Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 10, 1922, Page 4, Image 4

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Omaha Oirl Eahiblts Art
Miss Lucil Rector arsduated June
f Irons Columbia university, where
she bit been studying art. During
Way Miit Rector wa honored by
having tome el her work accepted
ty the Art alliance in New York
City for ill textile eahibit. Her
specialty, however, hu been illustra
tion. She plant to go abroad next
pring to study in Paris. She will be
in Omaha in about two werki, ai the
bat bow gone to Wellt college to the
commencement of her friend, Mii
Helen Reed, an Omaha girl. She
will alto Hop in Cleveland and De
troit. For Mitt Ruttcr.
Mitt Helen William will.entertain
Monday, June IS, for Mitt Alyce
Ratter, who leavee June 1 tor
Bethany, Neb. Thoie preient were
the Misses Maxine Foihier, Alice
Ray, Pauline Hartnett. Marjorie
Milts, Violette Sonneland, Frances
MeCheiney. Iner Shant.
On Wednesday the Alpha Chi
Omega sorority will give a moonlight
tiike to honor of Miss Rutter. About
30 guests will be present. ,
Mikova Reception Hour Changed.
. The reception planned by the City
Concert club for Miss Mane Mikova,
noted pianist, will be held on Monday
evening at 8 o'clock instead of 4, as
announced, in the palm room of the
Fontenelle hotel The affair is open
to the public ' '
Mist Mikova, who arrived a week
go from New York for a visit with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
Mik, leaves next Friday for Berkeley,
rat. hm he will be connected
with the Greek theater for the tum
mer. Thit it Miss Mikova's fourth
season at Berkeley.
For Mrs. Reese. ,
Mrs. J. I Paxton entertained at
luncheon at the Country club Friday
in honor of Mrs. Harry Reese of
Lot Angeles, who is the guest of
Mrs. Henry T. Clarke this week.
Covert were also laid tor .the Mes
damee Luther KounUe, William Hill
Clarke, w. vv. jucnruon, vrc't
Squires and William S. Allen.
Wednesday evening Mr. and Mrs.
,W. W. Richardson entertained at
dinner at their home for Mrs. Reese,
who formerly lived in Lincoln She
will remain in Omaha over Sunday.
Week-End Howe Party.
Clarke Coit is entertaining this
week-end at a golf house party at
hit home near the Country club.
Thit it the teventh summer that
he hat been host to the same party
of 14 men, who come from various
cities all over the country. Luther
Koontze will be host at luncheon at
the Country club Saturday for them.
Job's Daughters.
fai.rhtr wilt hold their
hniinfi meeting Saturday
afternoon at 2 o'clock at the Masonic
Temple. Tnere will be an election
VI f.s.v w
Personals '
Problems That Perplex
Am.m4 by
The Ideal t'nlon,
'Here la a letter so sincere and
helpful that X am going to give all
my readers t chance to acquaint
themselves with the viewpoint of a
sane and Joyful woman who write
out of her own experlsnca to aid
others. Here U what the write:
"To my mind an ideal union 1 on
founded on prfot truat and aood
comradeship. Not the huppy-sro-lurky
marrtat w hear of nowadays
where Mary and John, after a couple
of month' sojourn In dance halt
and cabaret, suddenly take a
chance at matrimony and when the
brief honeymoon ha waned are sin
cerely tired of each other.
"In every happy home love must
be the central factor. Without It
work becomes drudgery and even
our dally life becomes tiresome and
monotonous. For 'to love rightly
means that one's eyes sre closed to
all the littleness of life, to sll but the
freshness snd purity of the very
humble.t of soul.'
"Marriage In Its literal sens Is a
partnership, an agreement entered
Into by two persons to dwell to
gether, love, comfort, cherUh esch
other 'as long as they both shall
"If such a partnership Is to be a
success there should be no boss, but
each should be tolerant of the other.
In the disposition of the Joint fi
nances wife and husband should
confer together ss to Its expenditure.
The road to the divorce court In
these days Is strewn with wrecks of
marriage which might have proved
happy had either or both partners
ud a little tolerance and common
"Marrlsg Is a crueibls which
brings out all that la best or worst
la a man or woman. If they are
hopeful and optlmisdo they will be
able to find the sliver lining of hap
piness even In the darkest cloud of
misunderstanding. A writer has
put It:
M 'Be to my virtues very kind and
to my faults a little blind.'
