The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, May 26, 1894, Page 17, Image 17

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MByal Baby' Fort ffine.
If job are reduced In vitality or strength
by illneas or any other cause, we recom
mend the use of this Old Port Wine, the
raj blood of the grape. A grand tonic
for nursing mothers, and those reduced
by wasting disease. It creates strength ;
improves the appetite ; nature's own rem
edy, much preferable to drugs; guaran
teed absolutely pure and over five years
of age. Young wine ordinarily sold is not
fit to use. Insist on having this standard
brand, it costs no more, tlln quart bottles,
pints 60 cts. RcyalWineCo. For sale by
11th and O Sts.
Extract From the Rules "of the Water De
partment. Water rent shall be duo and payable in
advance semi-annually. May 15 and'Novera-
ber 15. If not paid by the abovo dates ont-.
dollar fine for shutting off and 10 per.cent
of the bill may be charged.
J. W.Percival,
Water Commissioner.
Homeseekers Kxcuntlon One rare. for. the
Round Trip.
Tell your friends in the east that on May
29 the Burlington route will sell round trip
tickets at the one-way rate topoints in Ne
braska, Kansas, Eastern Kansas, South
western South Dakota and Northern Wyom
ing. Tickets are good for twenty days;
allow stop-overs and will be on sale at all
stations east of the Missouri river.
J. Francis. G. P. & T. A., Burlington route,
Omaha, Neb.
Harvest Excursion.
Via the Missouri Pacific On the
second Tuesday in December 1893
January, Febuary, March, Apnl and
May 1891 the Missouri Pacific route
will sell round trip tickets to t attestations
in Texas with final limit to return in 30
days from date of sale. Stop over are
allowed in Arkansas, Texas and Okla
homa, New Mexico and Indian Terri
tory. Como and take a trip to the
south. Phil Daniels, C. P. & T. A.
1201 O street.
Cheap Rates to California
Via the Union Pacific Ry., "Sunshine,
Fruit and Flowers," San Francisco Los
Angeles and intermediate points. First
class one way 920; round trip good for
GO days $35.50. Full information cheer
fully given at city ticket office, 1044 O st.
E. B. Slosson, J. T. Mastin,
Gen. Agent C. T. A.
And Fast Time to Ft. Worth, Houston and
La Porte, Texas.
Parties going to the above points can
Bave nearly twelve hours in time by
taking the great Rock Island route.
Fast Texas express leaving Lincoln at
8:20 a. m. reaches Ft. Worth 8:12 a. m.
and Houston at 7:30 p. m..thefollowing
day. Only ono night out A member
of the La porte syndicate will accom-
any the party leaving over the Rock
sland on Tuesday the 9th inst
For rates etc. call at city ticket office
1045 O street, corner Eleventh.
C. A. Rutherford, C. T.'fe P. A.
Boston Xaw York Philadelphia.
These three groat centers of population
in the east, and all intermediate cities, are
quickly reached from Lincoln by means of
the North Western Elkhorn line to Chi
cago. City office 117 So. Tenth street De
pot corner S and Eighth streets.
Now is the time to take a trip to Florida
via the Missouri Pacific route. City ticket
office 1201 O street, Lincoln, Neb.
REAX 15 state;.
Real Estato and Loan Brokers, ground floor,
office at 1207 O street.
Telophono G93.
Wo beliovo in protecting our customors.
But wo coutinuo to annihilate our competitors.
Bakoains In Choice City Property.
AFTER ALL, real estato is the safest placo
to put your money, hanks fail, business
houses fail and mines fail to pan out
As we said before, banks fail. Ro
Bults, 25 cents on tho dollar. Tis
true tho real estato market may
become depressed at times, but
by holding a man can always .
realize- dollar for dollar and
there never was a better
timo to buy than now.
Lincoln realty is
steadily advanc
ing and the day will
never come when real
estato in tho city of Lin
coln will bo as cheap as it
is at present. Buy while it is
within your reach. You aro
absolutely certain of largo returns.
