South Side Notes Master Tommy Dooley, who has been quite ill for more than a week, is much better. Wanted—A good barber, one whc is experienced in hair cutting anc shaving. R. L. Woodward, 4912 Soutl Twenty-sixth street. The Bethel Baptist and Allen Chapel A. M. E. Church Sunday Schools are picnicking in Elmwood park today. Little Mildred Williams of 5422 South Twenty-seventh street was given a birthday surprise party by her mother last Saturday afternoon. There were about forty-two children present. The afternoon was spent in games on the lawn, after which re freshments were served. All the little folks enjoyed themselves nicely. Little Ruth Adams is spending this week in the country, south of Ralston. The Bethel Baptist Mission Circle met last Thursday with Miss Thomas, Thirty-second and U streets. The Allen Chapel Aid was enter tained last Friday afternoon by Mrs. Sadie Stapleton. The ladies are still busy sewing for their bazaar. The Aid will have “a feast in the wilder ness” August 9. All are invited to attend. DEATH OF ALBERT N. WADE After an illness of six months, Al bert N. Wade, one of Omaha’s oldest and most highly respected citizens died at his late residence, 2501 Patrick avenue, late Tuesday night. Mr. Wade was a native of Philadelphia. For a number of years he worked at his trade, that of barbering, in Cleveland Ohio, among his patrons being Mark Hanna and other distinguished men of that city. About thirty years ago he came to Omaha where he followed his trade until four years ago when he gave it up for employment at the Court House. Among his customers and friends were many of Omaha's most prominent citi ns. A true gen tleman always, i < id the faculty of making friends. - was one of the oldest and most <*.~oted members of the Church of St. Philip the Deacon, from which he was buried Friday af ternoon, interment being in Forest Lawn, the Rev. John Albert Williams officiating. The Western Undertak ing Company had charge of the funeral. Mr. Wade is survived by his widow. PAXTON BOYS WIN OUT About ten days ago the Colored waiters at the Paxton hotel came to work at noon and found that white waitresses had taken their places. The boys took the affair as a matter of course, having expected it for some time, but what nettled them was that the girls were paid more, given board and a nice dressing room on the first floor. But the girls didn't last long. The guests issued an ultimatum that if the Colored boys didn’t come back they would leave. The manager called the boys to make noon the next day, but he found the boys were not so unxiouif to work as he thought. Their answer was that they would be at the hotel at 3 o'clock and talk over terms, and they made their own terms. They demanded $35 per month, board, a re modeled dressing room, increased pay for captains and the hiring back of their own headwaiter, George Watson. The only reason the boys didn’t ask anything more was that they couldn’t think of anything more. The chances are that the Paxton will not try to “hand” the Colored boys anything soon again. N. W. C. A. NOTES The N. W. C. A. held a large meet ing at the Home Wednesday morning. All the housewives of our race in this city are asked to kindly remember the Old Folks’ Home with one glass of jelly or one can of fruit or vegetables when canning or preserving their win ter’s supply. It will be most grate fully received. A large garden party will be given at the residence of Mrs. J. H. Smith 1920 North 34th street, Monday even ing, August 13, beginning at 6 p. m and running throughout the evening for the benefit of the Home. Manj more attractions will be introduce* and a grand supper such as only Mrs R. K. Lawrie can cook, will be served The admission will be 10 cents witl ice cream. Tickets may be obtaine* through N. W. C. A. members. There will be a regular meeting o the Association at the Home Wednes day morning, July 8, at 9 a. m. A1 members are urged to be present. The Elite Whist Club pleasantl entertained Mrs. Chas. Solomon an her guests, Mrs. Sanford, Mrs. Barks dale, of Carroll, la., and Mrs. Wilsoi of Kansas City, Mo., with a surpris party Tuesday evening . The evenin was spent with cards and dancing Mrs. Dora Donley and her guest Mrs. Simms and Mrs. Lisha, of Gran Rapids, Mich., were also guests of th club. Anita M. Taylor, Call