The monitor. (Omaha, Neb.) 1915-1928, July 06, 1918, Page 6, Image 6

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Annual July Sale
The real profit sharing dis
tribution of thousands of dollars
worth of Quality Merchandise
1 for Men and Boys—Now in de
Once more we will live up
to our great reputation as the
store for Men and |Boys; in
peace or war.
■MM——B—B——HMBta»'.3R5g»KS5!.B88BW» W>—B———t—BJ—————————w—
i' i'» ■■— -——. I
Lincoln News
During the installation of the East
Star last week the following off'
-• were installed:
datron, Gertrude Haynes. ,
’atron, Rev. I. B. Smith.
Assistant Matron, Lela Flippin.
Treasurer, Grace Stanley.
Secretary, Isetta Malone.
Conductress, Mrs. Lorene Dorsey.
Asistant Conductress. Mrs. Lulu
ao re.
Warden, Ellen Comeat.
Sentinel, Olin Hemphill.
Five Heroines, Anna Smith, Mary
Williams, Mabel Galbraith, Josepha
McWilliams, Maude Gates.
Mrs. Sarah Walker of 907 S street,
one of our representatives of The
Monitor, is doing good work in the
The CHAPMAN Druq Store
934 P St.. Lincoln
Opposite Main Door Post Office
* Cameras and Films, Magazines,
Cigars, Candies and a full line
of Druggist Sundries
Quality Service
D. E. Nichols Tailoring Co.
Dealers In
Firit-class Barber Shop In Connection
19 North Ninth St. Tel. L-8481
interest of the paper, sending in new
subscriptions and business. Let's help
her to boost for Lincoln and The
Monitor. Just call B-4957 and be n
Mrs. Lorene Dorsey and son re
turned home Friday evening, June 28,
from Streeter, III., where she had
been called to the bedside of her
mother. She left her mother much
improved in health.
Mr. Pat Abner returned home Sat
urday evening, June 29, from Pitts
burg, Pa., where he had gone to visit
his sister.
Mrs. Mary Holmes entertained for
Miss Oletha Resell, Miss Blanche
Nance, Mr. Clarence Gordon and Mr.
Nathaniel Perry of Omaha, Thursday
evening at a 6 o’clock dinner. A very
sumptuous repast was enjoyed by ev
eryone present. Those present were.
Mrs. Ada Holmes, Mrs. Margaret Wil
liams, Miss Viola Walker, Mrs. Sarah
Walker, Miss Ruth Collins and Mr;).
Ruth Young.
Mrs. Ada Holmes also entertained
for the Misses Oletha Russell arid
Blanche Nance and Messrs. Clarence
j Gordon and Nathaniel Perry of Oma
ha, Thursday evening, Miss Nance
and Mr. Perry leaving for their homes
the following morning.
You will be far better pleased with
your cleaning and pressing, dyeing
, nd repairing by Young’s Tailoring
I company. Phone L-7664.—Adv.
Mrs. Sarah Walker entertained for
Miss Oletha Russell and Mr. Clarence
i Gordon Friday evening at a 6 o'clock
! luncheon. Covers were laid for ten i
I guests. A very delightful time was
I reported by all present.
Miss Ruth Young entertained Miss
Oletha Russell and Mr. Clarence Gor
don Saturday evening and also Sun
j day morning at breakfast.
Miss Russell and Mr. Gordon after
being the recipients of many social
affairs departed for their homes, Mis.
Russell leaving Lincoln Sunday eve
ning and Mr. Gordon Monday ev<
Mr. Kenneth Odin was the Sunday
guest of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Corneal
leaving for his home in Kansas City.
Mo., Monday morning.
Miss Belva Spicer will be absent
from the city for a three months tour
to Chicago, Pennsylavnia, Kentucky
and Ohio visiting friends and rela- j
tives. On her way home she will visit |
the capital and different points in j
New York, reaching home about the
latter part of September.
Mr. Eugene Bowman of Junction
City, Kas., is making a short visit
in the city before gong to the training
camp at Camp Dodge.
A committee composed of Messrs.
Burkhardt, Woods and Jeltz, repre
sentatives of the local branch of tlu
National Association for the Advance
ment of Colored People, waited upon
Mayor Miller concerning the showing
of “The Birth of a Nation,” who in
turn referred the same to the attor
ney general. The attorney general
then sought an injunction in district
court, at which hearing Mis. Mary
Talbert, president of the National As
sociation of Colored Women’s clbs of
New York, presented the case before
Judge Flansburg. The case was post
poned until 10 a. in. Tuesday July 2,
until a committee composed of judge
and also a committee composed of
prominent Colored citizens had seen
the photo-play. Then the court will
make its decision.
