The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, June 23, 1894, Image 5

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"VOL.:' 9. No. 27
'?YES' 7"i--"
Tho contrast in tho general tone of
business as compared to that of several
weeks since is noticeable in a marked
degree. The rains wnich have prevail
ed throughout the west hare brought
about a renewed feeling of confidence
exceedingly encouraging at this time. To
say that things looked remarkably bad for a
time is putting it mildly. Every crop ox-
ccpt corn had suffered materially and the long continued drought
was beginning to have its effect on that cereal. A failure of the
corn crop would have been disastrous in the extreme. Merchants
throughout the state realized this and consequently the fear of
damage to that crop had a depressing effect on business. Tho abun
dant rains have dissipated all apprehensioos of that kind for some
time to come and the warm cloudy weather has materially aided its
growth. With three weeks more of such weather as has prevailed
here recently corn will be well up, shading the ground from the Bun's
rays and retaining the moisture.
Shnrtago of the wheat crop has raised tho price of that cereal and
thero is every reason to suppose that it will remain firm at a reason
ably good figure.
Business iu most lines has kept up fairly well for this season of
the year. There aro few largo orders and very few reports of new
concerns starting in business. As a matter of fact, jobbers and re
tailers aliko are resigned to tho condition of affairs.
Tho summer season is now here and little chango in tho situation
may bo expected before fall. In all staplo lines business is holding
its own, and whilo close buying and small orders is tho rulo, tho
total foots up to quito a satisfactory amount. Dealers in tho ncccs
"ftitics of life aro doing a fair amount of business, but those selling
high-class goods and articles of luxury continue to feel the stress of
tho times. This is a very natural condition.
Albert Andriano.
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x Y .Jfa some question that had nineteen
J i9k s9L. V different sides to it should come un
one of these days, wo would bet
everything that we could got our
hands on that the State Journal
would get on all sides of it at onco.
Our contemporary is remarkably
agile in feats of this kind. When the Herron flopped its wings in
this city last week and Governor Crounso promptly clipped them,
the Journal wa on the side of the Herron and the governor. It
was also on the Bide of the chancellor of the university. It was on
everybody's side. Wednesday morning our contemporary started
out to make an apology for its timidity and ended by making a
worse job of it than it was before. There are some curious things
about the "policy of the Journal.
There continues to be talk of nominating Crounso for governor
Stranger things have happened.
Men in charge of insane asylums seem to develop brutal instincts.
There is no question that Eugene Montgomery was inhumanly treat
ed at the state hospital for the insane in this city, and if other re
ports that aro current on the streets are to be believed, there has
been a good deal of serious maltreatment of patients at the asylum
in recent years. The public would undoubtedly like to see the mat
ter fully ventilated. It is fully as important to know whether pa
tients are abused as to know some other facts to ascertain which
there was a great and much heralded investigation recently.
A few more Dave Bowes and there would not be any interest in
base ball left. Honest sport suffers greatly from blacklegs liko
The Courier has not been at any time particularly enthusiastic
in praise of Mayor Weir; but it feels that some acknowledgment is
due His Honor for his attempt to abate the practice of throwing
waste paper and garbage into tho street. May be there is some good
in Weir after all.
Warranted the BEST- FLOUR in America.
Any Grocer can get it for you.
Nono Gcnuino without cut
of Indian oa bade of sack.
& Co., Wholesale Aft&.