See us for suro investments. We
have listed with us the best bargains
in tho city. Teams in waiting to show
them. Telephono C93, or call at our
ground floor office.
1207 O Street.
No. 26. A bargain near tho capitol in a
first-class vacant lot Wo bavo sold bar
gains before, but this beats them all; neigh
borhood tho very best Owner anxious to
sell and nionoy talks. Come and see us
about this.
To Exchango, No. C93. Clear lot in East
Lincoln and $1,000 cash for a lot in south
or southeast Lincoln.
To Exchange, No. T. 10-room modern
house and a fine doublo corner, beautiful
shade, near capitol grounds; owner desires
a smaller place, and will take a less expen
sive place as part payment, long time and
low rate of interest on tho balance; a rare
opportunity to get a comfortable home in a
choice location.
To Exchange, No. 93. Well located resi
dence property, close to business, and some
cash for a farm of 100 or 240 acres within
ten miles Of Lincoln. Must be good choice
OWNERS: If you want to sell your resi
dence or any real estato you may possess in
this city and will sell it at a bargain come
and see us. We can always find a buyer for
a first-class bargain.
HOLM & REED, 1207 O street
By H. C. YOUNG, Broker.
1201 O Street.
Neatest 7-room cottage in the city with
every convenience, fine lawn, shade. Also
6-room modern cottage, both well located
and can bo bought at a bargain".
Call at my ground floor office and get lists
and prices of tho best residence property
and vacant lots offered at one-half actual
value. "
H. C. YOUNG, Broker,
Ground Floor Office. 1201 O St., Cor. 12
SEE tho bargains offered by Homer
West & Son.
We have not been annihilated and do not
intend to be.
Wo thrive by competition.
Como and examino our list of bargains,
A fine homo in East Lincoln, all modern
improvements, thrco doors from car lino,
con bo had for half its valuo.
'When 'tis too late thou wilt regrot."
"Come and don't forget."
"Como and don't forget."
78 Burr Block.
FOR RENT 9 room houso with every
convenience 3 blocks from stato univer
sity. 1C rooms, tino location for roomers
and boarders, has every convenience
1201 O St Cor 12th
FOR RENT. Pleasant Bix room cottago
with barn, 2046 J street. 210 per month.
Inquire 1445 D street
Do you want to buy, sell or trade?
See our bargain list.
Fine lots at from 8300 up.
Good cottages and lots for $000, $050 and
8700 regular snaps!
Havo you a house to rent? Bring it in.
Do you want to rent one?
Como and tako a ride with us.
Chase Bros.
Room 4, 1113 O St
nflnlLU a firet-class Cripple Creek Gold
Mining stock. Address,
Mining Brokers,
Colorado Springs, Col.
Hot Springs South Dukata.
Calls fjr your admiration, recommendation
and patronage. It is the nearest and most
attractive health, pleasure and summor
resort to Lincoln and posesses the merit of
being among the very best in tho country.
It is located on the Elkorn R. R., the chair
and sleeping car route, low excursion rates
are in effect. For discription paru plots and
tickets call on A. S.Fielding city ticket agt.
117 south 10 st, Lincoln, Nebr. Depot cor.
8 and S street
Sheriff Sale.
Notice is hereby given that by virtue of
an order of sale issued by the clerk of the
district court of the Third judicial district
of Nebraska, within and for Lancaster
county, in an action wherein'The Investor's
Company is plaintiff, and Martin V. Rad
ford et al are defendants, I will, at 2
o'clock p. m., on the 26th day of June A. D.
1894, at the east door of the court house, in
city of Lincoln, Lancaster county, Ne
braska, offer for sale at public auction the
following described real estate to-wit:
Lot "J" in subdivision of lot sixteen (16)
block three (3) in Lincoln Driving Park
Co's. first sub-division to Lincoln in north
west quarter of the south east of section
twenty-four (24) township ten (10) range six
(6) east of tho 6 P. M. in Lancaster County,
Given under my hand this 25th day of
May, A. D. 1894. FRED A. MILLER.
May25,5t Sheriff.