SB-.- . THE BEE: CMAHA. SATURDAY. JUNE 10. 1922. In? Money Not Paid; Wife in Second Suit for Divorce Decree Once Set Aside When Husband Returns Child and Agreei to Make Settlement Mr i. Emma Tutin stood ths loneli ittu and th toil of the farm in Stan ton county, Nebraska, for 10 years. Her husband, Harry, not only made her work hard, early and late, but he ebeat and abused her. she alleges in an amended petition for divorce filed yesterday in district court here. She had to wear clothes that were "a disgrace to a farmer's wife;" her husband even wouldn't let her keep the chicken and egg money which she earned, ihe says. , Ode morning in June while Tutin was out in the field she packed her suit case and stole away to the town and took a train for Omaha. She 3 WW ' crusts and muf fins, nuke your pastry flour with one-fourth cup of Kingsford's and throe fourths cup wheat flour. A little Kingsford's Corn Starch dusted on top of cakes before icing prevents the frost ing from running off, A quarter teaspoonful of Kingsford's Corn Starch put into each of your salt-ahakers will keep the salt from caking. FREE A.W your trocar or writ Com Product. Salaa Co, 8th and Jackson straats, Omaha, Nob, for kaao tiful foldar af tfao now Cora Starch rocipoo. Important to Every Housewife SomeNewUses of the"Old Standby" Kingsford's Corn Starch IF your recipe calls for four eggs to one quart of milk, use three eggs and for the egg omitted use one-half ublespoccful of Kingsford's Corn Starch, For smoother, glossier gravies and sauces use a dessert spoonful of Kingsford's instead of tablespoonful of wheat flour. For lighter, flakier biscuits, pie We Deliver to Any Part of the City ? tVINTIPTH A3iVbCKIC3UaTTTIrr - Phone Douglas 3940 This Great Handy Uptown Market Is Shopping Headquarters for Thousands of Omaha Housewives FRUITS AND VEGETABLES The Finest, Largest and Most Complete Department in tne jniaoiewen. 1. Extra Fancy Strawberries, qnart 15V Leaf Letts ee, S for ....... .57 Valencia Sweet Oranges, special, per dosen . .23 Home Grown Peas, per lb. V. -..12m Home Grown Beets, S for 10e Home Grown Turnips, 8 for 5s Large Cucumber, each 53 Extra Snappy Stringless Beans, per lb. 15 a Sankist Lemons, per doien ......384 1 Fine Jniey Grape Fruit, 8 for 25c SATURDAY GROCERY BARGAINS Large Oral Sardines, can ..154 Carotene Mllkj tall cans, for only .44 Del Monte Peaches, can . .214 Raymond , Maine Com, east 17H4 i jars Queen Olives, per Jar ...M..474 i Sine Star Powder, per package 234 rf ToUet Paper, S for : ....274 Large jars Queen Olives, per Jar Large Si .....ww. w ' P. m VU DVap, IV UOWB IIMT ....... Plat Bottles of Logannerry jaiee Monarch Grape Juice, per qnart ...... 494 284 684 QUALITY MEATS UNDERPRICED Home Dressed Boasting Chickens, per lb. V.17K4 Prime Bib Beast, Satarday, per lb. 194 .V......47H4 15 ...... Home Dressed Fresh Broilers, per lb....... Steer Pot Roast, per lb. Rih Boilina- Beef, ser lb. Young Veal Roast, per lb. 154 Fresh Sparerfbs, per lb. .-. 9Hc Lean Pork Chops, per lb. 194 Lean Pork Loin Roast, per lb. .17H4 Extra, Fancy: Lean Bacon, per lb. "294 TEA- COFFEE SPICES Ankola Coffee, S lbs. for .. Household Blend Coffee, 3 for Good Quality Gunpowder Tea, per lb, loe Tea Blend, per lb. Romford Baking Powder, per can ...S1.15 !"""'."!l84 Cigars Just Inside the ' Door . Saturday Only New Tork Cream Cheeae, Sat- ?tor ' S3.00 Daiiy Products Best Creamery Butter, any brand, per lb. .384 onlay, per lb. 214 Box of 60 for TrnSS The New Whole Wheat Try ri.iJ Breakfast Food brought her little girl, Mary Lois, with her. Happy With Daughter. She obtained work, She was happy with her daughter in rooms at 4J6 South Twenty-fourth street After the toil of the farm, this seemed life of ease and contentment. On October 19, 1920. the telephone bell rang. She answered it and was startled to hear her husband' voice. "I have taken Mary from school and am going to take her where you will never seen her again unless you dismiss your divorce suit," he said. She bad filed suit for divorce