14 THE BEE: OMAHA. SATURDAY, JUNE 10. 1922. Merchant Fleet Has Purse Value to U. S. Farmers Subsidy Insures Dwpoeal of Crop Sorplui; Factory Product! Must Have Prompt Carriage. Br A. D. LASKER. ' ' ABTHUI T. , The. farmer's intereit in a mer chant marine is evidenced by the cry of tht sixteen greet agricultural ttatci, ranging (rom our central val leys to the rei(ic. with a popula tion ol over 40.000.000 people, or the development ol the Great Lake-St Lawrence waterway, and the inf and deeping of our riven, includ ing the Miiippi. At Governor Allen ol Kansas ha often urged, the farmer feeli the toll the railroadi collect in bringing hn produce to aeaboard often marks the difference between ability and in ability to compete abroad. For thi reason, the Great Lakei-St. Lawrence and the Lake-to-the-Gull water, ways are urged in the hope and be lie! ol bringing theieacoat a thou sand miles nearer to the valleys ol production. Thus the farmer admits the very essential necessary to his prosperity of water carriage abroad; and surely the same reasons make it imperative that an American merchant marine exist to insure the prompt and regu lar dispatch of the product ol the mine and factory apply to the farm- Ship When Needed. Even, the most ardent proponent of our inland waterway development can no longer feel jhere is, any pos sibility of success the venture un less we have assurance ol ships un der our own flag, for the very nature of the commodities and of climatic conditions to be encountered make the use of the St. Lawrence water way, for Instance, seasonal, and for this seasonal purpose we must com mand our own carriage if we are to make sure of the bottoms when and as we need them. The world has completely changed in consequence of the late war, and, as outlined in previous articles, no nation's needs have 'changed more than America's. Therefore, the old arguments that .existed against the necessity of a merchant marine no longer hold. But, unfortunately, millions, including the farmer, have not had time or opportunity to de velop the facts as to the changed conditions and changed needs; they hold on to the fetiches of the past ' It is often sked by those who are living in the shadows of other days why the farmer should be required to contribute to a subsidy for. ships when the 'product of the farm re mains unsubsidized. Such, of course, is far from the fact, because in the protection given byv the tariff the farmer, like the manufacturer and all of us, is subsidized and, very proper ly, to the extent of our needs. Sub sidy for Ships is the identical thing that tariff protection is to home pro duction. ' - v Leader for Subsidy. 'At the hearings-held by the joint committee of the senate and house in relation to the proposed subsidy legislation, : Mr. J. K. Howard, presi dent o! the American Farm federa tion, testified that, while his as sociation Was opposed to subsidies in principle and certainly to subsidies save for' 4 limited period (which is the view Of the Harding administra tion), a careful study by experts ap pointed by the federation had led him to testify in behalf of and to urge the enactment of the legislation proposed for the merchant marine. 1 "Merchant marine rates," said Mr. Howard, "are just as important as railroad rates to the farmer. The farmer may not always realize this fact, because he is able to visualize the rail transportation and does not frequently " come ; in contact with ocean traffic. It is a distinct factor, however, in the price of his commod ities, for the surplus of our crops sold abroad largely sets the price of these commodities in this country." , Mr. Howard averred that 23 per cent of our wheat and 56 per cent of our cotton is exported.. He fig ' ured closely the cost of subsidizing agricultural cargoes under the act and estimated it would amount to an average of 1-4 of a cent a bushel on wheat and 6 cents a bale on cot ton. c-v ; , Farmers' Insurance, He Says. . "The subsidy," said Mr. Howard, "will be a , guarantee against loss from failure to reach markets regu larly and when markets are best. Marketing is todiy the farmer's chief