The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, May 05, 1894, Page 18, Image 20

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Coughs and Colds
are signs of weakness. Don't wait until you
are weaker and nearer Consumption. Begin
at once with
Scott's Emulsion
f South
j- kinds
tr- stoves
N stre
of Cod-liver Oil, with hypophosphites of lime
and soda. It strengthens the Lungs, cures
Coughs and Colds, and builds up the system.
Physicians, the world over, endorse it.
Wasting Diseases of Children are speedily cured by SCOTT'S
EMULSION. It stops waste and makes children fat and healthy.
Prep red by Scott & Bowne, N. Y. Druggists sell It.
Storage II. F. Ynncll, Prop.
Capital Storage Co., warehouse G19-G23
20th St Goods of all
packed, moved, shipped or stored,
a specialty. An order left at
Furniture Co., 211 South 11th
or Rudgc & Morris Co., 1118-1122
N street, will bo promptly attended to.
Whitebreast Coal and Lime Co.
Genuine Coal Creek Canyon and Rock
Springs coal at the Whitebreast.
For St. TJouis tako the Missouri Pacific
route. City ticket office 1201 O street
Cnoa City and Rock Springs coal
nictly screened at Lincoln Coal company.
For California tako the Missouri Pacific
"route, via southern route.
All lawn services aro due and payable
April 1st at the water office.
J. W. Eeecival,
Water Commissioner.
Hotaling & Son are selling a very fine
queen olive at 25 ets. a quart They have
also been getting in a fine line of dried fruits.
Their goods and prices are well worth look
ing up, as they do not allow themselves to
be undersold. Store 1423 O street; tele
phono G10.
Canon City coal
Coal and Lime Co.
at the WbUebreast
Tourists rates to Florida via the Missouri
Pacific route on Bale now. City ticket office
1201 O street, Lincoln, Neb.
C. A. Wirick, Lincoln Trunk factory, 1217
O street has a complete line of Trunks, Va
lises. Pocketbooks, Shopping Bags, Collar
and Cuff Boxes, Dressing Cases, Chatelaine
Bags, Extension Case?, Soap Boxes, etc
Order work and repairing a specialty. Ev
erything in leather goods.
Try International stock food for healthy
stock and poultry. J.J. Owen, Antelope
Mills, 2246 P St Also best ground feed
The Lincoln Coal company, 1045 O street,
handles all of the very best grades of
anthracite and bituminous coal.
Geo1 F. Risloy, 8S3 North 27th street, for
feed grinding. Millet only 82 per ton.
Mr. Low Prices to Miss Fine Meats, by
Rev. Hani Times. Event will take place
this spring and summer at the Model Mar
ket, 875 North 27th street. Everybody in
vited. Jos. Deklotz.
Shipped pure and unadulter
ated direct from the distillery.
Pronounced a pure and whole
some tonic-stimulant by the
medical fraternity everywhere.
Gives life, strength and happi
ness to the weak, sick, aged
and infirm.
If yon cannot procure it of your druggist or
liquor dealers, upon receipt of $L50 we wi!l
express prepaid to any address a full quart
sample bottle of Old Elk Bye or Bourbon.
Lexington, Ky.-
Tee wb Banker.
You Can't Keep Pouted or I)n Ittiftiness
Intelligently Without It.
A complete epitome of all the banking and mone
tary affairs of thecountry; special treasury reports
including new and closed banks; changes in olli
cers.otc. also latest changes of banks, which aro
published immediately on receipt of advice.
Subscription Price, $4.00 Per annum,
STUMPT & STEUREU Publisher..
48 Church St., P. O. box 411. N IV YO K K
When wo clean house ray life is cold and
When we clean house I'm homeless for a
My wife, she works away
And "airs the house" all day
Oh, what a disarray
When we clean house!
When we clean house- I feel that I have
When we clean house I mostly livo on wind.
We have our little snacks,
Aud livo on beats and whacks,
And soap and carpet tacks,
When wo clean houee.
When we clean house woe fathomless is
'things' are shook and hung up on a
I cannot find my clothes,
And where my 'meerschaum goes
The dear Lord only knows,
Whoa we clean house.
Kourt Cbahs.
t Deafness Cannot He Cured,
by local applications, as they cannot reach
tho diseased portion of tho ear. There is
only one way to cure Deafness, and hat is
by constitutional remedies. Deafness is
caused by an inflamed condition of the mu
cous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When
this tube gets inflamed you have a rumb
ling sound or imperfect hearing, and when
it is entirely closed Deafness is the result,
and unless the inflammation can bo taken
out and this tube restored to its normal
condition, hearing will be destroyed for
ever; nine cases out of ten aro caused by
catarrh, which is nothing but an inflamed
condition of tho mucous surfaces.
We will give Five Hundred Dollars for
any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh)
tbat cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh
Cure. Send for circulars, freo.
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo. O.
EgSold by Druggists, 73c
North-western line Elkhorn ticket and
freight office 117 So. Tenth street.
If you are sick ot debilitated, do not be
discouraged. Compound Oxygen has
wrought many wonderful cures" and has
given strength to many. We know this to
be true from our own experience of twenty
five years, and we are ready to furnish
abundant proof.
It is worth your while to examine the evi
dence, which jou can do by writing to us.
We will send you, free or charge, our book
of two hundred pages with numerous testi
monials and records of surprising cures of
asthma, beolichitis, consumption, catarrh,
rheumatism, nervous prostration, neuralgia
and other forms of disease and debility.
Home treatment is sent out by express,
to be used at home. Office treatment is
administered here. Tho effect of both treat
ments is the same. Consultation freo.
Our success has given rise to many imita
tions. Avoid disappointment and loss of
money,as there is but one genuine Com
pound Oxygen, by sending to
1529 Arch St., Philadelphia, Pa., San
Francisco, Cal., Toronto, Canada.
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