The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, June 23, 1894, Page 16, Image 18

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Hood's Is
At fcarrestlnz time I took -a serere cold
Which settled In my limbs, and In a short tiao
dereloped into I-
K S.v- XB
Jar. A. W. Cooler,
After spend
ing a good sum of mon
ey for different reme
dies and suffering all
whiter, I became so
crippled that I had to
walk with the aid ol
crutches. By the kind
&S adrice of a friend I wai
preralled upon to buy
six bottles of Hood's
Saxsaparilhv ItookttM
medicine and It has ful
ly restored me to heatti
and I think It red
awyUfe. I will cheerfully answer all whoa)
wish to correspond shout my affliction or state
ment." A, W.Coolkt, Clifford, North Dakota
Hood's Sars-
J. JL pttHUa
Be Sure to Get 11G
nOOQ 5 pf
Hood's Piito euro nausea, aadbimoHiMM
g 1 S M J1J SIS i
Harreat Kxcarsioa.
Via "the Missouri Pacific On the
second' Tuesday in December 1893
January. Fcbuary, March, Ap-il and
May 1894 the Missouri Pacific routo
will sell round trip tickets to all stations
in Texas with final limit to return in 30
days from date of sale. Stop over aro
allowed in Arkansas, Texas and Okla
homa, New Mexico and Indian Terri
tory. Come and take a trip to the
south. Phil Daniels, C. P. & T. A.
1201 O street.
Cheap Rate to California
Via the Union Pacific Ry "Sunshine,
Fruit and Flowers," San Francisco Los
Angeles and intermediate points. First
class one way $20; round trip good for
00 days $35.50. Full information cheer
fully given at city ticket office, 1044 O st.
E. B. Slossoh, J. T. Mastin,
Gen. Agent C. T. A.
An actor of mediocre ability can tako the
emotional roles if he has a good voice and a
trick or two of the eyes. But it takes a
man with leisure intellect and a peculiar
temperament to boa comedian. Mr. Chas,
Underbill, Lo will impersonate comic
characters sit tl e Crote chautnuqua in July
has devoted himself entiiely to the sym
pathetic stiidv of the delicate, classic com
edy of S!i::kftpcutc, ami the homely
human comedy of Charles Dickens. Ho is
without a rival an an impersonator of the
roles of Fi.lstalT, Maloalio, Picwick and
Pecksniff. The sense of comedy is not a
small thing, and it needs to be cultivatdd.
It is a matter of regret that so little is
known of Shukcppeare's comedies. Even
Shakesperiau scholars neglect them. The
The greater part of the cultured world has
yet to discover the sunnier side of the mas
ter s genius. There will be nothing more
attractive at the Chautauqua essembly
than Mr. Underbill's delightful impersonations.
The round trip ratts to Hot Springs, S.
D., ofiored by the Burlington Route are low
very low, as low as can bo quoted.
Ask your local agent about them.
Ten Tons of Medicine.
Won't do you half as much good as a week's
stay at Hot Spring's S. D., the greatest
health and pleasure resort in the west.
The Burlidgton's local agent will gladly
give you full particulars about Hot Springs
and also if you ask for it a beautifully
illustrated folder.
G. P. & F. A.
Omaha, Neb.
-?0LMiLe Grocers.
Caters for family trade only. Consequently
their goods are the nicest and freshest in
the market Store 1425 O. Tel. 610.
Speaks throngh the Boothbay (Me.) Iitghter,
of Hie beneficial resnlts be has received from
a regular use of Ayer's Fills. lie says: "I
was feeling sick and tired and my stomach
seemed all out of order. I tried a numlier
of remedies, but none seemed to give me
relief until I was induced to try the old relia
ble Ayer'a Tills. I have taken only one
box, but I feel like a new man. I think they
are the most pleasant and easy to take ol
-anything I ever used, being so finely sugar
coated that even a child will take them. I
urge upon all who are In need of a laxative'
to try Ayer'a Pills. They will do good.'
For &n diseases of the 8toraach, liver,
mad Bowels, take
Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mniw.
Every Dose Effective
I Made la an styles sad sires. lightest,!
strangest, easiest -working, safest, simplest,
I saoat accurate, most compact, and saostH
I saodern. For sale by all dealers hi arm. I
I Catalogues mailed tno by I
I Tha Itarlin Piro Arms Co., I
MrrHiTrj, ComrTJ.S.A.
4 -
Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair.
The only Pure Cream -of Tartar Powder. No Ammonia; No Alum.
Used in Millior.s of Homes 40 Years the Standi
inaruilrpd to cora a.licrrousdleaae. sucli as Weak Memory. Loss of U rain
lower, liemi actio. Waeluluesa, Ixut Mauliood, Nluhtly Emissions. Nerrous
ncKa,alldrainsandloisor poerla Generative Organ of eltaer sex caused
liynuTPTemnn.ynp' niiuci m, riwrwunuwj ui uioaccu. opium or Sum
aiavui aubbvL-smu.
imslklA. Aakfnrlt-tAkM nnnther. Write fnrfnfMm1iral IbmkaAn .i.j
in rlala wrapper. AddreaMaaXVJEKKaCO.,MasoulcTemDle.CHicin-
Vbraoie la Lioeota. by B. W.BUOWU and W. JCatKHlAKMlJUU 1M lucisu.
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