THE DEE: OMAHA, SUNDAY, JUNE 11, 1922. 8 I Physician Pays High Tribute to Melody of Bird California Doctor Travels Thousands of Milei to Hear Not of Oritiih Nightingale. By THOMAS C. WATSON. London, June JO. Not even the most petted and pampered prima donna hit ever had to treat a com pliment pid her voice the mm-, pliment which Dr. Casey Wood f California ha juot paid to the com-i mon Pritiah nightingale. The doctor hit jut completed 6,000-mile queit in order that he might heir the Brit-i iih nightingale in lull ong, I The nu?t mut hve cot thou-l andt e( doltara. It ha meant much dueomlort, traveling nignr ana ov bv tea, air and road, hut at the end, risking pneumonia by kneeling on the damp, dewy gra. he hai fulfilled hit long-potpoiied wih. Heart Metallic "Tweet." Far away in the fatneiei of a Surrey woodland the doctor heard the metallic "tweet-tweet" of the nightingale. He mut have been di appointed, for the nightingale ha a rather harsh note at time and often drivel distracted inhabitants of the lonely country houe here to thy hoe at the disturber of the night rather than listen to it on bended knee, as did Dr. Wood. It is now dangerous to whisper the word nightingale in the ear of Dr. Casey Wood. It is true he came all the way to hear the songster, but he bitterly regrets ever spilling to the reporters the cause of his long jour v. Sine that date he has been be sieged by well-meaning helpers whoi wanted to track their own parucmar nightingales for his benefit. Bird lovers from all corners of the con tinent hv heen nestering him. They even inquired at the embassy for him, ( and it was all too overpowering lor him, so he had to move about in cognito. Result Successful. The doctor gave his impressions of the nightingale. "The result was highly successful. he said. ' Toward noon ot a ongni sunshiny day the first nightingale was encountered. His deep sweet song was distinctly heard at intervals for over an hour. This demonstrated the falsity of the current belief that the bird only sings at night or in the gloaming. 'During the tramp over the beau tiful downs in Surrey a dozen birds of the specie were heard in full or partial song until hunger and the shades of night drove the explorer to rest.' Ohio Pastor Enters Race for Sheriff Nomination McArthur, O.. June 10. Not only is Rev. C. E. Bateson a preacher, he is also a candidate for the republi can nomination for sheriff of Vinton county. . Rev. Mr. Bateson tells an unusual anake story. He said he recently killed a mother rattlesnake with 17 of her tiny oit sprina. The mother snake swallowed all of her young when attacked, Rev. Mr. Bateson said. Then he wiped out the entire brood. Passion Play at Oberammergau Holds OVrYl Tr T T4- HENRIETTA W BITE'S I itiu .f l.n. . ,l nr.... .1 A.i.A 1. :. I.l..... ....... .. I.... th By HENRIETTA M. REES. Since I last wrote I have been to Germany and to the fint perform ance of the 'Taion Flay" at Ober ammergau. Everyone knows the story of this play portraying the sufferings of Jetui Chiitt. of the vow taken by the elder of Oberammer gau in the year IftJJ that every ten rars they would faithfully represent the Faction of the world' Saviour in grateful veneration of Him if they jcsiy of me and grace of detail. It was the most beautiful we had seen. We rode around the city and found everything in good repair and seem ingly normal, We unit to Coblen, where e saw the American flag flying from the pirtureque fort of Khtenlireit tein (high on the oppoite bluff of the Rhine), where American soldier were everywhere and it sremed much like home. No wonder the "A e'b' in bloom everywhere along tne Rhine and the Moselle, and in our wide detour we had many opportu nities to see w hat a fertile and beau tiful country (irrnuny is Hilda and blossoms were in profusion and we found that the Cierman farmer, like hii French and Helgian neighbors, dor not waste any valuable space on weed. The fields were planted everywhere, and everything was neat II ' ,,lStJ American soldiers like it, for Cnhlcnz is in a beautiful part of the Rhine valley, where the Moselle and the Khine meet. living is cheap, and there are innumrtdhle interfiling and historic places at hand for short excursions. We had a fine time here. On. Allen entertained us at dinner, and among the guests was On. Feyton March, ex-chief of staff, who was formerly stationed in Omaha and who still remembers his friends there. We went on to Herliti, which is not a remarkably beautiful city, con- Wherever we went in Germany we were treated with the utmost courtesy, and no unpleasant inci dents marred the trip. Rut we were "Auslaii'lers" and mere was a lit tle undercurrent everywhere which did not let us forget it for a mo ment and Germany is getting