Rh dh. XVI., NO. XXXV ESTABLISHED IN 1886 PRICE FIVE CENTS --rata a J ' Mi-m. m. ' - - aW "" aaam W .aV ' H B-BJBZ:lvJiHfeKHH"4rHVBl aVLfe wu.,v ' I . LINCOLN, NEBR., SATURDAY. AUGUST 31, 1901. - . iW .1 THE COURIER, EinuDin ni rosTomci at Lincoln as afVUUW UAaaoo Jv . PUBLISHED EVEBY SATURDAY TIE CM81E8 niRTIlY UD POBLISilK GO Office 1132 N street, Up Stairs. Telephone 384. SARAH B. HARRIS, : ': : EDITOR Stsfcscnption Rates. Per annum...., W 50 Six months 1 00 Rebate of fifty ccats oa'cash payments. 8infle copies s..-.k . 05 Tm Coutnavwill not be responsible for rol nUrreoauaoBiemtfoB eBlewiBeoapanied by "ccaoBnalftatkMU, to 'rehire attention, must be sinned by tnefull aame of the writer, not sserehr as naraatee of food faith, bat for amblfeatioa if advisable. OBSERVATIONS. ADryOven. Germs propagate and grow rapidly in a warm, moist' air,. Tbey avoid hot, dry air. when possible Among these small individuals Nebraska has a poor reputation. This summer has been fatal to all microbes who distrusted the premonitory signs of a yery dry, hot summer. The superstitious microbes migrated, the rest stayed and were baked in a dry oven until their graceful forms ceased to quiver under the microscope. Consequently in this region for three months there has been little acute illness. No red, yellow or blue quarantine cards have been hung on-the houses. The grasses withered and the pas tures could not satisfy the cattle. For the first time in a decade Nebraska cattle feeders had to feed their stock hay and more expensive fare. But it is an ill wind still that blows nobody good, anr the pollen that dried. up be fore it was ready to be blown into eyes and throats has saved the season, now so nearly over, from universal and unqualified execration. The chronic hay-fever sufferers are singing paeans. The general drought has spread even to their countenances. Their eyes are not the head waters of little streams. They lie down at night without suffocation, neither do they use a dozen handkerchiefs a day and need two dozen. Hay-fever vic tims who board are not obliged to ask in the hearing of an easily-amused table-full for puddig when thev mean pudding. This summer they have sounded the Veil dees" and "en gees" of our far-flung tongue as perfectly as though the vegetable world were frozen instead of dried up. "Ell dees" and "en gees" are just asdear to these summer im-patlents as they are to us, and it is a sad parting that the for mer takes of these particular wedded consonants every recurring mid-summer season. Christian sympathy, natural affection and a universal pref erence for the beautiful incline other people - to forget the barren harvest fields and to rejoice with, those mem bers of the family.who for one summer have enjoyed a reprieve. A desperate case of hay-fever in the family or the neighborhood is a draught upon sym pathy as well as the cherished love of the beautiful. The sufferings of next summer's pollen can be assuaged both by the current sympathy and by the supply stored and not consumed in the summer of 1901. Lessons of the Boer War. Small, compact nations like Switz erland, which have been afraid of ab; sorption by greedy, stronger neigh bors, are much relieved by the object lesson of the Boer war. A group of twenty men armed with long-range rifles firing smokeless powder car tridges can easily pick off a battalion. The disadvantage is entirely, on the side of the invaders. Victory is not so much a question of bravery though the Boers are not cowards, as it is of a plentiful supply of ammunition and an impenetrable, rocky ambuscade. Natives having the advantage utt, a topographical knowledge of their own country and well armed can repulse the strongest nation "in Europe or Asia. If the Chinese were an observ ing people and not so self-satisfied be cause of the accomplishments and achievements of their remote ances tors, it is certain that this lesson of a few Boer farmers, well armed with long-distance repeating rifles and smokeless powder, would impress tl:em with their own potential strength. Neither Russia nor England nor France nor Japan, nor all four com bined, could take Manchuria or Mon golia if the Chinese were united, prop erly armed and modern fighters. They have the advantage in numbers, their country produces food enough to feed the army and the laborers too, and they are not cowards no fatalists are cowards. The foreigners in China are con fined to the coasts, except in the case of the Russians along the northern frontier. Foreign knowledge of the interior of China is vague, and if the subtle Chinese could add smokeless powder, Boer indomitableness and a comprehension of the strength of their enemies to their agricultural resources, they would be invincible and their kingdom would remain whole. M. Jean de Bloch, the foremost au thority on modern warfare, recently declared in a lecture delivered in Lon don that the results or the Transvaal war were not due to the defects in the British army, but to the constant im possibility of determining the enemy's position. He said further that the boasted German methods of attack would have broken down under simi lar conditions. The close formation is obsolete ab solutely. Books on military tactics and maneuvers written before the Boer war are useless except as It is