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About The monitor. (Omaha, Neb.) 1915-1928 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 3, 1918)
flHMBMgWOqXWa^ffa.a'a'XXa'Xx:x a a a aa:: a na.a.a 55 :: a a a a a a a,a a a a a,a a a a ; Get a Sick and Accident Policy With a Company § That Is On the Square! | 1 A policy with the I Home Casualty Com- a | pany is the one you § want. Take no other * The protection is for 5 working women as « S well as for working 5 1 men. I f. DON'T DELAY. a g I personally attend to the adjustment of all claims. | l GEORGE WELLS PARKER, Agent l « 933 North 27th Street. Phone Harney 5737. | p 91 P. H. JENKINS The Barber Omaha’s Most Successful Dlismess. j Barber. We will be in our new location about August 5 at 24th and Bur dette streets, where we will have plenty of room. Everything strictly sanitary and up-to-date with all modern conveniences. My shop stands on its merits for what is right, and what the people demand. A first class place, up-to-date methods, with latest improvements. No pool hall in connection with my business. My shop is open to ladies as well as gentlemen, with due courtesy and respect ,o ail young boys as well. The Colored people are growing and improving and we must meet their demands. They want the best and we must deliver. I have it for you, so come. [ solicit your patronage. I have all guaranteed salary barbers, first class hair cutters and all round workmen. We will try to treat our patrons wit! due cour tesy. Drop in and look the bunch over in the old stand of Mrs. S. B. Jackson’s cafe, 24th and Burdette streets. New Location, 24th and Burdette Sts. £iiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii | Do You Own Your Home?! I WHY NOT? I Then See Me ;md I'll Sell You One on Easy Payments. 1 GEO. WATSON f E 103 South 14th. = = Phone Red 7306. Residence. Web. 19.'!1 = =7i 1111 ii111111111ii111111111111111111111111111:111111111111111111111111111111111111111111m 11111111111 —- Porters — Brandeis Stores require several porters, (rood wages and steady job. Apply to SAM COHEN, BRANDEIS STORES. •X-XK~X~X~X*<“X««~;~>**>«~X~X“X^X^“X~X~X“X~X~X~X“X~X~X~X ! FLOWERS FOR ALL | OCCASIONS Alfred Donaghue § £ (Established 1866) £ Phone Douglas 1001. 1622 Harney Street. •{• t “SAY IT WITH FLOWERS” ? * A Business Opportunity A Splendid opportunity for a competent licensed embalmer to secure one-third interest in a well established undertaking firm in Omaha. Partner drafted. BANKS & WILKS 1914 CUMING STREET .GOOD GROCERIES ALWAYS C. P. WESIN GROCERY CO. Alao Freak Fruits and Vegetables. 2006 Coming St. Telephone Douglas 10t« a....... WIRE PRESIDENT THANKS Executive Committee ot Recent Lih erty Congress Expresses Its Joy Over Anti-Lynching Letter. Heston, Mass., July 27.—The anti lynching letter of President Wilsor aroused much interest among Ne groes. The executive committee ol the Colored Liberty Congress held ir Washington last month sent the fol lowing telegram of appreciation: Boston, Mass., July 26. 1013 To the President, White House, Wash ington, D. C. Sir: The National Colored Liberty i Congress, which laid before the gov ernment the petition of Colored Amer icans for abolition of lynching and race proscription in presence of world democracy war, through its executive I committee, expresses to you its joy that the appeal of our Liberty Con gress has thu- soon begun to be real ized by your patriotic appeal to the American people to wipe out the in j consistency and disgrace of lynchim s. Your anti-lynching letter will partly lift the load from the heart of every S Colored soldier in the hope that your ' words will tend to protect