THE EKE: OMAHA. feUNUAYj JUNE 11. 1922. Spanish War Vets 1 to Relive Days of Wat Camp Main Street of Tent City at l Baitings to Be Named , in Memory of Colonel ' Tfct days of "98 will tie relived In part by Nebraska Spanish War Vet trans at the tite enrampment in Mattings nut Monday, Tuesday and .Wednesday, when they will gather in t tent city lor the annual reunion. Vcterana of the Spanish-American mr and the Philippine insurrection will bunk in the tenti and sleep in tha open during the encampment at they did during their campaigns. Named After Colonel Tha main street of the tent city will be known si Stotsenburgh ave nue, named in memory of Col. John M. Stotsenburgh, who lost his life in battle with Philippine inturrectot t Quinga on April 23, 1899. The colonel wit the only reinforce ment that arived that day. The First Nebraska volunteers had been lying ia skirmish formation in the sun for fire hours, many of them suffering sunstroke. Loses life 1a Charge. Colonel Stotsenburgh was in Ma nila. He heard of the battle. He boarded a train, from which he dis mounted at Malolos, hurried on the field and ordered a charge, which he led in person. -, Two hundred Nebrstka volunteers followed him. In 30 minutes 3.000 Filipinos had been driven from their trenches and routed. But the gal lant colonel had lost his life 10 min utes after leading the charge. Between 500 and 600 veterans are expected to register at ' this year's encampment. ; v' ' ' .. - Nebraska City Postpones Building Community Hall , Nebraska City, Neb., June 10. (Special.) The proposed community hall for this city for which $100,000 , bonds were voted in October, 1920, will not, be built in the immediate future. This was decided at the meeting of the city commissioners. It is believed that if the matter is put off until next year at least $25,000 can be saved on material and labor. Adam Scbellinger post, American Legion, was sponsor for the election and tome members of the organiza tion disapprove of the action taken, and intimated that mandamus pro ceedings may be started a to compel the commissioners to ratify the ex pression of the people. Trial of Palin at Once ' Is Considered Unlikely Broken Bow, Neb., June 10. (Special.) County Attorney Schap er states it is hardly likely . that Benjamin F. Palin ' and , .his sister, Mrs. Julia Wilson,'' wilt it-tried for the murder of the tatter's husband, John Wilson, at the adjourned term ot district court this month, out that the case will come up at the regular term in October. Palin still retains his long hair and whiskers, sleeps well and has a hearty appetite, but is disinclined to talk of the crime. Mrs. Wilson, who has been quite ; ill, feels the solitary confinement . keenly and is quite nervous. Electric Signal Lamps Wilffie .Used at Fairbury Fairbury, Neb., June 10. To guide night travelers, four electric beacon lights will be put on top of the courthouse. Each will be of 200 candle power. The ? county pays for the labor and material and the city furnishes paintenance. Kill the Bugs Plant Lice Worms on Your Plants, Shrubs. Trees Spray Calendar Free Insecticides Fungicides :.::, Sprayers The Nebraska Seed Go. 1613 Howard St ArTOXTISEMEXT. Easy Way to Remove v Freckles and Blotches Soma women have skin of such texture i they occasionally are annoyed by the ' sudden appearance of freckle, slight eruption or fine lines. ' Sun and wind usually play havoc with 'akin of that kind. - la such case if en will procure mm wmnw . wuHiwr wwu&ca wax at . any drug store, apply a little of it before retiring, like cold cream, the trouble can , easily be overcome. When tha wax ( washed aft th next morning, flaky skin perticlee come with it. i Th entire outer . caticl is removed in this way in n week . or .' With all its defect. No Meuh could ao effectually , remove freckles or other cutaneous blemishes. The new sur face ia smooth, dear,- fresh looking. Mo harm or '- Inconvenience, accompanies this simpl treatment. ,V . : . HIPPODROME CAFE 1816 "D0U6US" 1816 ;; v SPECIAL" TADLE D'HOTE 300 Former Residents of O'Neill Hold Frolic