i