"To preserve the besuty of horns
life, nagglnr should be tabooed.
Where Is the man who will not ideal
ise the woman who never nags, but
makes ths beat of life?
"As to which should rule hus
band or wife love will depart when
either elects to rule the other.
I cannot help saying that ths one
who wrote this does Indeed know.
Won't others who have such helpful,
practical words to say "offer their
testimony" to help one snother?
A Queetlou of Date.
Miss Beatrice Fairfax: Could you
please tell me on which day Pente
cost Monday was In the year 1861?
Thank you. ALICE PRELL,
In 1861 Pentecost Monday fell on
May 20.
Camp Fire Girls
Just one more week before the
opening of Camp Iwaqua at Valley,
Neb. .Girls are asked to get their
registrations in at Campfire head
quarters as soon as possible.
Mrs. Colin McKenzie and every
member of her Lexse group have
registered for camp. This group
earned their camp money by mak
ing dish .towels .from .nour sacks
and taking over a movie house for
two nights. The Tatapochon, Yal
lani and VVaotfi groups and their
guardians intend to spend a week
at Camp Iwaqua. . .
Thuredar avenlnc the Okki group held
a ceremonial meeting at the home of their
guardian, Mr. J. C. Edmunda. Margaret
Evan, took her de.lre, while Mr. Ed
mund, Evelyn Brink, Katherlne Blllottl,
Gertrude Highland. France Llndee. Alice
Sorenaen, Frieda Carleon and Elaine Ed
mund took their rank o( woodsatherer.
The Weatfl group at IU meeting Friday,
a week ago, at the home of their guard
ian, lira. F. M. Benedict, gave the hletory
of the (Ire great heroe ot their country.
The Wltonohl group met laat Saturday
at the home ot their guardian, Mra. J. K.
Brownlee, and voted a dollar memberahlp
to help the crippled children bav a sum
mer home. Thle group al.o voted lit
for the new building of the Pearl Memo
rial church.
The Lexee group at Ita meeting Friday
identified' 10 plante by the odor. Moot
of the glrle earned thle nature honor.
Wltawentln group had a bu.lnea "meet
ing Wedneeday at the home of Gladys
A new group connected with the North
Side Chrletlan ehuren met '.aat Tueeday.
Thle group hae tekea the name Seloha,
moaning "aervlce, lov and bapplneee."
The Oklhl group st Ita laat meeting
Tueaday planned to give a slay Id the
near future.
A new group, with Mra, W. t. Thomp
son, guardian, met Monday afternoon at
the homo of Dorothy Rlohardaon. The
girl were told the meaning and how
to aymboliie their Idea. Thle group
took the name Petaga, meaning gypey
tar, and each girl took a aymbol to har.
monlie with the group name. . .
The Alnlna Campfire group held a meet
ing Wedneeday evening at the home of
Olive William and decided to go cherry
picking In order to earn money for camp.
The Aoklbe, the new group at Farnam
echool, met Monday at the home of Mabel
Stork and planned for Ita first ceremonial
to be held next week.
Comus Club Luncheon.
The Comus club will meet Wed
nesday, June 14, at luncheon at the
home of Mrs. B. S. Peterson, 2740
North Forty-seventh avenue. .:
Dr. George Boehler returns Sat-
mAm (mm Tjnmln.
Mr and Mm. Walter Page leave
early in July fof a summer trip to
s?tAf .'
waw-eau wjjfwe
J. L. Paxton will leave Sunday for
Atlantic City, where he will spend
two weeks. s .
Dr. and Mrs, Alfred J. Brown have,
moved into a new home at 3431 Haw
thorne avenue.'
; Mr. T. V. Tully, jr., who has been
confined to the St. Joseph hospital,
is reported as improving. v
Ralph Campbell will return next
week from Denver university to
ppestd the sumrrjer vacation in Omaha.
i Urt. Victor Caldwell, jr., and
bshy daughter, Mercedes, are in St.