soon after arriving here. She learned that her huiband had called at Central school, Twenty second and Dodge streets, and taken Mary away, Agrees to Return Child. Soon the district court granted her a divorce and $25,000 alimony. She heard her husband had fled to Can ada with the child. "I don't want $25,000 if I haven't Mary," she wept Eventually com munication was established with her husband, who agreed to return the daughter if the divorce suit was can celed, k V "He'll return the child uncondi tionally," declared Judge Scars. "After that we'll talk about the di vorce." Tutin returned the child to the mother. The divorce decree was set aside on condition that he pay a certain sum to Mrs. Tutin. He agreed to do this, giving notes for the amount But he never paid the notes. Hence the new petition was filed yesterday. Tutin own 320 acre of land in Stanton county, worth $32,000, and stock and other property, worth $8,000, the petition alleges. Humboldt Man Is Dry Candidate to Oppose Hitchcock J. O. Shroyer Agrees to Enter Race for Senator Anti Saloon League Can didate. ' Lincolu, June 9. (Special) F. A. High, head of the Nebraska Anti Saloon league, announced today he had begun circulation of petitions to put J. O. Shroyer of Humboldt in nomination for United States sena tor on the democratic ticket to run in the July primariei againtt Sena tor G. M. Hitchcock. - High announced several weeks ago he had a man who promised, to make the race in the event no other "dry democrat" did and Shroyer is that man, he said. Shroyer will make his campaign on the wet and dry issue, according to High, and his supporters intend to claim that Hitchcock will not back appropriations for law enforce ment if he is returned to the senate. . J. O. Shroyer stated this morning that he will accept the filing of hia name as democratic candidate for United States senator. Mr. Shroyer is prominent in agri cultural affairs of this state, being an officer of the Farmers' Union Co operative association and identified with other farm organizations. The Humboldt man is in Omaha today. ' Last week he addressed the NmmAX. "Come once and you'll come always" Orders of 35.00 or over deliTcred anywhere in ctfyT Phone your order to DOuglas 1706. '- Fullest latiaf action alwayi giiaranteed. itfail orders shipped everywhere. "Owing to perishable condition, fruits and vegetables cannot be included in shipping orders. . Address Order Department, care 16th and Harney Sts. n Satairdlay Specials Of Highest Quality and Economy You are always guaranteed the fullest satisfaction in buying your foodstuffs at these splendidly equipped mar kets. Choicest varieties, known quality, marked savings in price. Fancy Fresh Killed 1922 Broiler, per lb. Fancy Fresh Killed Young Hens, lb.... -Fancy Fresh Killed Stewing Chickens, lb. Fancy Steer Pot Roast, per lb . Best Cuts ' Steer Roast, vi per lb. .............. 53c 28ic 18ic 10c. Shoulder 13k Quality Meats Fancy Young Veal Roast, per lb. . Lean Fig Pork Roast; per lb. . Fancy Steer Rib Boil, C per lb. eJC Narrow Lean Break fast Bacon, per Fancy Young Veal Breast, per lb. .... 17k .... i7k :. 5c T27k 10c Bounteous Offerings in Fresh Fruits and Vegetables 5c 5c Strawberries, per quart box ... Strawberries, per crate Watermelons, per lb. 10 lbs. New , Potatoes Large bunches ";, Asparagus ............. Hot House ' Cucumbers, 5e and 3ic 45c 7k 7k Large bunches A Beets ............... ..... 3 bunches Turnips ......... ...i Sunklst Lemons, per dosen . Extra fancy Sunkist Oranges, dor, 20 and Homegrown Peas, , per lb. Pineapples, eacn 10. l2V4e and v. - 35c 30c 10c 15c Central Grocery Offerings 65c 10 lbs. Cane Sugar ............ 100 lbs. Best Beet Sugar 100 lbs. Cane Sugar $6.35 48-lb. sack Gold Medal t0 Of or Pillsbury's Flour. . . PfiO 48-lb. sack Gooch's Flour 4 boxes Macaroni or Spaghetti ........... Tall cans -' Salmon .............. Del Monte Sardines in sauce or mustard, per can 45c jar Queen Olives ..i ' 10 bars P. ft. G. or Crystal A Crt White Soap for .'