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About The monitor. (Omaha, Neb.) 1915-1928 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 3, 1918)
COUNCIL BLUFFS NEWS — The fourth and last quarterly con ference was held at Bethel A. M. E. church by the Rev. J. H. Ferribee. The Rev. W. C. W'illiams of Omaha preached in the afternoon. The meet ing was a success both spiritually and financially, $299.87 being paid during the quarter. The Rev. and Mrs. Phononee of Dodge City, la., passed through the city on their way to Kansas City Wednesday. While here they visited the Rev. and Mrs. Stoner. Mrs. Phil Walker of 1317 Broad way is improving. Mrs. Mattie Turner underwent an operation fon appendicitis at the i Mercy hospital on the 23d. She is j doing very nicely. Jessie Nichols is much improved in health this summer, and very busy in Red Cross work. Mrs. Lewis of 16th avenue is at home again after a few weeks’ illness j in the hospital. Mrs. Stallings of 1326 Avenue H, has a very sick sister here from Kan sas City. The Tabernacle Baptist church is on i the upward move. The future looks 1 bright. • Carpenters have finished shingling. Last Sunday was rally day, and a marked success. Rev. Mr. Jackson had Zion’s choir to sing in Tabernacle church Sunday afternoon, ! which was enjoyed by all, and will ; be long remembered for their finan cial assistance. The collection was $118. PA I ESTINE. TEX. The Western Union Baptist church is nearing completion. The thing that disgusted me was that when I, the writer, passed there on last Tues day I found some white men doing j the work. We have some Negroes | that can do the work as well as any white men. In fact the Negroes laid .the foundation and did all that had been done. We must pull together if we are ever anything. All the churches had their reg ular services on Sunday. Some of our Negro boys are leav ing today for Camp Travis. They are going in good spirits. The boys think they will get the kaiser pretty soon. We had a shooting scrape on last Friday in which Dr. W. R. Roberts; got shot in the right arm. J. F. Hun- j ter surrendered to the officers and j was locked up. On Saturday he madd his bond and was released. The rally at Grant Chapel was a success. Yesterday they raised $563 for the trustees. Rev. S. M. Bolden was in Jewett last week holding a revival for Rev. Wm. White. Mrs. Irena Caldwell and daughter, Surilla Bridges went to Longview last Saturday on a few weeks’ visit. Mrs. Birdie Howard and son, David, returned home to Dallas last week after a week's visit here among rela tives and friends. Mr. Dan Caldwell of Natchez shot himself on Saturday and died before he was found. His funeral was held at that place on Sunday. Mr. Wm. Hose is limping around as the result of a nail that was stuck in his foot. B. F. Wallace was in the office today on business. Mr. G. E. Thomas went to Jackson ville last Saturday on business. Mr. J. F. Hunter has moved into his new home on Stean avenue. Ben Brown died on Saturday and was buried Sunday by I. H. Bland, the popular undertaker of this town LA GRANGE, TEX. The La Grange Summer Normal, after a pleasant and successful ses sion for six weeks, came to a close July 25. Prof. G. A. Randolph, prin cipa. La Grange City school, who was conductor of the normal, also con ducted the examination. Fifty-two applicants took examinations. Several of the 110 boys who left Fayette county for Camp Travis, San Antonio, July 10, were discharged. Boys from La Grange, who have reached France safely, are Messrs. John Henry Brown, Lewis Rodgers, Ewing Schermack, Leslie McKenzie, Blake -Sutton, Thomas Sutton, Jr. Cotton crops have already been cut short on account of a long and persis tent drought, yet cotton