their fair, I ilies at home as they go abroad lo fight for democracy. WILLIAM MONROE TROTTER. Chairman. ALLEN W. WHALEY Organizer HE A MAN It’s a mighty go d thing, while you'n running life’s race Just to pause, as you go, and to come face to face With your conscience, and ask it a question or two; For it’s right you should know what your life means to you. Have you done thing- worth while have you drifted along, Have you filled it with sighs, havi you filled it with song, ! Have you helped when you should. have you tried to do right, ; Have you struggled for good, or ju.-t fought for might? Have you given your Irani to rome fellow in need, Have you sneered at a man who was not of your creed, Have you been open-hearted and ‘ ready to do, Have you tried to be just, have you tried to be true? i In your judgment of men, have you always been fair, Have vou learner! to forgivi in the face of despair, Have you fought against greed, or succumbed to its lust, Have you learned what it mean- to protect and to trust ? <th, it’s easy to preach anil it'- ea-y to tell Of the other chap’s faults—but our own faults, oh, well! We are cowards at times, and the truth you will find Is a thing we dislike, for its rather unkinrl. But the Past, let it rest. Cive a thought to Today And Tomorrow as well, for the Time's growing gray ; Do the things that you should, do the best that you can, I Crown your life with your deed. —br a red-blooded man! W. Dayton Wegefarth, in the Hook | News Monthly . 1 LEGAL NOTICE ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION OF SOUTHSIDE COLORED BUTCHERS CLUB. Knott Ml _\!« n 1 Sy These I'lttwnl/• Tuat t!-e undersigned, whose- names :tr< Id'h to attaehed, have associated our five* together foi the purpose of form ing and Lm-tonling a foiDoration under and i>> virtue of the laws of the Ktateof Nebraska and for that purpos*- do In r«d>> adoot the following Article* of Incorpora tion: ARTICLE I. Tin* name of this corpora Hon shall 1h* the Southslde Colored ditchers Club ol Omaha. ARTICLE II. The place of business shall be the City of Omaha, Douglas County. Nebraska. ART1CI E III. The general nature of the business of ..'as corporation shall tie to rent am Maintain i building or suite of rooms ..•here its members nifty meet t*» study •ud discus.-; ail economic, social and po j itical questions, and for their own enter I tainment and amusement for their mu tual welfare. ARTICLE IV Th«* «" pitai stock of this eriporatici ! ill he $2,300.00, divid***l into fort sharef f the par value ol SJ.rtrt each, said shaie to be paid for as follow s Two and < ne half i i dollars when the stork is i nicd and two and one-haif i$2.f"» dollar; within tin* following six months Mem bership may be acquired only throng’ ownership of stock This stock shall b non-assessable and non-assignable. Su» render or loss of membership shall wor’ a forfeiture of stock. ARTICLE V. This corporation shall commence bus! ness on the loth day of July. IMIS, an* shall continue for a period of twenty rive years from and after said date. ARTICLE VI Tin affairs of this corporation shall I* conducted by a board of directors *' seven members. The president ami sec rotary of this corporation shall be iwn* the seven members <»f this board bv vir tue of their ..trice. This corporation shii’’ i , be managed and conducted by said hoar** I of directors as provided in the constitu • ion and by - laws. article VII Th*- board of directors shall meet a j I* 'St four times each y ear to trails i*' the business of this corporation. ARTICI E VIII. Officers. Th*- officers shall In* a president, vie* president, treasurer and secretary. An* they