THE BEE: OMAHA. SUNDAY. JUNE 11. 1922. 7 A Bee to Broadcast 1 First Religious Service by Radio Minuter and Choir of Hani com Park Methodist Church to Offer Sunday Night Program. AU detail hm been completed for The Bee'i firt radio religious program, which will be broadcast 'tonight from the Omaha Grain Ex change station, WAAW. beginning at 7:45. Co-operating with The Bee are Rev. Arthur Atack, paitor of Hani com Park Methodist church; V. B. Graham, choir director, and the Ne braska Power company, which U furnishing the receiving equipment for use in the 1 Unicorn Park church thin evening. Many radio fani already are plan ning to listen in while the minister peak, briefly on 'Tuning in With God," ajid the choir ainga three an thema and George Saltgiver sings a aolo. . Rev. Mr. Atack and the choir wi!' have an audience of thou sanda of persons in an area several hundreds of miles in all directions from Omaha. ' Sermon Starts at 7:45. The minister will begin to speak at the grain exchange promptly at 7.45. This talk will extend for about five minutes and will be heard by his congregation at the churcn through the Nebraska Power com psny'a receiv'.tg set. The- choir then will give a special program. The music, too, will be heard at the church. , . As soon as the minister has fin ished his talk at the grain exchange he will proceed to the church, where he will deliver his regular Sunday evening sermon.' The choir will fol low him to the church after having completed the program at the radio staticyi. Extra seats will be placed in the church to accommodate the expected larfM attendance. This will be a practical demon stration of the value of the radio for transmitting religious messages and music. Those who attend the cburca tonight will hear the, minister and choir during li e radio program witn the same clearness that is ex--perienced the regular church service. The Rev. Atack '' is in- I,, i.uju auu usu , 19 in terested in the possibilities of using this method of communication for promoting church work. " The re ceiving set of the Nebraska Power company is one of the best in- this part of the country. " ," The following musical program will be given at the radio station:-" Anthem "fear Not, O Israel,' with soloa by Miss Marguerite Brown, Miss Ger trude Smith, Harrjr Hansen and Vernon Osborne.- Anthem "Inflammatue (Stabat Mat r) with solo by Miss Bess Watson. Anthem "Unfold Ye Portals," with solo by Mrs. Harry Hansen. Tenor Solo "The. Ninety and Nine," by : Georce Baltzglver. Mayme Vroman will accompany the choir on the fliano.i "., . Divorced Husband h i of Omahaii Weds Ben Boyce Marries Illinois Teacher Following Un , usual Romance. ' A romance of some interest "to Omahans has come to light in Chi cago. Ben Boyce, divorced , husband of the former Miriam -Patterson of Oma ha, is engaged to marry, on June 26 Miss Edna Barry, a school teacher of Ottawa: 111. , - , i A few months ago, Miss Barry, leaving a Chicago railway station, stepped into an automobile she thought was a taxicab. ' Later she discovered the man at the wheel was Boyce, son of William D. Boyce, wealthy Chicago publisher. The romance and . engagement followed. The wedding of Miriam Patterson, daughter of D. C. Patterson, of Oma ha, and Ben Boyce was a social event in Omaha a decade ago. A few years before the war they were divorced and the former. Miss Patterson mar-" ried Livingston Fairbanks of Chi- cago.4' Only -recently she returned from Italy and announced her inten tion of spending the summer at Lake Okoboji with her parents. - Atlantic City Night" at kakeview Park Thursday "A Night in Atlantic City" is the ame; given one of the big events of the 'season which will be held at Lakeview park next Thursday eve ning. All the frills and thrills of a seashore trip are said "to be included in the program planned. . The Union Outfitting company will hold their annual outing and dance party , at the park Wednesday eve ning, it is estimated by those in charge of the affair that lOflOO per sons will be present among the store's employes, friends and patrons.