THE BEE: OMAHA. SATURDAY. JUNE 10, 1922. Omaha Grain Diph in easier felling is Liver, pool which cauitd A lower opening . fhsj Americas markets, Pficts b held steady and shown bfttes tone than for tome days past The strength in com was the feature. An oversold condition developed in that cereal and horti were anxious buy era, especially in the December op lion. Numerous showers were reported in the northwest, but light elsewhere and the demand (or export grain was low but the domettic demand waa better (or ajl grains. Omaha's run o( receipts consisted of 19 cars ( wheat. 216 cars of corn, 7 cara of oats.' I car of rye. 2 cars of barley and compared with 54 carl of wheat. 45 cara of corn and 14 cara of oata last year: shipments of wheat were 10 cars, ol corn 64 cars, and of oata 17 cars, and compared with a total of 131 cars a year ago. Cath wheat in the local market was in good demand, especially for the semi-dark and near-dark vari eties. Those grades going at a good premium over the ordinary kinds prices were quoted 1 to 2e higher. Corn sold readily at 1 to 1 Mc high er; oats were 1-4 to l-2e up; rye was quoted 2c higher and . barley unchanged. WHEAT. - No. t hr winter: I tare, Sl.i. No. hare wlnur: I car, II r cant dark). Sl tTi S cars. Sl it: I Mr (71 per rout dark, emutty), St 10; I car 4 serai 4ark. loaded out, smutty), II. IS. N. S bare winter: 1 car (mar dark), ll.ll; I car. 11.17: I ear (.61 Mr ceil haa demsgtd, lesaed out), l U. Ssmpls hard winter; I car, $No.i yllw hard: 1 car, 11.11; 1 car, No. i yllw Hard: 1 car. II 11. jj'JJ- Msad; 1-1 car (duram, smutty), Ny. mlied: t car' (durum, smutty), Ne." t durum: I car (amber), 11.11. CORN. No. S white: 1 car. 14 He. No. I whit: car (special billing). Sic. No. 1 yellow: 1 car, llMc; S cara. 1114 o. , No. S yellow: s ears. Sltie; 1 car (shippers' weights). IIUo; I cars, lie; 1 ear (shippers' weight), lie. No. S yellow: 1 car, 140. No. 4 yellow: t ears. 14c. No. 1 mixed; 1 car (shippers' walfhta). No. I mixed: I ear, II . OATS No. I white: I ears, ile; S ears. Sltte. " wn! ear. I; car (heavy), I tie. No. I . - . i x- ear. lie. CHICAOO RECEIPTS. , Carleta Today. Age. wlMt II is 101 l( KANSAS C1TT RECEIPTS. at ill 4 corn J7 14 IS ST. LOUIS RECEIPTS. wheat 41 17 Com tot a Tear Aso. II 171 101 4 I lit 10 Oats 41 4T II NORTHWESTERN WHEAT. RECEIPTS. Mlnneacolla lot 11 14 Deluth 14 Winnipeg .........14 OMAHA RECEIPTS AND (Carlots.) 111 . 77 1T . lis SHIPMENTS. . W4 Ate. . i 161 10 1 Tear Afo. 14 Receipt-. Today. Wheat i Corn 4 Oats 7 Rye l Jrly s Shipments-); Wheat 1 84 40 Corn ............... 14 ' lit Oat 17 SI 24 Rye ... 4 " 1 Barley 1 4 PRIMARY RECEIPTS AND SHIPMENTS. , (Bushels.) Receipt Today. Wk. Ago. Yr. Ago. Wheat ...... 711.000 114.000 1,013,000 Corn ..1,111.000 l,IS7,00(i 1,074,000 Oata ........ 117,004 744,000 764,600 Shlpmsnts Wheat, ,.... 111.00 I.1IS.00O ST4.000 Corn 141.000 713.000 1,444.00 Oata lil.000 1,340,000 111,000 EXPORT CLEARANCES. Bushels. Today. Tear Ate. Wheat and flour lis. 000 . 113,000 Corn 112,000 " Oata 111,000 ...... CHICAGO CLOSING PRICES. By Updike Grain Co. DO. HIT. June S. Art Open. High, t Low. I Cleae. I Tea. Wht July Sep. Dee. Rye July Sep. Dee. Corn July . : Dee. Oata July ? Pee. Lard July Sep. Rib July Sep. 1.11 1.1IM 1.12K 115 1.14 1.11 1.15 1.14K 1.1IH 1UK lliVs 114H M 1.14 1.14 K LIS 117 1.11 1.14 1.11 1 .SS .10 .1 .11 .11 .1 .87 .11 .11 . ' -'. n ! .41 .10 .41 .10 .Si . .44 .11 .41 . .44 .44 .14 .11 .11 .44 .11 .44 .41 .2 .S4 ,, . .IT .IS .34 .14 .11 .! .IS .11 .11 .40 .41 .40 .40 .41 in " n il Vl.l HIT, 11.ST 11.17 12.S 12.SS 12.10 12.1 , 8. Loul. Ormln. . ' ' St. Louis. June . Wheat July, 11.11 bid; September, 11.12 aaked. Corn July, 40 ); -i September, S4c. Oats July, Sle. " . K ansae City Oraln. " Kansas City. June S. Wheat July, 11.07; September. 