shall I*** el*cte*l annually, th** IDs* election to Is* held at Omaha Nebraska the third Monday in July. HU8. and tl * third Mon da > in July each year there after during the existence of this coi I ..ration. ARTICLE IX Membership. The boar*! of director* shall fix am' maintain th*- qualifications of member, as provided in the constitution and by Jaws NKTICLK \ Indebtedness The indebtedness of this corporation "hall at no time exceed three-fifths of the capital stock. ARTICLE XI. Amendment. These Articles of Incorporation m;*\ l*« amended at any regular meeting by ; two-thirds vote of the stock represent*** at such meeting, provided there are r«*p j , resented one-fifth of tie* stock of sal* | corporation which shell be required t iii.'iki- a quorum. A ml provided forth** that such amendment slu* U have bee submitted to tlie stockholders throug! ! th* secretary it Last if net v days pr;o t*» ii*i meeting. HARRY NORMAN. ROUT. JONE.S, OLE W JACKSON Inc**rpmators St at** of Nebraska. ) Countv of Douglas » - On this 3rd day of July, HUS. before me j j>ei*sona|ly appeare*l Harry Norman. Rob ert Jones and Ob* Jackson, to me knoyvr ! to be th* identical persons whose name ' t*» tie* within instrument are subscribed 1 and a« knoyvl**dge*i that they executed tb* 1 same fo»* the purposes therein set forD* Witness inv hand an*i notarial seal till “rd day of July. H18. 1*. J MADDEN. i Sea I * i\ot a ry I ’u bl 1c. 4t-4-3 * i AMOS P. SCItl fiGS. Attoren.v at Law. 3307 Camden Ave. ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE Document 153, No. 243 In the District Court. Fourth Judicial! District in and for Douglas County, Ne- I bracka. In th** matter of the application of W. j c Williams, administrator ol Georg* Lol*h*n. deceased. t*» sell real estate and : pay debts. This cause coming on for hearing on I th** petition of the administrator of th* • •■-late of George Holden, deceased, pray- : mg Oil license to *• il leal estate, to wn The north one-lialf of lot fifteen G5i, Redick's Second Addition, an addi tion to th«* City of Omaha, in Douglas County, Nebraska, as surveyed, platted ,nd recorded, known as 10.31 South 23d treet. all in the city of Omaha. Douglas County. Nebraska, or a sufficient amount j thereof to bring the sum of $248.00 fot the payment *«f debts allowed against said | *>tat«*. including costs and expenses of j aqministration, there not being sufficient I personal property to p.**.y said debts and e\ ponses. It is therefor** ordered that ail per j on- Interested In said estate appear bv- j fore me. In the Douglas County court j house, in th** City of Omaha, Dougla - j County, Nebraska. »n the 28th day of August. A. D. 1918, at M o'clock a. in to show cause why a license should not be granted as prayed, to sell the north one-half of lot fifteen (If*), Redick's Sec ond Addition, an addition to the City o' ! < maha, in Douglas County, Nebraska j known as 1031 South 23d Street, as stir j v* ved. platted and recorded, said prop \ **rtv being situated in Douglas County 1 Nebraska, to pay the debts, expense. ;nd claims against the estate of George | Holden, deceased, and also to pay' ox 1 pauses and Hie cost.- of administration of said estate. And il is further ordered that a copy! f*' this notice Is* published for f*»ur sue res.-iv** weeks prior to lije tlm** fixe* lor said hearing in the Monitor, a legal newspaper published In Dougla.- County Nebraska. Tty th** court 41-4-2 A C. TROrp, Judge. Ii*t\giisk WorciGA [j—- itCGirvo tvoxl Vb&rs Toocl >■!,?