The monitor. (Omaha, Neb.) 1915-1928, November 18, 1916, Page 5, Image 5

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    ^-w—mnn^Bi m i
Mrs. John Saunders is seriously ill
at her home, 2406 North 26th street.
Mrs. Gladys Blackwell returned to
Omaha from Lincoln last Saturday.
With her was her sister, Mrs. Helen
Davenport, who was visiting with
When you want your winter cloth
ing cleaned, call up Parker, Harney
5737, Agent for The French Way.
Please get your subscription money
ready for our collector. The Monitor
needs it.
“Kind Treatment,” “Oh, How She
Could Yacki, Hacki, Wicki, Wacki,
Woo,” and E. Evelyn’s “Pom Pom,”
are among the latest popular hits in
music. Buy them at Hospe.
Will N. Johnson spent ji few days
in Lincoln last week to recuperate
from his strenuous campaign. He is
pleased with the way our voters and
their white friends stood by him and
says that he will make another race
bye and bye.
Will build you a bungalow on a
large lot close to school and car line
for $100 cash and $15.00 monthly.
Tel Webster 5519.—Adv.
Turn out next week and see Staf
ford and Jones at the Gayety. They
are the finest Colored dancers on the
road and ace high as fun makers.
Doctor Dobson of Sioux City called
up long distance to know how Will
N. Johnson came out of the race, so
interested was he in the result.
The Zion Baptist Church night
school is a new and unique effoit
among our people and is being most
enthusiastically taken up by many.'
Monday and Tuesday nights are for
men, while Thursday and Friday
night classes are for the women. The
attendance is large and promises well.
For Chills use our $5.00 coal or
your kind at Harmon & Weeth. Web.
Mrs. Ethel Watkins Preston left
Tuesday eve for Los Angeles, Cal., to
join her husband and will reside there
Sunday is quarterly meeting at St.
John A. M. E. Church. The Itev. Dr.
J. C. C. Owens, P. E., will preach
morning and evening.
Butternut Coffee! Did you ever
hear of it? Better yet, did you ever
try it?—Adv.
The Junior Stewardesses report a
great financial success in their elec
tion day dinner. The ladies who so
nicely manned the situation were
Mesdames Eliza Turner, chairman;
Myrtle Metcalf, Brown, Beatrice Nap
per, N. Taylor, L. Strather, E. Har
per. The ladies thank all who donat
ed to help make their quarterly re
port for St. John A. M. E. Church a
Hear Adams’ Saxaphone and Sing
;r.g Orchestra if you want good music.
Webster 1628. Holland Harrold.—
The Grant Brotherhood of St. John
A. M. E. Church, entertained on Tues
day evening in honor of the K. of P.
band. An elaborate program was ren
dered. Band Master Dan Desdunes,
in response to the many cordial wel
comes, told of the beginning of the
band, its failures, successes and many
struggles for existence and of the
great appreciation of the public dem
onstration by the Grant Brotherhood,
to assure them that the Brotherhood
and St. John Church, as well, felt
proud of the great fame won by the
band, not only in Nebraska, but in
other states as well. He assured them
that this, the first demonstration of
its kind ever given them, will ever
be cherished by the band.
Don’t forget to ask for the Advo
brand at your grocer.
Mrs. Maggie Coleman of Macon,
Mo., is in the city and will remain for
the winter.
Mrs. Irvine Grey returned Wednes
day morning from a six-weeks’ visit
to Chicago and Louisville, Ky.
The Woman’s Auxiliary of St. Phil
ip’s church will hold their monthly
social tea next Thursday afternoon
from 3 to 5, at the residence of Mrs.
H. J. Crawford, 2214 North Twenty
eighth avenue.
The Willing Workers of St. John A.
M. E. Church is arranging an elab
orate play for Thanksgiving night.
Mr. James Drasty is quite ill at
2314 North Twenty-seventh street.
Bom to Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Mc
Grudor, 2719 North Twenty-seventh
street, a fine bouncing boy, Sunday,
November 12.
Mr. Tucker and Mrs. Annie Allen
were quietly married at the parsonage
Sunday afternoon, the Rev. W. T. Os
)cme officiated.
Have you heard of the Hu-Co and
Tangier brands of eats? Look it up
in the ads.
Mrs. W. T. Osborne has been con
fined to her bed the past eight days
with a severe attack of indigestion
and cold. The many friends and mem
bers have given every comfort and
vith the medical attention by Dr. J.
H. Hutten, vve look forward to seeing
Mrs. Osborne at her post soon.
Mrs. W. S. Metcalf spent the week
or.d in Sioux City, la., visiting rela
Try Madam Baker’s Wonderful Hair
Grower, on sale at The People’s Drug
Store.—Adv. -
Love feast at St. John Wednesday
evening was largely attended and one
of the best services of its kind in
years. It was a real Pentecostal
meeting. One man united with the
church. Rev. J. H. Nichols and some
of his members from South Omaha
were present.
Mrs. J. R. Harrison, who has been
ill at her home, 2620 Burdette street,
is slowly improving.
Dress tacky and come to the Tacky
Ball at the Alamo, November 28.
Th'ere will be twenty-eight entertain
ers to entertain you. Five prizes for
the tackiest-dressed persons. The
“Western Beauty Girls” will be there
to make it pleasant for you.—Adver
A delightful four-course luncheon
was served Friday evening, Nov. 10th,
at the residence of Mrs. C. R. Brush
wood, 2710 Erskine street, under the
auspices of Princess Oziel Chapter
O. E. S. No. 69. The house was beau
tifully decorated in colors of the order.
It was a decided success, socially and
financially. '
Joseph Taylor, son of Mr. and Mrs.
J. A. Taylor, 2856 Miami street, has
nrolled as a student in Boyles’ Busi
jess college.
The Elite Whist club met at the
residence of Mrs. Augustus Hicks,
Wednesday, November 8. Luncheon
was served at 1:30, the remainder of
the afternoon being spent at cards.
The prize for the highest score was
won by Mrs. Williamson.
I Clothing I
On 1
Credit |
The easier way! Get your |
new Fall Suit or Dress, Man’s b
Suit, Boy’s Clothing or Chil- 1
dren’s Clothing, the Beddeo jl
I Way. Pay while you wear them. «
We sell high grade clothing |
at cash store prices—that helps
We are the largest credit l§
clothing operators in the middle 8
Beddeo ii
Thy Not the Best?
Ask Your Grocer for the
i j
Advo Brand Canned
Teas, Coffees and Other Foods;
then you will know that you get
the Purest and Best.
Always Ask For the
Advo Brand
{Gibson Tea & Coffee Co.j
l It pays to come to our store, j
iWe pay you a bigger interest on I
the money you spend than the bank I
* pays you on the money you save, t
| Doug. 5320 * 2411 Cuming St. J
Ten Cents Added to Your First
Deposit of $3.00.
18th and Faraam.
$1.00 Opens a Saving Account.
ITel. Red 1424 * ’ J
Will L. Hetherington j
Violinist I
t Instructor at Bellevue Col h ire j
f Asst, of Henry Cox j
1 Studio Patterson Blk |
New Fashions j
From the Markets of
Whole World
And the Adornment
of the Home.
Thompson, Belden & Co.
Established 1886 OMAHA
Burgess-Nash Company
their splendid readiness to
> supply you with
every winter
need—either for
personal use
for the home