The monitor. (Omaha, Neb.) 1915-1928, September 18, 1915, Page 7, Image 7
me m ^ rs aivd Shrub _ fiir Care and CuMvatioiv i ■ 11 hi i mi i*S55mi mu 11 iiiiiiiiiiimiimiiioiiiiinniniiiimiMivTiMnMMnfnmrTftSfifliif Asters Suffer From Black Beetle. SEASONABLE SUGGESTIONS By EBEN E. REXFORD. Keep watch of your aBters, for ‘in such an hour as you know not" the maggot may attack them. It is bet ter, however, to act on the belief that this enemy is sure to come, and take measures to head him ofT. Work wood ashes into the soil about the plants, and remove a little soil immediately about the base of each plant and scatter tobacco dust there liberally. This will not injure the plant, but it may discourage the pest in its effort to get at the stalk of it. Of late, many collections of asters have been ruined by this grub. The plant will look perfectly healthy today; tomorrow it will have a with ered appearance and the next day it will be yellow, and if you take hold of its top and give a slight pull, off it will come close to the ground. Examination will show that it has been eaten into at that point. Wood ashes are the best preventive of its at tacks of anything I have used, and 1 MISS HALE PEARSON r^=r-- '-1 ! Miss Pearson is the daughter of Samuel Hale Pearson, one of the dele gates from Argentina to the recent Pan-American financial conference In Washington. Mr. Pearson Is a di rector in commercial enterprises In would change the location of the bed yearly. Another aster trouble to guard against the black beetle. This pest comes suddenly, does its ruinous work rapidly, and often injures your plants beyond the prospect of recovery be fore you are aware of its arrival. Here is where the necessity of Keeping watch of them comes in. When the first beetle is discovered, prepare an emulsion after the follow ing formula: One-half pound of any good, white soap, reduced to a liquid by melting. One teacupful of kerosene. Let the soap, to which a little water may be added while it is melting, come to a boil,- then add the kerosene; re move from the stove and stir vigorous ly while the mixture is cooling. A sort of jelly will result. Use a part of this to ten parts of water. Stir well to make sure that the emulsion unites with the water and apply as a spray. Use it liberally all over the plant, and repeat the application frequently. Prompt and persistent efforts are needed to rout this voracious enemy. Argentina which control a capital of $600,000,000. Miss Pearson Is a very pretty girl and attracted much atten tion during her stay In Washington. MAKES OWN MARRIAGE RITES California Professor Weaves Weird Mysticism Into Marital Ritual for His Own Wedding. San Francisco.—When Henry B. Monges, Jr., professor of architecture at the University of California, de cided to take unto himself a wife he evolved out of a weird mysticism of his own a contract of marriage re moved from the mundane practical g. ometry of life. And then he con fided his marital ritual to his bride-to be, Miss Madeline Breckenridge. The two rehearsed the service and with It engraved upon their hearts went to the altar of their own making In Berkeley. Kneeling before an open fire they united their physical, mental and spir itual selves by a ceremony of unusual and original conception. The strange ceremony took place in the bride’s bungalow at the head of Ridge road in Berkeley. The parents )f the girl, Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Breck enridge, wealthy and prominent resi dents of Toledo, O., were present. At the conclusion of the service an or thodox ceremony was performed Autumn Signs Browning and falling leaves again call our at tention to the promise that summer and win ter shall not cease. Prudent people pre pare. Are you ready with your autumn dress? If not, why not? We can help you. Thomas Kilpatrick & Co. EMERSON LAUNDRY F. S. MOREY, Proprietor 1303-05 North 24th Street Phone Webster 820 CHAS. EDERER FLORIST Plants, Cut Flowers, Designs, Decorations Greenhouses, 30th and Bristol Sts. I’hone Webster 1<»5 YES—ICE CREAM any style, for any occasion I. A. DALZELL Quality First 1824 Cuming St. Tel. Doug. 616 H. GROSS Lumber and Wrecking 21st and Paul Streets J. A. Edholm E. W. Sherman Standard Laundry 24th, Near Lake Street Plione Webster 130 THE LODGE SUPPLY CO.] 1111 Farnam St. I Badges, Banners, Regalia, « Uniforms and Pennants j Sow Grass Seed Now! STEWART SEED STORE 119 North Street (Opposite Post Office) CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES—1* cents a word for single insertions, 1 cent a word for two or more insertions. No advertisement for less than 15c. Cash should ac company advertisement. HOUSES FOR RENT. A good nine-room house, suitable for roomers, modern except heat, $25 a month. 207 South 28th street. Phone Walnut 1301. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT. Nicely furnished rooms, with hot and cold water, at reasonable rates. 2417 Caldwell street. Webster 5434. Furnished rooms with hot and cold water; furnace heat. 1810 No. 23rd street. Webster 340. Desirable furnished rooms; hot and cold water; reasonable rates. 2408 Lake street. Nicely furnished roms; modern; for gentlemen only; $2.00 a week in ad vance. Mrs. Fanny Roberts, 2103 No. 27th street. Webster 7790. FOR RENT—Nicely furnished room situated on both Dodge and Twenty fourth car lines. 2428 Lake. Web. 604. Clean, modern, furnished rooms, with hot and cold water. On Dodge and Twenty-fourth car lines, walk ing distance business center. Mrs. A. Banks, 912 North 20th Street. Doug las 4379. Mrs. L. M. Bentley-Webster, first class modern furnished rooms, 1702 N. 26th St. Phone Webster 4769. Nicely furnished rooms, $1.50 and up per week. Mrs. Hayes, 1836 No. 23rd St. Webster 5639. FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS. CORSETS made to measure, $3.50 and up. Mrs. Hayes, 1826 No. 23d St. If you have anything to dispose of, a Want Ad in The Monitor will sell It. HAIR GOODS, all kinds. Fine line straightening combs. Mrs. Hayes, 1826 No. 23rd St. FOR SALE—Large hard coal heater in excellent condition; size No. 17. Harney 4360. WANTED. WANTED—Correspondents and sub scription solicitors for The Monitor in Nebraska cities and towns. WANTED—A middle-aged woman who desires a nice home. For fur ther information call Webster 996. 15 SHOES made like new with our rapid shoe repair methods, one-fifth the cost. Sold uncalled-for shoes. We have a selection; all sizes, all prices. Men’s half soles. 75c Ladies’ half soles.50c FRIEDMAN BROS. 211 South 14th St., Omaha. No. 9 South Main St., Council Bluffs. Your account is solicited in our checking and savings department Interest paid on savings City National Bank 16th and Harney Streets . Your search tor Good Shoe Repairing lias ended when you try H.LAZARUS Work done while you wait or will call for and deliver without extra charge. Red >.*95 2019 Cumings ..