very well organized for, or should I say again!, the Auslander. Living is cheap in Get many piti fully so when one translates their prices for their own people from depreciated marks into dollars. But the prices for their own people and for Aun'lamlrrs are two very differ- the A Passion Play scene and Anton Lang, German peasant, who plays the part of Jesus Christ. might be spared from the terrible contagious disease that was ravaging the community. . . The play should have been given in 1920, but world conditions and local sacrifice during the terrible war caused its postponement. We but scarcely made our reser vations and purchased our tickets for the play until we began to hear wide ly conflicting stories about Germany, and of the difficulties that beset the traveler and the severity of the cus toms. But our plans were made and after a few marvelous days in Hol land we crossed the border and went to Cologne. We found reservations here at a premium as the city is oc cupied by the British, and the prin cipal hotels are requisitioned. But we had no trouble visiting the magnificent cathedral, with its in tricate spires of stone lace, its ma- sidcring its size and opportunities. We saw marks of bullets made dur ing the revolution and noticed that all statues of the present kaiser are removed. We liked Dresden better, and here we saw the original Sis tine Madonna, by Rafael, and a fine museum containing many other fa mous masterpieces. We stopped at Nuremberg, which stands out in th'e memory with its quaint walled old town, its castle, the towers, the homes of Albrecht Durer, the painter, and Hans Sachs, the latter immortalized in opera" by Richard Wagner. We only stopped at Munich one day, taking a brief glance at its cas tle, the fine masterpieces of art which are many there, and at the attractive city. Germany Greets the Visitor, Spring is a lovely season to visit any country. Trees and shrubs were ent things, outside of the occupied territory. Trices are usually marked, but when the Auslander is interested, he learns that that is the old price and the new price is perhaps double. Then there is an Auslander tax of 50 per cent of the price, which is added. Then one must pay an ex port tax of 100 per cent to take it out of the country, or if he tries to smuggle it through it may be cofr fiscated at the border. Then one must pay to bring certain things into France, I understand, and also pay duty to enter America, and by the time one has carried his purchase around and paid everything asked it isn't as cheap as he thought it was. We went into a jewelry store and a sign behind the counter said in German the increase on gold ar tides is 100 per cent, on silver SO per cent. We went into a china store F. O. B. Detroit , $2 1 9 5 !lkH-; . if We Invite You to Ride With Us During Demonstration Week Our Daytona 6-66 Model holds every stock chassis speedway record from 5 to 100 miles. It will be the purpose of Demonstration Week to prove that any Paige car in the hands of an unprofessional driver is in deed Master of the Highway. By proving itself a marvelously fast car the 6-66 has revealed qualities of endurance and strength that are beyond dispute. World's Championship Form is a guarantee of all-'round efficiency the best guarantee that the sporting world affords. But these are facts that we want you to establish for yourself and Demonstration Week offers an unrivalled opportunity. You have but to get in touch with us and we will book you for a ride that will prove finally convincing. Then, with an actual record of the tests, you will be in position to compare the Paige 6-66 with any other motor car at any price on the American market. Whether you contemplate buying a motor car or not, we very cordially invite you to ride with Paige during the coming week. It will prove a revelation, we believe, and a liberal education in strictly modern engineering. Nebraska Paige Co. 27th Ave. and Harney St. Omaha Phone DOuglaa 3660 where the incra for the AuUnder amounted to 170 per cent above the price marked. At the hotels signs only in Gentian said, 'O'he Auilan der is charged according to the val ue of his own money." We went to the castle of I.indenhof, near Ober ammergan and the o-mark entrance tickets had been remarked for the Germans to 25 marks and the 4-mark tickets to 150 marks for the Auslander. These were among our experiences. In a few eases we were able to buy things at the marked prices. Tax Laid On Lavishly. And yet, most things, even includ ing the taxes imposed, are still cheap from one point of view, if anyone wants to pay someone an enormous per cent of profit from his. Hut the great game of "soaking the for eigner'1 becomes somewhat of a hore to him after a while, and