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About The monitor. (Omaha, Neb.) 1915-1928 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 18, 1915)
News of the Lodges and Fraternities Masonic. Rough Ashler Lodge No. 74, A. F. & A. M., Omaha Neb. Meetings, first and third Tuesdays in etach month. J. H. Wakefield, W. M.; E. C. Under wood, Secretary. Excelsior Lodge, A. F. & A. M., Omaha, Neb. Meetings first and third Thursdays in each month. Zaha Temple No. 52, A. E. A. O. U. M S. Omaha, Neb. Meetings the fourth Wednesday in each month. N. Hunter, 111. Potentate; Charles W. Dickerson, 111. Recorder. Shaffer Chapter No. 42 O. E. S., Omaha, Neb. Meetings first and third Friday in each month. Maggie Ran som, R. M. Elnora Obee, Secretary. Rescue Lodge No. 25, A. F. & A. M., Omaha, Neb. Meetings first and third Monday in each month. Lodge rooms, Twenty-fourth and Charles streets. William Burrell, W. M.; H. Warner, Secretary. - Keystone Lodge No. 4, K. of P., Omaha, Neb. Meetings first and third Thursday of each month. C. Lewis, C. C.; A. Marshall, K. of R. S. Omaha Lodge No. 2226, Grand Unit ed Order of Odd Fellows. Meeting nights, the first and third Thursdays of each month. Lodge rooms, 2522% Lake street. C. M. Johnson, N. G.; J. C. Belcher, Cor. Secretary. Western Star No. 1, K. of P.—Meet ings second and fourth Thursdays in each month. J. N. Thomas, C. C.; E. R Ro.binson, K. of R. and S. Clean, modern furnished room, close to both Dodge and 24th street carlinep. Mrs. Ellen Golden, 2302 North 25th street. Webster 448. Mrs. S. K. Brownlow gave a delight ful garddn party Thursday afternoon, September 9th, in honor of Mrs. R. C. Cottrell of Oklahoma City. Twenty seven guests were present. Mrs. Sadie Hermann, 2405 Hamil ton street, has been quite ill for the past two weeks. Mrs. H. Hall and daughter, Hazel, accompanied by Mrs. Mann and son, Walter, visited the state fair and friends and Lincoln. During their trip they visited the state penitentiary, asylum and other important places in Lincoln. They reported a very pleas ant trip, which was made so by the hospitality of their friends. But He Understood. The artist was painting—sunset, red, with blue streaks and green dots. The old rustic, at a respectful dis tance, was watching. “Ah,” said the artist, looking up suddenly, “perhaps to you, too, Nature has opened her sky-pictures page by page Have you seen the lambent flame of dawn leaping across the livid east; the red-stained, sulfurous islets floating in the lake of fire in the west; the ragged clouds at midnight, black as a raven’s wing, blotting out the shuddering moon?” “No,” replied the rustic, shortly; “Hot since I signed the pledge.”—Tit Bits. The simple practice of raising your thoughts up into grander views of life will bring a peace that passeth all understanding. TO THE PUBLIC. Whereas, it has been rumored that the Undertaking Establishment oper ated by Allan Jones at 2314 North 24th street, Omaha, is a branch of G. Wade Obee & Co., undertakers, and, where as, the same is false and untrue, the public is hereby informed that Allan Jones is the only person having, or, of right, claiming any property or in terest in the undertaking business at 2314 North 24th street. This statement is not made with in tent to injure anyone, but to keep the record straight and to let the people know that “a live one” is ready to perforin the sacred trust of burying the dead. I am always ready, night and day. Call Webster 204. ALLAN JONES, Sole Owner and Proprietor. Humane Warfare. Uncle (to nephew playing a war game with a chum)—“If you take the fortress within a quarter of an hour, I’ll give you a quarter.” Youngster (a minute later)—"Lln cle, the fortress is taken; now let me have the quarter.” Uncle—“How did you manage it so quickly?” Youngster—“I offered the besieged ten cents, and they capitulated.”— Christian Register. Very few of us will have the chance of heroic self-devotion, but every day brings the petty, wearing sacrifice, which weighs full weight in God’s scales."