problem. The ship subsidy is our best insurance for the marketing of the farmer's exportable sur- plus." v,'v . Some , make the point that in the .near future America -will consume i mil its farm "products and .will have - no exportable surplus; but still the farmer's interest in an established merchant marine remains supreme, because through a merchant marine we can insure world trade for the products of factory and mine"; it means greater prosperity at home and consequent higher prices for the farmer's product, even though none of it be exported.' v r , So, whether it be froitfthe stand point that the farmer will have sur pluses .which, if their ,transporta . tion abroad is not assured, will back . up on him to the destruction of his prices; or whether: he will have no surplus and relies on the prosperity of the American workers, in other callings.! the ' establishment of . a merchant marine has become of prime importance. Because Che nations of Europe . which owe us vast debts will un- ertake to buy the product of the (arm and factory that they have for. roerly obtained from America else where in order not to increase their debt to us, we must insure prompt and regular carriage under our own Hag to bring about such efficiency in delivery as will compel trade. In a previous article I have re ferred to the fact that when Britain was engaged in the Boer war and had to pull her ships off to her war needs, our grain growers and wool growers found themselves in bank rupt market because we had not the bottoms with which to export their products, Had wt bad our own merchant marine our growers never would have suffered this great hard ship. In the next and concluding article of this series I shall undertake to discuss how the government pro. poses to insure the needed sea car Tlw fliwl mtiUU kr Me. I km wltt we u n SM Move to Reduce Postage Rates Made in House C. C Farm Owners Hear Tenant Talk Question Agricultural Expert ' on Proper Kind of Lease to Draw Up. p-f ir r r;n f id. ' . agricultural college discussed farm leases before the agricultural com mittee of the Chamber of Commerce yesterday. The committee, which inciuaes a numucr oi umana Dull ness men who own farms in Iowa and Nebraska, has been at work for several months drawing un a form of lease that would be fair to the tenant, the landowner and the soil. Members of the committee who favored a Ion term lease as insur ing more interest in maintaining the fertility of the soil questioned rro fessor Filley on this queition. While he advocated a one-year lease in order to give the landlord more con trol of his property, he advised the inclusion ot a clause guaranteeing renewal if the tenant was satis factory. If the tenant were not notified before July 1 that he was not to have the farm another year. Prof. Filley said the lease should be considered extended. A modification of the stock share partnership lease drawn up by Pro fessor Lloyd, formerly of Iowa State Agricultural college, now of Purdue university, was favored by Professor Filley. . who offered to send copies of this to any one. writ ing the state college. Under this arrangement the landlord and ten ant would each supply half the ma chinery and live, stock and divide the profits. Autoist Who Blocked ' Crosswalks Is Held Just the other day traffic officers were, scored for permitting autoists to crowd pedestrians at crossings. Yesterday Traffic Officer Anton Paulson arrested J. H. Hansen on a charge of violating the traffic "rules Dy blocking a crossyalk at Twenty- lounn ana rarnam streets. Hansen was released to uncart in central police court this morning by Sergt. Bert Thorpe. Hansen gave his 1 occupation as salesman and his address as 722 South Thirty-seventh street. Representative Kelly Intro duces Bill to Repeal Two of Four Increases Imposed ai War Measure. Oawha Um$i Win, Washington, June 9. Reduction o? second class postage rates, which were .originally imposed as war taxes, wss proposed in a bill intro duced in the house by Representative M. Clyde Kelly, Pennsylvania, re publican. The hill is intended to give relief to the newspapers snd magasincs which