The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, December 29, 1894, Page 8, Image 8

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Dance to the best of the rain, little Perm.
And spread out your palms ajsia,
And say: "Though the Sun
Hath my vesture spun.
Be had labored, alas, tn rata:
But for the shade
That the Cloud hath made.
And the gift of the Dew and the Ratal"
Then laugh and upturn
All your fronds, little Fern,
And rejoice in the beat of the Rain I
John B Tabb.
bbbbbbW "n
Or La Grippe, though occasionally- epi
demic, is always more or less prevalent.
The best remedy for this complaint
is Ayer'a Cherry Pectoral.
'Last Spring, I was taken down with
La Grippe. At times I was completely pros
trated, and so difficult was my breathing
that my breast seemed as if confined in an
Iron cage. I procured a bottle of Ajrer
Cherry Pectoral, and no sooner had I began
taking it than relief followed. I could not be
lieve that the elect would be so rapid and the
care so complete. It is truly a wonderful med
letae." W. H. "Williams, Crook City, S. D
Cherry Pectoral
Prompt to act, sure to cure
Its scientific
and removal
in twenty
pain or
toss of
of blood
D. QUEEN earsa Piles aad Ta
tors witaoat pala, half a-karfi
drop of Wood; a ales tares Catanaa.
Treat, Lufi: Heart aad Xtrmi De-
DE-QUEEHaaaasaee Aiesaess ef
the ftosaeea, Kiaaew, liver, Blood aaa
Diseases at Woseea a specialty far
thirty-are years. Ha has restored
heanas;tetheeaef aa4 eight ta
have fallal.
DE. QUEEsTk the aaaalaUat a the
aortfcweatiatheTreataMat aad Cars
ef all Caroak. aad Private Allsseate
havias; Uvea ia Uaeala
aoaatj far tairty-iaar years.
Br aaalTia to Br. Oasaa. tka
trials, ym. earn cat Iastaat BaUaf aad
aaraUca aad all
flask BUck.RE.csr. its O
MlLLlafint-claas. Cripple Creek Gold
Mining stock. Address,
Mining Brokers,
Colorado Springs, Col.
There was a precocious youngster on a
suburban railroad train yesterday who
furnished tha passengers with considcra
bio amusement. His mother, desiring to
ask the conductor a question concerning
changing cars, told her only son to hail
him when be passed by. The blue uni
formed man with a punch soon appeared.
"Say, mister, my mother wants to see
you," exclaimed the young scion in a
voice loud enough to be heard all over the
Tho conductor, who was busy, replied,
"I'll bo back In a minute."
This did not satisfy mamma's pet, for
as tho conductorreacbed the end of the
car ho exclaimed in a loud voice, "You
had better hurry up, or you'll get it where
tho chicken got the ax."
The passengers laughed loudly, while the
mother of the enfant terrible remembered
that she was In the wrong car. Boston
The Tint Word.
Hiss Summit I wouldn't be surprised
if Mr. Tearner proposed to mo soon. The
other day ho made me a present of a beau
tiful dog.
Miss Palisade What has that to do
with it?
Miss Summit He said bo hoped to get
It back some day. Detroit Free Press.
Perfectly So.
Weary Winkle I hear that Bagglets,
who tramped with us last summer, Is dead.
Lazy Loafer Did he die a natural
Weary Winkle Yep; he was run over
by a train of cars. Yale Record.
Safe! Thaak Heavesu
Philanthropist Is not your heart touch
Id by all these sights of poverty?
Millionaire Yes, indeed. But as long
as my bank account Isn't I can stand It, I
guess. New York World.
The 8 qaeace of Ereata
Harry You look white. Is it the salad?
Jack No, it's the punch. It was drunk,
and now it's disorderly. Life.
$100 REWARD, $100.
The readers of this paper will be pleased
to learn that there is at least one dreaded
disease that science has been able to cure
in all its stages and that is catarrh. Hall's
Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure now
known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh
being a constitutional disease, requires a
constitutional treatement Hall's Catarrh
Cure is taken internally, acting directly
upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the
system, thereby destroying the foundation
of the disease, and giving the patieut
strength by building up the constitution
and assisting nature in doing its work.
The proprietors have so much faith in its
curative powers, that they offer One
Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails
to cure. Send for list of Testimonals.
Address, F. J. Chekhey& Co., Toledo,
Ohio. Sold by druggists, 76 cents.
Mr. H. H. Walla
Like a Miracle
Pains in tide and Breast
Despaired of Help, but Hood'a
Sarsaparilla Cured.
-C L Hood & Co.. Lowell, Mass.:
"lira glad to state my son's experience with
H3od's Sarsaparilla. as it was the means of sav
ing his life. Last fall he was taken ill with pains
in his breast and side. He had the best medical
attendance possible, and was treated by the
doctors for some time, but did not realize any
relief. He could not lay down day or night, and
our hopes' were fast failing. My aged mother
advised a trial of Hood's Sarsaparilla. Hecoat
neneed taking the medicine, and to our
Great Astonishment,
see bottle cured him of his pains and restored
him to perfect health. This case has been looked
epon by many in this vicinity as nothing short
of a miracle." H. H. Walls, Oswego, Kansas.
Hood'8 PHI8 cure liver ills, constipation.
Biliousness, jauudice.ftck headache, indigestion.
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