f Among the Churches J ZION BAPTIST CHURCH NEWS Although the pastor was away last Sunday good crowds were in attend ance for sunrise prayer meeting at 6:30 and covenant at 10:30. At night Rev. M. D. Johnson spoke to a large audience. All went well, generally speaking, but at this writing we arc glad to welcome Pastor Botts back from a few days’ visit with his brother in Booneville, Mo. A large crowd was present on Deco ration night, when a patriotic pro gram, consisting of wartime songs and recitations, was rendered by the Junior Rosebuds and a red, white and blue drill by the ladies of the Mis n Circle, both having been directed by Mrs. Anna Lee. The Junior Rosebuds were enter tained at the home of the Misses Al berta and Willie Robbins last Friday evening. The club received $11 from the entertainment given on Decoration day. The next meeting will be in the rest room of the church, Thursday evening, entertained by the Misses Gladys and Fay Irving. The Mission Circle met this week with the president, Mrs. Gussie Allen, at 2017 North Twenty-fourth street. Mr. John Gardner is improving at his home, 2622 Maple street, where he is confined with a broken foot. The following strangers worshipped with us on Sunday morning: Mr. J. W. Dacus, Brewton, Ala.; Mr. George Hawkins, Mr. J. W. Hall and Mr. Frank Foster, Chicago; Mrs. L. E Gibson, Dallas, Tex.; Mrs. S. L. Con tee, Long Beach. Cal., and Mr. Joseph burton, Davenport, la. Regular services next Lord’s day. Strangers welcome. ST. JOHN’S CHI RCH NEWS Rev. W. C. Williams preached an unusually good sermon Sunday morn ing to a very large and appreciative audience. ^Illlllllllllllllllllllllllllll!lllllllllllllllllllllllllll!lllllllll!!lll!llllll!l!'ll!llllllllllll^ | Doing It | I Electrically | EE Doing what electrically? = S Well, almost everything that has to be done in == — the average home; and the average home in =E EE Omaha today is a modern home and as such is EE supplied with electricity. * IZZ 1^255 Hr: Doing it electrically means using electricity to =E = do your household cleaning. == EE Can you do household cleaning by electricity ? = = You certainly can, and do it infinitely better than == 5= in any other way, besides being relieved from the = = drudgery of it. Get a Vacuum Cleaner. The EE Hoover is the best. Attach your cleaner and turn on the electric current, and you will be amazed at EE = the amount of dust it gets out of your “clean” Ej EE rugs, which have just been brought home from EE — the cleaners. * EE EE “Doing it electrically” means doing your cook- EE E ing with electricity. Ye;, you can get a range or = EE plate for almost any price that will do your cook- = EE ing better than in any other way. = = "Doing it electrically” means doing your wash- = EE ing and ironing, your sewing and almost anything = EE that has to be done in the home by electricity. EE A visit to the beautiful new sales rooms of the EE Nebraska Power Company, the Electric Building, == Fifteenth and Famam, where you are most wel EE come, will be a revelation to you. You will be EE amazed at the number of household conveniences = HE and necessities to be obtained there. EE Eg You will find ranges, irons, chafing dishes, cof- EE HE fee percolators, washing machines, waffle irons, = HE sewing machine motors, fireless cookers, egg boil- EE EE ers, lamps, vibrators, fans, heating pads, vacuum = EE cleaners, etc., etc. The list is almost endless. =E EE The next time you are do\yn town drop into the = ; sales room of the Power Company and look = EE around. You will be sure to see something that = = will help lighten labor and contribute to the com- = fort of home, and if you begin doing it electrically = EE you’ll keep it up. EE =| Ge; the electric habit. It’s a good one. Do it EE HE electrically. = | The Nebraska | | Power Company | liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiip The Tuesday night class is steadily growing. The dues this week were $47.50. A very interesting program htis been prepared by the Sunday school for Sunday evening, as that will be Children’s day. Every one is wel come. The L. E. W. club met at the par sonage Friday night and made very excellent plans for the uplifting of God’s work. Friday night closed a most excel lent rally. Three thousand dollars was the top, but read next week’s Monitor to see if we went “over the top.” Every one is welcome to our serv ices. BETHEL BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. T. A. Taggart, Pastor. Sunday morning service, 10:45; B : Y. P. U., 6 p. m. Preaching Su-duy ! li ght, 8 p. m. Sermon topic, “The Twelve Foundations.” Tim Mission Circle met Thursday afternoon with Mrs. Irvine, 2720 1! I street. Mrs. Smith of 3006 V street died I Sunday night at 10 o'clock and was ; buried Wednesday afternoon. .Tones | 103 So. 14th St., Omaha, Neb. PEOPLES’ CLEANERS and OVERS CORPORATION We make a specialty of Cleaning. Pressing and Repairing Men's and Ladies' Clothes. Send us your soiled, wrinkled suit or skirt. We clean White or Colored Kid Gloves perfectly. Let us convince you. Plumes and Feathers are finished with the utmost care. Woollen Blankets are made as soft, fluffy and war^n as when brand new. Curtains, lace or other materials are handled with 4he best of care. Your wrinkled or faded portieres are made as good as new. A telephone call will bring our auto for your work Immediately. -ALL WORK GUARANTEED 2416 ERSKINE STREET PHONE WEBSTER 3991 Classified Business Directory HILLIARD PARLORS CAPITOL HILLIARD PARLOR Cigars and Tobacco. Barber shop in connection. All kinds of choice candies, chewing gum and soft drinks. Service to our guests our specialty. Athletic and baseball headquarters. Webster 1773. 2018 North 24th St. Charles W. South, Prop. BLACKSMITHS J. W. STAPLETON South 257L5825 South 23d St. CAFES AND RESTAURANTS THE BUSY BEE CAFE South 2793 4917 South 26th St. STAMP’S RESTAURANT 2522 Q Street. DRESSMAKERS FANNIE PARTEE Webster 3519, 1531 North 21st St, DRUG STORES THE PEOPLE’S DRUG STORE Douglas 1446. 109 South 14th St. ADAMS HAIGHT DRUG CO., 24th and Lake; 24th and Fort, Omaha, Neb. HARDWARE W. B. NICHOLS Paints, Oils and Glass. Webster .3516. 24th and Lake Sts. COLORED NEWSPAPERS AND MAGAZINES FRANK DOUGLASS Shining Parlor. Webster 1388. 2414 North 24th St. MARKETS DEEP WATER FISH MARKET Webster 3943. 1409% N. 24th St. PHYSICANS AND SURGEONS DR. AUG. G. EDWARDS Physician and Surgeon Office and Residence, 2409 ErBkine St. Hours: 8 a. m. to 10 a. m.; 2 p. m. to 4 p. m. and evenings. Phone Web ster 71. TAXI SERVICE J. D. LEWIS Five-passenger $2 per hour Seven-pass.$2.50 and $3 per hour 3 p. m. to 12 p. m., Doug. 3724. 12 to 3 a. m., Doug. 1491. Residence, 3 a. m. to 3 p. m., Web. 949