10 A THE BEE: OMAHA'. SUNDAY. JUNE 11. 1922. Hostetler Tells Plans If Named for Congress V'' Diitrict Judge Prmifi Not to "Go to Slfpp on Job" and Work for Intrrriti s of Rip Sixth. Kearney, Neb., June Nl (Spe eisl) Voters in the ISi Sixth dis trirt ire enthused over the entrance of Junge B. O. Hosteller in the re for the republican nnminatmn lor congress, to sunrrd Mor I'. Km kaid. Hostetlrr ha presided over the diitrict court bench here for IS years. In a brief outline of hi poli ciei he mure the voteri he will not "go to leep on the job," neithrr will he wear the collar of ipecial inter eit. The statement in part said: In becoming; a candidate for ron tress. I beieve it my duty to state briefly my view. My 18 years' aervice ai district judge has taught me to love justice. I do not believe in class legislation for te benefit of the few as against the masses. I was brough up on a farm, and endured the hardship! of pioneor farm life. The businesa of the Sixth district is largely agricultural and stock rais ing, i snail tavor an legislation that will improve the conditions of the people engaged in those occu pations. Taxes too High. The enormous tax burdens must be reduced. The strictest economy mu:t be practiced. Waste wherever found must be eliminated, lhc grafter must be prosecuted without mercy, and when convicted he must serve his full sentence. I want a tariff law that does not overlook the people of the Sixth dis trict. I shall not vote for a law that favors the New England manu facturer and forgets the Nebraska farmer. I believe in being jurt and generous with the boys who fought the world war for us. I favor the irrigation plans and projects now in effect, and that will hereafter be promulgated in Nebraska. I shall fight for the Lakes to the Ocean waterways. I want the seaboard of the Atlantic ocean at Chicago. Will Aid Children. I favor an amendment to the fed- eral constitution, that will protect the children of the nation. i If elected. I shall not "go to sleep on the ojb." I shall stand by and help with all the power I may pos sess, every legitimate business and enterprise in the Big Sixth district. I shall not wear the collar of the special interests or "stand hitched" while my countrymen are being robbed. Pawnee Sheriff V Loses Gun Fight Bootlegger! Overpower Guy Avery and Escape One Thought to Be Shot. Pawnee City, Neb., June ,10. (Special Telegram) Three armed bandits escaped from County Sheriff Guy Avery, as a result of a shooting affray on the stat ehighway two miles east of here. One of the gun men is believed to be seriously wounded. Avery was called and went alone, not knowing the nature of the busi ness. He found a five-gallon keg of whisky hidden at the corner of a field. He hid. himself in the weeds and sent a neighbor to call for help, not expecting the owners of the liquor until after dark. At about 5:30 two men parked their car opposite the spot and pro ceeded to take the liquor. Avery halted the bootleggers, stopped a passing car and ordered Verne Howard. the occupant, to put the handcuffs on the men. Howard ac cidentally locked the handcuffs be fore getting them on. While Avery was attempting to unlock them, a third man appeared on the scene and the three of them overpowered the sheriff. He was ordered to get into the car at the point of a gun, but re fused. The men then got into their car and started down the road firing back at the sheriff. At a short dis tance they met Deputy County Clerk Arthur Davis, who was coming to help. Davis fired at the fleeing car four times. He believes he hit the driver. The car was from Kansas. Local parties are thought to be implicated. Order Buyers Are Active on Omaha Stock Market During the first five days of last week order buyers 'were heavy pur chasers of beef cattle for shipments to other points for slaughter. The , records show that 320 carloads, or 7.200 head of cattle, were bought and shipped to outside points. Hog shippers displayed increased activity over the previous week by buying 11.252 head as against 7,952 head for the week before. Sheep buyers made a good record with the shipments of fat sheep and lambs, showing 2,912 head as com pared with 874 head the week before Cat Loses Kitten Litter; Now Mothering Baby Rats Racine, O., June 10. While sweep ing out the flouring mill here, the owner found a nest of baby rats. He turned them over to his mill cat, a famous "ratter." Tabby, however, had just lost a litter of