The monitor. (Omaha, Neb.) 1915-1928, October 06, 1917, Page 3, Image 3

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    Mrs. H. B. Lewis and daughter,
Left a, have returned home after a
six weeks’ visit with her mother in
Mason City, Iowa. Mrs. Lewis was
accompanied home by her younge*
sistei, Miss Irma Caldwell, who came
to atend he tAk-Sar-Ben. Her visit
will be indefinite.
Hair growing and hair preservation,
6calp treatment, manicuring and mas
sage. Smith, Chiles & Wheeler, 2414
North 24th. Webster 3024.—Adv.
Mrs. John Patton, of 2424 Burdette
street, gave a surprise dinner party
for her husband in honor of his 28th
birthday anniversary. Those present
were Mr. and Mrs. Aitison, Mrs. H.
Toulson and son, Mrs. L. Procter and
Mrs. G. Vonteis.
Mr. and Mrs. L. O. Gregory enter
tained the members of St. Philip’s
choir at a delightful party at their
residence, 2622 North Twenty-fifth
street, Tuesday evening.
Don’t be a slacker. Attend the
masque halloween ball at the MeCira-,
given by the O. N. E. Club.—Adv.
A. W. Hopkins, of Leavenworth,
Kansas, was called to Omaha Tuesday
by the death of his sister-in-law, Mrs.
John C. Jones. He left for home
Wednesday ngiht.
The O. N. E. Club will give a mas
querade ball on Halloween ajt the
The Red Cross Society held its reg
ular weekly meeting in the parlors of
the Grove M. E. Church Tuesday af
ternoon. The earnest and patriotic
women who constituet the member
ship are working on hospital socks.
All women are cordially invited to
become members of this organization.
Plain sewing done. Children’s
clothes a specialty. Mrs. L. Johnson,
Webster 1621.—Adv.
Paul P. Wigington, formerly of
Omaha, but now a resident of St. Paul,
Minn., is spending a few days visiting
relatives and friends here.
The Rev. J. C. C. Owens will con
duct services at St. John’s A. M. E.
Church Sunday.
Mr. Otto B. Paige of Carroll, Iowa,
who was recently a guest in the home
of Dr. A. G. Edwards, has entered
Indiana Dental College.
Ladies tailoring and dressmaking.
Mrs. E. M. January, 2310 N. 25th St.
Webster 1483.—Adv.
The “Lit” met with Mrs. Dana
Murphy, 2716 Miami street, Monday
night. A literary program was given
and refreshments served. The next
meeting will be held with Mrs. L. N.
Peoples, 924 North 27th Avenue, Mon
day evening, October 15.
Mrs. Carrie Troman and daughter,
Virginia, are spending the week end
with Mrs. Wm. Haynes, 119 South
27th street. They will return to their
home in Kearney Sunday.
We positively grow the hair. Best
care taken in saving each strand.
Electrical massage, scalp and face
; Manicuring a specialty. Poro Culture
; College, 1616 North 24th street. Anna
E. Jones. Maranello preparations.
Webster 5450.—Adv.
Dr. L. E. Britt returned Tuesday
from a professional trip to Lincoln.
Mir. Albert Hurt, who has been vis
iting his mother for the past two
weeks, will leave Sunday for Kearney,
Neb., where he has been employed for
some months.
Mrs. Austin W. Serrant, nee Willis,
and infant daughter, of Chicago, are
the guests of her sister, Mrs. Jasper
E. Brown, 2763 Miami street. Mr. Ser
rant spent Sunday in the city.
Smoke John ltuskin 5c Cigar. Big
gest and Best.—Adv.
Mrs. David Morris left Wednesday
night for Excelsior Springs, Mo., for
a brief visit.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Crews, Mrs.
Lewis Holmes, Miss Jeffreys and Mr.
and Mrs. L. P. Gates, of Lincoln, were
Ak-Sar-Ben visitors this week.
Miss Nina Cox, after an absence of
seven years in Los Angeles, Calif., has
returnee! to the city and is making her
home with her mother, Mrs. G. Robin
son, "2311 South 2!)th Street.
The Rev. and Mrs. J. H. Garrison,
enroute home to Chicago from the
Methodist conference in Minneapolis,
slopped over in Omaha and were din
ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bayliss
Pegg, 2105 Grace street, Saturday
For dressmaking, call Miss Alexan
der. 241.3 N. 29th st. Web. 3927.
Peter Rhone, aged 34, died Septem
ber 24 at a local hospital, and was
buried in Forest Lawn cemetery Sep
tember 28th, from the chapel of Silas
Johnson, Western Funeral Home.
The Negro Civic and Induustrial
League will meet in St. Philip’s Guild
Rooms Tuesday night. The public is
invited to attend.
Subscribe for The Monitor. $1.50 a
year and worth it.
Mrs. Delia Burr died September 26
at the age of 76 years and was buried
from her home at 5622 32nd street,
South Side, September 30. Interment
was in^the John Sautter cemetery.