pickers are offered a good price for their work. Prof. C. L. Rhone, Rev. J. G. Grant, Mrs. Mollie Ferrill and Mr. Ike Pres ton were among our out of town vis itors. Rev. S. J. Vick Wallis passed through town Saturday en route home. I). G. M., W. I,. Phearse, C. M., D. R. Durst, and H. T., Mrs. Mary Thorn ton, and H. P., Mrs. Mary A. Alex ander visited the grand lodge session at Waco last week. Mrs. Louisa Peace, Ft. Worth, is visiting relatives here. Rev. J. V. B. Gonis, Austin, P. E. of Bellville district, held his third quarterly conference here beginning last Saturday, July 2? and closing the following Sunday night, at the St. Paul A. M. FI. church, Rev. G. L. Mills, P. C. Rev. J. W. White preached at FII linger Sunday. Regular monthly services were he.d Sunday and Sunday night at the Ebenezer Baptist church, conducted by Pastor Tillman. Baptizing Sun day evening. Total collection $48. Misses Sallie Williams, Irene Brown, Mrs. Agnes Reed and Mrs. Mary Banks and daughter, Edna, of Houston, worshipper! at Ebenezer Sunday. Sick. Mesdames Julia King, Martha Allen, Rhoda Collins, Elmira Breed ing, Edith Johnson, Ella Phearse, Adei Phearse, Anna Moten. Mrs. Eliza Cook, who has been on | the sick list for years, died at her home here Monday morning, July 29, at about 8 o'clock. She leaves a hus band, Mr. Jerome Cook, and several brothers and sisters, and a number of other relatives and friends to mourn her. She was a member of Ebenezer Baptist church, and an old ! member of the Court of Calanthe here. The Monitor extends sympathy to the bereaved family. Mrs. A. E. McPherson, Belton, is the guest of Prof. G. A. Randolph, en route to the Association at Eagle Lake, next Thursday, August 1. Rev. W. F. Fletcher purchased a brand new Ford sedan last Saturday. ALBERT W. JEFFERIS FOR CONGRESS Be sure to interest your friends in Albert W. Jefferis, who is a candi (late for the republican nomination ! for congress. Mr. Jefferis is the kind of a man who is needed in congress in times like these. He is a big man in the best sense of the term, able to give his best to big problems. COI KTKSIKS TO MISS OVINGTON Mr. and Mrs. I.uther Dillard very thoughtfully called at the Fontenelle Hotel for Miss Mar; White Ovington Sundax afternoon and took her in their car to the meeting at the Grove i Church and after th( address added i the Rev. and Mrs. John Albert Wil j liams to the party and took them for a delightful ride through the north trn portion of the city. Monday af ternoon Mrs. Diilard arranged for an auto ride through another section of j the city, having as her guests, Miss Ovington, Mrs. James G. Jexvell, Mrs. Alphonso Wilson and Father Wil liams. Miss Deborah Williams. 1413 Broadway, Council Bluffs, entertain ed at tea Monday evening compli mentary to Miss Ovington, Mrs. S. H. Dorsey, Miss Jennie Robinson and the Rev. and Mrs. John Albert Wil liams. The decorations were green and white, the center piece be:ng ferns and axvter lilies. Miss Oving ton left Monday night for St. Paul, j Minn. Mrs. Lizzie A. Smith, xxho has been j stopping at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph D. Lewis, of 2414 Binney St., ' left Sunday morning to visit in Wash ington, Oregon and California. CLASSIFIED ADS BILLIARD PARLORS CAPITOL BILLIARD PARLOR Cigars and Tobacco. Barber shop in connection. All kinds of choice candies, chewing gum and soft drinks. Service to our guests our specialty. Athletic and baseball headquarters. | Webster 1773. 2018 North 24th St. Charles W. South, Prop. BLACKSMITHS J. W. STAPLETON South 2571. 5825 South 23d St. CAFES AND RESTAURANTS THE BUSY BEE CAFE South 2793 4917 South 26th St. DRUG STORES THE PEOPLE’S DRUG STORFT I Douglas 1446. 