1.0S; December, ILeais. . Corn July. ITe: September, Sc; December, II c. Mimneaoolls Oraln. ' KinneaDolla. June . Wheat No. 1 northern. 11.434)1.12; July. 11.35; September, si.zihc. i Corn No. s yellow, sjeysee. Oats No. 2 white, 3!C)t!c. Barley tsftsc. Rye No, I. I SO 17c Flax No. 1. 11.41 91.43. Kaaama City Grata. A Kaasa. City. June S. Wheat No. 2 hard. 11.17011: No. 3 red. 1.131.1S. Corn No, I white. 57c; No. 2 yellow, S7UcMe. Hay 10 lower; choice alfalfa. 113.00 20.00; No. 1 -prairie. S11.0SOU.; No. 2 timothy, sis.seost.ta. .; Clover .Mixed light. lS.O0e20.0. ; New Torts CefTee. t New Tork. Jane . The market for coffee futures waa a tittle easier today under realising for ever the week-end and re porta ef a lower Bantoe market. The opening was 1 point te I polnta fewer during tne aay. wnn aepiemoer teaching It. 77c, and December S.ISe. un der comparatively email offerings. Later deliveries rallied a few polnta toward the eloee en covering bat lest price, were nearly the lowest at the day en deliver, tea this side of March. - with the market et S oolnts higher te 7 point, lower Sale, were eetlmated at about Si. tot bag July. 10.41c; September. 10.17c; October, l.7c; December, S.ltc; January, .lj March. S.TTe: Mar. ' la the eeet and freight market Santoe la and la were sooted at te 14.3le for prompt and 11-tie for August-December hlmnant- Rla 7e were Quoted at 10:11c for prompt shipment and 10.15c for jane en ipsa en t. American creaiia. in. lo cal spot market was ejaiet at 11 te lle for Rio 7a aad at 14 te 14 e for San tee 4a. The aMUslal eablea resorted a decline of 1 refe IB the) dollar baying rate, with Rio unchanged te IS reia aad Santos changed to It rate lower. Later eablea reported a farther decline ef 71 te 10 rets tba b.tu snmrket. Santos cleared . bags for New Term. araaiUaa pert reeetBC. 2(.tM: JaadlsAr. .. Rain ' was lewerted im aU distrtcU ef Paula. Kew T ' New ajaekln Je snake, N. 2. 21 sua. im IrretraUf. etoraa packed gawajuwo. Cheese Ii fltry Uve. steady; , smau sewn, usiua, Market, . Financial and Industrial News of the Day Chicago Grain By CHARLES D. MICHAELS. Oasaaa See Lea. Mire. Chicago, tunc 9. While the trade construed the government report is sued alter the dote today a bearinh and sold wheat and oat freely, early wheat reversed its action later and advanced from the 'inside figures and closed jt&Hc higher, with July leading. Corn showed in dependent' strength and gained l!i 2U, tha Utter on December. Oats broke after being higher early and closed yM&Hc lower, while rye was off mnc. - M Local pressure and atop lots sell ing carried wheat off ViQWic at the opening, but excellent buying by commission houses made its appear ance, which the pit element attrib uted as for the same intetest as has been active on the buying side for several days.. The surplus was taken off the market and shorts started to cover and -found offerings light until July got to around at which figure commission hopses sold freely, and reaction came at the last. Expert Demand Slow. There wee some Hint of September hy a cash heuee afalnet new crop win ters sold try exporters at t Je under a replacement coat. There was nothing In the cash or crop nes t csuse any en. tbuslaatle buying and further rslna were reported where they will do considerable food with the forecast for showers over the northern part ef the belt. Export demand was slow. although lata mea. sst-es from the seaboard claimed foreign era were asklnf for offers. Receipts, 11 a' bullish