THE COURIER 3 FOR CHOICE GUT FLORAL DECORATIONS, MING AND FUNDML DESIGNS, A SPBCIAITY. Special attention given to tho grow ing of new and choice roses. Carnations and all kinds of greenhouse plants. Ivlneoln Floral Conservatory PHONE 344. COR. G AND ITTH SIS. Tie Pkotograpker 1214 0 St. FINK l'HOTOOKAI'IIS A SPECIALTY PRICKS REASONABLE STiAM DYEING AND 113 X. ISth STREET - Jmvcde PRIVATE WIRES. HIT M lew DUE!! Are Just as GuraMe as Other Diseases. Treated exclusively by DK. LEONHARDT, Lincoln. Neb. OFIICI M37 O ST. HOURS TO 8 DAILV. rrr - z 121 S. 14th St. ... Lincoln, Neb. -:- Under tho management of -:- I. OPPENHEIMER. Elegant rooms, fine tabic. The only first-class family hotel in Lincoln. LADIES CARED FOR PRIVATELY Maternity Home. P. O. BOX 531. LINCOLN, NKB. Gtrvj&nz AzrA7r IIl PI (FOR RIDING OR DRIVING) JTJXJfcT 9 1894. Every boy nnder 14 years of ago will receive a ticket with each Hair Cut, at S. f . MThieid's Bum Shop Basement Bnrr Block, or at ANNEX, 117 N 13th street, south of Lansing theatre. Dun, Hh i (Jo.. COMMISSION, GRAIN, PROVISIONS aad STOCKS :-: CORRESPONDENTS: :-: F. (!. Logun it Co., Chicago. D. R. Francis Commission Co., St. Lout. Hubbard, I'rico A Co , New York JS1" Markets furnished country ileulerson request. DRS. Ell l LOUGH. 230Houtli I31o-v3l- t. Telephone 501. - - Room 08 un.l SOU. ( Diseases of Women. . ...,,. Speialties: Oriticial Surgery. LINCOtN ( Venereal Diseases. neh. Ir JV O. Iyitcas, L,tite ok Clilecieo. 111G O Street. Lincoln, Neb. MINNIE DAVIS, CLARA J. HATGH, HAIR DRESSERS. Hair dressed X nml 35 cents. Hangs cut 5 cents. And all work in proportion. Hair tonic 75 cts per bottle. We guarantee to euro dandruff. Tonjonrs Jeune and all the finest toilets for the complexion. Remember the place. 1245 U Street. Under new management MERCHANTS' HOTEL OMAHA, NEBR. I'AXTON, IIULETT Jfc DAVENPORT, Proprietor. Special attention to state trade, guest and commercial travelers. Farnam street electric cars pass tho door to and from all parts of tho city. LANSING THEATRE. KD. A. CHURCH, Manager. Tuesday, April 17 I 11 I I SECOND ANNUAL BETTER THAN EVER. NEW SONGS. NEW JOKES. NEW LOCAL HITS. SS'XUiiSSS - Fit AN K DIIKK. ROSS CURTICE. V. A. HOSTKOM. F. MOORE. FRED I'LUMJIER. C. W. OUTHWAITE. Wonderful Triple-Bar Act. A " f-5 Diseases of Women, and Diseases of the Chest Speialties of DR. JACOBS, Nl'illlt. - Hours D-'H) to 11 i a.m. 2 tofiiJO p.m. Consultation Free ! Office over Hurley's Drug Store, Cur. Mlh an J O t. BPEEDT aad LASTUfG RESULTS. .FAT PEOPLEXf'V I No inconveniences Simple, .tJa sure. iaOOLUXILT TMll . "'I from any iniurioui jubilance. . 1Mb. M uui abdokxot sxsraro. W GUARANTEE a CURE or refund jour money. Pries S.OO per bottle. Send 4c. for treatise. TREMONT MEDICAL CO., Boston, Mail. The flfnicflK Brhker. IS.SUKD f- WKKKLY. You Can't Keep Posted or Do limine Intrlllgf ntty Without It. A complete epitome of nil tho bunking anil mone tary affairs of thecountrr: special treasury reports including now nnd closed banks; changes in offi cers, etc.. alsm latest changes of bank, which lire published immediately on receipt of advice. SulrriplIoii Prlrr, $4.00 1'er uiiiiuiu, SrilJIPT X STEIIKEK Piilllher. 4KC'liiirrh St.. P. 0. box 411. NEW YOICK Reserved seat sale at 9 o'clock, Friday, April 13. MME.A.RUPKRT'S FACE BLEACH MME.A. RUPPERT ays: 1 appreciate the (act that there are many thou sands of ladleMn the United Btatestbatwouldllketotry my World-Kenowned FACE Bleach: but have been kept from doing so on nc countof prlce.wnlch Is 12.00 per bottleor 3 bottles taken together. 15.00. In order that all of these may bare an opportunity, I will glvo to every caller, absolutely free, a sample bottle, and ln order to supply those ont 'of city.or In any partof tho World.Iwlllscnd It safely packed In plain wrapper all charges pre paid, for 25 cents, sllverorstamp." In every ca.eef freckle, pimple. moth, sal lowness.blackhead.i.acncecienin.olllnesii, rough ness, or any discoloration or dleae of the skin, and wrinkles (not caused by facial expression) I'ACM BUCACTI removes absolutely. It does not corerup.aacosmetlaido.butlsacure. Address VABAME A. KVPPEKT,(DrrbO.) NO. 6 East 14th St., NEW YORK CITY. FREE t& jpSfj BEST LINE TO DENVER AND CALIFORNIA