Tn i I rot. XVI, NO. XLV1I LINCOLN, NEBRASKA, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER l.V, i.'0 ESTABLISHED IN ISSV NEBRASKA CORNHUSKERS University of Nebraska's Doughty Football Players for Season of '01 Record for J90J Nebraska. 17, Lincoln High School 0. Nebraska 3, Kirksville, Mo., Osteo paths 0. Nebraska 2S, Doane College 0. Nebraska 0, Minnesota 19. Nebraska 17. Ames, la., College 0. ntsot.i. Mkhigan. Illinois. In Iowa. Chicago, Northwestern and Pur due. Science has done for Nebraska what it will lo for any football squad. It has made them dangerous foemen. Coach Williams found this out last acknowledged in the west as chief candidates for championship honors. In each instance Nebraska was out weighed many pounds, man for man. This was particularly true at Minne apolis, and although the Cornhuskers were in poor condition, and Captain WVstMver played throughout the great er portion of the game In a semi-conscious condition, the best the northern giants could do was 19 to 0. Nebraska was in much better condition three weeks later when she met the Wiscon sin team at Milwaukee, and it was only tlie perversity of fate that pre vented scoring that day. The Corn busker mettle was proved though when the fiercest charges of the Badgers gait is evidenced by the overwhelming Mores with which she defeated her old time rivals Kansas and Missouri. The former suffered defeat by a score of I'D to 5. and the latter SI to 0. Wiscon Mn will be played again next season, at Milwaukee. Minnesota should be brought to Lincoln. Iowa will be met. and the Nebraska hoys will probably journey either to Chicago for a meeting with Northwestern r Chicago, or it. Champaign, III., for a fray with the Illlni. The Cornhuskers nre In a win ning class, and the prospects for an other season indicate that they have the ability to stay there. Of the seasoned timber that tia made up this year's doughty eleven. V FOOTBALL SQUAD AT XEBKASKA I'XIVERSITY Melford, av,itant coach; Booth, head coach; Martin, sub-lineman; Ringer, left guard; Kochler center; Bell, suWeick; Pillslmry, fullback; JIulliken. sub-back; Draiu, puarterback; Bender, halfUick; C. Shedil, end; Vovs, sub-lineman; Tobin, left guard; Stringer, tackle and end; G. Shedd, halfback; Johnson, sub-end; Eager, halfback; Cortelyou, right end; Kingsbury, left tackle; Westover (captain), right tackle; Brew, right guard; Crandall, halfluck. Nebraska 0, Wisconsin IS. Nebraska 51, Missouri 0. Nebraska 29, Kansas 3. I'oints scored by Nebraska, 147. I'oints scored by opponents, VI. prom an obscure institution, seldom if ever heard of in football annals out ffde the Missouri valle, Nebraska -'ate university has suddenly risen to 4 "Hnnunding eminence. A new name has bon added to the galaxy that has "en known for several years as tne "Iff nine." and thnt nnnf is Nebraska. B their achievements on the endiron " e ehraska boys have earned a place n 'he same class with Wisconsin, Min- Thanksgiving when his brawny Mln nesotans were carried down the field by the little Cornhuskers, and two hard earned touchdowns scored a feat no other team accomplished against :he giant Gophers last season. Mr. Williams had this fact still more em phatically impressed on his memory last Saturday when his Northmen were drubbed by the smaller but more, scientific men of Wisconsin. "What Phil King of Princeton has done at Wisconsin, Walter Booth of Princeton is doing at Nebraska. With Booth again at the helm great possibilities are seen In the future. Nebraska has been beaten but twice this year, and then only by teams netted only C points in the first hair, and aggregated only IS in the end. Against Minnesota the Badgers piled up IS points in the first half, and then contented themselves with playing a defensive game the second half, neither side scoring. "Wisconsin beat Nebraska IS to 0; Wisconsin beat Min nesota IS to 0. Nebraska followers can get some consolation from the state ment of Captain Arthur Cunts or "Wis consin who said after the deciding game: "Nebraska played us much harder than did Minnesota. Nebraska Is a harder team to stop and plays a better defensive game." That Nebraska has struck a rapid only two men will be lost. Ex-Captain Brew at right guard Is playing his fourth year, as Is also little Drain, the quarterback whose generalship and in dividual work have added many a yard of opposing territory to Nebras ka's possession this season. These will be serious losses, but with nine gooo! men for a nucleus there Is little to cause discouragement for the season of 1002, provided, of course. Booth can be retained. No one can estimate the value of Booth's services during the past two years. He has developed football mn; he has developed plays; he has developed the university as a football Institution and he has caused to a large extent the enthusiasm for r ' if i 9 1