L9810 9 a. m. to 3 p. m. Mrs. Joseph Fleming returned Fri day to her home in Chicago, after a visit of almost six weeks with her i sister, Mrs. Gus Harding and Mrs. [ Treggo McWilliams. Little Miss Maxine Holmes was hostess to a number of little girl friends Friday afternoon at a party in honor of Miss Alice Bell, of Ells worth .Kansas. Mrs. Monroe Williams and her mother, Mrs. John May, were called to Denver Friday evening by news of their brother and son, Mr. Louis May, who died there Thursday. W. B. Young & Co. will dress you up in a smart new Fall Suit or over coat at a very reasonable price. Get the utmost for your money. If you want clothes, come to us. The good people of Lincoln can economize on their cleaning and press ingbycalling L 5141.—Adv. Mrs. Louis Holmes, accompanied by her small daughter, Maxine, left Sat urday for a visit with her mother, Mrs. Thomas Jefferies, at Knoxville, Iowa. Mrs. James Dean entertained Thurs day afternoon in honor of Mrs. Mur phy, who is a guest of Mrs. E. D. Shipman, and Mrs. Joe Fleming, of Chicago. Mrs. V. B. Young returned last week after a visit of more than six weeks with her mother and father at Ma drid, Mo. Mrs. Ben Corneal is rapidly con- I valescing after her recent operation. Mrs. Susan Turner and Mrs. Maggie Williams, mother and sister of Mr. Bert Ross, whose body was found in a potato patch at Fifth and C streets Monday afternoon, left Tuesday for Kansas City, Kan., with the body, which will be interred there. Several arrests have been made, but as yet no clue has been obtained as to the cause of death. If you want comfortable clothes that cling to the neck, and drape properly from the shoulders, have them made to order by W. B. Young & Co. Mrs. Eva Carter and her daughter Ida and Mrs. Cassie Patterson and son Cecil accompanied their husbands to Denver Monday for a ten days’ cuting. Two beautiful rugs and banistei j curtains and rods were donated to the i Mount Zion Church by the Sunday School and w-ere much appreciated by the members. Arrangements are being perfected for a union Sunday- School picnic. It will probably be held August 16. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Oliver, until recently of St. Louis, arrived here Sunday with a view to making Lin coln their permanent home. They are now- at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Griffen. A “basket meeting” will be held Sunday morning, August 5, at the union revival being held at the A. M. E. Church. The closing services will be held in the evening at Mount Zion Baptist Church, at which time Rev. , Franklin Bray will deliver his last | sermon. It is hoped that all solicitors will turn in their cards then. NEWS OF ST. PHILIP’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH Sunday night at 8 o’clock Father Williams will begin a series of Bible studies on the Prophecy of Isaiah. It will be conducted as an informal Bible Class. All who may be interested are cordially invited to attend. The Sunday School and Parish pic ! r.ic which had to be postponed on ac count of rain, will be held next Thurs day afternoon at Elmwood Park. Members and friends enjoyed a de lightful trolley ride party Wednesdaj night. There will be a trolley party given by the Sons and Daughters of Jeru salem Thursday evening, Aug. 9, 1917, from Omaha to Lake Manawa. Cars leave 24th and Patrick Ave., and 24th and N streets, So. Side, at 8:30 p. m. sharp. Round trip tickets 26 cents.—Adv. ; _ i 1 f ; 1 r I ; - i i. e ? >• i. J e 4 MT. MORIAH BAPTIST CHURCH The usual interest has been mani fested during July. We have had ad dition and subtraction, one sent away by letter and several added. Last Sunday night a special sermon was preached by the pastor with a view of bringing the people’s minds to the support of the Negro Civic Industrial League, and a mass meeting, which is in the air. Mrs. G. G. Hill has re ported favorable success on her lawn social last Saturday night. Church and Sunday school picnic on Thurs day at Elmwood park. Amount taken during the month, $126.17. All bills have been paid. The church has un dergone repair work in carpentry and two coats of painting, which makes it look practically new. There are no bills due on same; cash to the amount of $115.48 covered the situation as soon as the work was completed; thi: figure includes