'.Tjr- -ragg'-" in- THBOOUBOR .J J t j rr - ..sbb1bbbbbbW C A .BwVjBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBsV . ' BiUV!S4SS-' ii1 I I li V lfcw i v 1 tr Its- : ftii rVVfltuti -f ill lITi U- : - . ' - - - i J 'v, I . 3- -- 3U!f Corner 1-itla. a.rxcl IVT Sti L,inooln, Xet TUBKLSH, KUSSIAN, ROMAN, ELECTRIC, CABINET AND HOT SALT BATHS. People taking these baths will find the best possible appointments. Throughout the building everything is clean and wholesome Massage is. given understandingly and trained attendants are to be found in every department. The mineral waters from the Artesian.". weU&are particularly refreshing to those who are tired or overworked. For the cure of liver, kidney, stomach and nervous diseases and all. chronic complaints, and especially for RkietXTxxk.t.l.mxxx these waters have.proven most efficacious. c The great plunge, 50x142, and 3 to 10 feet deep, filled with mineral water, is a splendid place to learn to swim. Lessons taught by men and women. Thu water, though constantly changing, is kept at an even temperature the year around.- - . - s - In connection also is a fine barber shop.and hair dressing department, both complete in every p.irticularfscalp treatment and sham poos are given. The hair arranged for parties Send for further particulars. ' , -f DESIGNING, ENGRAVING, 1 ELEGTR0TYP1NG. Iet XJm itxcalco Tour Letter Heads, Catalogue Illustrations and Advertising Designs. Prices Low. Good Ideas. Always on Top. WALLACE & L0CKW00D N. W. Cor. 14th and P Sts cnxDT m irrriro results. fatpeoplexz: " t .faaTiiiiiniiiiniiihlsnrr V Bjb A PRIVATE WIKKS. I ITH AND N ST8. GRAIN, PROVISIONS and STOCKS J-; CORRESPONDENTS: :-: F. O. Logan & Co., Chicago. D. R. Francis Commission Co., St. Louis. Hubbard, Price St Co., New York. tVMarkets famished country dealers on request. HUMPHREYS' Br. HB-aphrevB' PrrrHrsimirirmtlflf TIjsbJ eanCBUy prepwed Hwnwllti, oed for Tears In prints practice and for orer thirty Tears by the people with entire saocess. Erery s4gle SpedSc a SDeeial eon for the rUsnase named. Tbey care without drBCTtnf.fBrgni;crreanclng nsneBwrerctgai THE LINCOLN. Artificial Si e and The Co., the system and are In f act ax i m we vvana. 1-Veren, Congf itlnni, TnflsmwisllOBi.. ,U3 a Warsss, Worm Ferer. WorsaOoHe.... ft S-TeethlaKi OoUcCrymcWakefabsess .3S 4-DUrrhem, of Children or Adolts...... JM 7-nna, Colds, Bronchitis. 3 8-KemrsOcta, Toothache. Faceacasu.... ,9S w-Hemdacke EJck Headache, Vertigo JU ltV-Byapepala. Bffluniiiws. Constipation. JU 11-Bapprsased orPalafnl FerlW .3ft lU-Whita Too ProfaaB Periods .. JU 13-Cranp, Laryngitis, Hosnenest....- Jlft lwHSaltKkcmsa, Iryspelas.KpOoBS.. .3ft lft-Rke ntlsss, riiwiimtmPalaa . Jt lft-MaUrfat, Cams, rerer and Acne JU IB-Catarrh. Inftsmsa, Cold to the Head. JU 3wWkslac CaEh...... -....- &3 37 Kidner Dlaesvaea ............ S aS-Herrama BekUlty lf Sw-Vriaary Weakness), Wstttec Bed.. .3ft HCMPHRETB' WITCH HAZKL OIL, Tae PUa Ofaaeat-Trial Sse. M Cta. ajMkySrastMB,mstsaaMriftarstlsa. Ba.Uraraun'ILunu&(l4 !,) auisi rsaa. SpecTFics- tMCOBTOKATKO. Lrlnooln, - ?fetxa3.slcama R. B. Gsaeax, Pres. and Treaa. J. H. Graham, Secretary. F. Redbb9, Manager. Pavlas;, Carblas;, Uwa Walks, Carrlagw Drtrea, Side Walks. Plata and Tiled, Eacama. tie TUlas;, Balldias; Stone, Window Caps and 8111s, Tcarered Work. Factory, 16th and X Streets. Telephone 599. Office, No. 1201 O Street E8TIMATE8 FURNISHED ON 8HORT NOTIOSi fflRfNOLOClOU JOOIPL JTamd j SagW OFlfeALTH A - f NJ ' A S y -saw UM MMKMTEE a ORE ar I0WLER& WELLS CO., S5 East Slst 8treet, New York. taarka mkdic yw fctu. s4.Mr OAJbOO