RACIAL HATRED AND RACIAL GOODWILL There have been two awful out bursts of racial hatred in this country \v ithin the last ten days. Oi. was the fiendish lynching at Memphis, Ten nessee, horrible, ghoulish, hellish; the other was the brutal mobbing of Ne groes, who simply sought the right to work, at East St. Louis, Illinois. Re gretable, inexcusable, indefensible manifestations of racial hatred, which show how near below’ the surface of cur culture and Christian civilization the untamed and rebellious savage in human nature lies. While there have been these awful manifestations of racial hatred, which if dwelt upon would make us morose, bitter and vindictive, there have also been manifestations of racial good will. From fire-swept Atlanta, Geor gia, comes the cheering news that ra cial lines were entirely forgotten in ministering to and caring ifor the suffering and destitute. We hope this advice is true; for it reveals the bet ter side of human nature, the side which if cultivated will make such savage scenes as those at Memphis and East St. Louis which all right thinking people must deplore, impos sible. Despite much apparent evidence to the contrary, racial goodwill is far more prevalent and potent than ra cial hatred. SOUTHERN SIDELIGHTS The following comes to us as an authentic manifestation of the nobil ity and chivalry of the grand old l outh. A Colored man intended com ing to Omaha and informed his em-, ployer he would quit the following Saturday. This man had worked at the one job for a little over seven years. The boss said it was all right end when the man went about his business, he called up the sheriff and told him that he was going to send his “nigger” down the street on an errand and that he should stop him and search him. He then called in his “nigger” and told him to carry his revolver to a gunsmith and have it fixed. Sheriff stops Colored man; discovers gun; makes arrest; Col ored man gets six months of county dear That is what we call real southern white genius. REALLY RICH No one ever acused Editor Du Bois of being a humorist( but this from the June Crisis is certainly a pipin: “We should worry.” If they do not want us to fight, we will work. We will walk into the in dustrial shoes of a few million whites who go to the front. We will got higher wages and we cannot be stopped from migrating by all the deviltry of the slave South; particu larly with the white lynchers and mob leaders away at war. Will we be ousted when the white soldiers come back? THEY WON'T COME BACK! WILL THE DREAM COME TRI E? The other night we dreamed we were riding on a North Twenty fourth street car, which was in charge of a Colored conductor and motorman. Naturally, we were de lighted at this new industrial oppor tunity for our people. The car was running smoothly and there seemed to be no excitement on the part of either train crew or passengers, who were the average patrons of that line with the average proportion of both races. It all seemed as a matter of course. We regretted on awaken ing to find that it was only a dream. But dreams, you know, sometimes come true. And why may not this dream come true? Our people spend thousands- of dol lars yearly with the Omaha and Council Bluffs Street Railway Com pany. We have young men with just a? much brains, good judgment, com mon sense, honesty and ability to be trained as motormen and conductors as they of the other race. Why then should not some of our men be given the opportunity of serving in this capacity ? Of course there is the jealousy of the white laboring classes to overcome as well as some slight opposition from the public. This opposition will not arise, however, in any great degree, at least, if the white laboring classes do not foster it. The time is coming when the white laboring man must see that his truest interests are in common with those of the black la boring man and the interests of each can be best conserved by standing together, asking only for the right to earn their daily bread at a respect able living wage in any honorable field of labor for which they may be qualified. Then why not Colored motormen and conductors ? Will the dream come true? We hope so. We believe it will. DOING THE RIGHT THING We are glad to know that several young men of our race from this city have filed their applications for ad mission to the officers’ training camp at Des Moines. It shows the right spirit. The men who have applied have the educational, physical and moral qualifications required by the government. They are not one whit inferior to the splendid and capable young white men who have gone from this vicinity to Fort Snelling and other camp6. Most of them are col lege bred men. All of them have had high school training and in addition thereto professional training in law, medicine, pharmacy or dentistry. Four of them have had military train ing. So Omaha has reason to be proud of the men who have offered themselves for the Des Moines of ficers’ training camp. And here’s