109 South 14th St. ADAMS HAIGHT DRUG CO., 24th and Lake; 24th and Fort, Omaha, Neb. HARDWARE W. B. NICHOLS Paints, Oils and Glass. | Webster 3516. 24th and Lake Sts. COLORED NEWSPAPERS AND MAGAZINES _ FRANK DOUGLASS Shining Parlor. Webster 1388. 2414 North 24th St. MARKETS DEEP WATER FISH MARKET ' Webster 3943. 140914 N. 24th St. A Remarkable Sale of SHOES IN THE BASEMENT NOW GOING ON Brandies Stores ---BUY \ HOME Four-room cottage at 22d and easy terms. Grace Sts., $1,500; easy terms. Six-room modern house at Six-room modem cottage at .,,.,0 , . 1 . <.+ eonnn- ,,„KV7 31st and Corby Sts., large lo*, '4i8 Ldke $°'000’ ea,y paved street, $2,600; easy terms. terms. Ten-room modem house on Vacant lot at 27th and Miami 22d and Charles Sts., $3,500; Sts., $450; easy terms. C. B. ROBBINS REAL ESTATE, RENTALS, FIRE AND TORNADO IN SI RANGE Phone Douglas 2842 or Webster 5519 Mil Pnminn 1 9 1 6 CUMING street nulcl UUmmU Comfortable Rooms—-Reasonable Rates Douglas 2466 D. G. Russell, Proprietor PEOPLES’ CLEANERS and DYERS Work Called for and Delivered. FIRST CLASS WORK GUARANTEED. Give Us a Trial. PATRONIZE US BECAUSE WE PATRONIZE OU 2416 Erskine Street. Phone Webster 2991. Classified Advertising RATES—1*4 cants a word for siasla Insertions, 1 cent a word for two or mors insertions No advertisement for lest than 15c. Cash should so company advei tlaement FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT. For Rent.—Four rooms furnished or unfurnished, 2624 North 25th St. Phone Webster 5560. FURNISHED rooms for rent; strictly modem. Res. 2212 Seward. Tel. Web. 3733. Neatly furnished modern room in private family. Near car line. 2517 I North Twenty-eighth avenue. FURNISHED rooms with balh, j .$2.25 to $3.50 per week; also four I rooms on the fourth floor partly fur nished, $25 per month. Call or phone Webster 2177. House number, 110" North 19th st. Mrs. T. L. Hawthorne. FOR RENT — Furnished rooms, 1549 N. 17th st. Web. 5230. Floyd I Carlton. FOR RENT—Furnished rooms, ail modern. 2706 Parker st. Web. 1250. Furnished rooms in strictly modem house. Men preferred. 814 North 23r street. Red 8156. Mrs. Ida Cary. Nicely furnished rooms. Phone Webster 2941. | For Rent—Furnished rooms, 1425 North 2lst. Call after 6 p. m. or inquire next door north. . (4t) FOR RENT — Neatly furnished rooms. Phone South 1981. Residence 4814 South 25th st. Mrs. Sadie Mo berly. Two furnished rooms, 2416 Indiana avenue. Tyder 3399-W. First class rooming house, steam heat, bath, electric light. On Dodge and 24th st. ear line. Mrs. Ann" Ranks. 924 North 20th st. Doug. 437„. FOR RENT—Right at 24th st. car, j one large room for couple, also one j small room. Webster 4745. Furnished room for gentleman. Mrs. E. M. Wright, 2620 Burdette St. Web. 6543. Furnished room; strictly modem; gentleman only. Mrs. M. Murray, 2714 North 25th St. Web. 979. For Rent—Two furnished rooms, strictly modern, 1923 North 27th St. Webster 3150. For Rent—Modern furnished rooms. 2320 North 28th Ave. Phone Web ster 2058. Neatly furnished rooms in a pri vate home. Modern except heat. MeD only . Webster 1760. Neatly furnished rooms, 1842 North 27th St. Call Webster 2812. First-class modern furnished roonu.. Mrs. L. M. Bentley Webster, rlOi; North Twenty-sixth street. Phone Webster 4769. LODGE DIRECTORY F. & A. A., York Rite, St. Luke’s Lodge, No. 14, will meet the first and third Monday nights in Knights of Pythias hall, Twenty-fourth and Charles streets. All members take notice. Wm. Bridges, W. M.; J. E. Johnson, secretary; H. C. Watt.