: Louis visiting Mrs. laiaweus iam-
ay. ;
Mrs. J. E. Davidson and daughter,
Mils Dorothy , Davidson, returned
Thursday from a stay at Atlantic
City, - '. ;'v.;"
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Wolfe of
' Klttanntng, Pa.,- motored to Omaha
for a visit with Dr. and Mrs. W. W,
Bowser. v y;yA:..' ,
' Mr. and Mrs. Harry White, who
have just recently returned from
California, have taken a home at
51U Burt street. '
- lira; H. S. Weller and her daugh
ters, Misses Dorothy and Marian,
leave Sunday, June 18, for a summer
trip to California.
Friday. The hostesses were the
! : Mrs. R. C Hoyt returned Thurs
day irom an eignt weens stay in me
east Mrs. Hoyt went east to attend
the D. A. R. convention in Wash
ington. r Mrs. Daniel Sargent left last Sat
urday for Boston, Mass., where she
will spend the summer with relatives.
She will also visit the White moun-
taint, . ."
: Mrs. Robert Hughes, who was for-
merly Miss Esther Graff, whose wed
ding to Mr. Hughes took place in
', May in Indianapolis, will arrive on
' ' Mrs. Lillian Lohr and Miss Anna
Beyers of Kansas City are visiting
friends in Council Bluffs. Mrs. Lohr
will be remembered at Miss Lillie
: Anderson.
Mist Ethel Thorngate returned
i Friday from - Minneapolis, Minn.,
.where she attended the international
i convention of the Big Brothers and
: Big ' Sisters as delegate from the
Omaha chapter.
Rabbi Fred Rypins arrived today
to make a visit at the home of his
aunt, Mrs. Harry Sunfield. Rabbi
Rypins is also related to Miss Rose
: Bernstein and Nathan Bernstein.
. r Mrs. L. L. Baum and little daugh-
- ter, Frances, of Oklahoma City are
the guests of Mrs. Baum's sister,
v Mrs. A. G. Harmon, and Mrs. J. J.
- McMahon. Mrs. Baum formerly was
Miss Anna Hall of thit city. . . -
' Miss Leonore Pratt, daughter of
- Mr. and Mrs. Guy H. Pratt, arrived
home Monday, June 5, from Mount
'.Holyoke college, Holyoke, Mass,
where she has just spent her fresh-
fpan year. She will be in Omaha
oatil Jury when she will motor with
her family to Lake Vermillion, Minn
where they have a cottage, .
My Marriage Problems
Adtle Garrison- Maw Phase of
(CertvifM lltt)
How Madge Helped Katie to Tall
the Truth at Last
At the tuddea jangle of belli out
side the library door, all of us were
on our feet, and three of us made a
simultaneous dash for the door. Only
my father remained standing motion
lets, wailing for the outcome of the
scene to which the belli were the cue.
Allen Drake reached the door first,
swung it open, and dashed into the
corridor. As he did to, we heard a
choking gasp of terror, a patter of
swiftly running footsteps, then a
fall. I was at his tide as he i looped
over a huddled, moaning figure upon
the floor, and pushed him away
"I will take her," I whispered
hoarsely, kneeling and gathering
Katie's trembling form into my arms.
She screamed wildly as I touched
her, for in her unreasoning fright she
had closed her eyes tightly, and her
own moans had prevented he from
bearing my whisper. I put my lips
to her ear and spoke clearly, firmly:
"Right in Here, Katie."
"Katie 1 No one shall hurt you. I
am here with you. But you must get
up and come with me and tell the
Her moant ceased, and she clasped
me convulsively, then the opened ner
eyet and gazed wildly at me.
"Oh,. Missis -Orahaml vot you
tink of me?" she wailed. "Und no
body, not even you, believe me ven I
tell truth."
I struggled with my conscience to
say inc euuiniug tiling.
"I'll believe you. Katie."
She clutched my hands, pulled her
self to her feet, and put tier hands to
her rumbled hair with. the instinc
tive gesture of femininity.
"Den I no care who else tinkt I
bum liar," she said superbly. "Vere
you want me go?"
"Right in here, Katie." I took her
by the arm and led her firmly to the
library, where my father wat still
standing. At I stepped back to
usher her through the narrow door I
heard Allen Drake's drawling mur
"What a mint of money you could
earn in a menagerie l
' I pretended not to hear him, but
I could not resist stealing a glance at
I" V. HIT"
In taking over the management of this store, I find that it
is greatly overstocked and carrying too many different makes
of Shoes. So we are therefore forced to reduce the present
stock to the very last pair in order to make room for our en
tirely new line of Shoes we now have in the making.
