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About The monitor. (Omaha, Neb.) 1915-1928 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 16, 1916)
The Monitor A National Weekly Newspaper Devoted to the Interests of the Colored Ameri''"'* raska and the Northwest isUl iv,pc>S .un ALBERT WILLIAMS, Editor $1.50 a Year. 5c a Copy Omaha, Nebraska, Dec. 16, 1916 Vol. II. No. 25 (Whole No. 77) Southern Whites Retard Progress Nebraska University Professor Press es Home Perniciousness of Race Prejudice. I)R. GEORGE ELLIOTT HOWARD Advances Doctrine of Potential Equal ity of Races in Address Before Open Forum. Race prejudice was held as retard ing the development of the south and her people and as a false and costly dogma in the face of the refutation of the dogma that Negroes are poten tially an inferior race, morally and intellectually, by Dr. George Elliott Howard, head of the department of political science and sociology of the University of Nebraska at All Souls’ Church, Lincoln, Sunday evening. Dr. Howard addressed the first meeting of the new Lincoln open for um. After his address he answered questions put by several members of the audience and later spoke with Sarah McWilliams, an aged Negro woman who said that she had known slavery in her childhood. Dr. How ard’s address held closely the atten tion of his hearers, many of whom were Negroes. He said: “Every race has regarded itself as superior to all other races and every race has been mistaken. Such belief is contrary to Christian ideals, which have the same value for the souls of all races. Among heathen and Christian peo ples alike, one of the most contempti ble and harmful of man’s failings is race prejudice. It has been the cause of persecution and unfairness. Every where such prejudice is a sinister fac tor in the advancement of the nation it affects. Science has proven the doctrine that races are potentially the same spiritually. Modem science does not regard the color of the skin, curl, of the hair or shape of the shin bone as indicative of the value of a man’s soul. Race Prejudice Deeply Rooted. “Race prejudice may become deeply enrooted by the enslavement for 300 years by one race of another and in one aspect of the question the Negro problem, I challenge your attentioi tonight. What is the price which the nation is paying for it? In the end the solution of the southern race prob lem is to come through the education of the white race. Race prejudice is implanted in the social standards of the south. Raising of a people’s ideals is a slow process. They have themselves erected a barrier to the advancement of the Negro intellectu ally. This is a great mistake. The advancement of the south in the past hundred yeare has been greatly re tarded by this false race dogma, but it looks back to the carpet bagger and other things of the past to atone for its weakness of the present. With almost childish helplessness it does this. “The whites of the south are sure that the Negro is lower potentially. It A SEESAW GAME. r -- - " ■ ... -.—--1 is time that the whites emancipated themselves from mental bondage. They look back to the good old days when the Negro “knew his place.” Meanwhile every year the doctrine of the inherent potentiality of all races, subject to environment and opportu nity, grows stronger, despite the su perficial writings of Thomas Nelson Page and others who look through the smoked glass of the southerner. Does not the Russian persecute the Jew, once the chosen of the Lord? Does not the Magyar persecute the Ruman ian and Slav? . “The white south does not know the Negro although it claims full knowl edge of him. It cannot see the forest for the trees. Who has not heard the pet saying of the affection the mas ter’s child held for its Negro nurse in the old days of slavery—the southern er’s argument for the good old slav ery days? Figures On Progress. “I will quote you a few statistics to show you Negro “retrogression” in fifty years, from 1866 to 1914, Num ber of Negro homes owned by their occupants increased from 12,000 to 600,000; farms owned by Negroes, 200,000 to 981,000; wealth of Negroes, $20,000,000 to $100,000,000; percent age able to read or write, 10 per cent to 75 per cent; number of Negro col leges and schools, 15 to 500; Negro church property value increased from $1,500,000 to $76,000,000. The Russian serfs were emanci pated in 1861, but in fifty years their wealth only reached $36 per capita as compared with $70 for the Amer ican Negroes and only 30 per cent of them can read or write. "There is a distinct fancy in the south that education cannot lift the Negro. The whites often boast that thep pay taxes to run Negro schools, but Negroes are not given their just share of school tax money. In Louis iana $2 per capita is paid to educate Negro children and $49.54 to educate white children. With ludicrous al though pathetic zeal, the southerner often ostracizes you if you call Ne groes “Mr.” or “Mrs.” He points to the higher death rate among the Negro peoples in the south, but he can find that the Negro death rate in Chicago is lower than the white death rate. He clings to the false doctrine that the Negro is more unclean mor ally than the white and is delaying progress further by this dogma. It is declared that the ruling passion of the Negro is to despoil white women, but in the face of this terrible psy chology, the white man is far more guilty in his relations toward the Ne gro woman. Immorality among the Negro women is not nearly as wide as before the war. (Continued on Page 13) Colored Blood On European Throne A Review of Instances of African An cestry Among European Royalty. BY GEORGE WELLS PARKER Prince George of Battenberg’s En gagement to Great Granddaugh ter of Pushkin. Quite recently the cables announced the engagement of Prince George of Battenberg to the great-grandchild of Pushkin, the national poet of Rus sia. Pushkii was the great-grandson of Hannibal, a native African whom Peter the Great brought to Russia and ennobled. Pushkin married one of the court ladies and his family has always held high position among the Russian aristocracy. This news brings to mind that there have been many instances in Euro pean history when persons of royal lineage have intermarried with darker races, with or without the consent and favor of their sovereign. One peer of the British realm married a full blooded Hotentot woman some years ago, while the late Sir Halliday MacCartney, Sir Edwin Arnold and Count Henri Coudenhove, of Austria, all made marriages with dusky wo men. Countless have been the Eng lishmen who have married Indian women and quite numerous have been Englishwomen who have married Hin du men. The Hindus, of which the Brahmins are the high caste race, came into India hundreds of years ago and intermarried with the black tribes which they found on the plains. Portugal is, ethnically speaking, a mulatto race. This country was at one time deeply engaged in the slave trade and the black population of Lisbon outnumbered the white. When the blacks were freed they did not re main apart but intermingled with the inhabitants and made the whole na tion half caste. The Spanish, too, are of similar strain, their Moorish ancestry being so strong. The old est and greatest aristocracy of Spain today is that which traces its lineage back to the black Moors who con quered that country during the middle ages. Consort of Grand Duke. Countess Terby, the wonderfully handsome consort of Grandduke Mich ael Michaelvitch of Russia, is a des cendant from Pushkin. Her father was Prince Nicholas of Nassau, younger brother of the late sovereign grand duke of Luxenburg, and through him she is related to the queens of Holland and to half the reigning houses of Europe. Marshall Bemadotte, who founded the present Swedish dynasty, had a Moorish mother, while Gustavus IV., the last sovereign but one of the great Vasa dynasty in Sweden, was calhd “The Moor,” because of his exceeding ly dark complexion. When he was bom his grandmother, the old dowager (Continued on Page 9)