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About The monitor. (Omaha, Neb.) 1915-1928 | View Entire Issue (March 25, 1916)
Events and Persons In Which You Will Be More or Less Interested. News for This Department Must Be Received by Wednesday Night. Mr. John Grant Pegg left Wednes day evening for his ranch at Whitman, Neb. Wait for the twenty-seventh at the Mecca. St. Douglas Co.—adv. Mr. General Scott, assisted by Mrs. Allen Jones and friends, tendered Mrs. Scott a surprise party March 12, it being her birthday aniversary. An elaborate luncheon was served. A most delightful time was spent by all present. The Young Married Ladies’ Ken sington held their first meeting last Friday at the residence of Mrs. How ard McDaniels. After the election of officers a dainty luncheon was served by the hostess. Mrs. Zeno Washing ton was chosen president and Mrs. Arnold Black secretary. For County Treasurer EMMET G. SOLOMON —adv. Mrs. Victoria Haley of St. Louis, Mo., Grand Matron O. E. S., who has been making visitations to the chap ters, is ill at the residence of Mrs. C. H. Hicks, 2020 Clark street. Mrs. Haley has been compelled to cancel all her engagements. Millanl Singleton, little son of Mr. and Mrs. Guy Singleton, is in the city emergency hospital with scarlet fever. The Don’t Worry Girls’ club will give their first annual entertainment at Peterson’s hall on April 1, 1916. Refreshments served by Woman’s club for the benefit of the home at Lin coln. Plenty of music. Stella Davis, president; Nanny Johnson, secretary. Admission 15 cents. —Adv. Mrs. General Scott entertained on Thursday afternoon, March 9, at a luncheon in honor of Mrs. Leonedis White of St. Paul, Minn., who was visiting her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. H. Sawyer. Covers were laid for twelve. The merchants and firms who ad vertise with us show that they want your trade. When patronizing them tell them that you saw their adver tisement in The Monitor. Miss Marie Houston of Aurora, Neb., arrived Thursday and is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. 13. Smith, 2400 Blondo street. 1 Mrs. John Hall returned from At chison, Kans., last Sunday, leaving her mother much improved. A quiet day for women will be held at St. Philips church next Thursday from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m.. The Rev. Wilbur S. Leete, rector of St. Luke’s, Plattsmouth, will be the conductor. It was postponed from March 9 be cause of Fr. Leete’s illness. For County Treasurer EMMET G. SOLOMON —adv. Mrs. Willie Foster died March 10, in Chicago. The remains were shipped to Banks & Wilks. The funeral will be held Sunday from St. John’s A. M. E. church, the Rev. W. T. Osborne of ficiating. Mrs. A. W. Parker and family de sire to express their thanks to their many friends and the Odd Fellows’ Lodge for their kindness during the illness and death of Mr. Parker. For County Treasurer EMMET G. SOLOMON —adv. Mrs. Lizzie Smith and Mrs. Maggie Brown of Wirt street have gone to Excelsior Springs, Mo. They expect to return the latter part of the week. Mrs. John Hickman was suddenly called last week to the bedside of her sick mother in Hutchison, Kans. John N. Baldwin announces his can I'dacy for the republican nomination >r police magistrate of Omaha, and •espectfully solicits the support of ill colored voters.—Adv. George N. Johnson, formerly of Omaha, but now a resident of Chicago, is quite ill at his residence, 3334 Ver non avenue. A chicken dinner will be given at the residence of Mrs. Perry, 2130 North Twenty-seventh street, March 27, for the benefit of Zion Baptist church. Dinner, 25 cents.—Adv. I ■ Will N. Johnson, Lawyer, Southwest Corner of Fourteenth and Douglas Sts. Douglas 4956. Bishop J. Albert Johnson, D.D., who is an orator and scholar and who is now bishop of the A. M. F. connection in South Africa, having spent eight years laboring with the natives, will give an illustrated lecture on “South Africa and Its People,” at St. John’s A. M. E. church Thursday, March 30, at 8:30 p. m. Don’t fail to hear him or miss seeing the conditions of Africa on canvas. A chicken pie dinner will be given by Hiawatha Chapter No. 57, O. E. S., Thursday evening, April 6th, at Ma sonic hall, Twenty-fourth and Charles streets. Tickets 25 cents.