The monitor. (Omaha, Neb.) 1915-1928, November 24, 1917, Page 3, Image 3
Mrs. Dan Desdunes returned Sun day night from a two months’ visit to California. Edward G. Gamble of Yankton, S. D„ after an absence of thirteen years from Omaha, was the guest this week of his sister, Mrs. John Albert Wllllamg. Mr. Gamble is baggage master for the C. M. and S. P. rail way at YankAn. Why not st*d The Monitor to the boys at Fort Funston? Anyone de siring to subscribe for it for that pur pose may. do so for $1.00 a year, or BO cents for six months. Mrs. L. C. Sayles entertained twelve ladieB at a theatre party Saturday afternoon at the Orpheum, compli mentary to her sister, Miss Mary J thnson, of Little Rock, Ark., after Afhich Mrs. Silas Johnson entertained the party at a 6 o’clock chocolate. Miss Johnson left for her home Mon day morning. Mrs. W. B. Smith left Thursday for Detroit, Mich., to resume her posl • tion in the home of Henry Ford. Everybody’s going! Everybody’s go ing! It’s going to be a hummer! No vember 26 at New Dreamland hall. James D. Winfield died at his resi dence, 3001 Burdette street. Novem ber 11? The funeral services were held from the chapel of the Silas Johnson Funeral Home, November 14, the Rev. W. C. Williams, pastor of St. John’s A. M. E. Church, assisted by the Rev. T. A. Taggart, officiating. The remains, accompanied by his widow, daughter and Bon-in-law, were Rhipped to Albia, la., for interment. For dressmaking, call Miss Alexan der. 2413 N. 29th st. Web. 3927. Mrs. Lucinda Holiday, grandmother of Mrs. Emma Makin, died Novem ber 13. The funeral services were held from St. John’s A. M. E. church November 15, the Rev. W. C. Wil liams officiating. Interment was in Forest Lawn. Silas Johnson was the undertaker in charge. Miss Evelyn Jones, who was re cently injured when a street car ran into an automobile driven by Joseph B. Lacour at Twenty-fourth and Grace street, received a settlement from the street car company Wednes day of last week. The company paid her doctor’s bill and gave her $250. Dr. L. E. Britt was her physician. Ladies tailoring and dressmaking. Mrs. E. M. January, 2310 N. 25th St. Webster 1483.—Adv. Mrs. John Bundrant, who has been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Rix of Twenty-eighth av enue, has gone to Camp Dodge to rejoin her husband, Lieutenant Bun drant, who iR stationed there. The Washingtonian Benevolent As sociation entertained its members and a number of invited guests at a de lightful reception Tuesday night at the residence of Mrs. Ashby on Pop pleton avenue. About seventy per sons were present and a fine musi cal and literary program was given and refreshments served. Are you going? Where? To the beautiful new Dreamland hall, Novem ber 26. The Woman's Auxiliary of the Church of St. Philip the Deacon will hold a sale of useful and fancy arti cles in the Guild Rooms Thursday, December 13th, afternoon and even ing. The articles offered for sale will bo of good value and at reason able prices, and will be very suitable for Christmas presents. The ladies In charge will be pleased to wait on all patrons who come, but there will bo no importuning, urging or nagging people to buy. The liberal patronage of the public 18 respectfully invited. ■—Adv. A literary musical concert will be given Thanksgiving evening, Thurs day, November 29, at 8 p. m. at St. John’s A. E. M. church, Eighteenth and Webster streets. Mrs. Eliza Tur ner, president; Rev. W. C. Williams, pastor. Admission, 25 cents. Refresh ments.