—Osgood. EUGENICS. “Father, did you ever lie when you were a boy?" “No, my son," said the father, who evidently did not recall the past with any distinctness. "Nor Mother either?” persisted the young lawyer. “No. Why?” "Oh, because I don’t see how two people who never told a lie could have a boy who told as many as I did. Where could I have got it from?” POUR LA MERITE. Aunt Ethel—Well, Beatrice, were you very brave at the dentist’s? Beatrice—Yes, Auntie, I wras. Aunt Ethel—Then, there’s the half crown 1 promised you. And now tell me what he did to you. Beatrice—He pulled out two of Wil lie’s teeth!—Punch. "Why did that young man look so cross when Mrs. Smith told him she heard he had such killing ways?” “She told him that? Great Scottt He’s a doctor!”—Baltimore American. “Does your boss ever tell funny stor ies ’’ “No, but we have to laugh just the same.”—Boston Transcript. G. WADE OBEE. Obee & Co., Undertakers. The old, competent and reliable firm. 2518 Lake St. Webster 248.—Adv. Satisfaction always in handling your dead, whether shipped in or out of the city. G. Wade Obee & Co., the Race Undertakers, 2518 Lake St. Web. 248. The Progressive Age Printing Co. (A Race enterprise.) Guarantees first class work in printing cards, circulars, bills and invitations. 2518 Lake St. Web. 248.—Adv. The Business World Business Enterprises Conducted by Colored People—Help Them to Grow by Your Patronage. Dr. A, G. Edwards Physician and Sureeon Residence and Ofllce, 8411 ErsUine SI. Phone Web. 71 WILLIAMSON & TERRELL Druggists Free Delivery Excellent Service Web. 4443 24ih and Grant Repairing and Storing Orders Promptly Filled North Side Second-Hand Store R. B. RHODES Dealer in New and Second Hand Furniture and Stoves Household Goods llought and Sold Rentals and Real Estate 2522 Lake St. Omaha, Neb. AMERICAN HAND LAUNDRY LEWIS AND POLK, Props. Ladies’ and children’s fine dress es and clothes given special at tention. Bundle washing. Work called for and delivered. Get our prices. Phone Web. 6118, 1809 N. 24th St. Patton Hotel and Cafe N. P. PATTON, Prop. 48 modern and neatly furnished rooms Meals served at all hours 1014-1016-1018 South 11th Street Phone Douglas 4445 iStand Pbona, Doug. 3724 Call Ooug. 1491 f Ras. Pbona, Doug. 2378 From 1 a. m. to 5 a. m, • I For service and safety call BOB ROBINSON and Ids 7-passenger Abbott car t JZ&M 111 So. 14th St { ..| i Auto for Hire 4 i Special attention to private parties | • Special prices f i PHONES' t t 7 0 m. to 11:55, Williamson, Torrlll Drug Co., W»b, 4443 4 112:05 p. m, to 5 a. m , Midwar Doug. 1491-3458 4 t 5 a. m. to 7 p. m. Rasidance Wab. 7661 t * Res. Phone Web. 4831 Office Doutf 4287 ♦ AMOS P. SCRUGGS | J Attorney-at-Law I 1220 South 13th Sireet I ; (0»#r Pop*'* Drug Store) Omaha, Neb. J I Have your shoes shined right at j The Daisy Boot Black Parlor j 30!) So. 15th Street, j (Opposite Beaton Drug Co ) * Open Wednesday, August 11th J r Have your voice trained by a singer* MR. 1. A. HILL Teacher * Studio I’iione •2606 Seward St. Webster 44!)Dj Annie Hanks Cecil H. Wilkes BANKS-WILKES Funaral Diraclora and Embalmers Ladr lailatant Satisfaction Cuaranf.ed Phones, Res, Doug 4379, Office Doug. 3718 1914 Cuming Street j L. 0. GREGORY ICE CO. j > IS AT YOUR SERVICE * j Phone Webster 6421 | / ciKUr. ,h **ree* / / sPeciai "l'et Rubbed?oda / /r ""rsrr” / 7 .. / °^“TCSTon / / M4D4M LEVf^~~i / Tl,erWor7d^“^ ^ / I 8,3 *• 27th A,i "‘•"am* / . CM. Simmons, Prop. Economy Tailoring Co. Suits Made to Order, $15 up Cleaning and Repairing Goods Called for and Delivered 114 So. I3lh Sf. Omaha, Neb. MUSIC (THE RICHT KIND) By Dan Desdunes Orchestra 2510 Burdette St. Web. 710 I. W. MOSS HOME BAKERY and DELICATESSEN Strictly home made bread, pies, cakes, etc. Discount to churches lodges or special parties OUR SPECIALTY: Pure home made Ice cream and all kinds of salads and sandwiches. Phone Web. 6507 2530 Lake Street Omaha, Neb. The Broomfield Hotel 116-118 South Ninth St. Strictly modern and up-to-date Prices moderate Phone Douglas 2378