- Tick ets are being distributed at the com pany's store, Sixteenth and -Jackson streets. ; - " " - - v... Tancock "Will Speafc ; Montagu A. Tancock, manager of the publicity bureau of the Omaha Chamber ot Commerce, leu last night for Milwaukee, -where he will attend the convention of the Associated Ad vertising Clubs of the World Mon dav. Tuesday and Wednesday. , He is scheduled to speak on "Standardizing City Statistics", be fore the commercial advertising de partment of the organization. Vacuum Tube Is Nerve of Receiver High Voltage Created by Amplifiers to Create Con tinuous Waves That Carry Voice Through Ether. Br JOHN E. KENNEBECK. linn is the Mvn' at The Bee's story of radio.) A important at Ignition to gas oline engine is the vacuum tube to the more advanced radio receiving outfit. Wireless development it centering more and more about this device. The vacuum tube is about six years old. Let us first accept the operation of the tube: it is a modified electric in candescent lamp of the vacuum type, which' is supplied with the usual tiia nirnt and with a plate and grid be tween the plate and filament. The tube can act as a generator of waves, an amplifier and a detector. It is the most sensitive detecting instru ment known to man. The tube allows electricity to enter and pass out so long as it continues in the same direction. The filament is kept heated by the "A" battery (six volts), which ia regulated by a rheostat. By regulating the current passing through the filament we can regulate its temperature, and this in turn controls the electrons that evap orate from its surface. The plate in side the tube .that is connected to the "B" battery attracts the electrons as they leave the hot filament. Thus we find that the vacuum tube is a generator of high frequency currents that are able to set up ether splashes when the transmitter is in operation. . The vacuum lube is the Jack of all radio trades. It is not far distant when a few transmitter vacuum tubes may take the place of the elaborate mechanism that is now employed in radio stations. -: SPARKS Storage batteries must be given regular and careful attention or they will fail to give you service and deter iorate rapidly. When the solution evaporates to a point where it nearly reaches the plates distilled water must be added. Do not use city water for this purpose. Batteries not in regular use should be charged reg ularly every four weeks. Do not place storage battery on polished floors or expensive carpets. Some time or other a portion of the sul phuric acid solution inside the battery will be spilled on the floor and a brown charred spot will result. The battery should always be placed on a piece of rubber or glass sheet or tray. .The greatest help to any beginner is the advice and information that he can get by joining a good radio club. You hear talks and suggestions by the "old timers," and you will find a friendly gathering of radio men that will gladly help you with your prob lems. If you are a beginner find -the name pf the .nearest amateur club or organization, investigate it, go to one of it? meeting?, and I am sure that you will hear and see many things that will help you make a success ot your , radio broadcast .listening, sta tion: . ; ' ., " :v Radio .telephone head sets or tele phones are delicate pieces of appar atus. Do not , put your fingers in the little . holes from which the sound comes or remove the caps from the receiver shells, this might injure the diaphragm or the fine wires inside the shell. There are little magnets inside the shell. " A sudden jar or stock makes a magnet lose its magnetism. If you let your head set tall the strength of the magnetism in the little permanent magnets will be re duced and the sensitiveness of the receivers lessened. K When in Omaha Stop at Hotel Rome Question T. a. N.. Missouri Valley. Ia. Q. Pleasa -tell me where station NOF Is lo cated. -!1 " ". . -: A. Anacostla. District or coiumoia. B. B. M.. University Place. Neb. Q. Can I add two steps of amplification to an Aerllla, Sr. set? Whose call letter la WRW1 A. You may add amplification to any set using an audlon detector. WRW is located in Tarrytown, N. T. The Bureau of Standards at