kittens. Instead of killing the "little rodents, she carried them to her nest and proceeded to cuddle and feed them. he affection seems mutual, as the old cat never lets the rats put of her sight. The owner of the mill says this Story can be verified by a visit to his mill. Livestock Traders Will Hold Next Meet in St Joseph Sioux City, la., June iu. ine -National Traders' Livestock exchange selected St, Joseph. Mo., as the place for the next annual meeting today. Officer! were elected as follows: W. H. Morlock, St. Joseph, president; W. E, Gillett, St. Joseph, secretary. The fact that skirts are longer in Paris is not important. We are un able to see that far. jSon of Blacksmith to Wed Heiress Stanislaw Sukalski, son of a Pol ish blacksmith and apostle of the new art in sculpture, will wed Helen Louise Walker, daughter of aristo cratic and wealthy parents, residents of Chicago. U. P. Would Buy CP. IfTemisAgreedon (Continued From I'm fl One.) tion of the acts under which' the entire line was built, and observed that "the obligation to keep faith with the government continued, as did the legislative power of con gress concerning these roads, not withstanding changed forms of own ership and organization. And the government proceeded, by the suit decided last week, to com plete the job of making the first transcontinental line formed by those two links entirely independent, and free from rival control, which had only been partially accomplished by the decision in the Lnion Pacific case. Interest Was Recognized, Although there was a clear recog nition by the supreme court of the special interest of. the Lnion Pacific in the Central Pacific, as the owner of one-half of the line built under the Pacific railroad' acts, with the aid of government bonds and land grants, the Lnion Pacific, and no- vvithstandniR the policy of the Southern Pacific to favor the south ern route, as stated by the supreme court decision, the Union Pacific has refrained thus far from taking any part in the litigation between the government and the Southern Pacific. "But we have been apprehensive that in the case the supreme court should decide in favor of the South ern Pacific, it would yield to the temptation to route even more of this San Francisco and central Cali fornia traffic in favor of its long haul, and via the longer route through El Paso, against the short direct route through Ogden, -which affords it a smaller division of the through rate. Apprehension Is Increased. "This apprehension has been very greatly increased by the tentative consolidation plan promulgated by the Interstate Commerce commission, which, while leaving the Central Pa cific with the Couthern Pacific, pro vided for the merging of the Rock Island with the Southern Pacific, thus giving the latter a 100 per cent haul over its own lines, via EI Paso, even to the middle west, as well as to the Atlantic seaboard, via New Orleans and Galveston, which, quite natural ly, it would be inclined to favor, as far as it could control the traffic, as against the short and direct haul through Ogden. "Such an arrangement the Union Pacitic obviously would be interest ed in opposing to the last resort, and might be expected to take all neces sary measures for the vindication oi its rights under the Pacific Railroad acts. "Should Live Up to Act." "The interest and rieht of the Union Pacific is to see that the west erly half of the federal railroad sys tem from the Missouri river to the Pacific ocean, of which the Union Pacific is the easterly half, shall per form its share of the duties imposed by the Pacific railroad acts, which provide for the operation pf the said system as one connected continuous line without discrimination of one against the other by whomsoever op crated. Now that the supreme court has cancelled the lease and enjoined the ownership of the stock of the Central Pacific bv the Southern Pa cific, and decreed the independence of the Central Pacific as a competi tor, in connection with the Union Pacific and its connections, of the Southern Pacific, via its El Paso route, the Union Pacific is directly concerned in the treatment and dispo sition of the Central Pacific, to the end that the through transcontinen tal ilne which together they consti tute, snail, in the language of the supreme court, 'be able freely to com pete with,' the Southern Pacifies southern line 'to serve the oublic ef ficiently, and to accomplish the pur pose of the legislation under which it