The monitor. (Omaha, Neb.) 1915-1928, July 03, 1915, Page 6, Image 6

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    Our Women and Children
Conducted by Lucille Skaggs Edwards.
To extend to you our greetings is a
pleasure indeed, and since we are
coming lace to face, as it were, with
so many of our friends with whom we
became acquainted through the Worn
an's Aurora, we feel very much “at
home.” With the cooperation of our
old friends and of the many new ones
whom we shall meet through the
Woman’s Column of the Monitor, we
hope much good may be accomplished
and much inspiration may come into
many lives.
We will inform you of what our
women and young people are doing,
we will publish such articles as we
feel will be helpful to you, and we
will endeavor to entertain the chil
We wish each mother, each woman
to take a personal interest in this col
umn; any response or comment will
be given our earnest attention. The
problems that confront us are many
and vital. If, then, this department
be of the least service to you, our ef
fort shall not have been in vain.
School has closed. Vacation is here.
Many of the older children have found
employment, but the majority will be
at home all the long summer days.
Relaxation from the strain of hard
and continued study is the main pur
pose of vacation, but relaxation does
not mean idleness. Idleness in chil
dren, even as in adults, produces de
cline physically, mentally and morally.
There must be play, but there must
also be study or work of some form
suited to the age and needs of the
child. Gardens—flower and vegetable
—appeal wonderfully to children and
are both profitable and instructive.
Some little task in the work of the
home may be assigned. Few children
will, unaided, properly employ their
time so the guidance of the parent is
imperative, that they fall not into sin
ful, unprofitable ways. One has said:
“No amount of argument can disprove
the facts of evolution which show the
dependence of a sound mind upon a
sound body and statistics prove that
healthful, continuous occupation is a
means of salvation for young and old,
poor and rich.”
One of the greatest mistakes made
in our thinking, and especially among
the young people, is to suppose that
there is no place for heroism in com
monplace affairs.
Aspire, if you will, to the seemingly
“big” things; but you must bear in
mind that the majority of us must be
content to be heroes and heroines in
the humbler walks of life.
The true Knight Errantry finds Its
battlefields in the lowly plains of life.
The Son of Mary went about His ob
scure and lowly business of teaching
and healing in the same spirit with
which He fought the foes of God and
man at Gethsemane. More chivalrous
deeds have been performed in the
school room and in the home than on
the battlefield.
Greater far than the hand that
scepters empires is the hand that
rocks the crad’e and leads little chil
dren into paths of righteousness.
Greater far than the hand that holds
within its grasp the revenues of a
continent is the hand that changes
the prairie into bread for the hungry
and "flowers for the poor man’s
child.” When the final roll of heroes
shall he called, names that were never
heard in senate halls or public forum
shall flash out into light brighter than
the stars.
Congratulations to Miss Irene New
man, who graduated from Commercial
high school, and to Messrs. Lawrence
Parker and Othello Rountree, who
received diplomas from Omaha Cen
tral high.
Miss Newman will take special stud
ies at Central high next fall. Laurance
Parker will enter Nebraska State uni
versity and Othello Rountree will en
ter Howard university at Washington,
D. C.
St. Paul, Minn.—Completing the
four-year course in three years and
taking highest honors in a class of
twenty-five is the achievement i»
Catherine Leaver Lealtad, a colored
girl of St. Paul, who was awarded on
;he 10th of June, the senior Noyes,
scholarship prize at Macalester col- j
This is the second time Miss Leal
tad has led her class. Three years
ago she was valedictorian at Meehan
ic Arts high school.
She will go to Washington, D. C.,
next fall to teach in the National
Training School for Women.
Newark Evening News—Besides re
ceiving the degree of doctor of medi
cine, Miss Isabella Vandervall carried
off honors at the commencement of
the New York Medical college and
Hospital for Women, held in th< Astor
galleries of the Waldorf-Astoria. Dr.