-, treasurer. Gate City Lodge, No. 6674, G. U. O. of O. F., meets the first and third Monday of each month at Petersen’s hall, 24th and Burdette sts. W. H. Payne, N. G.; R. L. Woodard, P. S., 4912 South 26th st. South 4459. Omaha Lodge No. 146, A. F. and A. M., Omaha, Neb. Meetings first and third Thursdays of every month. Lodge room, 2201 Cuming street. P. H. Jenkins, W. M.; W. H. Robinson, Secretary. Keystone Lodge No. 4, K. of P., Omaha, Nebr. Meetings first and third Thursdays of each month. H. A. Hazzard, C. C., J. H. Glover, K. of 1 R. and S. Weeping Willow Lodge No. 9596, G. U. O. of O. F., meets second and fourth Thursdays of each month at L. B. F. Hall, 24th and Charles. R. S. Gaskins, N. G.; T. H. Gaskins, P. S. International Order No. 631 Col ored Engineers and Portable Hoisting Enginemen meets at 2225Lake street first and third Wednesday in each month. W. H. T. Ransom, pres ! ident; J. H. Headly, Cor. Sec.; J. H. Moss, Rec. Sec.; S. L. Bush, Treas. Faithful lodge, No. 260, U. B. F., meets second and fourth Fridays in each month at Rescue hall. Visiting brethren welcome. Earl Jones, W. M.; James Tubbs, W. S. Lodge rooms at 24th and Charles streets. Vacant two nights each week. Persons wanting to rent same, call Allen Jones, rental agent, Web i ster 1100. y i CUT PRICE SALE Our entire seasonable stock of Men’s Clothing and Furnishings. Cadies’ Dresses, Skirts, Waists and Furnishings, Men's, Women’s and Child's Shoes, Slippers and Sandals now on sale at greatly reduced | prices. We guarantee you great saving on every purchase. J. HELPHAND CLOTHING CO. T11-31H North Itith St. Not in the High Rent District. H. DOLGOFF FURNITURE AND HARDWARE STOVES, RUGS, LINOLEUM Better Goods for Less Money. Credit if You W ish. OPEN EVENINGS 1839-17 N. 24th St. Phones—Webster 1607; Webster 482.1 Avoid the Perils of Malaria Poison If you have germs of malaria in your system you are in peril Heed all such warning as chills, sudden fevers, headaches, lassitude, etc Such symptoms indicate that the germs are getting the upper hand V and are destroying your blood's life principle. Take N Smith’s Anti-Bilious Physic It will eliminate the poisonous germs and speedily restore vitality. Now is a good time to take this remedy. Take it now and avoid the serious results which may come from delay. PRICE 25 CENTS FOR SALE BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE Anti-Bilious Medicine Go. BOX 1009, HOUSTON, TEXAS GROVB MKTHODIST CHURCH 22nd and Seward Sts., Omaha, Neb. A Church Where |j All Are Welcome j Service* Sunday School, 10 a. in. Preaching, 11 a. m., 8 p. m. League, 6:30 p. m. j ^ Florence P. Leavitt Club, Mon- j day afternoon. Prayer Meeting, Wednesday j Kvening. W. H. M. S. Thursday Afternoon j Ladies’ Aid, Friday Afternoon. 1 GRIFFIN G. LOGAN, Res. 1628 N. 22nd. Web. 5003 j • •■■■■■••■••••■•"■■■••■•••I | MAGIC HAIR GROWER ! AND STRAIGHTENING OIL ; ...... . J » MME. JOHNSON AND SOUTH ' The most wonderful hair preparation on the market. When * ■ we say Magic we do not exaggerate, aa you can see great re- * ■ suits in the first few treatments. We guarantee Magic Hair ■ ! Grower to stop the hair atonce from falling out and breaking f I off; making harsh, stubborn hair soft and silky. Magic Hair ■ Grower grows hair on bald places of the head. If you use ■ 1 these preparations once you will never be without them. I MagicHair Grower and Straightening Oil are manufactured ■ by Mesdames South and Johnson. We also do scalp treating. I Magic Hair Grower, 50c. Straightening Oil, 35c. a Allorderspromptly filled; send 10c for postage.Money must accompanyallorders. J ^ „ Agents wanted—Write for particulars. J l Wecarry everything in the latest fashion- ■ g able hair goods at the lowest prices. J * We make switches, puffs, trsnsforma- ■ l tion curls, coronet braids, and combings J I made to order, matching all shades a i * specialty. Send samples of hair with ■ M all orders. !$ * 2416 BlondoSt., Omaha, Neb. ■ i Telephone Web.ter 880 ,