was (they were) constructed." U. P. Willing To Buy. The Union Pacific is willing to buy the Central Pacific from the South ern Tacific if fair and reasonable terms can be agreed upon. But it is rot seeking to buy in Central Ta eific, and it i not necesnsry for a compliance with the detree of the supreme court that it should All the I'n on Pacific will ak is that tit tVniral Paciiic be made an intlri.rinliiit line ! be tipmti'd a sudi, and that it per for in its dulieii i the I iiioii ramie i performing H duties under the IrgMation by which they were both constructed and that if it u to be merged into any system under plan being worked out by the Interstate Commerce romminion, it be merced with the lnion racifie with which it forms a continuous transcontinental line, competing with all others, "It is inconceivable that the com mission ever would even if it could under the decisions of the supreme court, put it in the power of the Southern Tarific or any other com pany operating and having a larger interest in a rival and competing line, to close this gateway, in the face, so to speak, of the shortest and by far the best and most efficient transcontinental transportation line and certainly the rights of the Union Pacific, which is still bound, as is the Central Paciiic, under the Pacific railroad acts, are eititled to consider at ion. Active Propaganda On. "There is very active propaganda in California for the purpose of working up public sentiment with the idea, presumably, of influencing the Interstate Commerce commis sion to exercise some very doubtful power in the premises, which need not be commented upon now, further than to say that according to reports it has gone beyond the hounds of possibility in representing the al leged detrimental el feet that would restijt from carrying out the supreme court decree. "The rates would not be more. or the service less, if the Central Pacific were made an independent and competing line as ordered by the supreme court, but every reason just to the contrary; and, as for the possibility of the Central Pacific be ing merged with the Union Pacific, no line has ever come under the control of the Union Pacific which has not been improved in service and facilities to the public, and there is no reason why the present in stance should constitute an excep- tiono m this respect. Missionaries Visit Here. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Rice of Lincoln, who for the last seven years have been in charge of an orphanage for boys at Bahmoh, India, will arrive in Omaha tomorrow on a furlough They will appear at each service at the First Christian church, Twenty- sixth and Harney streets. Favor Water Works' Adams, Neb.. June 10. Expressing their sentiment at a mass meeting, Adams citizens went on record in favor of the installation of a water works system to cost between $25,000 and $30,000. The town board will call a special bond election in the near future. Wind Storm at O'Neill O'Neill, Neb., June 10. A wind storm of tornado proportions vis ited a section of the country north east of O'Neill last night. Trees were blown down and outbuildings wrecked. 1 he wind was preceded and followed by rain. Millionaire Sues Stage Girl for Heart Balm Chicago, June 10 -Reversing the rode of love litigations, John R. whose wealth is reputed at IJ.000.000, has filed the pump of a f 50.000 breach ol promise suit against Miss Gladys Wells, an actress now living in Chicago. Mis Wells said she finally accept ed Roberts' attentions after he had followed hr over the country, "Because he presented me with furs and jewels, valued, he claimed, at 1 50.0(H), he said that I was his property," Miss Wells said. "1 moved to Meia. Tex, wlieie he lived, and during lo years there he used to hurl such words at me as: "I bought your soul. You be long to me," "lit demanded that I nurrv him and pestered me until I was frantic. 