Wash ington has instruments so fine they can weigh and .measure a congress man's conscience when election time is approaching. ; 3 Radio Events to Be Staged by BccJhisWeek Some of Omaha's Best Musi cal Talent Obtained for Con certs Monday, Wednes day. and Friday. The Bee announces three more popular radio concerts for this week, through arrangement with the Omaha Grain exchange broadcasting station, WAAW. The programs will be gjven Mon day, weanesaay ana rriaay even ings, 8:15 to 9. Some of Omaha's best instrumental and vocal talent has been obtained for these enter Radio fans throughout the middle west are requested to note these dates and the time, and to anticipate mu sical treats. String Quartet to Play. The orocram tomorrow night will be given by the West Sisters String quartet, an organization that hat won a high place in Omaha's musical cir cles. Madge West Sutphen will play a violin solo, "Rondino, by Kramer Brown, and the quartet will play the following numbers.: "Lento," from the American quartet; "Bohemian Dance." arranged by Kasimeyer; "Cradle Song." Fetrj "Moments Mu sical," Schubert. -. Another feature tomorrow night will be Mrs. Harry O. Steel, one ol Omaha's popular tonrano soloists. Th third future will be an instru mental solo through courtesy of Krug park management. The Council Blufti Elks ejuartet will sing for The Bee radio friends next Wednesday -night. These mas ters of melody are: Joseph R, Gerke. first tenor; Aire Bengston, second tenor; Charles S. Haveritock, bari tone; James F. McGarger, bass. Boys' Glet Club. The Wednesday night program also will include a boys glee club of 20 voices from the Omaha Technical High school, led by Mrs. Fred C Ellis, in "Keutucky Babe." by Gei bel. and Tale in the Amber West." by Parks. Mn. Ellis has promised to sing a solo, "My Laddie," by Thayer. Henry W, Dunn, Omaha's police commissioner, and one of the musical start of Ak-Sar-Ben fame, has joined the radio colony. He will make hit radio debut at The Bee't Wednes day night concert and will be accom panied by Mist F.mlie Mitilaff. This will offer foui srlendid vocal fea tures for Wednesday night. The program for next Friday night is in preparation. Radio on Automobile. A Rickeubscker automobile, equipped with radio receiving set, it tcheduled to arrive hert on Mon day, en route overland from Detroit to the Pacific coast. This test it tnonsored by the Detroit Automobile club, Detroit Board of Commerce and the Lincoln Highway association. Automobile men arc endeavoring to determine the value of radio in con nection with the automotive indus try. - SETS PARTS REPAIRS Standard Supplies at Standard Price BAKELITE CUT TO SIZE Complete, reliable sets from $12.50 to $300.00. Out-of-town order filled promptly. Bring your radio problems to us. THE RADIO SHOP 1806 Dodge Street JAcluoa 144 -INTRODUCING; "The Sheik" First showing of this stunning new model, which was designed and made expressly for J. L. Brandeis & Sons. This shoe is made of the finest sport leather, hand turned soles and leather or wood box heels and priced at, per pair, In the Following Colors: White Champagne Lavender Gray Smoke Brown Canary Salmon Green Continuing Our Special Selling Event 750 Pairs Women's Summer Shoes 2 Q Values 6. M tn 14 Of) Prr Pnh 0 0 VJ? . ' Third Floor East - Special Offer on Schmoller & Mueller Console Phonographs , Our Sweet Toned Console Schmoller & Mueller Phono graph, fully guaranteed for one vear, will be sent to your home for ONE DOLLAR DOWN and the purchase of a few records of your own selection. Terms on the balance to suit your in dividual requirements will glad ly be arranged. . Our $110.00 price is at least $50.00 below ahy other Phono graph of the same quality on the market, and has been made in order to introduce our own make of Phonograph in the Console model. Mahogany or walnut finish to harmonize with your fur nishings. v , - TO HEAR A CONSOLE IS TO WANT ONE fm JJ iuissub stqsVf SflpaJsVajtyBs i I . jnni "'ffzTf I $110,001 Down and the Purchase Few Records Places Your Home - If You Live Outside of Omaha, Mail This Coupon. s NAME ................. Address ................. Please