wishing them success. They are do ing the right thing. Subscribe for The Monitor. $1.50 a year and worth it. SKITS OF SOLOMON | _ War. The naughty name that Mr. Sher man called war was some right, only worse. We have had more scares thrown into us during the last thirty clays than comes to a turkey four weeks before Thanksgiving. It isn’t because we are scared of der kaiser, because we aren’t. All of us be aching to take a fall out of his hon orable right angled moustache. Ny ti.ur are we losing sleep over his sub marines, because our navy chaps are a'l praying to catch sight of the peri scope, not bothering about the sub proper. What we are bothering about ore the eats. One A. P. dispatch says the graneries are bursting with grain and before the ink is dry an other says its all a mistake. Next day Washington says that Sir Hoover is studying the British food control to see how many beans to allow a family and then Sir Hoover says that he wasn’t studying anything but the ticker. Up Boston way they issued a crop of indictments against some food speculators and then the Gov. sent out word to manufacturers to ship their junk because the U. S. will grab all freight cars pronto to ship lumber, et cetra, to military camps. V hen that happens a food speculator will look like a mustard seed in an oil tank. One guy says don’t buy up any supplies because it makes prices higher; another gink says lay bold of the needful ’cause he thinks it’s going to rain. One lady bird says that Americans are wasteful and housewife chirrups back that she can’t get enough to eat, let alone waste | anything. And so on, and on, and all I on acocunt of war. Whipping Ger- ! many isn’t such a big job. but it sure is worrisome. _ j WHY READ THE DAILY NEWS? Omaha’s premier joke sheet, The Omaha Daily News, advertised a prize contest for the first June bride. The primary condition for winning in this contest was that the bride must be white. Any Colored person who will longer take this newspaper excuse after this wanton exhibition of prej udice has little respect for the race to which he belongs. Our advice is DON’T READ THE NEWS! -lailHIIIIIMIIIIIIIIHIIIIIMHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIMIIIIIII'llll lllllllll llll I • 111 It U • 11 I tKIIII 111 • III • M ■ 111 lit Ml 11 It •! t •••• II* III •••IIIII (. III! t I III III 11 III IIIM1111 •• 11 III IIII III Mill It •••*• Ul • • ’ OPENED THURSDAY, MAY 10 fi : The Monarch Billiard Parlor Most Beautiful in America 111 South 14th Street Six Latest Improved Tables TWO CAROM FOUR POCKET | Leroy Broomfield, Mur. J. B. Broomfield, Prop. DUNBAR CLUB IN CONNECTION 5 IIWMM'IMI IIIIUIII'IIIIHIIIlHIIIIHI IIM'IIMIIIIIIMII.IIIIIIIIIIIHl'MIllllll llllllllltllllHHWIMIMII'I II'HU llltHIIIIIIII'llltltllUIIII'IHIHm'ml.lHtlHIIIIIH.lHHIHIHIHIIIIMHIIHHMIII»ltHimHIHIH*llimMHI*lll 1 ^^iiiiiniiKiilillllillllllMIlllHIIIIIHIIIUIIIIIin.lHI'llllillllHIHHIfllllHlIIIMHIIllllllllllllMI'llllllltlHIIMIHinMlIIIMIIIIHIIl' miiluriltlHIMillll'llll'IHMIll'tllllHIMHIIIIIinillllMIHIMHIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIMMIIIIWIIIIr X*X~XX~X~X"XK~X~X~X~X~X"X"X~X"X"X~X~X~X"X~X~X"X~X~X"> I Dunham & Dunham 1 v i* $ MAKERS OF THE BEST * | $15.00 | $ SUITS AND OVERCOATS IN THE WORLD. | ? y REPAIRING, CLEANING AND PRESSING. % ^ 118 South 15th Street. Omaha, Neb. £ •X-X~X"X"X~X~X-X-X"X-X~X~X~X"X~X~X~X"X-X-X~X“X-X~X~X~:« Omaha’s political upheaval has been a long time coming, but it has finally come with a sure enough explosion. Don't crowd the arena, citizens! Give the performers plenty of room to pum mel each other. Did you see Satan Monday night? Some class to his majesty, eh ? Really didn’t think a man of his reputation could draw so many good people to look at him. What is the difference between the Turks in Armenia and the Americans in Tennessee ? Only that the former aie more civilized. Our garden is doing nicely, thank you. How’s yours? A camp for Negro officers has been approved. Watch out for your sweet hearts, boys. A woman certainly likes gold braid. Henry T. Burleigh certainly de served the Spingam medal. He has done some things that talk for him without his saying a word. If some of those tornadoes would visit the kaiser’s camp we’d feel lots better of the windy effects. Honestly now, did you ever stop to think that it takes real sure enough coin to run a newspaper? Then loosen up, brother, loosen up. Are you going on any of the Des Moines specials this summer, Gene vieve ? Thanking you for your most ardent attention, we will now wrap a bacon rind round a tantalizing sore throat. FIRMS WANTING COLORED LABOR Bethlehem Steel Mills, Sparrow’s Point, Md. Yale & Towne Manufacturing com pany, Stamford, Conn. Minnesota Steel Mills, Morgan Park, Minn. Union Pacific Railway. Kingston Brick and Ice company, Kingston, N. Y. Capitol Coal Mining company, Springfield, 111. Springfield Drain Tile company, Springfield, 111. Springfield Paving Brick company, Springfield, 111. Barney & Smith car shops, Dayton, Ohio.