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About The monitor. (Omaha, Neb.) 1915-1928 | View Entire Issue (March 25, 1916)
News of the Lodges and Fraternities Masonic. Rough Ashler Lodge No. 74, A. F. & A. M., Omaha Neb. Meetings, first and third Tuesdays in each month. J. H. Wakefield, W. M.; E. C. Under wood, Secretary. Excelsior Lodge, A. F. & A. M., Omaha, Neb. Meetings first and third Thursdays in each month. Zaha Temple No. 52, A. E. A. O. U. M S., Omaha, Neb. Meetings the fourth Wednesday in each month. N. Hunter, 111. Potentate; Charles W. Dickerson, 111. Recorder. ShafTer Chapter No. 42, O. E. S„ Omaha, Neb. Meetings first and third Friday in each month. Maggie Ran som, R. M. Elnora Obee, Secretary. Rescue Lodge No. 25, A. F. & A. M., Omaha, Neb. Meetings first and third Monday in each month. Lodge rooms, Twenty-fourth and Charles streets. William Burrell, W. M.; H. Warner, Secretary. - Omaha Lodge No. 146, A. F. and A. M., Omaha, Neb. Meetings first and third Fridays of every month. Lodge room 1018 Douglas street. Will N. Johnson, W. M.; Wynn McCulloch, Secretary. Keystone Lodge No. 4, K. of P., Omaha, Neb. Meetings first and third Thursday of each month. C. H. Lewis, C. C.; J. H. Glover, K. of R. S. Western Star No. 1, K. of P.—Meet ings second and fourth Thursdays in each month. J. N. Thomas, C. C.; E. R Ro.binson, K. of R. and S. Omaha Lodge No. 2226, Grand Unit ed Order of Odd Fellows. Meeting nights, the first and third Thursdays of each month. Lodge rooms, 2522% Lake street. G. Browm, M. G.; J. C. Belcher, T. S. Friendship Temple, No. 347, meets the first and third Friday afternoons at 2:30 each month at Twenty-fourth and Charles streets, in U. B. F. Hall, Mrs. Ella Johnson, Princess; Mrs. M. A. Walker, Secretary. TWENTY-FIFTH INFANTRY WINS ATHLETIC HONORS. (Continued) Wrestling Bouts. The wrestling bout was won by Wil liams, who threw Allen of the Second Infantry. Williams has been the champion wrestler of the Twenty fifth for some time. Near the end of the fifth minute Williams three his man. Time, four minutes and thirty eight seconds. This gave Williams the match and second place in the heavy weight class. The Twenty-fifth In fantry got two points on Williams’ work and Allen gave the Second In fantry one point. Great Marathon Finish. With the close of the wrestling bouts were heard that the Marathon runners were approaching the field. Some one had brought word out by automobile a little while earlier that the runners had passed Ford street and that the Twenty-fifth Infantry had a long lead. The information that the Twenty fifth Infantry was in the lead proved to be correct. The runners had left Schofield Bararcks at nine minutes af ter eight. The Twenty-fifth runner on the last stretch of the relay broke the tape two hours, eighteen minutes fifty-eight and four-fifth seconds after the start from Schofield Bar racks. With the arrival of each runner the crowd broke into uproarious applause. All the way on the run the relay man had been cheered by passers by. The Twenty-fifth winners were Mr Neal, Watts, Alexander, Armstead, Scott, Wimp, Webster and Zeno. The Twenty-fifth in the marathon won twelve points and $32.00 cash prizes for first place. One Mile Relay. One of the finest exhibitions of vir ile manhood was that displayed by the racers in the one mile relay. The Twenty-fifth as in previous speed contests, came to the front in this further exhibition of their prowess as runners. They took the lead on the very first lap and maintained that lead to the very end. On the last lap, Gilbert, the nine and three-fifth sec onds man, raced in for the Twenty fifth. There was between twenty and thirty yards distance between Gilbert and the nearest man to him. The other teams ran rather close together by the First Infantry at the close of the race was several feet ahead of its nearest competitor. The Second Infantry and the Coast Defense had a hard fight for third place. For about the first five fur longs the Coast Defense w'as running third but in the sixth furlong a speedy Second Infantryman forced him into fourth place and there the Coast De fense team remained. The Twenty-fifth w'on eight points, the First Infantry five, the Second In fantry' three and the Coast Defense one point. The Twenty-fifth Infantry team were Wyche, Stephenson, Savage, An derson, Russell (of Omaha), Woods, Simmons and Gilbert. Wall Scaling Contest. The closing event of the 1916 Carni val Military Athletic Meet was the w'all scaling contest between teams from the First Infantry, Second In fantry, Twenty-fifth Infantry and Coast Defense. The first team to go over the wall was the Second In fantry team which made the time of ten and one-fifth seconds. The next team was that from the Tw'enty-fifth Infantry, their time being one second slower than the Second Infantry. Twenty-fifth was given four points and $12. Fourth place brought the Coast Defense two points. The Twenty-fifth Infantry team were Saunders, Kelley, Monteamery, Williams, Hansis, Whitney, Dorsey, (of Omaha), and Patterson. FORTY YEARS A TEACHER. Kansas City, Mo., March 24.