Three hundred former rodents of O'Neill, Neb., members of the O'Neill tlub, enjoyed their annual Irolic yesterday at Krug park. Some of the attendants formerly lived in Holt county, beyond the limits of O'Neill. A basket luncheon was served In the evening, followed by music and speaking. The speakers were Mayor J. C Dahlman, United States Mar shal D. H. Cronin, J.. H. Hanley, democratic candidate for congres sional nomination in this district, snd John Hopkins, city commis sioner. Officers of the O'Neill club are James H. Hanley, president; Cella Farrelt. treasurer: Marguerite Lina- han, secretary. On the executive committee se Mrs. A. F. Mullen, Margaret Donohoe, Cel'.a Farrell, Mara-uerite Linahan. Frank O'Oon- nell, William P.-Kelley and James H. Hsnley. Cattle From Blair to Be Sent to European Port J. H. Grimm came in from Blair with two loads of steers averaging U40 pounds that sold for $8.85 a hundred. He said the cattle were bought here seven months sgo as feeders for $4.80 a hundred and made an average gain of 488 pounds. The cattle were bought for ex port shipment snd will so out today in a long trainload of cattle for European porte. "There are quite a lot of cattie left in Washington county," said Mr. Grimm." and I have several more loads for market My brother also is getting ready to ship in a string soon." ' South Dakota Rancher Ships Cattle to Omaha A load of 20 head of good quality cattle, averaging 1,153 pounds and selling for $8.50 a hundred, was brought to the Omaha market by C. F. Caldwell of Colome. S. D. Mr. Caldwell, who is hesd of a rattle company operating the C-2 Kanger ranch; said he had several more loads of good stock that would be ready for market soon and would ' be shipped to Omaha, ; ' Judges' Suits for Burned " Books to Be Heard Soon Suits of District Judges Sears and Wakeley against Douglas county for payment for their books destroyed in the courthouse fire of 1919 will be heard soon. The' legislature passed an act authorizing the payment but the county has refused to pay. Judge Wakeley says his books were worth $1,500 and.Judge Sears places his loss at $750. - : A Specidl Sale Cheney. Phonogriaphs 4bbu This is an unusual sale for this ard makes. The .usual Guarantee accompanies each machine be arranged for those who so Note Victor Victrolas Style X Walnut : $108.00 r Red Mahogany . . .$102.50 ' Brown Mahogany ..$104.50 Style XI Walnut ... I...... $120.00 Style XIV Red Mahogany. $197.50 Style XVI Red Mahogany. .$237.50 . Fumed Oak. ; . . .$185.00 C. of C. Barbecue Is Attended by Hungry Throng Many Athletic Events, With Prises Totaling $2,000, Help Create Appetites for Big Fiesta. Three beeves and three sheep, handpicked by "Doc" Frye, barbe cue king, disappeared at if by magic under the onslaught of more titan ZWXi men, women and childret it tending the third annual bvbreue and field festival of the Omaha Chamber of Commerce at Elmwood lark Saturday afternoon and eve ning. Tons of Buna Consumed. , Tons of buns" went thr same loute as the sheep and beeves snd cullons of codes were consumed be fore the hungry, happy thrrng fin ished the repast There were many hunger-creating athletic events to participate in. There were all the old ones, nch as fat and bald headed men's races and ladies' nail driving aai rlipper kicking contests; r.d a few new ones as well, su:l as the married couples' balloon race. Events for Kids, Too. There were events for the kid dies, too, and almost 100 prizes, to taling in value more than $2,000, and donated by Omaha business con cerns. After the fun and the food came more fun. A platform for dancing was erected, and although it wasn't exactly smooth, there wis no difficulty dnnring to jazzy music from Dan Deadlines' orchestra. Horton Is Chairman. G. M. Horton was the efficient general chairman of the barbecue; F. W. Lewis wss chairman of the committee for serving tables: Brnce McLean was in charge of the ath letic orograra: R. E. ' Langdon in charge of the prize committee; A. E. May in charge -of the . balloon wa gon, and J. M. Gillan acted as a scrt of field