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About The monitor. (Omaha, Neb.) 1915-1928 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 18, 1915)
Events and Persons In Which You Will Be More or Less Interested. News for This Department Must Be Received by Wednesday Night. The Rev. J. C. Caldwell, D. D„ of Nashville, Tenn., secretary of the Christian Endeavor Society, was an Omaha visitor last week. He preach ed at St. John’s A. M. E. church Sun day night and also addressed the Ep worth League. Dr. Caldwell left Mon day night for Denver, Colo., to attend conference, stopping en route at Lin coln. While in Omaha, he was the guest of the Rev. W. T. Osborne. Paul C. Wigington left Wednesday for Minneapolis, where he will enter the University of Minnesota for a course in architecture. The Rev. J. A. Brown, rector of the Church of the Redeemer, Denver, en route to the Conference Workers of the Episcopalians, which meets in Boston, Mass., next week, spent Wed nesday and Thursday as the guest of the Rev. John Albert Williams. Mrs. Sarah Lewis, of 2818 Miami street, had as her dinner guest Sun day, Miss Mary A. Goodchild of Chi cago. Mr. William Newman left Wednes day for a visit to Paoli, Kas., where he will also look after some business interests. Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Sayles of Ogden, Utah, are among the recent newcom ers who expect to make Omaha their home. They are stopping with Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Hicks, 2020 Clark street. Mrs. Reeves and daughter, who have been the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Buford, 3510 Blondo street, left Mon day after a pleasant visit for their home in Emporia, Kas. Mr. and Mrs. John Grant Pegg en tertained at dinner Monday the Rev. Messrs. W. T. Osborne, H. Shepherd, J. C. Caldwell, of Nashville, Tenn.; and J. C. Owens of Kansas City, Mo. Miss Amelia Singleton left Wednes day morning for Hastings, Neb., where she will be the guest of Miss Nona Poster. Mr. and Mrs. Lee C. Allen of 1410 North Twenty-sixth street, entertain ed at a dancing party Saturday night in honor of Mrs. Butler and Mrs. Lacey, of Grand Rapids, Mich.; and Mrs. A. Kellar of Little Rock, Ark. About fifty guests were present. Mrs. John Redick and daughter, Maxine, of Parsons, Kas., are visiting Mrs. W. E. Green, 2305 North Twen ty-seventh street. Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Harris of St. Paul, Minn., are in the city stopping at present with Mrs. M. L). Marshall, 2605 Grant street. * The surprise birthday party that was to have been given Tuesday even ing at the Poro Parlors in honor of Mrs. Anna Jones, was postponed on account of the illness of Mrs. Jones. Her friends wish for her a speedy re covery. The Rev. and Mrs. W. F. Botts have returned from the Netional Baptist convention, which was held in Chi cago last week. Mrs. Edna V. Adams has returned from her visit to Kansas City, Mo. There was a pleasant surprise party party given in honor of Miss Con stance Wigington Monday evening, the oceasiop being her sixteenth birth day anniversary. There was a large number in attendance. Miss Wiging ton was the recipient of many beauti ful presents. She leaves the last of the week for St. Louis, Mo., where she will enter St. Rita’s academy. Her friends wish her success in her school work. Mrs. M. I). Marshall entertained at a porch party last Friday afternoon fourteen young ladies in honor of Miss Annie Elese Cottrell of Oklahoma City, Okla. Games were the feature of the afternoon. There were two prizes each given in the nut cracking and bean guessing games, the win ners being Miss Anna Elese Cottrell, Miss Ella Otis Watson, Miss Pauline Black and Miss Anna Irvin Watson. Those in attendance were the Misses Anthone Edwards, Beatrice Black, Lil lian Madison, Hazel Roulette, Paul ine Black, Josephine Scott, Flora Cooper, Annie Elese Cottrell, Robbie Turner, Ella Otis Watson, Mary E. Pegg, Anna Irvin Watson, Ozelia Dun ning and