/< p.;oty trunks! THE BETTER KIND Made from good clear lumber, J covered with fibre; well bound ! on edges. Durable comers and { braces where necessary. Sturdy j locks and hinges, 2 trays nicely i ] cloth lined. J | Priced at $10.00. *12.00, $13.50 il and $15.00. J j Freliny & Steinle j “Omaha's Best Baggage Build- i I ers" 1803 EARN AM STREET j j » f The j ; E. L. Garage 1 t 24th and l.ake. | General repairing, storage1 ♦ and accessories. f All work guaranteed. ? Open Day and Night. Tel. Webster 030. WATERS BARNHART PRINTING CO H_H I Telephone Douglas 5712 PACIFIC Pool Parlor C. BRANCH, Proprietor BOB JOHNSON, Mgr. j Cigars, Tobacco and Soft Drinks LAUNDRY OFFICE i 1014 SOUTH TENTH STREET (Opposite Pullmiin Hotel) OMAHA, NEB. jj i ^ i ^ |i j j Hill-Williams Drug Co. { PURE DRUGS AND TOILET t ARTICLES Free Delivery {Tyler 1(>0 2102 Cuming St. Mrs. R. F. Bolden PORO HAIR CULTURIST Scalp Treatment a Specialty. Rhone Webster 3003. 2307 North 271 h St. C. S. JOHNSON 1 Sth and Izard Tel. Douglas 1702 M l. KINDS OF COAL and COKE at POPULAR PRICES. Best for the Money Established 1800 | C. I. CARLSON I Dealer in Shoes and Gents’ Furnishing! | 1514 No. 24th St. Omaha, Neb. f I-! >"!■■! -!■■!■ »-« t «-» > ■ , , i, | | Want to Buy or :|: | Rent a House! | X Y Then Get in Touch With .j, | A. J. DAVIS & CO. | ,t‘ Real Estate and Rentals Y j 220 South 13th St. | •j. Doug. 7150. Res. Web. 839. lj! vv *1* V«I* V *,’• vv V V V V V vv f-— » . * Start Saving Now On# Hollar will open m account in tbe J Savings Department of tbe United States Nat’l Bank l sth and Fimaat Sireeia | We Ha»e a Complete Line of f FLOWER,GRASS «5i aa. H • AND GARDEN JCCU3; Bulbs, Hardy Perennials, Poultry » Supplies Fresh cut flowers always on hand j I Stewart’s Seed Store !19 N. 16th St. Opp. Tost Office j Phone Douglas 977 J The People’s Drug Store 109 South 14th Street DRUGS, CIGARS AND SODA Toilet and Rubber Good! Special Attention to Prescriptions We Carry a Full Line of Face and Hair Preparations. Nelson’s Hair Dressing.25c Elite Hair Pomade .25c Aida Hair Pomade . 30c eXelento Hair Pomade .25c Plough's Hair Dressing .25c Hygienic Hair Grower . 50c Ford's Hair Grower . 25c Palmer's Skin Whitener .25c Palmer's Skin Success . 25c Black and White Skin Oint_25c Hozal Bleach .25c We appreciate your patronage Phone Douglas 1446. | I. BROOK <& CO. | Ijl CAPITOL SHOE REPAIRING ;j; X 11) Goodyear System. Sewed ••• Soles. Neolin Soles. X | Web. 1592 1108 No. 21th St. •{• Neatly Furnished Rooms Modern Conveniences With or I Without Board Telephones. Doug. 8727. Doug. 8703 The Booker T. Washington Hotel Mrs. Laura Cuerington. Propr. ) In Connection with THE WASHINGTON CAFE I 1719-21 Cuming Street Omaha I. A. Edholm E. W. Sherman Standard Laundry 24tli, Near Lake Street Phone Webster 130 Work called for and delivered Au All Work Guaranteed J. H. HOLMES We Buy and Sell Second Hand Clot hen. Cent's Suits to Order I.adieu' and Gents' Suits Remodeled. Cleaned, Pressed and Repaired. We loan money on clothing, hats and shoes. 2022 N. 24th St. Web. 3320 C. H. MARQUARDT CASH MARKKI Retail Dealer in Fresh and Salt Meats, Poultry, Oysters. eti 2003 Cuming St. Doug. 3834 Home Rendered Card. We Smoke and Cure our own Hams and Bacon. ... ..I ...... Open All Times. Reasonable Prices The Silas Johnson Western Funeral Home Webster 248 25181 ake St. I The Place for Quality and Service j I.Utrri.Hfcd 13mhaIruer In Attendance Lady Attendant if Desired. Music Furnished Free. PORO ! HAIR CULTURE I We treat the scalp and grow the hair. Manicuring and massage. HATTIE B. HILL, Proprietor 2020 North 2tilh St. j Phone Webster 3390. I TAKE PLEASURE In thanking you for your patronage I want your trade solely upon the merits of my goods You will profit by trading here H. E. YOUNG Webster 515 2114-16 N. 24th St.