have made repre sentations to congress thst the con tinuation of high postal rales seri ously affected the entire publishing industry. The Kelly bill would repeal the last two of the four increases in poi tal rates which were made under the war revenue law of 1917. Repre sentative Kelly, In a statement, I pointed out that newspaper and ni. asine publishers oi the country sre in need of relief (rom this discrimina tory war tax in order that the press may continue to function. He slated that the proposed measure retains the preswt tone system of postal charges, but reduces tht amount ol charge to the second advance in rates which became effective July 1, 1919. According to Mr. Kelly, the rates asked would still give the gov eminent I7S per cent more than the prewar rates and would not relieve the publishing industry ol one cent of the other federal taxes paid by it in common with other industries. Trunk Used at Signal . of "Blind Tiger' Police Say Charles Davis, J0J North Sixteenth street, was fined $25 in central po lice court yesterday for conducting a disorderly house. Mt, 111 I raiding squad, used to be known as ! U. H.....1. I.'..- - . I while, officers claim, a trunk stood on me waix in iront ot tne place whenever liquor could be purchased In iifrtv. Liter an autamnhil tire was used, snd . .""-e. recently a suit case in the window. -liftSHU Former Omaha Doctor Back From Trip Through Orient Dr. Taut II. Ludington, former Omaha physician, who went to Trinceton, N. J., is at Hotel Fon tenelle for a lew days, returning from a five-months' trip through the Orient. " Dr. Ludington visited Australia, New Zealand, China, Honolulu, Korea, Japan and other places in the fsr east. In China, where fighting was going on, the visitor's party In curred nothing more than incon venience. . Infutfs bnlda NOCOOKDfa The "Food Drink" for AH Acee, Quick Lunch tHorae.Office.and fountain, Aikfor HORUCKi. B-kvelA iWrtarinns f. fcAfffafa Safe 4 I 1 'Built Like Fort I The Hartmann Wardrobe Trunk i . fheta circle tell the itory el the most wonderful wardrobe trunk value ever offered v 7 rifwiNft hounded) pa m JRAWERJ Baa shoe box, drawer locking bar, cushion top, hat drawer, Interlocking hardware : and it is - Gibraltarized By Glbrajtarind we mean Hartmann 's solid round edge, never before used except in Hartmann s finest Panama model4 FUELING & STEINLE 1803 Farnam Here 16 Yean. u 33x4 Sprague CorcU $24.12 for :ThiVckatthe mill. 1519-21 Douglas Street e "Style Vithout Extravagance" Featuring forSaturday An Unparalleled Offering :vkade possible by a Sensational Purchase of ' ring New at a price that sets a new record for Value Former values as high as $35 A Complete Range v . t- ' of Sizes For Women and Misses . ' . , . Dresses that have never been equalled at this price an extensive selection of charming models, exquis itely fashioned of Crepe Back Satin, Canton ' Crepe, Krepe Knit, Georgette,-Crepe de -Chines and Novelties; elaborately trimmed and shown in the . ' 'favored shades., Early Attendance at This Sale Will Prove ' Advantageous . ..' - Fenrtk Floor . Exelutlve Store tor Men and Boy$ Hot Weather Specials on Sale Saturday PALM SUITS BEACH M0 ANO TMM MAM OWMSO MiOUIS CO You caa set ; Palm Beach Suits to your choice of a Tarietr of patterns. The cloth is all the same quality, all the same welfht, but It Is made In many patterns and shades, from severe dark tones up to the fare tllar light colors. Every Palm Beach Suit made of genuine Palm Beach Cloth bears the Palm Beach label. 812.50.816.50 an 820.00 m Extra Pants. 