The monitor. (Omaha, Neb.) 1915-1928, October 21, 1916, Image 1

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    The Monitor
A National *’* ^*>9 Newspaper Devoted to the Interests of the Colored
„ ^ericans of Nebraska and the Northwest
, ,a\3oS '
$1.50 a Year. 5c a Copy Omaha, Nebraska, Oct. 21, 1916 Vol. II. No. 17 (Whole No. 69)
Governor Hughes Visits Omaha and Wins Thousands to His Standard
-** \
If there is any doubt whatever about
Charles E. Hughes, the next presi
dent of the United States, being in
Omaha, that doubt is not with the
Democrats. Governor Hughes came
to town Monday and on Tuesday the
Democrats borrowed microscopes and
began hunting for what was left of
their platform. Of course, they rather
expected that the Governor would
loosen a board or two, but when he
made it look like an explosion in a
tooth pick factory, hope hid her head
and courage hit the trail.
Between the visit of President Wil
son and the visit of Governor Hughes
there is no comparison. The former
came at the heighth of the gala season
when the city was filled with visitors,
the latter came when the visitors
were gone. It was real Omaha that
greeted Hughes. Thousands thronged
the station, the viaducts and the
streets on which the Governor passed.
And the auditorium—perhaps no such
crowd ever surged in and about the
building since the day of its dedica
tion. There was no such thing as
standing room within or without.
Those who heard Governor Hughes j
Monday night were carried away with
his oratory, wit, logic, eloquence, rea- ■
son, persuasiveness, perfect language!
and political insight. None beneath
the sound of his clear, calm voice but
felt that he is the genius to guide our
country through the stress and storm
to come. Each went home with the
prayer upon his or her lips that Gov
ernor Hughes may be the chosen of
the American people for the next four
The Democratic press has repre
sented Mr. Hughes as carrying a
small sized hammer and knocking,
but that impression is wrong. Mr.
Hughes doesn’t carry a hammer. A
hammer isn't to be compared with the
hardware which the Governor hauls i
around. In fact, we can’t understand
what feebleminded canoop ever
thought to compare the Governor’s
machine to a hammer. Most certain
ly no hammer ever looked like it. It
is a combination of piledriver, mincing
machine and dynamite. All we know
is that after the fabric of democratic
issues passed through the wonderful
mechanism, there weren’t enough
threads left to make a bonnet for a
Yes, the Governor has been here
and the vote on election day will
prove that his visit to the once
thought doubtful state of Nebraska
was not in vain.