—Adv. Mrs. W. W. Wade of 212 South Twenty-eighth street, entertained at a whist party November 17th, com plimentary to Mrs. T. W. Wilson of McAllister, Okla. The guests pres ent were Mesdames W. B. Ransom, J Kirby, F. H. Bibbs, Frank Stew t „ J. B. McGowan, B. W. Geyter, W. ,. Richardson, Mary Scott, L. Wiley Miss E. Allen, Dr. and Mrs. D. W Gooden, Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Hawk ins, and Mr. and Mrs. L. Jefferson. Be a booster! Stand up for your own home town by going to the big charity ball and helping to support the only institution in the state of Ne braska owned and operated by Ne groes. Last Thursday evening a number of young women, organized under the name of the F. O. I. Y. C. Proceeds from the club are to be sent to tho boys at Camp Funston. -The presi dent is Miss Othello Rountree, Jr., and the secretary Is Teressa Mitchell, Smoke John Ruskin 5c Cigar. Big gest and Best.—Adv. The Pleasant Hour Club gave a delightful whist party at the resl denae of Dr. L. E. Britt, 2517 Maple street, Tuesday night. The hostess did her part in making her guests happy. A most enjoyable evening was spent. Refreshments were served and prizes were awarded Mrs. Josiah Brown, Mrs. J. M. Goff and M. F. Singleton. Hair growing and hair preservation, scalp treatment, manicuring and mas sage. Smith, Chiles & Wheeler, 2414 North 24th. Webster 3024.—Adv. The Elite Whist Club met at the home of Mrs. A. Hicks. 2716 Miami street Wednesday, November 14. Prizes were awarded Mrs. Hicks. Marie Hill, who died November 14, was burled under the auspices of the N. P. Club from the Chapel of the Silas Johnson Funeral Home, Novem ber 16th. Interment was in Forest Lawn cemetery. The Rev. G. G. Lo gan officiated. Plain sewing done. Children's clothes a specialty. Mrs. L. Johnson, Webster 1621.—Adv. Mr. William Newman, aged 60 years, a resident of this city for more than 25 years, died at his home Saturday morning, November 17, and was buried Monday afternoon. The Rev. Dr. Williams, pastor of St. John's A. M. E. Church, officiating. Burial was in the family lot at For est Lawn cemetery. He is survived by a wife, two daughters, Mrs. Simon Harrold and Miss Irene Newman, and an aged father. Mr. Chas. Carney of Topeka, Kans., brother of MrB. New man, was in the city to attend the funeral. The funeral was in charge of Silas Johnson Undertaking Firm. For Rent—Furnished room in mod ern home to one lady. Webster 3466. 1414 North Twenty-sixth street. The Crispus Attucks Auxiliary held an interesting meeting at the N. W. C. A. home Tuesday afternoon. Tho house to house canvass inaugurated by its members during the week, to provide X-tnas boxes for Nebraska’s colored drafted soldiers is bringing good results. This drive closes on Tuesday. Let everyone contribute to this fund. Mr. and Mrs. Lora P. Gates and Mr. John Cooley of Lincoln, Nebr., were in the city during the week to at tend the funeral of Mr. William New man. Mrs. Maria Jackson has been ad mitted into the N. W. C. A. home during the week. Smoke John Ruskin 6c Cigar. Big gest and Best.