—An uninterrupted career of forty years as a teacher in the schools of Kan sas City was ended last Saturday night by the death of R. W. Foster, principal of Wendell Phillips School. He lived at 1215 Paseo. Mr. Foster, who was one of the first Negro edu cators in this section, came here from Columbia, Tenn., in 1875, and taught eight years in the Westport schools. He then became an instructor in the Lincoln School, and in 1886 became principal of the Douglass School. He held that position twenty-six years, and in 1912 was made principal of Wendell Phillips School. In all the forty years he did not miss a day from his duties until the illness of a week ago that resulted in his death. He was 63 years old and is survived by his wife, Mrs. Elvira Foster, tw’o sons and three daughters. The funeral was held at 10 o’clock Wednesday morning in Allen Chapel. The Business World Business Enterprises Conducted by Colored People—Help Them to Grow by Your Patronage. TERRELL'S DRUG STORE Graduate Pharmacist Prompt Delivery Excellent Service Web. 4443 24lh and Grant Repairing ant Storing Ordara Promptly Filled Auction Every Saturday North Side Second-Hand Store R. B. RHODES Dealer in | New and Second Hand Furniture and Stoves Household Goods Bough* and Sold Rentals and Real Estate 2522 Lake St. Omaha, Neb. Annie Banks Cecil B. Wilkes BANKS-WILKES Funaral Directors and Embalmara Lady Assistant Satiafaction Guarantied Plioues. Res, Doug. 4370, Office Doug. 3718 1914 Cuming Street (Thompson S Settles Co. Manufacturers and Jobbers Boot BlacK and Porter’s Supplies Wholesale and Retail 103 So. 14th St. Omaha, Neb. Phone Douglas 5671 1 Res. Phone Office Doug 4287♦ AMOS P. SCRUGGS i ’ Attorney-at-Law I i220 South 13th Street I I rOier Pope'a Drugstore) Omaha, Neb. j Have your shoes shined right at | j The Daisy Boot Black Parlor j 309 So. 15th Street 1 (Opposite Beaton Drug Co ) • Open Wednesday, August 11th j Automobile and Open Horse Drawn Hearses Day and Night JONES & CHILES Funeral Home Ludy attendant Calls answered promptly anywhere j Phone Web. 204 2314 No. 24th street Buy On Payments! $50.00 CASH AND UP makes first payment on a modem home, or will build to suit. If you have $200.00 and want a home come to me with your plans. We furnish the money and lot and build your home. , Western Real Estate Co. Thomas H. Adams, Pres. 413 Karbach Block. Phone Douglas 4287 ; j F0NTENELLE INVESTMENT CO. i' Real Estate and Insurance i ' FOR SALE 6 Rooms—967 N. 27th Avenue. Easy terms. *2,000. 6 Rooms—2525 No. 17th. *1.750. 7 Rooms—2815 Charles St. *2.400. Edijewood Park Addition—*5.OOdown, *5.00 pel month. Some tl.00 down, *1.00 per week. 220 South 131h St , Omaha, Neb. (Over Pope’s Drug Store) NORTHENDCOAL a EXPRESS CO. ii ii For all kinds of good coal, fur niture, piano and trunk moving call WEBSTER 5036. LET GEORGE DO IT. 2627 Lake Street. DR. A. G. EDWARDS Physician and Surgeon Residence and Office, 8411 Erskine St. Phone Web. 71 The People’s Drug Store 109 south 14th Street Drugs, Cigars and Soda Toilet and Rubber Goods Special Attention to Prescriptions We appreciale your patronage Phone Douglas 1446 j L.O. GREGORY ICE CO. * IS AT YOUR SERVICE 1 Phone Webster 6421 L. L. MORROW General Repairing, Paper Hanging and Painting. Webster 5322 2607 Lake St. Office Hours—9 a. m. to 12; 1 p. m. to 5; 6 p. m. to 8. 1 1 CRAIG MORRIS, D. D. S. DENTIST 2407 Lake St. Phone Web. 4024 ...—«.4 Simmons, Prop. Economy Tailoring Co. Suits Made to Order, $15 up Cleaning and Repairing Goods Called for and Delivered 114 So. I3ih si. Omaha, Neb. MUSIC (THE RIGHT KIND) By Dan Desdunes Orchestra 2516 Burdette St. Web. 710 W. L. HERMAN Contracting, Plastering I and General Repair Work | Walnut 830 The Broomfield Hotel 116-118 South Ninth St. Strictly modern and up-to-date Prices moderate Phone Douglas 2378