. wC Iten's Fluted Cocoanut "I Bars, special, per lb...... AJC t tall cans Carnation, Pet 0TA or Borden's Milk ........ awC $1.95 30c 12k tomato 15c 39c Shredded Wheat, perpkg. AAC Grape Nuts, per pkg. A t)C .x27c 27c 25c 3 No. i cans Baked Beans 3 cans Lima Beans 3 pkgs. Jersey Cora Flakes 30c can Rumford Baking ' 1 Q Powder A7C Campbell's Tomato Soup, 1A. per can AUC No. 2 cans Peas, per can No. 2 cans Evergreen Corn, per can 25c bottle Pure Tomato Catsup Assorted Adro Jell, 3 for Central Special Coffee, per lb. 30: S lbs Extra Fancy Santos Coffee, per lb 12k 10c 19c 25c 88c 20c Central Xtra Quality .or Idlewild Cream ery pkg. Butter, - P. 38Ha Guaranteed Fresh Country Bggs, per dor, ..24tftt Gem Nut, Mllcoa or Rex Nut, lb.. .222 S lbs. ...... $1.08 Ceae In and Try a Glass of Par Dclldom Boot Beer. Finest Brick or Amer ican Cheese, per lb. ....23tt Butter Milk, glass 5 Quart lOgV Fancy Creamery pkg. Butter, lb. ..34HC CIGARS Jest Inside the Door. Hendrick Hudson, Se value, ' 'or X74 Box of 60 -.$1.50 BAKERY Tuttf Frultl Cake, each 75 Citron Frnlt Cake, each....60e OrHeake ..: ..430e Assorted Cookies, 2 dozen... 25t MeOomb's Homemade Dettdous Chocolates, 39 C Chocolate Fudge, filled with woinlerful ;t 90 manhni allow, per lb. wt7i Try rm ' tJ The New Whole Wheat Breakfast Food following letter to R. A. High, super intendent of Krbraika Auti-Saloou league, Lincoln: "Since our tonveriation in refer-1 ence to the situation for United Mates scnatorthip in the democratic 1 party. I have decided to allow my friends to file my name as a demo cratic candidate for United States senator for Nebraska if they cars to do so. If petitions are tiled I will accept the filing." Guy Barhatu Dies. Kew York. lune 9. The Daw Jones news ticker service today cir culated a cable di.patch from London announcing the death early thi morning of Guy Itarham, publisher of the Los Angeles Herald. Mr. Barham, who went to London with William Randolph Hearst's party, died after a throat operation performed several days ago. the dis patch said. Crawford Bank Reopens . Lincoln, Juno 9. The State De partment of Trade and Commerce announced today the reopening of the Farmers bank at Crawford under an entirely new management and with its cash reserves fully established. The bank was closed May 2. Er vin Kleeman is the new president, and t. Birdsell, cashier. DROS. Har. 0188 28th ana Farnam SATURDAY SPECIALS Apple Blossom Milk, 3 large cans for Shredded Whole Wheat Biscuits, 2 pkgs. for. . . . Ke Hogg's Corn Flakes, large pkgs., 2 for ...... Best Creamery Butter, per lb Blue Bell Flour, per 24-lb. sack Pearl White Soap, 10 bars for ,, 25c 27c 28c . .38c $1.10 38c Crystal White Soap A( Chips, 3 lbs. for ....... HI Q Lufo,!tff!: ....48 c Chaae A Sanborn's fift Coffee, in bulk, 2 lbs. . V7C Sardines in Tomato Sauce, PA. 15-01. cans, 3 for. ., . . . ,OlC Snowdrift, 2-lb can . ,QQ- for V 4-lb. can for ....75c Large New Potatoes, , ,09 4 lbs. for aSOC Extra Large Iceberg ,' OCi- Head Lettuce, 3 heads ancy Hot House Cucumbers, ea., Fancy Hot House C ' 1 A- and v Home Grown Peas $3.90 (full pods) 3 lbs. for.. Extra Fancy Home Grown Beets (4 to a bunch), 1 0 4 bunches for I l C Budweiser, per case for tl refunded when eaie and empty bottles re returned. Choice Shoulder Beef Roast, per lb. 18 Choice Fresh Dressed Spring Chickens, per, lb. ......... 55 Friday order mean early deliver Saturday. Mail orders fiUed at the above prices. Boy Dies, Mother . Near Death From Burns; 2 Saved Tragedy Marks Blaze Which Destroys Hornet Two ChiU , dren Rescued by 4 Passerby. Lincoln, )une 9. (Special.) Don ald Hut son, 6, died early this morm ing from burns received iu a tire at hit home in Belmont, two and a half miles cast of Lincoln, last night. His mother, Mrs. Forrest Hutson, is in a hospital here not expected to live because of burns she also re ceived in the tire. The flames destroyed the home. Charles Lelsnd, a neighbor, driving by the house at the time of the fire, saw the boy rush out of the house, his clothing aflame. He