The monitor. (Omaha, Neb.) 1915-1928, February 12, 1916, Page 5, Image 5

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    Events and Persons
In Which You Will Be More or Less Interested.
News for This Department Must Be Received by Wednesday Night.
- j
Mrs. J. H. Jasper, 2813 Cuming
street, returned Thursday from a busi
ness trip to Fremont.
Mrs. M. A. Jackson, 2301 North
Twenty-seventh street, who has been
quite ill, is able to be out again and
is busy among her customers with her
hair-dressing work.
A parish social will be held in St.
Fhilip’s Guild rooms next Thursday
night. Miss Lena Paul and Mrs. Sid
ney Miller are the committee in
The Itev. John Albert Williams left
yesterday for Memphis, Tenn., where
he will hold an eight day mission in
Emmanuel church, of which the Rev.
Joseph W. Livingston, who was con
firmed in St. Philip’s church, Omaha,
several years ago, is rector. Fr. Wil
liams expects to be absent about ten
For County Treasurer
The Phi Delta met with Miss
Blanche Nance, 2552 Spaulding street,
February 2.
John N. Baldwin announces his can
didacy for the republican nomination
,'or police magistrate of Omaha, and
respectfully solicits the support of
all colored voters.—Adv.
The Rt. Rev. Arthur L. Wiliams, D.
D., bishop of Nebraska, will celebrate
the holy communion and preach in
the Church of St. Philip the Decon
Sunday morning at 11 o’clock. There
will be no evening service, the con
gregation being invited to attend the
closing service of the mission being
held by the Rev. Dr. Hopkins of Chi
cago in Trinity cathedral at half past
seven o’clock Sunday night. Sunday
school, as usual, at 1 o’clock.
The Dollar Rate is extended for
Thirty Days. Send in your subscrip
tion. Get some friend or neighbor to
subscribe. Get on the honor roll. Help
double The Monitor’s subscribers. Our
aim: The Monitor read in every col
ored American's home in Nebraska.
Send us the names of your friends out
in the state. Business is booming,
thank you.
In reporting the death of Robert
Fox in last week’s issue, it was stated
that his mother was Mrs. Christopher
Fox of Benson. It should have been
Mrs. Henrietta Fox, of Benson. Mrs.
Christopher Fox resides on Twenty
seventh street.
Keep your houses well ventilated.
Don’t be afraid of fresh air.
Mrs. J. H. Mize, 1410 South Eighth
street, who has been ill has recovered.
The choir of Tabernacle Baptist
church gave a chitterling supper Fri
day night.
The Tabernacle Baptist church clos
ed a successful revival Wednesday
of last week. The Rev. B. S. Cooper of
Centerville, la., conducted it. The
candidates will be baptized Sunday,
February 13, at the White Baptist
church on Sixth street.
Get ready for the Bungalow Apron
Ball, to be given at the Alamo Hall,
March 2nd. Devereaux orchestra.
Admission 35 cents.—Adv.
Will N. Johnson, Lawyer, Southwest
Corner of Fourteenth and Douglas
Sts. Douglas 4956.
The North Omaha Woman’s Club
met with Mrs. Delia Brown Friday.
Although the weather was very cold,
there was a large attendance. Plans
were laid for the Easter offering to
the members of our race at the Coun
ty hospital. Next meeting Friday the
11th, at Mrs. Sarah Lewis. Lulu
Rountree, pres; Josephine Harris,
The Elite Whist Club met last Wed
nesday with Mrs. Williamson, 2509
Burdette street. Luncheon was
served at 1:30, after which whist was
played. Mrs. Phillips won the prize.
The Social Hour Club was enter
tained last Wednesday by Mrs. George
H. Macklin.
We are for the Hon. John L. Ken
nedy for United States Senator and
shall vigorously support his candi
t -
The Crescent Whist Club met at the
residence of Mrs. N. Hunter Febru
ary 2, Mrs. Jackson being the hostess.
First prize, a beautiful hand painted
plate, was won by Mrs. Belle Taylor;
booby prize, a golden haired doll, by
Mrs. N. Hunter. The hostess was
given a hand painted plate. Next
meeting with Mrs. Sinia Long, Feb
ruary 16th. Lulu Rountree, pres.;
Belle Taylor, secy.
The Queen Esther chorus will have
its sixth rehersal Tuesday night, at
which time the entire cantata will be
completed and the chorus will begin
perfecting the same for presentation
early in March. Out of the large
number which enrolled 102 have con
tinued in the chorus.
Get one. One what ? One new year
ly subscriber for The Monitor.
The 500 Club gave a dinner dance
at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Ir
vine Gray, 2610 Seward street, Tues
day night. The house was beautifully
decorated for the occasion. Those
present were the Misses LeCour,
Shaw, Singleton, Morton and Roberts;
and the Messres. Frank Blackwell,
Harry Buford, Roscoe Miller, Ben
Slaughter and Earl Wheeler.