—Adv. The Crescent Whist club met with Mrs. J. Green, 2626 Seward, St., Tuesday. The first prize was won by Mrs. Green and the booby by Mrs. D. W. Gooden. The Eureka Art was entertained last week by the president, Mrs. Le r.ora Gray at the residence of Mrs. Ada Woodson, 2923 Erskine street. This club will devote itself to knitting this season, as the members are anx j ious to knit something for soldiers who are preparing to go to the front, j The club was entertained Thursday of this week at the residence of Mrs. | Anna Jones, 2320 North Twenty-sixth I street. The Rev. Thomas A. Taggart and j wife, pastor of Bethel Baptist Church, ! South Side, were given a pleasant sur i prise by the congregation Monday | night. A very enjoyable evening was ; spent. An excellent and varied musi (al and literary program was given. A number of presents as well as pro visions were brought. Mr. and Mrs. Taggart expressed their appreciation Mrs. Abo Johnson, who died at a local hospital November 17, was bul led from the chapel of the Silas John son Funeral Home Tuesday. The I.’ev. Thomas A. Taggart officiated. Interment in Forest Lawn. The Helpers’ Club gave an enjoy able social Thursday night at the res idence of Mrs. Robert T. Waller, 2121 North 27th street. Sunday the Rev. M. H. Wilkinson and family were entertained at din ner by Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Long, 2a 17 Lake street. The Woman’s Auxiliary of St. Phil ip’s church gave a musicale Wednes day afternoon at the residence of Mrs. Silas Johnson, Mrs. Johnson and Mrs. Sarah Lewis being the hostesses. They desire to thank those who took part on the program. $350 cash will buy my equity of $800 in a $1,500 four-room cottage. Lot 02x166. There is a good bam on the place. One block to car line. It is an ideal place for chickens and gardening. Forced to sacrifice before the 1st on account of sickness. Get busy. Phone Douglas 3607; evenings, Web. 1124. I Liberty Drug Co. EVERYBODY’S DRUG STORE B. Robinson, Manager 1904 No. 24th St. At Parker. Prescriptions Called for and Delivered Free. I Webster 386 Omaha, Neb. Neatly Furnished Rooms Modern Conveniences With or Without Board Telephones, Doug. 9458. Doug. 8703 The Booker T, Washington Hotel Mrs. Laura Cuerington, Propr. In Connection with THE WASHINGTON CAFE 1719-21 Cuming Street Omaha W^„ r ’ v«"''*' ’°” \\ ^’ZeaWSM* \ pOB£fl^sa>ea"'an- \\ Co'°r'd . _ ca" '< ., «S5St» — k •rrr-• • • • Bo»®lf*S \ \tG- ^ ; 1 nllR poUCV \ \t° rf-^l \\»«\ \% a\vjaVs % 1 anA 1 \\ ‘ alcC^’A \1 .“iw -* || Stop, Look and Listen j II ——— " ' A Tackey Ball GIVEN BY THE TWENTIETH CENTURY CLUB I! 1 Wednesday Evening December 12th The Tackiest One Wins First Prize COME ONE, COME ALL, AND HAVE A GOOD TIME | Eat Chitterlings, 15 Cents an Order. Dancing Until 1 A. M. Perkins’ Saxaphone Jazz Band Will Entertain. ALAMO HALL § Admission 30c. CLOSING OUT Piano Sale I We purchased Hayden Bros.’ i $100,000 stock of Pianos and Player Pianos at 33c on the dol lar, and are now offering the people of Omaha and vicinity the opportunity to purchase one ofthese High Grade Pianos or Players at a saving of $150 to $300 If you ever intend to purchase a piano it will pay you to at tend this great closing-out sale. We have scores of instruments for you to select from such as Knabe, Sohmer, Everett, Mehlin, .1. & C. Fischer, Price and Tem ple, Schaeffer, Shoninger and others. HERE IS A PARTIAL LIST OF RARE BARGAINS $300 Gilbert, Upright .$ 79 $275 Sommer, Upright _$ 88 $750 Steinway, Square.$ 72 $350 Kohler & Chase, Upr. $118 $100 Schubert, Upright .$124 $400 Steger & Co., Upright $158 $500 Chickering, Upright $188 $375 Schubert, Upright .