Mrs. Mary A. Talbert of New York
| gave two splendid lectures Sunday,
June 30—-one at the Baptist church,
[ in the afternoon, and the other at the
Methodist church in the evening. Mrs.
Talbert is one of our ablest Colored
| women and is deeply interested in
the uplift of the people of her race.
Mrs. Talbert said in part:
We are living in an age that might
be well termed a sublime one.
We women must wake up and work
to our own interests. We must take
men and women of the lower classes
and lift them up so that they will
enjoy the highest types of civilization.
Encourage them to imitate the good
and not the bad qualities of man
That eternal vigilance is the price
of liberty. That the war will termi
nate when the Colored boyqs of the
I’nited States return with the flag
that has been bathed in the blood
of those left behind. Then we will
say *o those of the south, who have
tried to hold us back, "Let not youi
hearts be troubled.”
Mrs. Alice Carnger was called to
St. Joseph on account of the serious
illness of her husband, Mr. John Car
riger, who was on his way to Excel
sior Springs, Mo., for his health.
Mr. O’Donald was taken quite ill
Sunday, June 30, but is much im
proved now.
Mr. A1 Taylor expects to bp moved
from the hospital to his home about |
Mrs. Robert Johnson was also taken
suddenly ill Sunday evening, hut is
much improved now.
Last Sunday Rev. and Mrs. I. B. j
Smith had as their guest little Mr.
Burt Newton of Beatrice, who re
niained with them until Tuesday,
when he returne'd to his home. Mi.
Newton is Mrs. Smith’s nephew.
A delightful party was given Mon
day, July 1. by Miss lada Fiippin in
honor of Mrs. Fmma Peniston, who
celebrated her birthday by entertain
ing fourteen guests. The hostes
looked very charming and was the i
recipient of many beautiful gifts. \
dainty and yet beautiful three-course
luncheon was served. Everyone pres
ent enjoyed it to the utmost and upon
their departure they not only con
gratulated her, hut wished her a.
many more years of happiness as had
already passed over her head. Those
present were:
Rev. and Mis. J. S. Payne. Rev. and
Mrs. A. .J. Burkhardt. Rev. and Mis. -
1. B. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Richardson.
Mr. Robert Johnson, Mr. J. F. Jelti.
Mr. Patrick, Mrs. Sarah Walker, Miss
Flossie Patrick, Miss Dorothy Fiippin.
A telegram was sent by the mem
bers of the local branch of the N. A.
A. C. P. to the executice mansion
asking President Woodrow Wilson to
denounce in his Fourth of July ad
dress at least the lynching of Colored
women, if he does not as yet see
fit to speak against the lynching of
Colored men.
The Dunbar Boosters held a very
delightful meeting at the home of M,.
Kelley. A very pleasant time was
enjoyed byr all present.
Miss Almeta Godfrey', who has been
visiting at the home of Miss Edna
Davis returned to her home in Kan
sas City' Sunday.
Mrs. Richard Jones of Qmaha is
visiting Mrs. Roy Ford at her new
home, 718 West Eighth street.
Mrs. Loraine Dorsey has returned,
accompanied by her .-on, from Street
er, 111., where she was called owning
to the slness of her mother.
Mrs. Laura Johnson, grand lecturei
of the Grand Chapter of Missouri, re
turned from a lecture tour over the ,
state ol Missouri and jurisdiction.
Mrs. Joseph Smith of Santiago, Cal., i
accompanied by Mis. Thompson ol
that city arrived in Lincoln Sunday
evening June 30, to visit her mother,
Mrs. O Donald, who has been quite
Mis. Mary- B. Talbert, president of
tin- National Association of Colored
Women’s Clubs, under the auspices of
the Davis club, gave a grand lecture
Friday evening at the Mount Zion |
Baptist church to a large audience.
She also lectured at the same church
Sunday afternoon at 3 o’clock to an
other enthusiastic audience. Splendid
collections were raised for the nation- !
al association for the protection of
Colored people.
The Invincible Concert company
gave one of their excellent programs !
at the Baptist church last Tuesday !
evening, under the management of St.
Anne’s tabernacle, No. 92. Ag Mrs
Blanche Johnson and daughter were
formerly citizens here it brought out
a large concourse of friends. The con
cert, from the opening selection to the
last number, was a most enjoyable af
fair and elicited much applause.
Mrs. Lulu B. Moore and Mrs. Jennie
j Sellers will leave Monday for Topeka
as delegates to the Grand Temple and
| Tabernacle, which convenes July 8.