—Adv. The entertainment given hy the Grant Brotherhood of St. John’s A. M. E. church on Monday evening was a literary and musical treat. The ora tion by Mr. A. Reed and recitation by Mr. J. Bundrant, together with the solos by Messrs. Maxwell and Brad ford and the quartette by the Grant Brotherhood were all well rendered and received rounds of applause. The spelling bee was interesting. Spell ers of twenty and more years ago, however, out-spelled many of the present high schoolites. We hope to have many more such excellent pro grams by the Grant Brotherhood. Corrine Thomas won the prize, be ing the last one down. Fersons mailing us local items must sign their names and address. The Esther chorus is now rehears ing for the presentation of “Queen Esther,” dramatized, which promises to be the greatest affair of its kind yet staged in Omaha. Mine. Gruend ler, the dramatic instructor, has played in the cantata more than 100 times, and teaches the cantata from the beginning to end withour referring to her book. The five heavy leads are taken by Miss Minnie Wright as Queen Esther, Mr. Jno. Jeltz as King, Mr. Rufus Long as Haman, Mr. Leo McKinney as Mordecai and Mrs. Maude Ray as Zeresh. The advisory board of the Negro Woman’s Christian Association will give a charity ball soon after Easter. —Adv. One of the prettiest social functions St. Patrick’s eve was the reception tendered the Captains and members of the $500 Missionary campaign at the A. M. E. parsonage. The house was beautifully decorated with green in keeping with the day. More than forty ladies were present. After be ing served with a delightful menu prepared by one of Omaha’s best eatresses, Mrs. Lenora Gray, the la dies discussed their plans to complete the work in hand. Immediately fol lowing the missionary reception a number of ladies, headed by Madams Metcalf, Napper, Hanger and Burton, gffc’e a surprise on Rev. W. T. Osborne, After serving salad and ices, they pre sented him a bronze book rack. SUBSCRIBE FOR THE MONITOR. Miss Bessie Jackson of Denver, is stopping at the home of Mrs. J. S. La Cour. Miss Jackson is a sister of Mrs. Leona Barbee, who was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. T. P. Mahammitt during the holidays. Springtime is here—Call Webster 5036. Let George remove your ashes and rubbish. HURLED FIFTY FEET IN BLAST AT GREELEY CENTER. Greeley Center, Nebr., March 17.— Mose Obanion, a Colored man, who has been connected with the J. J. Har rahill pool hall for the past few years, was seriously burned and otherwise injured when the tank to a gasoline lighting system exploded the morning of March 12th. The rear of the build ing where the tank was located was badly wrecked. He was blown some fifteen or twenty feet through a door way into the street. No cause can be assigned for the explosion. JOE LEWIS-TAXI New Easy Riding Seven-Passenger ’ Car 12:05 A. M. to 5 A. M. Midway, Doug. 1491 or 3459 5 A. M. to 7 P. M. Residence, Web. 7661 7 P M. to 11:55 Peoples Drug Store, . Doug. 1446 McQuillin 1512 Farnam HEART OF OMAHA John B. Stetson Hats Neckwear 50c to $.3.00. Lewis Underwear, Imperial Underwear and Vassar Underwear. Interwoven Hose. j ♦... — a 51 k « k XU ;w >«: g'«Xig;«.KX'«SK:g:K:;»igi«Mg>«:.g.K«X^MiKiKiMMsMKMKlKMSl3<l*lKM#ilHW6<W 1 Free Trip Contest! >; ..1 - ■■■: ■ ■',= P « | The Negro Woman’s Christian Ass’n g OFFERS TWO PRIZES First Prize: J l A Trip to Denver, Chicago or St. Louis To the Young Woman Securing the Largest Number of Votes Ij by July 1st, 1916 Second Prize A Silk Dress Pattern To be Given to the Young Woman Receiving the Second Largest Number of Votes by July 1st, 1916. The winner of the First Prize will also be given a number of ® a articles donated by friends and business people to make more complete | jg her summer outfit. CONTESTANTS Limited to Fifteen. Entries Close March 23, 1916. The following contestants have entered: The Misses Ozelia Dun- | g ning, Pearl Ray, Madeline Roberts, Anthone Edwards, Frances Shaw, | [a Olga Henderson, Olethea Russell and Ruth Jeltz. If unable to reach contestants, votes taken at Terrill’s Drug Store, | 1 Gordon’s Drug Store, People’s Drug Store and Mrs. Jackson's Lunch | H Room. i?tj Contestants desiring to enter, call Mrs. Martha Smith, Harney 4409 | •“ Drug Store and The People’s Drug Store. Miss Lena Paul will do- | H nate a combination suit to the winner; and Mrs. T. S. Riggs and Mrs. I fg I. Grey will give a sport suit. : VOTES TEN CENTS EACH. BENEFIT N. W. C. A. HOME. : Committee in charge: Mesdames Jas. Smith, chairman, Ed. West, | | H. R. Roberts, Marshall, Moore, R. Workcuff and Irvine Grey.