send me detailed information about your factory-to-home sales plan on a Schmoller & Mueller Console Phonograph. This does not commit me in any way. ; Starting Monday, June 12, we close at 5 p. m. . except Saturdays 6 p.m. . For One Week More : Genuine Trubyte T V Upper or Lor . , - Formeny $30 Nov Only $20; A bona fide saving of $10 on '-ch set. We construct these Trubyte Sets from our new plastic process impression that copies in finest detail every part of the mouth to be covered by the plate and eliminates the imperfections, guess . work and disagreeable features of old-time methods. . Decided reductions on other kinds of dentistry as' well. Come In 'early for examination and appointment. Ion Above AU Must Be Satisfied. , - McKenney Dentists . ' Farnam St, Corner 14th. A& Special Week of Jam S to 11, Inclushrs. Largs Class af A Talon Craps Drink. Two Large Delicious Sugar Cookiee, Choice af Special Ham or Cheese Sand wich ...ALL FOR lOe ' ALL SIX RESTAURANTS 51.51 for CleiBinj vni Prttsiif Wt'vs reduce eur prices far avem's two or three-niece suits. We'll call for aad delhrer. DRESHER BROTHERS 2217 Faraaat , AT. 0S4 Let Munsingwear Union Suit You Buy Monday for the Summer Season . Men'$ Munting- wear Main Floor South Made for Comfort and Service Women's Munsing tvear Third Floor Center The Choice of a Nation JVf lLLIONS of discriminat-. ing men, women, chil- dren prefer and wear perfect fitting Munsingwear Union Suits. They ask for Munsingwear and never say underwear. The name itself Munsing wear is a household saying of the Nation. One reason for this national popularity is because in Mun singwear you f i n d all the things you expect of good un- -derwear and none of the disap pointments.1 - ' Into each garment is woven or knit fine quality, perfection of fabric, finish and fit. Add to these sterling qualities the Munsingwear habit of out washing, outwearing, outlast ing expectations and you have the reason why Munsingwear gives such all-'round satisfac tion and service. Because of its unusual dura bility, washability and reason able first cost it is the most economical in the long run. -Made for men, women, chil dren in a large variety of fabrics. The Brandeis Store is headquarters for Munsingwear; our stock shows a wide variety for selection. If you have been unabltr to get satisfaction in underclothing, ask for Munsingwear. We can Union Suit you, no matter the size of your person or purse. ... "jfM A H . .. The Underwear of a Perfect Fit We now have on display all new arrivals in Summer r 1 Munsingwear for men, women andchildren. Here are a few of the many numbers carried in our regular stock: ) Munsingwear for Women Women's Munsing Woven-wear Union Suit Athletic styles, flesh OC and white ; regular sizes, . XeaaiO 1 Out sizes, $1.50 Women's Combed Cotton Munsingwear Suits In all styles, loose or 1 ng tight knee; regular sizes, at j 1 eesD Out sizes at 1.50 , Women's Extra Fine Lisle Suits o H r Regular sizes, per suit, aCeDU Out sizes, per suit, 2.75 3.00 Women's Vests and Pants 1 aa In all styles, each 1 eUU Women's Mercerized Lisle Suits Regular sizes, each Out sizes, per suit, 3.25 Women's Lisle Munsingwear Suits All styles; bodice or 1 regulation styles; loose or tight knee; also closed shirt styles and teddies; extra or regular - sizes; flesh or CA 1 7T bleach; suit 1 iDU and 1 O Vlunsingwear for Boys and Girls Boys' and Girls' Fine Comb ed Cotton Union Suits Cream or ' full bleach ; .S $1 ,0 1-75 Boys' and Girls.' Munsing. wear Woven Suits Priced Z, $lto1.50 Third Floor Center Children's Munsingwear Knitted , Under Waists All sizes, . priced fQr ' each, ' 07U Munsingw ear for Men Men's Combed Cotton Munsingwear In all shapes, white or ecru. I ' 71? Priced per suit, le 0 Men's Extra Combed Cotton Munsing wear ouiis in au sbapes,. o AA white or ecru, per suit, - tea's White Lisle Mun wear Suits In all shapes, Men's White Lisle Munsing. O C A ets.tJU Main Men's Silk Lisle Munsingwear Suits In ail shapes, blue, flesh and A ff white, per suit, eUU A Complete Line of Men's Munsingwear Athletic Suits In their different cloths, price from 1.50 6.00 Floor South , - .