84.50 Hart Sebaffner a Marx and other makes. Golf Knickers made of Palm Beach are cool and good looking practical Q(t QK and durable, at pU-t0 AGAIN TOfe 8ATUBDAY. A SEAL SALE 0T MEN'S TROUSERS $2.50 $3.85 These pants were made to retail at 15.00 and $7.50. Casslmeres, tweeds, fancy striped worsteds, serges, cool cloths, tweeds, palm beaches, mohairs, salting patterns, hundreds of pairs to match your last aeason coat, all alzes but not in all patterns. Sizes run from 28 to 48. Greatest line of pants ever shown In Omaha at these prices. Tou know when Hayden Bros, put on a sale today In their clothing departments what it means to the buying public, we buy for eash, naturally we buy cheaper; that'a why1 we sell clothing at these prices. No such merchandise shown anywhere at these prices. All these pants were made to retail at 85.00 and $7.50. Hart Schaffner & Marx Have put' new life and new coloring in their new mod els. Style, lit and .work manship. Prices are right '3522 39s Extra Pants $5 Rochester Specials The home of good clothes; all t. . w II m m m nana lauorea, au wool lab rics; style is there, and the wearing qualities are great. ' 29 $35i Pure wool worsteds: A fortunate purchase from a well known maker. Colors: blue and brown. Suits are well made and - material good. . . . . , '3022 Extra Pants $5 3,000 Straw Hats at a Price, $1.95 This recent special purchase of j spic-span brand new. imported Sennet hats of fine and medium weave West Indias, Panamas, Porto Ricans and Japanese Panamas. Scores of correct ,new styles in yachts, telescopes, al pine, optimo and drop crown. . y. , ... Hand-made leghorn hats at. $4 to $7.50 Hand-made straw hats at ... $4 to $7.50 Genuine Panamas, special ...... . ,$5.00 White golf hats, special . . . .'. .65c Boys' Shirts and Blouses In a Sale for Saturday Boys' sport blouses; : plain blue chambray, special at .... . . . 50c Boys' shirts; Kaynee and K. & S. make; $1.50 and $1.75 values; Sat urday ..... ..... rv. . . . .$1 Boys' all wool bathing suits . . .$3 Boys' sport blouses, special ...$1 Boys' wash ties, special at . . .25c Boys' wash pants, $1.50, $2.50 Boys' koveralls, made by Levy Straus & Co.," special . (in the an nex) .............. 1 .98c Boys' overalls, all sizes, at. . .95c Boys' two-pants suits, at . .$5.95 Maj estic its Special 75c and $1.69 700 bora' wash suits, made of atroriff n. terial in fast colors that will wiljistand repeated wd Dings; well made and tailored in a way to please little boys. These are suits that mothers like to buy in quantity for all-summer use. Sizes 2 to 9 years. $1.50 values at .:-.....,..i....75 $3.00 and $3.50 values in one big lot, at only $1;69 Boys' Headwear ; .3y - Boys' wash,hats, 75c values at ...... 45 Boys' golf caps, all colors, including blue serge, values to $1.00, Saturday ... .45 Boys $1.50 and $2.00 straw hats. Satur day at ............... $1.00 Popular -WallPapers , Greatly Underpriced 30-inch Harmonella (Blended oatmeal). In new colors and shades. Very special at, "1 H roll ...... ... A 41 Papers for Kitchen, Din ing Boom and Hall. In light and dark colors. Spe cial, per roll . . . . . .. .5 Beautiful bedroom papers, satin stripes, floral stripes and chintz patterns. Spe cial, per roll . ...... .9 Varnished tile for kitch ens and bath rooms. . A large selection to choose from. Very special, per roll ............. ..14 All above items' sold with cut-out borders or bands. Foarti Floor Trunk, Bags and Suit Cases At Special Price Xedaetiom Thle sale will Include all our fine bags and suit cases. Tbtie prices are exceptionally low for toweling begs, suit cases and trunks ef such high quality. ' Some of the Items in this sale are mentioned below. Others that are equally as good. TBLKKS Full size wardrobe trunks, $25.00 values, at 914.95 Steamer wardrobe trunks, $27.60 wlues,at $19.50 Full size wardrobe trunks, open top, all complete, $40.00 values, $29.50 General purpose trunks, special at only $l6. $11. $12 and $25 $7.50 bags and suit cases ..$4.95 $12 and $12.50 bags and suit cases t $7.95 $15 and $20 bags and suit cases, spe cial at $11.95 mmxn Very Special Savisf Opportunities en Qaaa and Glassware $46.00 Dinner Set, $27.80 American semi-porcelain with rose border. 100 pieces. Service for 12 persons. $15.00 50-Piece Gold Band ( Dinner Set, $11.75 Water Set Daisy cut ' Regularly $2.21. Jug and glasses ..$1.25 Ice Tea, Tumblers -Formerly sold at $2 a dosen. now per dozen $1.50 Water Tumbjers Six for ...............25e Candlesticks, 50o Colored glass. 75c. values. Decorated China Oops and Saucers Regular $4.25 a dozen. for v -M.50 Surar and Oreamera Cut glass, formerly 75c; now t ...auc 75c S-at glass waUr uttriHn at .KH J ) X "Meet Me at Herzbergs" i At