We are going to make this sale one to be long remembered
by the women of Omaha. You will find that every pair of
Shoes in this sale bears the Shoe Market stamp of quality. It
simply means a housecleaning for us and a big saving to you.
r Yours Shoely,
Sale; Now Going On
Many good sizes and styles
still remain, adding new bar
gains to these 3 lots each day
The Bargain Table I Bargain Bin No. 1 1 Bargain Bin No. 2
1,500 Pairs of
Low Shoes.
Meetly (holt line.
Willi they laat
Patent Leather, Black
Kid, White Canvas
Pump and Oxfords.
Louie heel. Sold up
to SS .00. On sale
S1.45 I $2.45
Women' Black Kid,
White Kid, Patent
Leather, Brown Kid,
and Calf Lac Oxford,
pump and (trap ef
fect, Louie and mili
tary heels, sold up to
$10.00, en sale at
All of Our Regular Lines Reduced
Shoe Market
320 South 16 th St.
No Deliveries
No Exchange
No Refund
him a little later; I found him watch
ing me with a mirthful fleam in his
eyes, and at ha caoght mine, he slyly
pretended to crack an imaginary
whip.' I fancied that nothing would
annoy him more than an absolute ig
noring of hit nontense, to I stared at
him wide-eyed, with no change of
expression for an instant, then I
turned my eyet to my father, who
htd arranged teats for Katie and me
on a big divan, and was standing
in front of ut with a judicial dignity
forbidding enough to poor Katie, but
through which I could tee the warm
sympathy hidden beneath hit itern
"Katie," he began slowly, "Why
were you listening just now?"
She swallowed painfully, and spoke
in little convulsive jerks.
"I not vant to listen. I shoost vant
to see eef you all in your rooms, and
den I hear belli. O O" at if the
very mention of the hells anted her
uncontroltble terror. "Vot X tell you.
Mist Underwood f You teel Dot
coom true. He can coom und do
She turned on Lillian with animal
like rage, while the rest of ut stared,
wondering what the ravings of the
girl might mesn. But Ltlliln evi
dently understood. She crossed the
room, looked steadily at tht girl, and
then laughed lightly.
"I thought you had better tense,"
she taid contemptuously. "Watch
me. now."
She walked to the door of the
library, and from behind it took up
something which I recognised ss a
'gaily-colored harness of bells which
it was Junior's delight to wear when
he "played horse."
"Here are your bells," she taid.
"We were ture you would try to
listen, for we know whit else
you have," her words fell
slowly, meaningly. "So I limply
ttretched thete belli across the door,
low down, and took them away just
now while Mrs. Graham wai talk
ing to you. Now do you see that
nobody else had anything to do with
it? There is nothing can harm you
except your own foolishness."
That Lillian's words were like t
reprieve to a condemned prisoner we
all understood it wt saw the color
creep back into her face, the wild
look leave her eyes. And I, for one,
now understood the meaning o( the
Kalis had attributed the sound of
the bells to the "black magic" with
which the mm, Anton, had so cun
ningly threatened her.
"OO I so glad." aha breathed,
then turned with a simple dignity to
my father. "I tell you truth now,"
he said.
Prayer Each Day
Let them rsie Thy arat sad terrlkl
Nemo. re. il l,
Our dear Lord and Matter, Thou
hast set etch family aoart. and Thou
dealest with them each according to
outlet well done, and faith well
founded. We come, humbly implor
ing Thy forgiveness for the erron
and mittaket of the past, and we be
seech Thy guidance for the days to
follow. Well and truly do we need
Thee every hour, and therefore we
entreat Thy guidance, without which
we would be led astray, or fall into
danger. Guard ui from the' terror
by night, and the arrow that flyeth
at noonday.
We have our trialt. our necenitiei
snd our distresses. All these we put
Into Thy hands, isking that Thou
woutdet deal with u as little chit
dren. W have no fear of Thee, Al
mighty Father, for we have the as
surance of Thy love.
Watch over all our business nut
ters; help m to be honest and square
in attending to them, and do Thou
to guide ut that we shall always do
what it right in Thy sight Lead us
safely along the journey of life?, and
at last five to us all the Eternal
Life, which w long for more thin
for the hidden tretturet of earth.