Pearl Ray. Mrs. Marshall was ably assisted by Miss Elizabeth Gibson and Mrs. Elder Scott. A very pleasant surprise was ten dered Mr. Harold Bentley by his moth er, Mrs. Arthur Webster, and his sis ter, Aliene, at the family residence, 1702 North Twenty-sixth street, Wed nesday evening on the eve of his de parture for Western university, Quin daro, Kas., where he goes to take a three years’ course in tailoring. Mr. Bentley has been one of the most ac tive workers in Zion Baptist church and a large number of the congrega tion were present to wish him God speed. Mrs. John A. Smith of 2512 Lake street gave a card party Wednesday afternoon in honor of Mrs. August Kel lar of Little Rock, Ark., and Mrs. Thomas Slater of Atlanta, Ga. The first prize was won by Mrs. Luther Dillard, the second by Mrs. Thomas Riggs. Miss Dorothy Flippin, who has been the guest of Mrs. Joseph LaCour, re turned to her home in Lincoln Sun day night. Mrs. T. P. Mohammitt, 2114 North Twenty-fifth street, has as her guests her sister, Mrs. Belle Butler, and her niece, Mrs. W. II. Lacey of Grand Rap ids, Mich. One modern desirable, furnished room, close in. 2824 Douglas street. Harney 4822. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Dora of Vicks burg, Miss., were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. S. K. Brownlow, 2810 Ohio street, during the letter carriers’ na tional convention. Mr. Frank Golden of 2302 North Twenty-fifth street, has returned from a visit to Chicago, where he attended the Lincoln Jubilee exposition, with which he was delighted. His only re gret was that he saw no exhibits from Nebraska. Mrs. Charles H. Hicks of 2020 Clark street had as her guests at a matinee party at the Orpheum Wednesday, Miss Mary L. Goodchiid, Mrs. L. C. Sayles and Mrs. John Albert Williams. 333 777 The Knights and Daughters of Ta bor will give their annual barbecue on Emancipation Day, September 22, at Golden Sheaf park, Twenty-fourth and Patrick avenue. Dinner will be served from 12 o’clock throughout the afternoon. The evening will be spent at Peterson hall. Everybody invited. The committee will spare no expense to make this the swellest affair of the season. Admission in evening, 10c. Mrs. Lenora Gray, Chairman.—Adv. Charles D. Garrett, of Faithful lodge No. 25, U. B. F., has returned from visiting lodges in Missouri, where he distributed pictures of Omaha’s illum inated welcome arch, which was so highly appreciated by the grand lodge during the sessions in this city. Wherever he went he heard nothing but words of praise for Omaha’s en tertainment of the grand lodge. Mrs. M. F. Singleton, 1428 North Twenty-second street, entertained on Thursday, September 9th, in honor of Mrs. T. P. Mahammitt and Mrs. W. W. Peebles, who have recently returned to the city, and Mrs. A. Kellar of Little Rock, Ark. The other out-of town guests who were present were Mrs. Belle Butler and Mrs. W. H. Lacey of Grand Rapids, Mich., and Mr. J. W. Madden of Chicago. It pays to advertise in The Monitor. iPhone Douglas 1652 W. J. CATTIN CO.. j PLUMBING AND STEAM FITTING ?910 No. 24th St. Omaha, Neb. • i I ROUGH DRY 5 'ZZT i j OMAHA LAUNDRY I Tel. web. 7788 The Omaha Stationery Co. “Stationery That Satisfies” 1 i Phone Doug. 805 309 So. 17th St. Omaha, Neb. _~ ,_,___ .. .. -, i i i DO NOT buy your Fall suit until you see us. Most reasonable and reliable ladies cloak and suit store in Omaha. i p i ■ i i Always high price samples on hand at reasonable prices i BONOFF New York Sample Store 206 No. 16th St. 1 i i Krug The beer you like A beer of quality with a coupon on each bottle. Save coupons and get free premiums Phone Douglas 1899 Luxus Mercantile Co. Distributors and have a case sent home I ASK YOUR GROCER j FOR ;Tip Top Bread = Best Bread Made % Patronize Our Advertisers Over 60 New Models in Pleated Skirts Buttons, 40 different styles I Hemstitching, Picot Edging, Embroidery, Scollopping, Braiding and Beading Ideal Button and Pleating Co. 107-109-111 South 16th Street