The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, November 17, 1894, Page 10, Image 12

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    TMie srlgglit tiling: in. tMmiliinfi: at Ttie Globe,
In tbo death of Mike Kelley, the ten thousand dollar beauty,
which occurred in Boston Thursday of last week, tho diamond loses
ono of its most prominent figures. He was one of tbo best known
players in tho profession, a man of countless friends, and his sad end
is regretted on all sides.
Monk Gline is in the Louisville liro department.
Watkins writes to tho Bee that he is after Speer. If tho Lincoln
management lets the "kid" get away from this town there will bo a
howl go up from the fanB that will shake all the nails out of the
grand stand. However, those who know tho "kid" cannot blame
him if he gels a good offer and accepts, as Lincoln has not said any
thing to him about next season.
All this talk about Omaha getting into the western league is bosh
Omaha is in proper company at present.
There will be a change in
the presidency of the west
ern association.
The salary limit, of the
western association will be
increased to $1,000 in 1895.
Charles Hoover, Lincoln's
old catcher, is in Tampa,
Florida, where J. D. Cal
houn is running a paper.
Chicago has Bigned Moran
of Omaha.
Das Moines got two good
players in Purvis and Let
cher. t
Youngy Johnson has been
heard from at last and he
would like to pitch for the
pennant winners in 1895
"That's us," of couree.
St Louis contains more
ball players than any other
city in the world.
Buck Ebright
Louis Browns.
was after McDougal who was signed by the St.
Dave Rowe has not sent in the averages of the western association
and there are twenty players leading the association in batting. All
twenty of them will bo given a trial on the local team in '95.
Fred Pfefler, writing about his old comrade, Mike Kelley, says:
"He played by intuition, by instinct Signs were not a part of his
equipment Most infielders use signals. Kelley and I never had
ono. Wo never tried them. He was alive to every contingency
which could come up in a ball game. His wonderful powers of per
ception enabled him to protect every angle of the game and he would
do so. I studied Kel and got so close to him mentally that I knew
juct what he was liable to do and was always prepared to back him
up. He was tho creator aud the father of more original fine points
than any man who ever stood behind a mask. At the bat, on the
base lines, in tho coacher's box, wherever you put Kelley, he was
per so, a king. His strongest playing point was that he was always
ready. Ho could take advantage of a misplay which others wouldn't
see untU afterward. He was a marvel at base running. By that I
do not mean that he had any extraordinary speed, but he out goner
aled,if I mayuso the term, the men who were chasing him. Ho
could cut the base and do it in such a manner that ho would get
away with it. He played tho umpire as intelligently as he did the
opposing nine. He would make a friend of him, engage his confi
dence, and in various ways get the best of close decisions. Ho was
never guilty of dirty ball playing." Tho funeral of Kelly took place
at Boston this week, the Elks lodge of that city having charge of
the services.
Some of the cranks think that if Ebright had succeeded in get
ting Powers, Sweeney and Whitehead at the time when they were
needed wo would have finished in a better place than we did. Why
not get these men right now and get a good lead early in the season?
Nichol wants a franchise in tho western association for Rockford,
Jacksonville promises to play Sunday ball if it is are allowed to
retain its franchise.
Tommy McCarthy is back
in the city.
All of last year's team
wej-e republicans.
Kansas City imagines that
a franchise in the western
association would be about
her size.
By raising the salary limit
to $1000 tho associasion will
bo entitled to a reserve
clause and it will be a very
god thing.
Park Wilson, of the New
Yorks, is wintering in Den
ver. t
There will be a batch o
interesting news next week.
There will be several good
amateur clubs in the city
next season.
The Chicago and St. Louis club will go south in the spring.
Pitt6burg cleared $20,000 last season.
If Maupin were a white man he would be with some good club.
Beckley will captain the Pittsburg team next.
Manager Shugart of Cedar Rapids, la., was in tho city last Tues-'
) 4"tyT
Scissor Grinder How is business?
Rag Man Picking up. How's yours?
Scissor Grinder Pretty dull.
After May II will make the best set of Teeth for $5.
Teeth Extracted Without Fain. Ml Work Guaranteed h atUfactory.
ROOMS 94, 95, 96, BURR BLK.
GWBB lotlxesi keep their shcpe,