wmm gsry8"1 ! i6 THE COURIER i- - & IV -. i - I- f I 1 ? J S3 fe If Mr. EuMtfn JL Anitfc Etaa,CaL Like Other Womeir I have suffered for 25 years with a coBapUcatioa of troubles, with continuous, almost unbeara ble pain in ay back. The Grip also prostra- Wood's Sana- 1 1m pariUm ures te4 ase. But Hood's" Sarsaparilla has cured ae of all my troubles. a4 I caa&ot speak too Ucalr of It MBs.E.K.amTH,Box59Etaa,CaL ' PIH cure headache and indigestion. c COME OUT TO UHCOU PUD! II 9 and witness the I. 1 Hi TOWER DIYUNTEuT between PROP. RIDGEWAF and two other contestants. The Tower will be extended 50 feet more if necessary, thus making it 140 feet high. OTHER ML HI H. C. HOHLT, MANAGER. Also proprietor of the Garden Cafe, where veerything is first-class at reasonable rates. Via the Missouri iPaaiSc On the second Tuesday ia Bmmbvr 1893 January, Febuary, Man, Ap-il and May 1891 the Mil afi Fadfic route will sell round trip ticket te all stations in Texas with final limit to turn in 30 days from date of sale, Stop over are allowed in Arkansas, Tessa and Okla homa, Newj-Mexico and Isdian Terri tory. "Conie and take a trip to the south. Pm-xDaioxx8,C..AT.A. laWOstreet NOW OFFERS BEDUCED BATES For Round Trip Tickets to MANY rruaart: Points AMOMG l Em Hot Springs, Deadwood, Rapid CityvSt. Paul, Minneapolis, Duluth, Ashland, jpay field, Madison, Milwaukee, Ocononjrjtyoc, Wis. and other points to numerous to men tion in Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, New York, New Hampshire, Vermont, Maine Ontario, etc. FOR RAThS. MAPS Etc. SEE A. S. FIELDING, City Ticket Act. 117 SOUTH 10th STRICT. S. A. MOSHER. General Agt ill I l.r vr 7iJB.ua:; wxvvJCB Caters for family trade only. Consequently their goods are the nicest nnd freshest in the market. Store 1425 O. Tel.filO, Hmtf Mm to Met Springs S. .. r tfia tvrh'ngtui ftti.e. Every Friday during July and August the Burlington Route will sell round trip tickets to Hot Springs, S. D., at the one way rate. Tickets good for fifteen days. This substantial reduction from tariff rates brings a trip to this greatest of west ern health resorts within every-onea reach. Consumptives, rheumatics, suffer ers from every ill that flesh is heir to, will make no mistake if they take advantage of this opportunity. Full information upon application to local B. 4 M. R. R. agent, or to J. Francis G. P. & T. An Burlington route, Omaha, Neb. WEDDING INVITATION THE COURIER, 1020 "P Street W1XIAMS 1318 O Street .bEmsW BBBBSW A 'M 11 bbbv Af Mm BBbT aaV BT U bbbb Kk m BBBLssBBBBBrWaaassa .B'ffaVEMmVflBBBVBBBBBBBB-T H a JMnt 0 BwBBBl SMVaiBJBMW BBjakfr. BBVaBBMaW 'i'VBvJBT .r T - BBBBBt BBBBBBBBBBr VMfclBBBBBBBBBBBfsV bbbbb .aJsaaBBa Utfti J -, bbbbb Jr'aaaaaaTa aaUliV "- '' aaaaW yCBKHaaaamB BaaaaraT BBa Ha aaa BBBBaJj BBl nl BB1 BBTBBw SB) " BBl BBrBBf bbt Bri laa bb? bbt bT all ibb bm bbI W Dl s I B ""' BBBBBlBBBBBBBSBBBBBBalBBBBaBalV " ' '' " BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBfcBBB'BBaBaSiaBBBBBBB "" ".S- JBB?BJBBBBBBBBBBWBBBi AaV BBBJBBBBBBJIaBBpX-BBB - Br9BTClBBBBBBBBBBBmBBwM ,r dealer 1& vP8 Robes and Blankets. BEPAIRING A SPECIAL! Y. Pine harnees made to order. Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair. DRPRICFS w ksksei - The only Pore Cream of Tartar Powder. No Ammonia; No Afanav Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Stanford A f r -'&A J$$ v; - tTJ. I 1 W, -v ' . t3. i W -r. .A y aIK V MANHOOD RESTORED r?; . 1 BBErl BBf V aornUd tucurvs.l nrrTuusdlBCmactucu as Weak Memoir. LMaf&nii BW BbTSTbI BBTBvSD er.UeaiUcke.WalMlali)eilAiMMaoliood,NlsiiUrEmi(Moaa7kwTMm. r 9 Tj JW "l ne.aU Jralneaodlo of powerlnGeucratiToOrxmiis of ellberaaaMauS " T AaY V Mtl broTerezeitlon.xnithfMcrrraexoealTeo(eortobacco.oaMrwMra. - I Ylali tSBBBk laatt. which l4 to lnnnltr. Consumption or Inunlir. Caa GtMrrtaSln B I jBjLSr lT Ten pocket. St per box. for SS. by mall prepaid. wltbaMaiSerwa I BBBEBKTBV KnL?1'" wrltte Kvamateol erer rerun the MtrDMlr all I jBBBUBBWBBS25trafftiU. A for It, take no other. Write forrreeMedlcal Book MM Mklld !' HMBfiBnilEnuiaplatawiainier. Ad4ieaiimUaVCaaUBvv..MiuouVeTeai3alSBSaa Voraale U Liaeeta. by H. W.BBOWM aa W.M.miuUJUtNUBK 1M laglMiT