News of the Churches and Religious Topics Directory. Baptist— Bethel—Twenty-ninth and T streets South Omaha. The Rev. J. C. Brown, pastor, residence 467 South Thirty first street. Services, Morning, 11; evening, 7:30; Sunday School 1 p. m.; B. Y. P. B., 6:30 p. m.; praise service, j 7:30 p. m. Mt. Moriah—Twenty^sixth and Sew ard streets. The Rev. W. B. M. Scott, pastor. Services: Sunday School, 9:30 a. m.; preaching, 11 a. m. and 8 p. m.; B. Y. P. U. at 6 p. m. _______ Zion — Twenty-sixth and Franklin (temporary location). The Rev. W. F. Botts, pastor; residence, 2522 Grant street. Telephone Webster 5838. Ser vices: Devotional hour, 10:30 a. m.; preaching, 11 a. m.; Sunday School,! 1 to 2 p. m.; pastor’s Bible class, 2 to 3 p. m.; B. Y. P. U., 6:30 p. m.; choir devotion, 7:30 p. m.; preaching 8 p. m. Episcopal— Church of St. Philip the Deacon— Twenty-first near Paul street. The Rev. John Albert Williams, rector. Residence, 1119 North Twenty-first street. Telephone Webster 4243. Ser vices daily at 7 a. m. and 9 a. m. Fri LIVING BEYOND ONE’S MEANS. Archbishop Glennon says that one of the dominant weaknesses of our day is living beyond one’s means. Spending more than we earn is a form of injustice, for some one must suffer through our folly. Unpaid debts are generally the result of liv ing beyond one’s means. And bad debts are only another form of re taining ill-gotten goods. Restitution must be made as soon as possible. There is little hope for the future of the young man who starts out by ac cumulating debts and the bad habits that usually go with then. He takes no thought of the morrow while en joying the pleasure of today; but the morrow comes and brings its penali ties for spendthrift imprudence. Op portunities are closed to the reckless spender, and he finds himself bound by thriftless habits and unable to “get anywhere” in life. He pays the penal ty of his recklessness in a lifetime wasted in fruitless struggle. ~ The number of persons dependent on charity in our cities is on the in crease. A statistician has calculated that only about one person in ten saves any money even during his years of greatest earning capacity. In our large cities one person out of every ten who die is buried in a pau per’s grave. The appetite for pleas ure, for fast living, is growing instead of decreasing. The children of today spend much more for entertainment than did their fathers. And there is little liklihood that the tide will turn soon. We are becoming a nation of money-mad financiers on the one hand and spendthrift pleasure-seekers on the other. Both vices lead to dishon esty. But the spendthrift who lives beyond his means is doubly dishon est. He wrongs not only his creditor, but himself. And he prepares himself to become a further burden on society in his declining years.—The True Voice. For County Treasurer EMMET G. SOLOMON —adv. days at 8 p. m. Sundays at 7:30 a. m., 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday School at 12:45 p. m. Methodist— Allen Chapel, A. M. E., 5233 South Twenty-fifth street. South Omaha.— The Rev. John H. Nichols, pastor. Residence, 5233 South Twenty-fifth street. Services: Sunday at 11 a. m. and 8:00 p. m.; Sunday school, 1:30; class meeting, 12:00; A. C. E. L., 6:30; prayer meeting, Tuesday evening at 8:00. Grove M. E.—Twenty-second and Seward streets. The Rev. G. G. Logan, pastor. Residence, 1628 North Twen ty-second street. Services: Sunday School at 10 a. m.; preaching at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.; Epworth League, 6:30 p. m. St. John’s A. M. E.—Eighteenth and Webster streets. The Rev. W. T. Os borne, pastor. Residence, 613 North Eighteenth street. Telephone Doug las 5914. Services: Sunday, 11 a. m. and 8 p. m., preaching; 12 noon, class; 1:15 p. m., Sunday School; 7 p. m., Endeavor; Wednesday, 8 p. m., pray er and class meetings. Everybody made welcome at all of these meet ings. JOHN W. LONG Candidate for the Legislature. BURN DOWN CHURCH. Clarksville, Tenn., April 14.—Sat urday night a Baptist church between Oakwood and Stewart county line was set on fire and destroyed by some white southerners, who had objected to a race church in their neighborhood. It bore the name of Parham’s Chapel and was the worshipping place of the best and well respected families of both counties. The fire was sup posed to be the work of an incendiary. The sheriff w'as unable to find the in ■endiary. Will N. Johnson has filed for the nomination for public defender. He is a capable young lawyer of our race, a graduate of the state university, and has been practicing here for three years. We believe he has the ability to fill the office and we urge our people to stand unitedly back of him. TWO THOUSAND SOLID VOTES COUNT. LET US MAKE OUR VOTES COUNT THIS YEAR. Music lessons and special tutoring, also all kinds of hair goods and cro chet work. Call Mrs. J. W. Moss, 2530 Lake St. Webster 6507. Vote at the Primary for George L. Campen (Member American Socety Civil Engineers) Director Metropolitan Water District Twenty Years Experience in Con struction, Maintenance and Operation of Municipal Utilities. REPUBLICAN TICKET Vote For a Friend Charles J. ANDERSEN Republican Candidate For State Representative Primary Election April 18, 1916 44 Years in State; 34 Years in Omaha. JAMES ALLAN Republican Candidate for STATE REPRESENTATIVE Primary Election April 18, 1916. Your Vote is Solicited Arthur E. Baldwin 33 Years Practicing Attorney 31 Years Resident of Omaha Candidate for Judge of the Municipal Court Primaries April 18th. Vote For JACOB LEVY For JUSTICE OF THE PEACE He Knows the Office—He Has Been Justice Before. P. J. Trainor Vote For FOR REPRESENTATIVE \ Friend of Our Race—He’s All Right Republican. Resident of Douglas County 18 Years VOTE FOR JOSEPH O. BURGER (Graduate of Creighton Law College) Democratic Candidate for PUBLIC DEFENDER of Douglas County Sam K. Greenleaf Chief Clerk County and City Treasurer’s Office Republican Candidate for COUNIY CLERK Remember the Name FRANK BANDLE Will Appreciate Your Support for CLERK OF THE DISTRICT COURT Republican Primaries April 18, 1916. VOTE FOR Will N. Johnson Lawyer Republican Candidate for -i PUBLIC DEFENDER Primaries April 18, 1916. ———————— ^ Walter A. George Republican Candidate for GOVERNOR. VOTE FOR A FRIEND F. S. TUCKER FOR REPRESENTATIVE At Republican Primaries April 18th. Member of 1905-1907 Legislature. ASK ANY ONE IN SOUTH OMAHA I Have Lived There Twenty-five Years A Square Deal is My Motto VOTE FOR MURPHY As Republican Nominee For COUNTY ATTORNEY _ ^ Frank C Best V0T;: rHF. “BEST'’ (F :o"«ias,oNER ~— _ ' rec/net. ArtfiMD ~ Srtfc &Jg*Barim Jol""l-Baltlwm ***»BLtCA„uwln vote for