1 had to escape from him and I left six months ago, hiding I'ke a lugi use. U ht he wants, I think, it to I tone me to marry him or return bis " -r..' Koherts is sud to base peeonu "( wealthy over night htn oil was dis- covered on his ranch. ; BUNIONS! Pain Stops Instantly-; Hump Vanishes TRY IT AT MY RISK New, marvelous way to treat bunions. Slope pain instantly banishes the ugly hump and tired, achey. swollen, burning condition. You can mi a smaller anon , with comfort. Test it at my risk. First trial connncM. No clumsy apparatus, no rubber mold or protector, no uncomfortable leather shield or felt pad, no plas ter, nor musty liquid. is PEDODYNE.The Comslara Bunion Treatment. You will aav it is wondrrf ill amaaina. ao Quick. so sure does it act. Don't waste time and money on useless methods. Don t suffer. Try KLUUUTNfc at ray riak. Write today before you do another thing. Just say "I want to try PEDODYNE." Address KAY LABORATORIES, Dept. A-402 I6S N. LaSalla St., Chicago, III. "jam 7 V-eft ougi! mm SPECIAL! Genuine $6TIar Schutz $145 Value & Co. 8-Power Field Glasses Ifrpressly mada for tha usa of tha leneral staff of tha lata war: Individual focusmi of earn eye piece: affording a perfect obaerTa tlon at a great distance. Unusually clear lens. 40 m.m. oWectke. Weight 22 ounces, (.overed with a new process waterproof mn tura. Complete wita strong carrying case and shoulder straps. Positive! your only chance to obtain on of these splendid glasses. Aa soon as rmr limit ed supply Is exhausted, there still be ao more to be had. ORDER NOW. Add 25c for Parcel Poat Charges THE GIFTO CO. 28 S. 17th Street Philadelphia. Pa. Dr. Benj. J. Haller -DENTIST .Wishes to announce the opening of his new location at 1418 First Natl Bank Bldg. $k Omaha, Nebraska, . . eA r 'About June the Twenty-fifth Nineteen Twenty-two. Telephone At. IT1I. Tha former rartnerahla at Chorea at Haller haa bean dlaaolved. "Here Comes the Prosperity Special" The 1922 PROSPERITY SPECIAL arrived in Omaha TODAY. There will be a few hours layover and then the PROSPERITY SPECIAL will resume a regular schedule, offering every Omahan an excellent opportunity to join this excursion to INDEPEN DENCE in the State of Contentment. You may purchase transportation from any employee of the Nebraska Power Company, or at our Offices, Fifteenth and Farnam. This is a through train with NO STOPS at DOUBT, WHATSTHEUSE, GIVEUP, LETTERSLIDE, CHANCE or intervening points. The LIMITED goes straight through to INDEPENDENCE. Our right of way is substantial, having stood the test of time; double track, with SAFETY block signal equipment all the way, insures safe arrival at destination. Aboard The fare to INDEPENDENCE is $100, Ex cursion rates NOW in effect $95, payable $10 when you board the SPECIAL and $10 per month as the trip progresses till the fare $95 is paid. Here is an excellent opportunity for you to visit INDEPENDENCE, with indefinite "stop-over privileges." Then, if you like the city, it's an easy matter to arrange to make this your permanent residence. The PROSPERITY SPECIAL was planned by the Nebraska Power Company, as a means whereby YOU might build up a dependable in come by investing from $95.00 up in the Elec tric Light and Power Business. You are on your way to INDEPENDENCE the very mo ment vou buy a share of the PREFERRED STOCK of the NEBRASKA POWER COM PANY. $100.00 shares may be bought NOW for $95. and dividend per share. At this price each Share pays 1.31 per year on your money. Because the company must grow along with the community it serves, there is a constant need for funds with which to extend the sys tem. These funds must be raised by the sale of the company's securities. Buy transportation on the PROSPERITY SPECIAL (a share of PREFERRED STOCK' of NEBRASKA POWER COMPANY). Stop-over privileges are represented by DIVIDENDS paid regularly and promptly every three months. Dividend checks are mailed to stockholders March 1, June 1, Sep tember 1 and December 1. Our PREFERRED STOCK is a high-grade investment NOT a speculation. Its strong est point is that it is SAFE. SAFETY BLOCK SIGNALS It is fully paid and non-assessable. It is cumulative. It is easy to sell in case you need cash. 7nritir-niel& racking their brains for a suitable vacation will find none more VaCallOniSlS profitable than an excursion aboard the PROSPERITY SPE CIAL. Don't be late at the depot. The LIMITED leaves on TIME, it has never yet been late. All Right LET'S GO Get Aboard the PROSPERITY SPECIAL While These Excursion Rates Are in Effect ' i You ACT Yji Anow! J J) Nebraska Power Company Don 't Miss the Trip 1 Farnam at 15th AT lantic 3100 2314 M Street MArket 1500 Ask one of oar employees about transportation on the Prosperity Special INFORMATION COUPON ' ! (Without Obligation) Nebraska Power Company Electric Bldg., Omaha. Please tend me Illustrated booklet, "More Power to Your Money," containing (1) More Information About Your Pre ferred Stock, (2) Details of Easy Payment Plan, (S) Hew to Judge an Investment. Name Address si f I