The funeral was in charge of Silas
Johnson, Western Funeral Home.
For real estate, loans, insurance
and investments, see Eugene Thomas
first. Rooms 413-14 Karbach Block,
1 15th and Douglas. Phone Douglas
! 5607.—Adv.
Fred C. Williams, traveling repre
sentative of the Monitor, left Wednes
day morning for Lincoln, Nebr., Atch
ison, Bans., St. Joseph, Mo., and other
points in Kansas and Missouri.
Smoke John Ruskin 5c Cigar. Big
gest and Best.—Adv.
Mrs. William Sprague, of Denver,
Colo., arrived in Omaha Monday to
be the guest of Mrs. T. I*. Mahammitt,
2114 North 25th Street.
Bishop Williams visited the N. W.
C. A. Home Sunday afternoon with
Father Williams and confirmed David
Moore, who is very ill. Mr. Moore,
who was baptized in the Episcopal
Church in Virginia when he w’as a
child, but who had never been con
firmed, was anxious to receive that
Sacrament before his death. Dr. Hut
ten very kindly took the Bishop and
Fr. Williams to the home in his car.
Do your bit—Meet O. N. E. Club
Hallowe'en night at Mecca Hall. See
Big Ghost Walk, new and startling.
His Successor al St. John's, Omaha. |
Is Not Yet Assigned.
The Rev. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Os
borne returned Wednesday morning
from Coffeyville, Kans., where they
attended theliansas-Missouri confer
ence. St. John’s, Omaha, of which he
has been pastor for five years, the
limit allowed by the connection, was
the banner congregation of the con
ference. The ReV. Mr. Osborne has
been transferred to the Southwest
Missouri conference which dncludes
Kansas City and the adjacent terri
tory, but the church to which he will
be assigned in that conference has
not yet been officially announced, nor
has his successor at St. John’s been
appointed. He will remain in Omaha
for at least two Sundays more.
Sergeant Melvin McCaw, after thir
ty years of active and honorable serv
ice with the famous Ninth Cavalry,
arrived in Omaha Monday morning
from West Point, where he has been
stationed for ten years with the de
tachment whose duty among others
is to teach future officers to ride.
He has been retired with a splendid
record and with the affection and es
teem of his superior office s and the i
men of his command. Sergeant Me- j
Caw and his charming wife, who is 1
the daughter of Mrs. Thomas Reese, !
and who looks almost too young to be j
the mother of nine fine children, are
the guests at present of Mr. and Mrs. j
Thomas Reese. They have taken a j
house at 2814 Miami street and will ;
make Omaha their home.
Mrs. John C. Jones, aged 56 years, j
who has been ill since July at the res- j
idence of Mrs. Maggie Keys, 1415 I
Cass street, where she made her home,
died early Monday morning, October j
1. She had been employed at the Bran
deis stores, w here she was most highly
regarded, for fifteen years. The funer
al was held from the Church of St.
Philip the Deacon, of which she was a
devoted communicant, Wednesday af
ternoon at 2 o’clock, the Rev. John Al
bert Williams officiating. Interment
was in Forest Lawn. Mrs. Jones is
survived by her husband and one son,
William J. Abbott, by a former mar
William J. Pierce, formerly of Oma
ha, but who has been a resident of
San Francisco for a number of years,
and from which city he was assigned
to the Officers’ Training Camp at
Fort Des Moines, is spending a few
days in the city visiting his former
friend, Mr. Pierce, who is a pleasant
and ambitious young man, worked
hard to win a commission, and his
friends hope that he may yet be suc
cessful. He speaks in the highest
terms of General Ballou and the offi
cers in charge of the camp.
Lafayette Anderson, a sixteen-year-1
old boy, was instantly killed last Sat
urday morning at Twenty-fourth and 1
Leavenworth streets by a street car, j
when his bicycle collided with a street
ear. The lad was coasting down Twen
ty-fourth street and by some means
lost control of his wheel and was
hurled tinder the car. The body was
shipped to St. Louis, Mo., October 2
by Silas Johnson. Ben Hughes, the
boy’s stepfather, accompanied the re
Be sure to nttend the ninth anniver
sary of Ak-Sar-Ben Temple No. 254,
which will be celebrated by a plate
luncheon Thursday, October 18, from
2:30 to 10 p. m., at the residence of
Mrs. Frank Stewart, 3015 Manderson
street. Tickets 35 cents. Persons
purchasing five or more tickets can
get them for 25 cents. Mrs. C. H.
Harris, Princess; Mrs. W. M. Rose,
Petersburg, Va.—President John M.
Gandy', of the Virginia Normal and
Industrial Institute, reports that from
all indications the coming session is
to be one of the best ivithin the
school's history.
The Christian Nurture Series of les
sons, a scientific, well-graded course
of instruction, has been introduced in
the Sunday School, which meets at 10
o’clack every Sunday morning. The
corps of teachers is as fololws: Mrs.
