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About The monitor. (Omaha, Neb.) 1915-1928 | View Entire Issue (March 18, 1916)
Events and Persons In Which You Will Be More or Less Interested. News for This Department Must Be Received by Wednesday Night. Mrs. W. L. Dents has been quite ill with the la grippe. • _______ “Just Give Me Ragtime” and “Dip Me in an Ocean of Love,” two songs composed by Maceo Pinkard, were sold to Bryce and King and Mrs. Vernon Castle, of “Watch Your Step.” The following men are serving on the jury in the District Court: Geo. W. Gray, Richard M. Gaylor, John Denny, Fred N. Gibbs, W. M. Burton and F. S. Morteson. For County Treasurer EMMET G. SOLOMON —adv. Mrs. Margaret Walker, 2423 Pat rick avenue, who has been ill, is able to be out again. The regular meeting of the Negro Women’s Christian Association will be held at the residence of the pres ident, Mrs. T. S. Riggs, 3112 Corby street, next Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. R. L. Henry of 960 North 28th avenue has been confined to her home with la grippe. The merchants and firms who ad vertise with us show that they want your trade. When patronizing them tell them that you saw their adver tisement in The Monitor. The Philanthropic section of the Woman’s Club met Tuesday, March 14, at the residence of Mrs, Ophelia Saffold, 3112 Seward street. The Woman’s Club will observe Woman’s Day with a literary and mu sical program Sunday afternoon, March 19. Everyone is invited to be present, also some of our able pro fessional men will address us. Mrs. Ophelia Saffold, Chair. Mrs. Henrietta Fox, of Benson, Neb., left last Friday for Atchison, Kas., to visit her mother. Mrs. J. H. Smith wishes to thank the friends who assisted her in getting paper for two rooms at the Home of The Negro Women’s Christian Asso ciation. The Phi Delta Club met at the home of Miss Blanche Lawson, 2102 North 29th street, March 1st. For County Treasurer EMMET G. SOLOMON —adv. Mrs. Charles Hon gave a surprise party, Monday, March 6th, in honor of her sister, Mrs. Christopher Fox’s birthday Mrs. Fox was the recipient of many beautiful gifts, among them a handsome battenberg lunch cloth from Mr. and Mrs. Hon; a cut glass sugar and creamer from Mrs. Thomas Hibbs; and a coffee percolator from Mrs. J. C. Belcher. Music was furn ished by Mrs. J. C. Belcher. Refresh ments were served and a most de lightful evening was spent by all pres ent. The Owl Club entertained at a formal dinner at the home of W. W. Bell, 926 North Twenty-seventh Ave nue, Tuesday night, March 8th. Th > house was beautifully decorated and a pleasant evening was spent. 4 The body of Mary Timmons was shipped to Kansas City Tuesday night by Jones & Chiles. A chicken pie dinner will be given by Hiawatha Chapter No. 57, O. E. S., Thursday evening, April 6th, at Ma sonic hall, Twenty-fourth and Charles streets. Tickets 26 cents.—Adv. Rev. John Albert Williams went to Plattsmouth Tuesday, where as one of the special Lenten preachers, he preached in St. Luke’s church that night, returning to Omaha Wed nesday. Will N. Johnson, Lawyer, Southwest Corner of Fourteenth and Douglas Sts. Douglas 4956. Mr. and Mrs. George Watson desire to express their grateful thanks for the kindness of friends extended to them during the illness and death of their mother, Mrs. Chatman, and for the many beautiful flowers sent by sympathizing friends. Woodson Porter, who for fifteen years has been a member of the Om aha Fire Department, Hose Company No. 11, is quite ill at the Lord Lister hospital. For County Treasurer EMMET G. SOLOMON —adv. Mrs. Lulu Wilton left Thursday of last week for St. Joseph, Mo., where she was called by the illness of her sister-in-law. She returned Sunday, bringing her sister-in-law home with her for an indefinite stay. Persons mailing us local items must sign their names and address. The Lenten services at the Church of St. Philip the Deacon are: Holy Communion daily at 7:00 a. m.; (ex cept Tuesday when the hour is 8:00 a. m.); Friday night, at 8:00 o’clock; and Sundays at 7:30 and 11 a. m. and 5 p. m. Confirmation Instruction Sunday at 6:00 p. m. and Friday at 9:00 p. m. The advisory board of the Negro Woman’s Christian Association will give a charity ball soon after Easter. —Adv. Mr. Daniel Banks of Fort Scott, Kansas, has been seriously ill at the residence of his daughter, Mrs. J. R. Harrison, 1819 Izard street. Mrs. S. Davis, of Chicago, 111., and Miss M. Oval of Denver, Colo., while here to bury their deceased husband and brother, Mr. Will Davis, of South Omaha, stopped with Mrs. J. R. Harri son. The Negro Woman’s Christian As sociation will give a trip to Denver, Chicago or St. Louis to the young wo man receiving the largest number of votes Full particulars as to contest will be published later.