Vandervall was the first colored stu
dent to matriculate in the college
since its organization fifty-two years
ago. She received the prize for hav
ing maintained the highest efficiency
during the four years of the college
Miss Vandervall has been officially
notified of her appointment as an in
tern at the Hospital for Women and
Children at Syracuse, N. Y.
! -
New Orleans, La.—Mother Rather
ine Drexel of Philadelphia, Pa., found
er and Superior of the Sisters of the
Blessed Sacrament for the evangeliza
tion of the Indians and Negroes, has
purchased an extensive property in
New Orleans for the establishment of
a new convent and industrial school
for the training of Negro children.
The property was formerly occupied
by the Southern university. The pur
chase price was $28,000.
Mrs. Ruth Standish Baldwin, known
throughout the country as a staunch
friend of the Negro, and who has de
voted her time and contributed large
sums of money to aid the race in its
progress for betterment, has tendered
her resignation as chairman of the
Executive Board of the National
League on Urban Conditions Among
Mrs. Baldwin is the widow of the
late William H. Baldwin, Jr., presi
dent of the Long Island Railroad, who
was a great admirer of Booker T.
Washington and who was active In
philanthropic work up to the time of
his death, which occurred about nine
years ago.
Mrs. Baldwin was forced to give up
her work on account of ill health. The
last sentence in her letter of reslgna
tion would make a high and broad
! platform for all who are interested in
working for our race. We repeat mat
sentence here:
“Let us work, not as colored peo
ple nor as white people for the nar
row benefit of any group alone, but to
gether as American citizens, for the
common good of our common city, our
common country.”
If you would be heard at all, my lad,
Keep a laugli in your heart and
For those who are deaf to accents sad
Are alert to the cheerful note.
Keep hold to the cord of laughter’s
Keep aloof from the moans tha:
The sounds of a sigh don’t carry well,
But the lilt of a laugh rings far.
—Strickland W. Gillilan.
Vacation Dos.
Learn to swim.
Help your skin to breathe.
Take a bath once a day.
Let the dog and the cat alone.
Play in the shade.
Give your stomach a rest between
“Pull the Bar” before going to bed.
“Cut” the hoky-poky man and the
ice cream cart.
Work in the garden every day.
Watch the flowers grow.
“Did *he Children All Pass?”
The long term is ended, the "finals”
are o’er;
I’m watching the little folks passing
my door,
As fresh as the snowflakes on midwin
ter day,
Or apple blossoms scattered by breez
es of May,
Like sparrows they chatter, like hon
eybees hum;
Were I blind, 1 should know that va
cation had come,
As far as I see them, adown the long
They call out to schoolmates wherever
they meet;
From his school, from grammar, from
primary class;
One question floats backward, "O say,
did you pass?”
In fancy tonight I can enter the door
Of the homes of the wealthy, the
homes of the poor;
The children are hungry, but supper
must wait
For one who from store, or from oflice,
comes late;
\nd O what a rushing when voices
shall call,
“There’s papa, his step you can hear
in the hall!”
They scamper with this thing; they
take away that;
They hand him his slippers, then hang
up his hat.
He’s brushing his hair, but he turns
from the glass.
To mamma and asks, “Did the chil
dren all pass?”
There’s kissing and praising, and such
an ado;
There’s dialling and laughing, to think
they got through;
But heavy the shadow on homes where
A little child sobbing, is taken to bed.
None cruelly censure, or whisper or
For love fain would carry the burden
of blame,
And soberly asks, “Did we do all we
Or see that each lesson was well un
or with lass
To save all this sorrow of failing to
Tonight I am thinking of years that
shall conir,
When under the coffin-lid lips shall he
When angels shall lean from the bat
tlements high,
Unheeding the glory that reigns in
the sky—
They’re watching their children and
loving them yet,
'or love is immortal and can not for
'lie days have been many, the years
have been long;
Temptation has met them, and some
were not strong;
And harps shall be hushed by the an
swer, alas!
To the Question they ask, “Did the
children all pass?”
—L. U. Case.
Kilpatrick & Co.
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