The monitor. (Omaha, Neb.) 1915-1928, January 27, 1917, Page 7, Image 7
BETHEL BAPTIST CHURCH (South Side) I he revival which has been going on for the past two weeks came to a close last Sunday evening with the addition of fifty-two members. The pastor is well pleased with the attendance from north as well as south side people, and the way God has blessed his work. In addition to the fifty-two, many Christians expressed the joy of be ing made much stronger by the spe cial sermons preached during the serv ices. Rev. Mr. Taggart is planning on baptizing his candidates on Sunday, February 4th: Owing to the fact that there are too many to accomodate in the church pool, he will baptize in the Missouri river at the foot of O street, South Omaha. All will meet at the church, 29th and T streets, in the i morning and will leave immediately after morning service. They will march from the church singing as they go, down O street straight to the river banks. Sermon preached at the river. All who wish to join in the march must be at the church not later than 2 o’clock. Messrs. Joseph Carr, Alfred Jones, Charles H. Hicks and Frank Golden and Mrs. Alphonso Wilson left Sat urday night for St. Joseph, Mo., to attend the funeral of the late Dr. M. O. Ricketts, which took place from the Methodist Church, Sunday after noon. Messrs. Carr, Jones and Golden returned Monday morning. The oth ers later. A Big Masquerade Carnival is scheduled for Friday, February 2, at the Mecca Roller Rink. Everybody come.—Adv. SOUTH SIDE. (Mrs. Lulu Thornton, Correspondent) Household of Ruth No. 5083 held their installation of officers Wednes day eve, January 17, at the Odd Fel lows’ Hall. After routine bousiness they celebrated their second anniver sary with a supper. Covers were laid for about fifty members and friends. E. E. Bryant, master of ceremonies, Allen Jones, Toastmaster, Mrs. Roxie Williams, M. N. G., J. W. Louis, W. R. C. Mr. Henry Arduna, of 5308 South 27th, was injured at Central Coal yard Monday, January 22, while at work. He was bruised quite a bit about the back and legs. Little Mildred Williams, of 5422 No. 27th street, w'ho has been quite sick, is much better. Mr. R. L. Woodard, who has been down with la grippe for about two weeks, is much better and able to be out a little. The Bethel Baptist Mission Circle met with Mrs. Webb on 30th and V streets Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Octavia Brown, who has been quite sick for some time, is said to be a little better although she is still confined to her bed. Myrtle Fisher, of 6905 South 15th street, graduated from the 8th B to the High School Wednesday after noon. We are glad £o see our girls finishing the grade schools and hope they will continue and finish the High School as well. ^ Mrs. Erva Gray, who is seriously ill at her home, 17th and P streets, is re ported a little better. ....... . Petersen A Micttelsen Hardware Co. GOOD HARDWARE 2408 N St. Tel. South 162 STANEK’S PHARMACY| Henry Stanek, Prop. PRESCRIPTION EXPERT ! Cor. 24th and L Sts. Tel. So. 878 { MELCHOR-- Druggist! The Old Reliable Tel. South 807 4826 So. 24th St. j I I Lincoln Department Joseph B. LaCour, Editor and Business Manager. 821 S Street Mr. Shirley Smith was slightly in jured last week in a railroad accident at Akaron, Colo. He is now able to be out. Miss M. H. Demby, of Kansas City, Kas., will appear in recital at the Ma sonic Hall, January 30, for the benefit of the Newman M. E. Church. Mrs. Talbert returned last week from St. Louis, Mo., where she was visiting relatives. A Lincoln Day program will be given February 12 at the Newman M. E. Church. Prof. G. B. Evans, Mrs. S. Mason, Mrs. I. Hensel and others will appear. Mr. and Mrs. Chevin are ill. The revival being conducted at the Methodist Church by Rev. Mr. Nick erson will close Sunday night. Messrs. Ben and Abe Corneal were called to St. Paul last week on account of the death of their brother. Mr. Andy Brown, formerly of Oma ha, died at his residence Monday morning from an attack of pneu monia. He is survived by a wife and daughter. P. A. Abner, running to Alliance on the Burlington, has taken a thirty days lay off. If Particular j Have Your Clothes MADE, CLEANED, and PRESSED By V. B. YOUNG The Best and Most Reasonable Place in the City. 219 North 9th St. Lincoln, Neb. Heffley’s Tailors For Nifty Up-to-Da*$ CLOTHING Oliver Theatre Bldg. 149 N. 13th t...,..