ornamental for the soldier to know complex military maneuvers for the sake of dress parade and grand reviews. It is supremely necessary that the soldier should be an expert long dis tance marksman. Experience in stalking deer where he has learned to crawl noiselessly along the ground for miles, taking advantage of every rock and depression, is more valuable to the modern private than to be drill-perfect. Lord Roberts said that when he went to South Africa be issued a gen eral order that the men in attacking files were to be six paces apart. Very soon the distance was increased to ten paces and then to twenty. Guns, lances and belts were painted khaki so as to Increase the Invisibility of the troops. Khaki is the color of the African landscape. Like the chame leon, troops should be clothed in the color of the background against which they are to fight, especially when the enemy is securely hidden behind rocks and armed with long-distance rifles that shoot smokeless powder. M. de Bloch, who is a Russian and no fonder of the English than other Russians, said that the English are not to be blamed for the long deferred victories in the Transvaal, nor are the Boers to be extravagantly praised for any exceptional military or personal qualities. He said that "the results in South Africa are wholly due to smoke less powder and long-range, quick-tiring rifles which involve dispersion and invisibility to a degree unheard of formerly, and to the possibi'ity of putting a large number of cartridges at the disposal of one rifleman." The few that held the pass at Thermopylae were aided by their posi tion. Only a few at a time could op pose them and those few who went to force the pass and were killed in heaps, were just as brave as the de fenders. The lesson of the Boer war will strengthen every small nation in the world. Perhaps the lesson was needed. At any rate William of Ger many has been more thoughtful ever since the war began. To keep their empire intact, of course the Chinese need something more than modern arms and modern methods and clever generals. The nation itself and all the individuals composing it must be exasperated into a passionate patriotism and a minute-man eagerness to protect the country and prevent its partition. The civilized world has accepted a future in which parts of China have been seized and settled upon by Rus sia, England, Germany, France and Japan. But it is not so certain. The Boxer uprising was a symptom of awakened, mad patriotism, and the inconceivably great empire may yet protect herself. France has just lessened her term of military service from three to two years and Germany is considering the subject of lessening hers. The con scription or compulsory military ser vice is driving young men out of Germany and oat of France, and if tbe elaborate military tactics arc to be dispensed with, it will not take so long for men just to shoot straights The Boers never learned tactics, but tbey learned to shoot when very young. It will not be necessary tq make target practice compulsory,. Every boy who can get a gun and is allowed to use it, will learn to shoot T J J Debts of Hoaor. Maurus Jukai, the Hungarian nov elist, is already familiar to Eng lish readers through translations of "A Hungarian Nabob," "The Name less Castle," "The Lion of Janina" and others. "Debts of Honor" Is bis latest story to be translated. There is a pessimism and constitu tional melancholy that Is. peculiarly Slavonic. As far apart as Tolstoy and Jokai are in literary art an style, in the unilluminated blackness ol their view of life and the future, of the worth of effort and of the inef fectualness of religion and of the mistake of having been born at allr Tolstoy and Jokai resemble each oth er as the darkness of one moonless,, starless night resembles the darkness of another moonless, starless night. Somewhere a very good book sug gests that it is well for the children of men to weep with those who weep and mourn with those who mourn; but mourning except for one's own private poignant and inextinguishable grief, does not long endure. The sor rows of the world and of collective man are so huge, when contemplated as a whole, the life of one man from birth to death is so full of grief that when the ennui, the endless repeti tions, the illnesses of his life are con sidered and summarized in a book, to road it does but add to bis burdens The twelve hours of activity in real" life are separated by eight-hour periods of unconsciousness and rest, from which man awakens refreshed and encouraged, with new inspiration' for the new day. In a realistic atorj which relates a man's life from boyhood to old age, we get the effect of the disappoint ments, we feel the weight of life; but. the periods of unconsciousness, the re inspiration of sleep, the scent of the morning, the depth and height of the sky, the soaring liquid song dropping from Immeasurable ether to earth, have not their full value. Consequent ly the old fairy stories where tailors marry princesses and ugly ducklir.gs are swans, are more true to life than Ibsen's plays or Tolstoy's novels. It is so much easier to describe and communicate sorrow. Joy and the- ? M ii J' n im i-M i'; U I 1 1(1 V ifo m m & W 9 f 5 HE .- X ' rTi J ft i fe-Tl njtfl IP j n i . M i T i i ; f t A t f X' ' J I.