For County Treasurer
A daughter was born to Mr. and
Mrs. William Lawson, 2102 North
Twenty-ninth street, Monday morning.
Mrs. Gertrude Tucker served a four
course dinner Friday evening, Feb
ruary 4th, at the home of Mrs. C. D.
Dodson, 2630 Patrick avenue, com
plimentary to Mrs. Mosby of St. Paul,
Minn., who is the guest of her sister,
Mrs. Delia Brown. The other guests
present were: Mrs. C. H. Hicks, Mrs.
J. W. Long, Mrs. Robert Severe, Mrs.
Annie Stewart, Mrs. T. H. Lewis and
Mrs. J. Alexander.
The Eureka Art Class met with
Mrs. Brushwood Wednesday, Febru
ary 3. Many members were present
and all very much interested in the art
work. Next meeting Wednesday, 17th
with Mrs. Odessa Jackson. A very
interesting program will be given as
follows: Remarks by the President,
Mrs. Lenora Grey. Quotation by each
member, from Shakespeare. Vocal
solo by Mrs. Lillian Perry. Recitation
by Mrs. Lulu Rountree. Mrs. Lenora
Grey, pres.; Mrs. Lillian Perry, secy.
The merchants and firms who ad
vertise with us show that they want
your trade. When patronizing them
„ell them that you saw their adver
tisement in The Monitor.
The final topic section of the Col
ored Woman’s Club, Mrs. Ophelia
Saffold, chairman, met with Mrs. Jas.
Kirby, 2805 Cuming street, Tuesday
afternoon. Features of the program
were interesting addresses by Mrs.
Bayles Pegg on Unity and Mrs. J. E.
Jeltz. Miss McKinney and Mrs. Hibbs
fornished the music.
For County Treasurer
Mr. Joe Abercrombie returned
Tuesday from a visit to Kansas City.
The Helpers’ Club will give a danc
ing party Wednesday evening, Febru
ary 16th, at Peterson hall. Admission
25 cents. The proceeds will be de
voted to charity. *Mrs. R. T. Walker,
president; Mrs. A. D. James, secre
tary; Mrs. W. W. Peebles, treasurer.
Committee: Mesdames L. A. Small
wood, E. Stephenson and Miss Lena
Miss Wilmor Woods, 2618 Franklin
street, is ill with la grippe.
Have we the need of a dramatic club
in our city? All Omaha says “yes.”
Then be a booster, Oh, you rooster,
Don’t say that you “uster;”
It’s already started up the hill,
If you don’t boost now, you never will.
Mrs. L. C. Sayles.
Mr. John Grant Pegg left for Cal
houn Tuesday on a business trip.
The New Era Dramatic Club pre
sented its play “A Kentucky Belle,”
at the Auditorium of the Y. W. C. A.
Friday eve., Feb. 4th, to the eminent
satisfaction of all present. These
young people deserve the patronage
of the public. Many marveled at the
ease and composure of the young or
chestra of the club in their rendition
of the latest and most difficult music.
Little Elaine Smith as the infant in
the play made a decided hit with the
public. The respective roles by the
girls, as especially commented upon
was that of Isabelle Douglas by Miss
Venus Cropp, Marie Van Halenger by
Corinne Thomas, Cindy, a maid, by
Miss Beatrice Majors, Miss Maria
Douglass, Mrs. Moss, Miss Madden,
a trained nurse, Miss Darien Duvall,
and the beautifully dressed chorus
girls being the Misses Corinne Thom
as, Hazel Hall, Cordelia Johnson,
Pearl Ray, Olga Henderson, Ozelia
Dunning and Bertie McRay. Mr. Ros
coe Miller and Miss Corinne Thomas
introduced Mr. Maceo Pinkard’s song,
‘I’m Goin’ Back Home,” to the ex
treme delight of the audience. All
the boys took their parts with credit
We are here to stay. Watch for our
next sensation. The club will meet
as usual Friday evening.
(Mrs. Lulu Thornton, Correspondent)
Rev. J. H. Nichols of A. M. E.
Church, South Side, will hold his sec
ond Quarterly Conference Sunday,
February 13th, at the church. Every
body is welcome.
Everybody is talking about the Val
entine Mask Ball to be given Monday,
February 14th, at the A. 0. U. W.
Temple, 25th and M streets.
Mr. Julian Costello of the “Smart
Set,” spent a few hours with his cous
in, Mrs. Lulu Thornton, of South
Side, while in our city.
Mrs. Hanna Helem of 5300 South
25th street, who has been quite sick
for about two weeks, is slowly im
Have you been to
the King-Peck
Sale yet?
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