—...... CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES—1V4 cants a word for single insertions, 1 cent a word for two or more Insertions. No advertisement for less than 16c. Cash should ac company advertisement. HOUSES—FOR RENT List your property with us for sale or rent; we get results. Loans. In surance. Oletha Russell, Notary Pub lic and Public Stenographer. Western Real Estate Co. 413-14 Karbach Blk. Phone D. 3607 FOR RENT 2313 No. 27th St. 4 rms.$12.00 111 So. 28th Ave., 3 rms . 11.00 924 No. 27th Ave. 8 rms. mod... 20.00 2883 Miami St. 7 rms mod. 28.00 G. B. ROBBINS Tel. Douglas 2842 or Webster 4520. FOR RENT 1703 Castellar St., 6 rm mod. except heat .$12.50 2813 Dodge St., 3 rms. water.... 10.00 307 No. 27th Ave., 6 rms. mod. except heat . 14.00 1717 Nicholas, 6 rms. modern, except heat; bam . 15.00 1414 No. 20th, 8 rms. modem except heat . 22.50 2525 No. 17th St., 6 rms. mod. except heat . 16.00 See our complete list before rent ing. WESTERN REAL ESTATE CO. 413-14 Karback Blk. Doug. 3607. FOR RENT 2313 N. 27th St., 4 room .$10.50 924 N. 27th St., 7 room, fur nace, bam, . 20.00 2883 Miami St., 7 room, furnace 28.00 G. B. Robbins, Tel. Doug. 2842. Monitor advertisers can satisfy all your wants. For Rent—A five room modem cot tage, 2013 North Twenty-third street. Webster 6762. FOR SALE Six room bungalow new, all modem, on paved street and car line, good lo cation, fine condition. Will sacrifice for $2,500. $500 cash, balance like rent. Choise vacant lot on car line and paved street, in best restricted resi dence district, surrounded by fine homes. Price $1,100 cash. G. B. ROBBINS Tel. Douglas 2842 or Webster 4520. FURNISHED ROOM8 FOR RENT. Furnished room for man and wife. Phone Harney 5829. Lee Councellor, 949 No. 27th street. Furnished room. Strictly modem. Harney 4340. Mrs. Jackson, 2669 Douglas street. Strictly modem rooms for rent, 822 North Twenty-third street. Mrs. I. M. Faulkner, Douglas 5561. Nicely furnished rooms. Modem, 'lrs. R. J. Gaskin, 2606 Seward St. Webster 4490. For Rent—Furnished rooms in modem home for nice quiet young man. 3702 North Twenty-third St. Webster 3727. FOR RENT—Nicely furnished rooms. Call Webster 658 evenings. Modem furnished rooms for rent, $1.50 and up. Miss Hayes, 1826 No. 23rd St. Webster 6639. Clean, modem furnished rooms on Dodge and Twenty-fourth street car lines. Mrs. Annie Banks,, Douglas 4379. WANTED. For plain sewing, call Miss Alexan der, 1403 North 18th St. Web. 4745. Wanted—Reliable barber. Must be up-to-date in every respect. Married man preferred. D. E. Nichols, 219 North 9th St., Lincoln, Neb. WHO_* DOES* YO*UlT* SHOE* RE* PAIRING? Try H. LAZARUS Work done while you wait, or will call for and deliver without charge. Red 2395 2019 Cuming St. If I don’t get your work, we both lose. Hill-Williams Drug Co. PURE DRUGS AND TOILET ARTICLES Free Delivery Tyler 160 2402 Cuming St. i mper'ial DYE & CLEANING WORKS Dry Cleaners, Garment and Fancy Dyers Phone Tyler 1022 1516 Vinton St. GEO. F. KRAUSE, Prop. i.—.................................................-...—.-.........i C. S. JOHNSON 18th and Izard Tel. Douglas 1702 ALL KINDS OF COAL and COKE at POPULAR PRICES. Best for the Money Established 1890 C. 1. CARLSON j Dealer in j Shoes and Gents’ Furnishings j 1514 No. 24th St. Omaha, Neb. 4 t———„«■'»■'«' »■ !Tel. Red 1424 J | Will L. Hetherington j j Violinist j j Instructor at Bellevue College f f Asst, of Henry Cox j Studio Patterson Blk | >. . ......................... ... I OMAHA TRANSFER CO. | ‘•The Only Way" I BAGGAGE 1 Checked to Destination § More Sickness and Accident Insurance for Less Money Old line protection. No assess ments. No medical examination. Everything guaranteed. GET ACQUAINTED WITH LUKE A. HUGHES. Continental Casualty Co. 334 Brandeis Theater Bldg. Douglas 3726.