marshal, Omaha and Lincoln Grocers Will Visit Nebraska City Nebraska City, Neb.,' June 10. (Special.) About 50' Omaha and Lincoln retail grocers - will come here Tuesday to visit with the gro cers of this city. Elaborate arrange ments have been made for their en tertainment. A. luncheon will -be served at Brown's park and later a business session will be held. '. Several officers of the state asso ciation will be in attendance.. The Bee leads all the other papers in sport news. Read The Bee first I "EVERYBODY store". of and icitbr Victrolas Convenient Terms May Be Arranged. time of the vear. You mar choose between- the two Stand desire. the Low Cheney Phonographs . Style 1 Golden Oak v.xx . .$ 85.50 Style 2 Golden Oak" . .i. . . . t. $103.50 ' Fumed Oak V. $103.50 v Mahogany .$103.50 Style 3 Golden Oak . . ; ; . . . .$130.50 Fumed Oak . .. K. . . .$130.50 ' Mahogany ...... :.. $130.50 Elgin Farmer Satisfied With Price Paid for Cattle A load of whiteface steers wire marketed by J. T. Lindbtrg of El gin. Ia the shipment were 32 head that averaged 1,073 pounds snd sold for $4.90 a hundred. Mr. Lindberg said he had the cattle on feed about seven months snd they made excel lent gains snd he was quite pleated with the price received. , Sues Orer Movie House. L. S. Outhout. a farmer near Lo gan, la decided, to become a mo tion picture man in Omaha, tie bought the Comfort theater, 2319 Vinton street, through William C Faapke and Joseph A. Bradley. He alleges " they misrepresented the proposition to him and he filed suit in district court Saturday to recover the price he paid, $3,700. THE TRAGEDY OF THE Princeton Schoolmaster and His Former Student ' Read lb truth la - "WILLIAM F. MeCOMBS, Ik rmlinl MaW . 9r MAURICK T. LYONS, Serratarr 9 Hob. W. F. McCombt during th pre-aaalnatloa aed Prl- dentlal Campaign ot 1SU-ISI1. ' K! tha (acta wlU rasard to how b atartad tb mevement thai maM la tha nomlaatloa o( Wood row Wlltso. Raea tb feet at til flfht ia tb Con vast ion at Baltimore for Governor Wilton. Read tba feet a te lb rlc ha rvndand duriac tb Preetdeattai Cam (win that rw til tad ia Woodrow Wit on' elactloa. ad tba fait ' a to bla failara te rolTa a Cablaat appointment. You will road and re-reed tale tn tntlr intataaMnt and nnblaaad tory. Tha whala cavalry la la tar tad B tb caa ml William T. McCaataa. Frlea IMS from roar dealer a Tha Bancroft Pub. Co., SSI atareeatOe Library Bid-, Cincinnati, Ohio.' " AXJTZBTiaZalXXr. The Truth About Eczema and Piles Thousand and thousand of people, iar Petaraoa of Boffalo. ara learina avar week that on SS-cent bos of Patman'i ointment will abolUh. ecaema and banUb pita, and th grateful Icttar 1 ratal v ry dax ' ar worth mora to ma than money- .. I had acima for many aara aa mw head and could not gat anything to stop th agony. I saw your ad and got on box and I ew you many thank for tha good it ha don m. Thra isn't a Match on my head now and I couldn't help but thank Petenon, for tha cur I great." Miaa Mary Hill, 42 Third Avenue, Pitt, burg. Pa. . 'I have had Itching pile for lSth rr and Peterson's ia tha only ointment that relieve me. betfdea th pilaa aeem to have gone." A. B. Barer. 1127 Washing ton Avenue, Bacine. Wi. Uaa Peterson Ointment for old lore. alt rheum, chafing and all akin diseases. Druggists recommend it. Hail ordera fill ed by Petenon Ointment Co., Inc. Buf falo. N. Y. For sale by Sherman 4 Mo Connell Drug Co. , h taw. Mi and convenient terms may Battle Creek Feeder Ships Two Large Steers Included in a shipmtnt ei cattls brought to Ihs stockyards by John J. Hughes of Bsttls Creek were two Steers versging 1,985 pounds and sold for SS 65 hundred or a total of U4J.4U for the two steers alone. Mr. Hughes U veteran feeder of Cattle Creek, having located there in 1870, but during the war. when his sons went to the front, he was not very sctivs in the cattle raising game. In the past two years how ever, he has made several ship ments to the Omaha market 0 Complete her home vith a Victrola You cannot choose a more substantial and useful wedding present, for the June bride, than a Victrola. ; ; For