THE COURIER fa AbjtjNky. T t swaTawJaW BLaaawiiV aaaPW per i '"fjiKxm:w&zsr Ksr va. ym w- , v Messrs. S. C Wiaxs & Co., Xe Roy, N. Y.: . WKh ., jaunty ut, I094 Gentlemen I have tried many different kinds of medicine without receiving any benefit, and had given npall hopes of any cure or even relief. I. was troubled with constipation for years until I was a total wreck. Finally it ran into rheumatism and other trouble, and have been confined to the house, (was in bed for eight months) for two ysars. I.have been using your Karl's Clover Moot Tea, and find that it has done me more good than anything I have ever tried. You are perfectly at liberty to use my name as a testimonial, as I am glad to know that I have been the means of relieving others. Very respectfully, Mrs. W. P. "Worden. ii' 2V. X. WILLIAMS, 131 S O Street. -A3- S Z4' wRL saaaf mki m a BaaLaaavaaaa a aaval aMwEaaw mXBRmrfMT! m MM mf If I II I hI i i i tr eater in W-P8 RbS aa BlaalS. REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. Fine harness made to order. y JHSaaaafthft&i manhood restored! TNrwKr;; Kuarautecd to cure a. 1 nervous disease ,sucu as Weak Memory. Los of Brain Power. Headache, Wakefulness. Lust Manhood. Nightly Amissions. Nerrous Dess.ttU dralnsandlossof powcrlnGcneraliTe Organs of either sex caused t y overexertion, jrowthftol errors, excessive nse of tobacco. opium or stim ulants, wnicn lead to innnnlty.unnsumpuon or insanity, utn oe earned la With a OS order we money. Sold br all A.kfnrlt-fKkit tinnthpr. Write fnrfre Medical Hnnk Hfit Misled L'sUb. :-plaln wrapper. Address WEUVJiSKalU CO.. Masou'cTeaple,CHlCA0O. Vor sale In !' H.W.BUOWN and W.N.I1&I1LA1SNDEU In iritis. v--t Docket. SlDerbox.foras. br mall prepaid, zlTeawrttteniaaraateelscBrearreraad the money. uruggtsts. WEBSTER'S INTERNATIONAL -W..DICTIONARY AGrmnlEdwcmtor. nueetMtor oj ine "Uaabrldged." Ten years spent In revising, 100 ed itors employed .and more than 9300,000 expended. , Everybody should own this Dictionary. It an. swers all questions concerning the his tory, spelling, pro nunciation, and tnp'infnr. nf vrnrihl- A library in Itself. itaisogiTes the often desired Information concerning eminent persons; facts concerning the countries, cities, towns, and natural fea tures of the globe; particulars concerning noted fictitious ersonsaml places; trans lation of foreign quotations, words, and proverbs ; etc., etc., etc. This Work is Invaluable in the household, and to tho teacher, scholar, pro fessional man, and self -educator. Sold by All Jlookaellers. G. Jk C. McTxlom Co. Publisher. Springfield, Mass. tna not bny cheap Dhoto- irrapblc reprints of ancient editions. jysend for free prospectus. WEBSIEJfS INTEKNOTKALJ DCTNNHTi is an arbitrary word used to designate the only bow (ring) which cannot be pulled oft the watch. Here's the idea Sl The bow has a groove on each end. A collar runs down inside the pendant (stem) and fits into the grooves, firmly locking the bow to the pendant, so that it cannot be pulled or twisted off. T.. i.T 1 -. 1.A 1a.. Mf ttA II p05lUTCIT HCCUl WE 1UM 1 watch by theft, and avoids injury to k from uiupptug. vLjgjii sffr IT CAN ONLY BE HAD with Jas. Bos Pilled or other watch cases bearing this trade mark tf AH watch dealers sell them without extra cost. A mm cast opttitrjsill U sent lrt to aaj on by tka sBatwiMturars. KeystoneWatch Case Co., PHILADELPHIA. W COPYRIGHTS. CAlt I SBTAIIf A FATXXTf For prorapt answer sod aa honest opinion, write to nUNN & CO.. who have bad nearly flitr years experlenee In the patent bostness. Commanletv tlons strictly confidential. A Haaabk of In formation coBcerntmr PateaM and how to ob tain tbem sent free. Also a catalogue of meebsa leal and scientific books sent free. Patents taken through Mmm A- Co. reeerre special notice in me seieattsle Asaeneaa. i inns are nroagns widery oeroreue public i ovx cose 10 tae inremor. xms spteaoia ' 1 nan r. issued weekly, elegantly illustrated, has by far the caianon I imr. BBUdnvt EdiUoa. monthly. SlSO a year. Sinai Unrest escalation of any saeatiae work in the) ir. Sample copies sent free. WSnTdb?? eoDles. '25 cents. Every number contains tlful plates, in colors, and pbotographs of new houses, with plans, enabling' builders to show the latest designs and secure cortracts. Address MUXX & CO. METT y"tlK. at! t J0.1DWAT