as some one has aptly said, "it leaves a bad taste in his mouth," which does not react to the credit of Germany. In Bavaria the police take a hand in the game one must call person ally upon the police if he stays any where in Bavaria 24 hours. If he stays longer he must pay accord ingly and notify the authorities. A Cook representative totcj me that Munich charged the foreigner 750 marks after the first 24 hours and 1,000 ntarkt every day thereafter. A copy of police regulations which I have states, aiordmg to a Bavarian law regulating lees, a charge of Irom 10 to 10,000 marks may be made for granting permis sion to itay in Munich. It is great to be welcomed to a town in tins manner one feels o comfortable and pleatant in it. To stay in Oberammergau three days costs the ausUnder 2tNI marks, One German, an arthiiect, said that the Germans were furious that foreigners were coming into their country in such numbers, eating up, their food while there and buying many of the bett ihines away from their own people, things which they could not replace. But if Germany does not want the foreigners could she not cloe her passport office except for those on business. Others said Germany did want the foreigners, as they brought money into Germany and stimulated many lines of business. Some of the autlandcrs said it was against the terms of the Versailles treaty to discriminate against for eignersbut we also heard that Ba varian police regulations were strict because of boUheviki. Whatever the caue, they are strict. The attitude of Germany for the most part and of many stores in France too, for that matter Buy Cadillac Value! The great majority believes that no better car is built. You cannot buy equal quality at Cadillac's present low price. Higher price can give you no better performance. Lower price you don't get Cadillac value. Says H. W. Everts, Cashier, Commercial Bank of Grant. Grant, Nebraska: "f-have driven many cars, high-priced and low-priced, but I don't know when I have en joyed driving: a car as much as I have the new Type 61 Cadillac, unless it was the first time years ago when I drove the great single cylinder Cadillac." Time experience knowledge have made Cadillac known everywhere as the Standard of the World J. H. Hansen Cadillac Co. Omaha Lincoln .Sioux City seems to be, "Welcome to our coun try Now pay for the war"," We bought very little in Germany, In tHe tir.t pbee, all the outlandish er ausUnder slums were a bother; in the second, a 10-tnn suitcase as the only traveling adjunct dampens one', euthu.iasin for extra ounces and pounds; in the third place, it takes tune to xhnp, Little Poverty in Sight. In Grrmany we taw no starving people, 4 ml we noticed many typical ut one.. One sees very little stock in either Frame or Germany, and in both countries one occasionally sees a cow hitched up in the fields. We aw few who looked very rich and few who looked very poor, linrmas seemed to be going, opera wa being presented, and Saturdays and SuihUvs found hotels and colfee houses well patronized, The brew eries wrre also running. We saw several large ones. The money in Germany is all paper money except pfennigs which scarcely count, Such were our impressions in Germany on our way to Oberam niergau. But to on who has never eeu 'Taision riav" it was worth being an auslander in Germany, to attend. A good deal of the charm of the 'Tassion riay" is in the "aimps. phere" of its surroundings. One it scarcely out of Munich on the tram before beautiful lakes ai seen and, as one nrars the village, one enteri it mountainous valley, whete moun tains rise higher and higher until one hrgiiis lo see snowcapped peaki among the jagged summits. Lone log cabins lie here and there between villages, and numerous tiny villages iicstlr among trees around little churches. Kach cathedral hai , quaint steeple, many are of Moorish effect, looking like a huge ed beet inverted upon a neat white Ovtagonal tower. Now I understood the house of the cuckcoo clock and the little man and woman barometrrs. Many of the houses are huilt with the long (Turn rm Faar-R, Calama fMtt.) Unheard of Prices On All United States Fabric Tires All Strictly Fresh Stock and Fully Guaranteed 32x3i 2 Non-Skid 32x4 Non-Skid 33x4 Non-Skid 34x4 Non-Skid Sale Price $12.38 16.47 17.33 17.59 Regular Price $18.45 26.40 27.80 28.40 Other sizes at equally low prices. This Is only a temporary price. Buy now, while you can get them at these low prices. Phone Doug. 5520 2030 Farnam St, Omaha, Neb. Oddge Brothers ANN DUN A Business Coupe Conservative changes in the body design of all other types OMAHA. NEE BARNEY AT 2BTH. St HARNEY 0123 COUNCIL BLUFFS IA, 33-35 FOURTH ST. COUNCIL BLUFFS, 691 3)6 jTBEMOST, BEAUTIFUL CABsM N V AMERICA