Save all whom we love from pai
sion, pride and discontent, and
finally bring us into Thy presence,
through Jcsut Christ our Lord.
CHnloa. Sown Carulln.
Old Home Sausage
Six pounds of lean, fresh pork,
three pounds of prime fst, three ta
blespoons of salt, two tablespoon! of
black pepper, four tablespoons of
powdered use. Grind in a meat
grinder very fine, mix seasoning with
hinds, fill long, narrow bags of this
muslin with the sausage and hang
in a cool, dark room.
Steel wool removes tpeckt of old
paint from window glass.
A short time ago we received a shipment of these dainty
frocks and placed them on sale at this low price. The public
demand has been so great that another lotwas secured and
are even greater values, if possible. They are fashioned of
dotted Swiss voile, gingham, also gingham and organdie combi
nations. . There are but 100 of them and naturally they will not"
last long. We must make all sales final because of the unusual
value and low price. All colors. Sizes 16 to 40.
Dress ShopSecond Floor '
95c and $1.45
The underwear thai ia cool and com
fortable for summer the kind that is:
easy to launder.
Made of fine checked or striped mate
rial in pink or white. These athletic
union suits have just been received and
will be placed on sale the first time
Saturday at 95c and $1.45.
Lingerie ShopMain Floor
Blouses qV $3.95
Blouses that have been selling at higher prices
reduced at this opportune time the time to
wear them with white skirts. They are of
dainty white materials trimmed with real filet,
hand hemstitching and many have dainty col
ored handkerchief linen collars and cuffs.
; Very special for Saturday.
Blouse Shop Main Floor
Toilet' Goods Special
Kotex, 45c a box.
Krank's lemon eream, 79c
Aturea and Le Trefle powder, 69c.
Pepsodent, 39c.
Kirk's Castlie soap, 4 bars, 25c.
Palmollve shaving creams, 29c
Toilet Goods Shop Main Floor
200 Summer Net
Made of splendid quality
mesh with elastic or medi
um tops. Sizes 24 to 32.
On Saturday, special at
only $1,75.
Corset Shop Second Floor
-t ' ' ' " ' . ;
A Complete Line of
A complete , assortment of
one-piece ' swimming suits,
made of finest pure worsted,
fashioned for those who like
to swim. Besides a variety
of colors, including solid or
striped combinations.' They
come in all sizes and weights
$5.60 to $9.50. .
Pure worsted hosettes to
match, $2.00. ,
Non-rust buckles and belt,
For the numerous shades
of slippers and oxfords
fashioned for summer, we
have the hosiery to match
in various styles and
A pure thread silk hose,
silk to the knee, lisle rein
forced feet,1 with the new
panel fashioned back sells
for $1.65, and comes in all
new shoe shades; putty,
sand, nude, pigeon, black
and white.
Something new is the rol
lette hose, : pure thread
silk, all- shoe shades, in
cluding black and white,
for $3.00.
Hose Shop Main Floor
Saturday---Clearance Sale of '
Saturday we will place on sale about 35 dainty dresses that have become
slightly soiled and mussed from handling and display, and have reduced them
to a remarkably low price for quick clearance. They are of voile and ging
ham in sizes from 6 to 14. The values, as you will see for yourself, are unusual.
- $5.00 $7.50 $ 1 2.50
In our Girls' Shop the younger generation comes into their own and are de
lighted with the style and simplicity of the frocks offered And the parents
are also pleased not only at the dresses themselves, but at the very low
prices in effect. I :
Girls' Shop Second Floor
Saturday at
$5.95 $7.25 $8.50
$9.50 $11.00
Saturday at
$5.95 $7.25 $8.50
$9.50 $11.00
For New Style
and Pretty Arms
(Beauty Notes.)
Women are fast learning: the
value of the use of delatone for re
moving hair or fuzi from face, neck
or arms. A paste is made with some
powdered delatone and water and
spread on the hairy surface. In 2
or 3 minutes it is rubbed off. the
skin washed and every bit of hair has
disappeared. No failure will result
if you are careful to buy genuine
delatone and mix fresh as waotaeV
Sprague Cords
for Thia Week
34x4 $28.84 at
the mill.