Miss Lottie Allen left Sunday night
| for her home in Enid, Okla., after
I making her home here with her broth- !
I or for the past three years.
The quarterly reports last Sunday 1
| at the Baptist Sunday school were
grand, showing $92.30 received dur
ing the quarter, $51.80 being brought
forward from the last quarter; paid
out, $41.70; balance on hand, $102.40.
Class No. 2 was awarded the quarter
ly banner, having raised $27.54. Class I
No. 6 raised $27.33 and was a close
Mr. and Mrs. Perry Williams are
visiting relatives and friends for a
week in Kansas City.
I he Gideon Band held a very bene
ficial meeting last Thursday at Mrs.
Maggie Williams.
The annual sermon of the Sons and
Daughters of Jerusalem will be held
the second Sunday in July at the New
man church.
Shop Where Your
Dollars Buy Most
In Value, Service and Satisfaction.
112 to 122 North Tenth St. Almost Opposite Postoffice.
r .
Made from good clear lumber,
covered with fibre; well bound
on edges. Durable comers and
hraces where necessary. Sturdy
locks and hinges, 2 trays nicely
cloth lined.
Priced at $10.00, $12.00. $18.50
and $15.00.
Freling & Steinle
“Omaha’s Best Baggage Build- j
era" |
The People’s
Drug Store
109 South 14th Street
Toilet and Rubber Goods
Special Attention to Prescriptions
We Carry a Full Line of Face and
Hair Preparations.
*NeUon's Hair Dressing.25c
Elite H hi Pomade .25c
Aida Hail Pomade .-»0c
eXel< ri»" Ilaii Pomade .25c
Plough's Hair Dressing .25c
H ygienh lit;: Growei 50c
Ford’s Hair Grower .25c
Palmer's Skin Whitener .25c
Palmer's Skin Success .25c
Black and White Skin Oint... 25c
Jiozal Bleach .25c
We appreciate your patronage.
Phone Douglas 1446.
, i i * * —t
Start Saving Now
Out Dollar w|l! op«*n »n account In tb»
Savins* Department
of the
United Stales Nat’l Bank
Ittlh and remain Streets
18th and Izard Tel. Douglas 1702
Beat for the Money
a a-a-a y
(Established 1890
Dealer in j
Shoes and Gents’ Furnishings |
1514 No. 24th St. Omaha, Neb. j
We Have a Complete Line of j
Bulbs, Hardy Perennial*, Poultry t
Supplies |
Fresh rut flowers always on hand i
Stewart’s Seed Store|
119 N. 16th St. Opp. Post Office •
Phone Douglas 977 j
...- ..
The Gulf City Pressing Club
Press while you wait.
Ladies' work a specialty.
Men’s and Children's suits.
All guaranteed full satisfac
Call in and see us. We will fix
the price ail right.
Clothes called for and prompt
ly delivered.
1 119'2 V 21th St. Web. 3913
E. II. HAYNES, Prop.
| I. BROOK & CO. |
!•" By Goodyear System. Sewed
Soles. Neolin Soles.
% Web. 1592 1408 No. 24th St. $
v. »"♦•*» .*. .j. ••» •*» .*. .*♦ »•*•*» •*» .j* .*. *2* v v «*•
Neatly Furnished Rooms
Modern Conveniences With or
Without Board
Telephones. Doug. 8727, Doug. 8703 j|
The Booker T. '
Washington Hotel j
Mrs. Laura Cuerlngton, Propr. j
In Connection with
1719-21 Cuming Street Omaha j
U-- ■ -I
J. A. Edhoim E. W. Sherman 1
Standard Laundry
24lh. Near l ake Street
Phone Webster 130
C. H. MARQUARDT * ' * ' J '
Retail Dealer in Fresh and Salt V
Meats, Poultry, Oysters, etc
2003 Cuming St. Doug. 3831
Home Rendered Lard. We Smok k
and Cure our own Ham* and Baron.
..... . .—-i \
In thanking you for your patronage
I want your trade solely upon the
merits of my goods
You will profit by trading here
Webster 515 2114-16 N. 24th St.
Also Freak Fruits and Vegetable*.
2046 Coming St. Telephone Donglas 1098 "l
>. .....u
\ 4
M. Chairs
l I I
ISergt.-Major E. W. Kiilingsworth H [>nce t
At O. T. Camp Pike, Ark. At Home on the Job.
| The Alamo Barber Shop and Pocket Billiard Parlor
I The best equipped shop in the state. Leading shop of the city.
Baths, plain and shower. Cultured barbers.
I C. B. MAYO, Foreman.
Phone Webster 5784, 2416 North 24th Street
...* ....