what is more welcome than music, in the home of those newly married? ' : - . ... . .... . . f A . Victrola, with appropriate Victor recordg, is the sort of gift that remains a joy. forever, V- Ghoose your gift from our complete, selection of Victrolas. We will deliver it on the day required. . : '. : Every Model, Even Finish, on Our Sales Floor, MICKEL'S 15th and Harney. "This Is WAA W---Omaha Grain Exchange Station" ... -.... . - .1 You Can Hear the Programs Broadcast From the Grain; Exchange Anywhere in Omaha With a Custer Air Bug Every hoy and girl in Omaha can get the Grain Exchange Station with a Custer Air Bug. whenever it is broadcasting. The Omaha Bee is sending out concerts, lectures and news matter through this station nearly .every evening. Get an "Air Bug" and pick 'em out of the ozone at will! ,:.:;.; What the Custer Air Bug Is This is a radio receiving set, including two post insulators, one tube insulator, eighty feet of cop- per wire for antenna and ground, and the Air , Bug itself. AH you need to "listen in" is a pair of phones. The se is easy to work and you don't have to be a magician or a mechanic. Just adjust the . connections as the instruction sheet tells you to, and your "Air Bug" is ready. This coupon, when it is all signed up, will entitle you to an Air Bug when brought to THE Omaha Bee Rebekah Convention to Be Held at Superior Superior, Neb., June 10.hecial,) The district meeting of ins Re bekah lodge will be held at the I. O. O. P. hall in Superior June IS. The Rebekahs of Clay Center, Hardy and Lovwell have been invited and it is expected 100 or mors will be hers to attend the meeting. Either th state president, Mrs. Cain of Fremont, or the lcs president. Mrs. Montgomery, will be here. This dis trict includes the towns of Naponee, Red Cloud, Franklin, Guide Rock. Nelson, Republican City, Upland and Superior. Ti ll Do. 1973. -n ii ii iu urn iiirrn n War Veteran Drowns Fremont, Nb. June 10 -Harry Lamb, 2. world war veteran, wss drowned yesterday in F.lkhorn river near the town of Arlington. He was swimming with t friend snd is sup posed to hav stepped from sand bar into a deep hole. Waah mi juu . 1 1 l.-l u Lore Claa f Aala Oraaa Prtah, w Lara Deltaaw Saau faaaiaa Cbeka al Saasial Haas a ImmtmVumil . au. rot ia ALL SIX RESTAURANTS The Ideal Graduation Gift Something Every Girl Needs Wrist Watch Offered in a Three-Dey Special Sale n Monday, Tuesday 13 Those Wrist Watches Are . , I 15-Jewel, 14-Karat, Gold-Fllled Case and - Bracelet,, warranted 20 years, : guaranteed to be perfect timekeeper. The Best Value . No such values ever offered. This is a ' ' ' genuine HEIBROSE Watch. Make your selections early, A small deposit will ' hold one of these beautiful .Watches j until you call for it. N gaard S. E. Corner 16th and Douglas - Mail orders promptly attanded and shlppad aamo day ad reeaivad. Add raturn postage). How to Get One. Free Clip out the coupon, and get four people to sign it.. Tell some of your older friends you are work ing to earn a radio receiving set, and they will be glad to sign up to help you. Get Busy-the "Air Bugs" Are Going Like Wild Fire f" SUBSCRIPTION BLANK I Data ".; . I THE OMAHA BEE, ; I I . Omaha, Neb.- ., " i I - v i I . I want to a I ' ., . , - V ..r I No. and Street v... '.i . earn a CUSTER AIR BUG and will assure my little friend of my sop. -; . I pert by aubaeribing to Tba (Morning) (Erening) and Sunday Baa for I Three Months. ' . . I 1. Name.......... Addre t.-..- . I i -1 . ... ( .- .t . I 2.' Nam Addre.............. ...... I 3. Name Addrea. .....v...... ....... I I ; r " :.. '- - , .''. - . 1 1 4.' Nama. .... Address... 1 I Do not sign thi subscription blank If yon . . I' . j are now a eubscriber to Tba Omaba Baa. Bring Your Films to MERRITrS Drug Store 3US.ieth3tTMl film left bafato t a. ss. ready S p. s. aanta day. Ckseey prints itk aa antra a barge. aaasBiaBSESSSsaBBBBV and Wednesday at e V X A egav7 Vsaf T 3n Jr- I SUNDAY DINNER V'BESril TO H I" These Prices Hold Good Onlyas Long as Our Present Supply Lasts v : . ; ' . 8aiveas-irboarik riaar ,-, ' r ID i