—Adv. After a most interesting literary meeting, in which Mrs. Mardel Bun drant and Mr. Andrew Reed divided honors, in the spelling bee, the New Era Dramatic Club decided to post pone all business and pleasure until after the first Friday after Easter, giving observance to the Lenten sea son. NEBRASKA AND IOWA SUFFER FROM UNTRUE COMPARISONS. Omaha, Nebr., March 17.—For mak ing the statement that the per capita wealth of Kansas is $1630 greater than of any other state, the Country Gentleman, an eastern publication, dominated with eastern ignorant ego tism, is being called upon by Nebraska and Iowa boosters to produce figures that permitted such a statement. So far the publication has studious ly ignored all requests of information, knowing that its figures are not true in any sense. The per capita wealth, both of Nebraska and Iowa, far ex ceeds that of Kansas; so much so, in fact, that the figures published look like deliberate misrepresentation. The figures for the three states are: Iowa, $3,539; Nebraska, $3,110; Kan sas, $2,526. These figures are taken from the “Estimated Valuation of Na tional Wealth,” issued by the Bureau of Census, Department of Commerce, U. S. NEBRASKA’S GREAT STORY IS TOLD IN THE MOVIES. Omaha, Nebr., March 17.—A mov ng picture film, showing views of Ne braska and including all sections, is being used by the Bureau of Publicity to call attention to Nebraska and its resources. This reel, in conjunction with the Omaha reel, is being shown before convention bodies and as a result the state is getting a great amount of desirable publicity. The Nebraska reel, prepared by the State Conservation Commission shows in a decisive and quick way the great industries and activities that have put the state to the front. NEW YORK SYMPHONY BOOKED FOR OMAHA. Omaha, Nebr., March 17.—The New York Symphony Orchestra of eighty one pieces, will give a concert in Omaha, March 24. The organization comes under the direction of Walter Damrosch with Josef Hofman as solo ist. Damrosch has been a national fig ure in the development of music and his connection with this organization assures the highest possible musical entertainment. The concert will be held in the Municipal Auditorium. HOCLEWiS—TAXi j New Easy Riding Seven-Passenger Car j 12:05 A. M. to 5 A. M. J Midway, Doug. 1491 or 3459 | 5 A. M. to 7 P. M. Residence, Web. 7661 j 7 P M. to 11:55 Peoples Drug Store, t Doug, 1446 McQuillin 1512 Farnam HEART OF OMAHA John B. Stetson Hats Neckwear !>0c to $3.00. Lewis Underwear, Imperial Underwear and Vassar Underwear. Interwoven Hose. j I Free Trip Contest I V. -. .. ■ - X !! X | The Negro Woman’s Christian Ass’n j OFFERS TWO PRIZES H S First Prize: [WJ A Trip to Denver, Chicago or St. Louis H To the Young Woman Securing the Largest Number of Votes by July 1st, 1916 Second Prize A Silk Dress Pattern To be Given to the Young Woman Receiving the Second Largest Number of Votes by July 1st, 1916. I The winner of the First Prize will also be given a number of ij articles donated by friends and business people to make more complete f her summer outfit. CONTESTANTS \ Limited to Fifteen. Entries Close March 23, 1916. The following contestants have entered: The Misses Ozelia Dun- E ning, Pearl Ray, Madeline Roberts, Anthone Edwards, Frances Shaw, j Olga Henderson, Olethea Russell and Ruth Jeltz. If unable to reach contestants, votes taken at Terrill’s Drug Store, Gordon’s Drug Store, People’s Drug Store and Mrs. Jackson’s Lunch | Room. Contestants desiring to enter, call Mrs. Martha Smith, Harney 4409 jg Toilet articles have been donated by Terrell’s Drug Store, Gordon’s ” Drug Store and The People’s Drug Store. VOTES TEN CENTS EACH. BENEFIT N. W. C. A. HOME. Committee in charge: Mesdames Jas. Smith, chairman, Ed. West, ” H. R. Roberts, Marshall, Moore, R. Workcuff and Irene Grey.