John Albert Williams, Mrs. Leonard
E. Britt, Mrs. Dana Murphy, Miss
Beatrice Dunn, Mrs. Edward Howard,
H. W. Black and the Rev. Fr. Wil
Sunday aftemon at 5 o’clock the
Sacrament of Holy Baptism was ad
ministered to the following infants:
Mildred Olethea, daughter of Austen
W. and Mae (Willis) Serrant, of Chi
cago, 111., the parents having been
married by the priest of the parish;
Jeannette Louise, daughter of James
H. and Louise Bertha (Hughston)
Washington, and William George Al
bert, son of Frank and Roberta (Da
vis) Johnson.
The Board of Religious Education :
of the Diocese of Nebraska has issued j
a bulletin on “Religion in the Home,’1
which has been distributed to the con
gregation. It emphasizes Family
Prayer and Devotional Bible Reading.
The Woman’s Auxiliary has adopted
the following schedule of work for the
year: First meeting in month, busi
ness and sewing; second meeting, Red
Cross work; third meeting, missionary
study; fourth meeting, social mission
ary tea.
N. W'. C. A. NOTES
The regular monthly meeting of ihe
N. W. C. A. was held Wednesday af
Mr. David C. Moore, who has been
quite ill at the N. W. C. A. Home
for the past month, has been removed
to the hospital.
Rev. and M rs. Stewart have donated
the use of an organ to the home.
Mrs. M. H. Wilkinson, Mrs. Simpson,
Mrs. Lena Reed and Mrs. Newby are
anion g the new' members of the N. W.
C. A.
The Missionary Society of Mt. Mor
iah Baptist Church, of which Rev.
M. H. Wilkinson is pastor, has pledged
itself to aid in putting a business
phone in the home.
There is room in the home for sev
eral more inmates. Call Mrs. J. H.
Smith, Webster 4409.
V 013* p0UCV\
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JUKI nil millll II III I nil From the Cheapen That’s GOOD I lllll 11 lllll II Mil IIIIIIIIL:
E to the Beat That’s Made
| Splendid 1
Oak Dresser
E Like Cut
E Has unique rounded edge top E
20x40 inches in size and de- =
E pendable plate mirror 22x28 E
j§ inches in size; a splendid =
E dresser with plenty of storage E
E space, shown in nut brown, E
fumed and gold- CijOO ft/I =
E en oak finishes.. <1E
Same Dresser with 24x30- E
| y mlrror' . $24.50 |
E Continuous Posts E
| Steel Beds |
E in white enamel, vemis E
E martin, mahogany, walnut, E
E ivory and golden oak fin- E
s ishes; wide variety of styles E
E and sizes ranging^/) r/t E
= in price from_*IPO. OU E
I Orchard & Wilhelm Co. 1
414-16-18 South 16th St.
i ' BONOFF’sj
Hew Cloak and Suit Store |
X 1109 Douglas St. |
1 t
? Former Proprietor of the New York
% Sample Store. •$
y 5*
? Wonderful Selection of New Cloaks, Suits, f
Dresses, Skirts, and Furs £
| Come to Us and We Will Treat You Right. |
|5 deisStores]
| Basement |
= is one of the most attractive points of interest to every out- 5
E of-town visitor during this Ak-Sar-Ben time who desires to 5
E practice wise economies. E
This is the Biggest and Best Basement Department -
West of Chicago, and down to the smallest priced ;
article our stocks are complete. '
5 In wearables we offer styles that will afford com- E
E plete satisfaction—practical wear, with the best of E
E style also—garments that have been copied from E
E others much higher in price. E
E In all fabrics we are offering the most complete stocks to =
to be found anywhere in this vicinity. '
This Basement Is the Great !
Economy Center of Omaha !
E You will find extraordinary offerings here in every depart- =
E ment—be sure to share and save. i
| New Fall Suits and Overcoats |
E at the following prices:
$10.00, $12.00, $15.00, $18.00, $20.00, $22.50, $25.00
We are agents for Marcus Ruben’s Waiters and Cooks’
E Outfits. =
S. E. Corner 14th and Douglas Streets.
II P m’nn 1916 cuming street
IB0X01 burning Comfortable Rooms—Reasonable Rates
Douglas 2466 D. G. Russell, Proprietor
The Alhambra
24th and Parker
Your Favorite
i >
Will Be Shown
Each Night
As Usual
Open Every Evening Cabaret En
I l i '
Special Dance Every Monday and
Thursday Evening. De Luxe
Matinee Every Sunday Afternoon
Webster 2861 Proprietors
Rex Theatre
Ed Gavin and His Tango Girls in
All New Songs and Dances
Every Aftemon and Evening
1316 Douglas Street
A Riot of Fun—Don’t Miss It
. ... ... . . . . 4
3 P. M. to 12 M. Monarch Pool Hall
Douglas 3724, 1148
12 M. to 4 A. M., Douglas 1491, 2491
4 A. M. to 3 P. M. Residence,
Webster 7681
Service Day and Night
Please Phone All Express Orders to
Webster 7661.
4.. . ... ■ » . . » e e-6