workmanship and buy ing materials. Next Sunday (the 5th) will be cov enant in the morning, fellowship and commun'on at night, preceded by a short sermon, subject “Divine Posses sion.” On the 10th inst. the Sunshine Mis sionary Circle will give an entertain ment entitled, “Scenes in Mission Fields,” under the management of Mesdt.mes M. H. Wilkinson and L. Lewis; Mrs. A. L. Foreman, vice president. Don’t forget the 28th of August, when Prof. King, from Leavenworth, Kan., will present a glass blowing ex position in said church, at which time local talent will assist on a w'ell pre pared program. Mrs. S. Simmons, manager. ST. JOHN’S A. M. E. CHURCH NOTES Class 6, Mr. George Dickinson, lead er, leads in dollar money so far. It is the largest report turned in at the opening of the dollar money campaign during the administration. Plans are being perfected for the grand closing union of the sister churches with St. John to assist Rev. Mr. Osborne in his closing year. The distinguished out-of-town guests who have box reservations for August 6 to witness “David, the Shepherd Boy” at the Brandeis, are Undertaker T. B. Watkins, Attorney W. C. Hues ton, Dr. E. M. Phenix, O. W. W'ilson and J. O. White, of Kansas City, Mo., who are of the official staff of the G. U. O. of 0. F. Box parties consisting of the Misses Cordelia Johnson, Beatrice Majors and Corinne Thomas, Messrs. Owen Jones, Leroy Richardson and Chas. Hill; Mrs. Gumm and party; Mrs. Britton and party, and Mr. M. Fleming at the Brandeis August 6. AMOS P. SCRUGGS. Attorney. 3807 Camden Avenue. NOTICE TO NON-RESIDENT DEFEND ANT. To Ella Royater, Non-resident defendant: You are hereby notified that on the 17th day of April. 1917, Embry Royster, as plaintiff, filed his petition against you in the District Court of Douglaa County, Nebraska, the object and prayer of which is to obtain a decree of divorce from you upon the ground that you have abandoned said plaintiff for the term of two years last past, before the filing of this peti tion. You are required to answer said petition on or before September 3. 1917. EMBRY ROYSTER, 4t. Plaintiff. Classified Advertising KATES 114 cwnta a word for *i»*U insertions, 1 cent a word for two o. more Insertions. No advertisement for less than 15c. Cash should ac company advertisement. HOUSES FOR SALE 5-room house, paved street,4417 So. 27th St., 60 ft. lot, $1,500. Doug. 2842. HANDLER AND ROBINS Fire and Tornado Insurance HOUSES FOR RENT A neatly furnished house at 1414 North Twenty-sixth street, will be rented to desirable couple. References required. Phone Harney 315. Ask I for Mrs. Wallace. I For Rent. Four room houes, 2218 j South 27th St., newly papered and painted. Electric light and water in bouse. Tyler 2248. J. S. Bruce. For Rent—Four room house. Mod ern, except furnace. Furnished or un furnished. 2859 Miami street. Doug las 8938. FURNI8HED ROOMS FOR RENT. Neatly furnished rooms. Hot am cold water. On Dodge and 24tl street car lines. Mrs. Anna Banks f/24 North 20th street. Telephom Douglas 4379. Neatly furnished rooms, 1842 North 27th St. Call Webster 2812. For Rent. Unfurnished rooms with electric light and water, 2603 Cuminp street. Harney 5412. Furnished rooms, 1817 Izard. Tylei 1609. Madame Henderson .hairdresser and ’ manicurist, agent for the celebrated Madame C. J. Walker preparations. The Walker method taught. Diplomas granted. 2539 Burdette St., Omaha, Neb. Phone Webster 1489. Front parlor for rent in modem home. Private family. Gentleman preferred. $2.00 a week. 2414 Ers kine St. Webster 4760. Neatly furnished rooms, 2915 Ers kine street. Mrs. F. Johnson. Web ster 3143. Two neatly furnished rooms. Walk ing distance. 1219 South Sixteenth street. Phone Douglas 7639 after 6:30 p. m. William Douglass. Two furnished rooms for three or four working men. 2202 Clark St. Phone Webster 7034. Neatly furnished rooms, strictly modern, $2.00 and up. Mrs. Minnie Ricketts, 1119 North Nineteenth St. Webster 3812. Furnished rooms for two gentle men. Southern men preferred. Mrs. Bessie Johnson, 2720 Drexel street, South Side. First-class modem furnished rooms. Mrs. L. M. Bentley Webster, 1702 North Twenty-sixth street. Phone Webster 4769. Modem furnished rooms; hot and cold water. MrR. A. L. Johnson, 1810 North Twentyt-hird street. Webster 2058. Fourteen neatly furnished rooms. Mrs. Ella Dunivan, 4716 South 27th street, South Side. Phone South 3067. Furnished rooms to rent in a mod em house, 2619 Hamilton street. Phone Webster 1250.