THE COURIER 51 A A gressional district and elsewhere, and it is probablo that ho will have no difficulty in being elected. B. II. Robinson of Omaha, is thus far the only other candidate. Brad Slaughter, chairman of the republi can state central committee, will probably bo ro elected secretary. Thero is a tendency in this city to elect Sam E. Low, now in Col orado Springs, ono of tho delegates from tho stato convention to tho national convention to bo held in Denver, Juno 20. Ho will un doubtedly bo chosen. It is understood that T. II. Benton and Capt. J. E. Hill are also desirous of going to Denver as representatives of Nebraska. There is talk in this city of an early county convention. Tho state convention having been fixed for tho 22d of August, it was at first supposed that tho county convention would not bo held until tho latter part of July; but thero is talk of holding tho same tho lat ter part of June. This would means a very lively three or four weeks ante-convention campaign in this city. A NEW TEA. Although Cowpor speaks of "tho cups that cheer, but not inebriate' there is evidence of the intoxicating power of tea. In China tea is rarely used until it is a year old, because of the peculiar intoxicating property which now.tea possesses. Three or four grains of thcino are contained in less than half an ounce of good tea, and may be taken in a day by most full-grown persona without unpleasant ef fects; but if twico this quantity, or eight grains a day, be taken, tho pulse becomes more frequent, the heart beats moro strongly, and trembling comes on. At tho same time tho imagination is excited and after awhile tho thoughts wander, visions begin to bo seen and a peculiar state of intoxication comes on. All these symptons are followed by and pass of in a deep sleep. Whether the tannin in tea contributes in any degree to oxhilarating or narcotic action is not known. That it does aid in tho exhilarating effect which tea pro duces is rendered very probablo by tho fact that a species of tannin is tho principal ingredient in tho Indian betel nut, which is so prized in the east and which is said to produce a mild and agreeable intoxi cation. Mate or Paraguay tea, prepared from tho leaves of tho Brazilian holly in tho state in which it is commonly used for a stimulating beverage also intoxicates. THE LATEST FAD. Have you got tho new disorder? If you haven't, 'tis in order to succumb to it at once without delay; it is called appendicitis, very different from gastritis, or tho common trash diseases of tho day. It creates a happy frolic, something like tho winter colic, that has often jarred our inner organs some. Only wrestles with the wealthy, and the otherwise most healthy, having got it, then you're nigh to kingdom come. Midway down iu your intestine, its interstices in. festin', is a little alley, blind and dark as night, leading off to simply nowhere, catching all stray things that go there, as a pockot it i out of sight. It is prone to stop and grapple with tho seed of grapo or apple, or a soldier button swallowed with your pie. Having levied on theso chattels, then begin internal battles that aro apt to end in mansions in tho sky. Onco located novor doubt it, you would nover bo without it, it's a fad among society that's gay; old heart failuro and paresis havo decamped and gono to pieces, and dyspepsia has fallen by tho way. Then stand back thero, diabetes, for hero comes appendicitis, with a brood of minor troubles on tho wing; so vermi form, here's hoping you'll withstand all drastic doping, and earn tho appellation, "Uncrowned King." THE SUM OF LIVING. If you havo a friend worth loving, Iovo him. Yes, and let him know that you love him, ere life's evening tinge his brow with sun set glow. Why should good words no'er bo slid of a friend till ho is dead? If you hear a song that thrills you, sung by any child of song, praiso it. Do not lot tho singer wait deserved praises long. Why should ono who thrills your heart lack tho joy you may impart? If you hear a prayer that moves you by its humble, pleading tone, join it. Do not let tho seeker bow before hw God alone. Why should not your brother sharo the strength of "two or threo" in prayer? If you see tho hot tears falling from a brother's weeping eyes, share them; and by kindly sharing own your kinship with the skies. Why should any ono bo glad when a brother's heart is sad? If a silvery laugh goes rippling through tho sunshine on his face, share it. 'lis the wiso man's saying for both grief and joy a place. Thero's health and goodness in tho mirth in which an honest laugh has birth. If your work is made moro easy by a friendly, helping hand, say so. Speak out bravo and truly, ere tho darkness veil thd" land, should a brother workman dear falter for a word of cheer? Scatter thus your seeds of kindness, all enriching as you go leave them. Trust tho harvest giver, ho will mako each seed to grow. So until its happy end, your life shall never lack a friend. TOO MOUSE LIKE TO SUIT HER. In ono of the shops the other day a young woman was looking at silks. She expressed a wish for something "quiet." "Xow, here is one as still as a mouse," said a facetious salesman, holding up a gray shade. "I should Bay so," returned the young man, "it's so quiet that it hasn't been able to move. "It's the same thing you showed mo two months ago." HER DESIRE. Maud What is tho height of your ambition, dear? Marie (blushing furiously) Oh, something about six feet. RUDGE & MORRIS CO., We are receiving new goods all the time. And the new goods are the goods to buy. The Quick Meal Gas Range takes the lead. The Leonard Hardwood Cleanable Refrigerator can't he heat, and sold only by RIXDOK; & JVIORRTS CO. nis 10 1112:2 jv OMeEEar,