took a blan ket from his rig and ' wrapped the boy in it, smothering the Dames, but the little fellow's flesh had been burned to a crisp in places. James Hutson, brother of Forrest Hutson, also passing the house at the time of the fire, saw the mother run out from the house, her clothing aUo aflame, and jump into a tub of water underneath the eaves. She hu- . plored him to save her other two small children lrom the burning lume, Hutson ran into the house and found the children at play in a room not yet reached by the fire. They were saved. The kitchen was ablate. A ga.oliue stove is supposed to have exploded. The father, Forrest Hut- son, was down town at the time of the lire. Read The Dee all the way through. You will find it interesting. C'efcTvy ' Inlwe the - $$SsSn. ' Finest Fabrics.' . jggjgs. rHERESTHfr BANNER WETl II UMfURUtD - .PURCSFMEATS IN ALL THE WOFU.D ! OMAHA'S LEADING CASH MARKETS For Quality Meats and Provisions Lowest Prices Quick Service Mail and Express Orders Filled Promptly ; 212 No. 16th St. f 2408 Cuming St. 4903 So. 24th St. .: ' Strictly Fresh Dressed Roasting Chickens 186 EXTRA SPECIALS FOR SATURDAY MORNING 7 TO 12 Native Steer Chuck Roast .He Sugar Cured Picnic Hams .15c Choice Lean Pork Loin Roast 16c Choice Cut Round Steak. . :20c Fancy Pure Lard, in any quantity 12'c Evaporated Milk, tall cans (Carnation, Value Limit), 3 cans. .25c Fancy Young : Hens, Fresh Killed 27c VEAL CUTS Choicest Veal Shoulder Roast. . i5c Shoicest Veal Stew ; . .'. ... . . . ........ . 1214c Choicest Veal Chops. .......... . . 20c Choicest Veal Legs (y2 or whole) for roasting. . ,20c Choicest Veal Loins" (kidney in) for roasting. .20c CANNED GOODS DEPT. Early June Peas, 3 cans. . . Choice Selected Peas, special, 3 cans.. Fancy Sweet Corn, 3 cans ....... . ,-. . Fancy Pork and Beans, 3 cans . . . . Fancy Red Salmon, l ib. tall cans. , . . . Fancy Sardines in oil, 5 cans. . . . . Fancy Kidney Beans, 3 cans .......... Choice Tomatoes, No. 2 size, 3 cans ...40c ...25c . . .27c ...27c ...25c 25c ...38c .'. . 38c SPECIAL SALE ON GOOD COFFEE Buehler Bros. Royal Brand, fresh and good, lb. . . 40c Rasper's Big Five, 1-lb, carton. . ......... . . . . .35c Mona Coffee, 1-lb. package . . . ............ 25c Monarch Coffee, two 1-lb. packages. ......... .35c SPECIAL SATURDAY ONLY . Buehler Bros. White Naptha Laundry Soap, 1-lb. bars, 6 for. ..30c SMOKED MEATS Choice Skinned Hams (Y2 or whole) Choice Picnic Hams................ Fancy Breakfast Bacon. Fancy Strip Bacon . . . . . ) .30c .18c .23c 18c Cudahy Puritan Lard, 10-lb. pail. . , Ciidahy Puritan Lard, 5 lb. pail. . $1.75 . .90c Cudahy Puritan Skinned Hams, per lb 35c Cudahy Puritan Breakfast Bacon, per lb .36c CHEESE -Fancy Brick Full Cream Fancy American Full Cream. . . Fancy Block Swiss .......... .22c .25c 25c BUTTERINE DEPT. Evergood Liberty Nut, i-lb. prints. Evergood Liberty Nut, 5-lb. carton Evergood Butterine, 2-lb. package. Evergood Butterine, 5-lb. package Danish Pioneer Fresh Creamery Butter, 1 -11 ii4avi Selected Fresh Eggs, 1 dozen. . ,..19c ...90c , . .42c .$1.00 . .37c ..25c PORK CUTS Choice Lean Pork Butts Choice Lean Spareribs Choice Pork Loin ( or whole) Fresh Pork Neck Ribs, 5 lbs. Fresh Pigs' Feet, 4 lbs Fresh Pigs' Liver, per lb. ..... ... .... . . . . Choice Salt Side Pork Pickled Pigs' Feet, 4 lbs.. . . . Fresh Pork Breakfast Sausage .. .18c .9c 17c .. .25c ...25c . . . .5c ...18c ...25c ...20c ' EXTRA SPECIAL PRICES IN BEEF DEPT. Prime Rolled Beef Rib Roast. .20c Choicest Beef Pot Roast. . . . . ; 11c Choicest Beef Chuck Roast 13c Choicest Rib Boiling Beef. 6c Fancy Brisket Corned Beef 14c Fancy Rolled Corned Beef .:. . . . . .12c Choice Fresh Cut Hamburger. . ... . ... ..... . .15c Choice Sweet Pickled Beef Tongues 30c SAUSAGE AND LUNCHEpN MEATS Choice Fresh Wienies and Frankfurters. ... .18r Choice Fresh Bologna and Liver Sausage. . . , . .15c Minced and Pressed Hams, sliced. ........ . ;, .22c Choice Veal Loaf 22c Fancy Summer Sausage ..20c Fancy Fresh Pork and Breakfast Sausage 20c