—Adv. WANTID China painting. Classes Tuesdays and Thursdays. Mrs. D. W. Gooden, 2211 Cuming street. Douglas 5436. The Business World Busines* Enterpriteb Conducted by Colored People—Help Them te Grow by Your Patronage. .«... - i Automobile and Open Horse Drawn Hearaea Day and Night JONES « CHILES FUNERAL HOME Lady Attendant Calls anawwred promptly anywhere Web. 1100 and Web. 204 Licensed Embalmer. ■ ......... « . ... «■« — »«■»»• ■«■■«■■» «»■»»«»»'i Res. Colfax 3831 Douglas 3181 AMOS P. SCRUGGS Attorney-at-Law 3807 Camden Avenue. Repairing and Storing Orders Promptly Filled NORTH SIDE SECOND-HAND STORE Auction Every Saturday R. B. Rhodes Dealer in New and Second Hand Furniture and Stoves. Household Goods Bought and Sold Rental and Real Estate 2522 Lake St. Webster 7971 t-» . . ... . ... ! DR. P. W. SAWYER ! Dentist | 220 So. 13th St. Phone Doug. 7150 PATTON' HOTEL AND CAF? N. A. Patton, Proprietor 1 1014-1016-1018 South 11th St. Telephone Douglas 4445 62 MODERN AND NEATLY FURNISHED ROOMS ... . ....i SLAUGHTER SYSTEM AMD LYBAS HAIR BEAUTIFIER Guaranteed to Grow Hair in Six Treatments or Money Refunded Douglas 8536 Miss Nellie Soott t.........•»«•» «■««■«. Graduate of N. E. Conservatory of Music, Boston, Mass. ; Florentine F. Pinkston Teacher of Pianoforte, Harmony, Solfeggio Webster 2814 Boston Studio 2214 No. 28th Ave. Omaha. I Graduate Pharmacist I Prompt Delivery Excellent Service I Webster 4443 24th and Grant i ...... ■ . ■■ t {—... i A ugust Augustus Caesar, an other famous Roman, comes to mind. Present events, world shaping are tremendous ly important. Learn to economize. Pur chase judiciously. Thomas Kilpatrick & Co. WATERS BARNHART PRINTING CO " I l IM-~rls£ OMAHA WHO DOES YOUR SHOE RE PAIRING? Try H. LAZARUS Work done while you wait, or will call for and deliver without charge. Red 2395 2019 Cuming St. If 1 don't get your work, we both lose. Hill-Williams Drug Co. PURE DRUGS AND TOILET ARTICLES Free Delivery Tyler 160 2402 Cuming St. IMPERIAL DYE & CLEANING WORKS Dry Cleaners, Garment and Fancy Dyers Phone Tyler 1022 1516 Vinton St. GEO. F. KRAUSE, Prop. »■■.. ... C. S. JOHNSON 18tb and Izard Tel. Douglas 1702 ALL KINDS OF COAL and COKE at POPULAR PRICES. Ueat for the Money Egtablmhod 1890 C. I. CARLSON Dealer in Shoes and Gent*’ Furnishings 1514 No. 24th St. Omaha, Neb. I I _ I. A. Edholm E. W. Sherman Standard Laundry 24th, Near Lake Street Phone Webster 130 . . . .......... ... C. H. MARQUARDT I CASH MARKET Retail Dealer in Fresh and Salt I Meats, Poultry, Oysters, etc. I 2003 Cuming St. Doug. 3831 J Home Rendered Lard. We Smoket and Cure our own Ham* and Baron. I SMOKE | Tc Be Ce i THE BEST 5c CIGAR j Start Saving Now Om Dollar will op**n an account in the} Savings OcpariiMnl United States Nat’l Bank l«m and Faraan Streets Will L. Hetherlngton j i * * st,'Jdlo Patterson Blk{ MELCHdR- Druggist ! The Oh1 V Tel. South 807 4826 So. 24th q# »-4 I OMAHA TRANSFER CO. I ‘ Ike Only Way’’ { BAGGAGE | Checked to Destination ... GOOi/gROCERIES ALWAYS . ' ’ C. P. WESIN GROCERY CO. Also Fresh Fruit, and Vegetables. 2005 Coming St. Telephone Douglas 1098 t . . . . ........... . .. . ....... i ;; ifry— t Barma THE LIFE SAVER * ALWAYS ON TAP AT THE ALAMO j ... ...... «■<■■« . .... Western Funeral Home 2518 Lake Street Phone Webster 248. Open Day and Night Our Conveniences: Free Spacious Chapel and Organ. Sanitary Morgue and Reposing Rooms complete. Air tight preservation case; Derma-Surgery work; lady attendant, if desired; private ambulance, auto or horse drawn vehicles. Lowest prices. Polite and Expert Service. Licensed Embalmem in Attendance. SILAS JOHNSON, Funeral Director g ... . . .... 4 The Cream of Omaha’s Tonsorialfsts I # E. W.JU4Kns*Wbrth R. C. Price The Alamo Barber Shop and Pocket Billiard Parlor Two Twentieth Century barbers such as the general public de mands. We are up to the latest methods of barbering. Everything sanitary. Barber shop department open from 8 a. m. to 10 p. m. Open Saturday fro 8 a. m. to 12 p. m. We carry a full line of choice Cigars, Tobaccos, Candies and Chewing Gum. KILLINGSWORTH & PRICE. Props., Phone Webster 5784, 2416 North 24th Street t. ..... ... ■» ■■»■«■ < « ■ ...