The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, August 11, 1894, Page 4, Image 4

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ijpp 'f. V-'"
There's a discription in a nut-shell of the
journey to Hot Springs, S. D. via the Burl
ington route.
It's ono of the ploasantests trips imagin
able. Rates to Hot Springs are low, very low,
now. Why not spend a week or two there?
The Burlidgton's local agent will gladly
give you full particulars about Hot Springs
and also if you ask. -for it a beautifully
illustrated folder.
G. P. & P. A.
Omaha, Neb.
wi fnwBn
TaBBisBBBXff Bar
d See Urn.
Pbxx. Dakikl.
G. P. A T. Aft C. P. A T. Art.
St Loow. Ha 1201 0 St
tlKT. :p ESY.
Ticket Oflce Comer 11th and O Sts.
General Agent
City Ticket Aft
io4 o m
With their solid trains composed of Pull
nan palace, colonist sleepers. Their dinap
re the finest
We sweep the new world with our FIjr
wa" and fast mails, and have knocked a big
hole through the west, and now have MID
.winter rates. $6550 lound trip.
xn TUUKittTS all say in the
, nund at aassaw-
Attorney at Law.
To Edward Wadsworth and Gconrina
Wadsworth. his wife, non-resident de
fendants: You and eaeh of you are here
by notified that on the 14th day of July,
1891, the Philadelphia Mortgage and
Trust Company as plaintiff, began an ac
tion against you and other defendants in
the district court of Lancaster county,
Nebraska, the object of which is to fore
close a certain mortgage on the following
land in said county, to-wit: the south
east quarter (S. E. j) of section number
four (4), in town eleven (11), north of
range six (G), east of the Gth principal
meridian, made by you, dated April 18th,
1888, io secure the payment of a prom
issory note of yourselves to the Clark
& Leonard Investment Company for 81,
500, on which there is now due 81,500 with
interest from May 1, 1893, at 10 per
cent per annum pursuant to coupons.
Plaintiff prays for decree of fore
closure and sale of said land to satis
fy said liens as aforesaid, for deficiency
judgement and general relief.
You are required to answer plaintiff's
gotition on or before the 17th dav of
eptembcr, 1894.
Philadelphia Mortgage and Trust Co.
By S. L. Geisthardt, Attorney.
Aug 11 4 t
A to net AtL w.
To Laura T. Funke Ancil L. Funke
and Henry Royer, non-resident de
fendants: You and each of you are
hereby notified that on July 21,
1894, John M. Sharon and the Lin
coln Mortgage and trust Company as
plaintiffs, began an action against you
and other defendants in the district
court of Lancaster county, Nebraska, the
object of which is to foreclose a certain
mortgage on the following land in said
county, to wit: the north half of the
north-west quarter of the north-east quar
ter (NJ of NW ofNEJof section No.
six in town 9, north of rauge seven,
east of the 6th principal meridian, made by
Laura T. Funke and Ancil L. Funke,
dated August 1, 1892, to secure the pay
ment of a promissory note of said Laura
T. Funke and Ancil L. Funke to the Clark
and Leonard Investment Company for
$3000, on which there is now due 83,131.75,
with interest from August 1st, 1893, at 10
per cent per annum pursuant to coupons.
Plaintiffs pray for decree of foreclosure
and sale of said land to satisfy said liens as
aforesaid, for' deficiency judgment and
general relief.
You are required to answer plaintiff's
getition on or before the 17th day of
eptember, 1894.
John M. Sharon and Lincoln Mortgage
and Trust Company Plaintiffs.
By S. L. Geisthardt, Attorney.
Aug. 11 4t.
Sheriff Sale.
Notice is hereby given that by virtue of
an order of sale issued by the clerk of tho
district court of the Third judicial distrct
of Nebraska, within and for Lancaster
county, in an action wherein The Clark
& Leonard Investment Company et al, are
plaintiffs and William A. Pike et al, are
defendents, I will, at 2 o clock p. in.,
on the 11th day of September A. D. 1894 at
the east door of the court house in the city
of Lincoln. Lancaster county, Nebraska,
offer for sale at public auction the following
described real estate to-wit:
Lot number four (4) block number two
2 in Walnut Park addition to Lincoln,
Lancaster county, Nebraska.
Given under my hand this 8th dav of
August, A. D. 1894.
Aug. 11, 5t Sheriff.
Attorney ct law,
.burr block.
To Laura T. Funke, Ancil L. Funke,
her husband, and Henry Royer, non-resident
defendants: You and each of you
are hereby notified that on July 21,
1894. the president and directors of the
Insurance Company of North America,
and tho Lincoln Mortgage and Trust
Company as plaintiffs, began an action
against you and other defendants in the
district court of Lancaster county, Ne
braska, the object of which is to forclose a
certain mortgage on the following land in
6aid county, to wit: lot number six (G), in
block number one hundred ninety-one (191),
in the city of Lincoln according to the offi
cial plat, made by Laura T. Funke
and Ancil L. Funke dated August
1st, 1892, o secure the payment
of a promissory note of said
Laura T. Funke and Ancii L. Funke to
the Clark and Leonard Investment Cotn-
Sany for 82,000 on which there is now
ue 82,090 with interest from August 1st,
1893, at 10 per cent per annum pur
suant to coupons.
Plaintiffs pray for decree of foreclosure
and sale of said land to satisfy said
liens as aforesaid, for deficiency judge
ment and general relief.
You are required to answer plaintiff's
petition on or before the 17th day of
September, 1894.
President and Directors of the In
surance Company of North America
and the Lincoln Mortgage and Trust
Company, Plan tiffs.
AuglI4t ByS.L. Geisthardt, Attorney
Notice is hereby given that by virtue of
in order of sale issued by the clerk of the
district court of the third judicial district
of Nebraska, within and for Lancaster
county, in an action wherein the Citizens
National Bank of Des Moines, Iowa, is
plaintiff, and Louie Meyer et al are defend
ants, I will at 2 o'clock p. m., on the 4th
day of September A. D. 1894, at the cast
door of the court house,, in the city of Lin
coln, Lancaster county, Nebraska, offer
for sale at public auction an undivided
one-half interest in and to all of the follow
ing described real estate to-wit:
Lots numbered three (3) four (4) five (5)
six (6) seven (7) eight (8) and nine (9) in
block four (4) in Engleside Addition to the
city of Lincoln Lancaster county Nebraska.
Given under my hand this 1st day of August
A.D. 1894.
Fred A. Miller.
Aug 4 5t Sherriff
Sheriff Safe.
Notice is hereby given, that by virtue of
an order of sale issued by tho clerk of the
district court of thethird judi
cial district of Nebraska; within
and for Lancaster county, in an action
wherein the Clark and Leonard Investment
Company a Nebraska corporation et al, are
plaintiffs, and Patrick Egan et al, are de
fendants, I will, at 2 o'clock P. M, on the
11th day of September A. D. 1894, at the
east door of the court house, in the city of
Lincoln, Lancaster county, Nebraska, offer
for sale at public auction tfie following 'de
scribed real estate to wit:
Lot number thirty-nine 39 in S. W.
Little's sub-division of the west halt of the
south west quarter, W.JofS.W. of
section number twenty-four (24) town ten
10 north of range six (G) east of the Gth
principal nieriuian in Lancaster county,
Given under my hand this 8th day of
August A.D. 1894.
Fred A. Miller,
, Aug. 11 5t Sheriff.
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