$174 $389 J.W.Northrup, Plavcr, $175 $400 Price & Temple, Playr,$212 Act Now! Do not delay for these bargains will not last long. TERMS TO SUIT SCHMOLLER & MUELLER PIANO COMPANY 1311-13 Farnam St. Oldest and Largest Piano House I in the West. j 3L fceff 3W 514 South 13th St. i NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS j Steam Heated Strictly Modern Douglas 4533 i ■ The Jones Poro Culture College Positively Grows the Hair Mb' “IPDRDrMs. // HAIR GROWER : \ ll(( MADE ONLY W J « fl VVi J/Ua f/lx tt'l/- 'i- vt (IJ !| II ?fla,-&rru> NO I 11 ’[ ST LOUIS-MISSOURI \ 1 /I I |l l FOR DANDRUFF FALLING HAIR.ITCHING Jill \ \ , \ SCALP: GIVING LITE. BCAUTY.COLOR /Ml Try our scientific method of treat ing the scalp. We positively grow hair or money refunded. Electric massage for scalp and face. System taught. Sterilized equipment. Steam heated booths. All work private. JONES-PWtftXlJLTURF. COLLEGE Anna Evans Jones 1516 North 24th St. Webster 5450 Harney 5100 j ^IIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII^: | THE WASHINGTON MARKET 1 QUALITY—PRICE—SERVICE i = We Solicit Your Trade. E Telephone Tyler 470 1407 Douglas St. E ~iiiiii mi iiiii ii i ii ii ii ii mi mi if ii ii ii mu i iiiii imiiiiiiii linn iimiiiimiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiili ‘ ' .... j i | Puminn 1916 cuming street 110161 U lIlTI IllD Comfortable Roomie—Reasonable Rates 11 Douglas 2466 D. G. Russell, Proprietor G W. OBEE, Manager Phone Webster 816 Oldest Colored Undertaker In Omaha Lady Attendant Obee & Hunter’s Funeral Home CORNER 27TH AND PARKER STREETS For Cash or Secured Insurance. Crape Cloth Casket, Auto Hearse, 7-Passenger Car, Robe and Embalming, $75 Crepe Cloth Casket, Dead Wagon, Carriage, Embalming, $50. We will make South Omaha calls by auto in thirty minutes. Largest and finest chapel and parlors in the city. Free auto from parlors to casket factory for family. If you need advice or a friend, call on us. Always open. Ring, and ring aguin, until you get us.—Webster 816. 11IIII1111111111111111111II11111111111111111111II1111111111111111111111111111111M111111111111111111111 ^ | VISIT OUR STORE AND SEE OUR DISPLAY OF I New Fall Suits and Overcoats | E at the following prices: = $10.00, $12.00, $15.00, $18.00, $20.00, $22.50, $25.00 We are agents for Marcus Ruben’s Waiters and Cooks’ Outfits. E 1 PALACE CLOTHING CO. I S. E. Corner 14th and Douglas Streets. 5mimmmimiiiiimimimimiiiimimimiiiimiiiiimmiiiimmiiiiiiiiimmmmiiE immmmmmmmmmmmmiiiimimiiiiiimmmiimiiimimmiiimiiiimmiiii^ 1 Dunham & Dunham 1 | MAKERS OF THE BEST ( $15.00 ( SUITS AND OVERCOATS IN THE WORLD REPAIRING, CLEANING AND PRESSING E 118 South 15th Street. Omaha, Neb. E EmiimiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiimimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiimiimmiiiimiiiimiE t—---".-."... • • • •' Rex Theatre Ed Gavin and His Tango Girls in “GLORY BE TO PETER” ■ All New Songs and Dances Every Aftemon and Evening ■ 1316 Douglas Street A Riot of Fun—Don’t Miss It ... • . OUR MOTTO Service First—Courtesy to Patrons. SOUTH & THOMPSON NORTH END CAFE The Place to Eat. 2418 North 24th Street Home Cooking Our Specialty Capt. Thompson, a popular chef, will season your food to taste. John South will deliver it just as it is received in all first class hostelries. AI A Ain DeLUXE ICE ALA MU CREAM GARDEN i Open Every Evening Cabaret En tertainment 1 ' Special Dance Every Monday and Thursday Evening. De Luxe Matinee Every Sunday Afternoon KILLINGSWORTH BROS. Webster 2861 Proprietors I All Columbia Records (Domestic or Foreign) all the time. Delivered Free Anywhere. Ask for Catalogue. Quick Service. Write or Phone Or ders to Schmoller & Mueller Piano Co. Douglas 1623 1311-13 Farnam St. ^ Columbia Distributors. A