view ef the corn sltustlon was tsken by locsl processionals. A sum mary of the corn market by J. P. Grif fin of J. S. Bachs at Co. wsa mainly re sponsible for a change In antlment In that train. Locale bought freely and found offerings light, prices at the ex- rem. J3 ev,r.,h,,1fr.Vw?U. day. with December leading. Profit tnktng checked the bulge. Country offerings were email, but cash houses refused to follow the advance and the basis In the eample market was tie lower, as com pared with July. Shlpplna demand slow with reeelgta 101 cars. Oats showed Independent weakness, the government report being the main fac tVr. and price at the jjj n! law for the aeon, with the '"'ah th oweat so fsr. Trade was ma my en cash dsmand moderate with sales of 75. 400 including 11.000 nwh.r. exporters. Ralna were reported where Rye averleed lower with local, on the crop outioon. s,spr. ..... mend slow with northwest a good aeller of futures. Wheat tradera are mainly b"'. u sales to millers and exporters. The lm oreselon among most operators Is that thTehort interest has been reduced and some of the operators have " ion. aide. But va use are expected to LmS between 11.13 and 11.11 for July f,,4eome time with sharp dip. and ral- '"winnlpeg December wheat la II IS. or lUo nnder October. It costs 1 cents per buVh." to carrV li until that date an Chicago houses advocate buying there. tu"mg thaTlt 1. equal to buying at II ""orrfhl. been oversold and a ood part C pn.atc.,d,lV?,1bCuh1kC0,7 r agoX ing c;.-, "... was the reverse and ?Srio.fmonyeT ' Coha. advanced of late and corn elln. refrV.V.'rn cent'iouth Dakota and ha. Sad rains the past two days' benefit- Ing the crops. Omaha Produce v. .h. .t of Kebraaka. de- tZESttvt&nZi J roar' k.ts and marketing; . LIVE i 1 Wholesale Buying , ' Price: Wholesale Belling Price: I0.40OI0.43 .300 .31 .20 .24 , .230 .25 .U .IS Broiler. ........." I,..hnrn broiler... .25 .S& Hens, light , .JJf Hens, heavy .30 .30 .31 Cocks .100 .13 .20 Ducks .150 .20 'IP .i DRESSED POULTRY.' .50 .27 ..17 .27 Broilers Hens ... Cocks . . c 4SO 26 13 25 ...0-. Duck. . EOQS. No. 1 ..... No. 2 v.... .22 , .23 0 .26 .17 .11 .22 Crack. .... ,. .ISO .16 .1H -i BUTTER. Creamery, ' prints.. V. . . f J ? g Creamery, tub... ......... ?2 .2St .17 Country, com.... .23 .26 ; .t HAT. Pralrl No. 1 upland HS5,iS Prairie. , Ho. 1 upland 10.60(911.60 Pralrl. No. S upland. ,! ?S2,; 2 Pralrl. No. 1 midland 1H2JH2 Prairie, No. 2 midland J,-""'?,! Prairie. No. 2 midland 7 00S.! S2 prairie, no. l towiana e.vwwiw.vv Prairie. NO. 2 loyland 7.00 S.00 Alaflfa, Choice 22.0024.00 Alfalfa, No. 1 11.00 21.00 Alfalfa, atandard 11.00 17.00 Alfalfa, No. 2... lz.uvsj Alfalfa, No. 2..... 10.00 11.00 . - . STRAW. Oat .' ...IS.00Otl.0S Wheat 7.00 S.oo HIDES AND WOOL. Beef hldea: Green salted No. 1. per lb.. I7c; green salted No. 2, per lb., 506c; green hide. No. 1, per lb.,40c; green bides No 2. per lb.. I04c: green salted. old stock, per lb., 3 Sc; green salted bull mae P.O. i, per id., to; green sanea outi hides No. 2, per lb.. Ic Hone hides: Large, each. 13.00: medium. each. 13.60; small, each, 13,00; pony and gluee, each, I1.00O1.25. sneep pelts: Qreen salted, as to sixe and wool, each, 75c 111.00. wool: Choice fine and h -blood, per lb.. 27 0 32c; medium and -blood. per lb., 24 30c; low and -blood, per lb., 18 0 22c; tuny wool, per lb., 1217c. . Wholesale prices of beet cuts are as follows: No. 1 ribs. 19; No. 2 ribs, .18; MO. I libs, 16c; No. 1 loins, 26c: No. 2 loins 31c; No. 3 loins, 20c; No. 1 rounds, 17 c; No. 2 rounds, 17c: No. 3 rounds, lc: No. 1 chucks. 10c; No. 2 chucks. 10c: No. 3 chucks, Sc; No. 1 plates, Sc; No. 2 piaies, ec; rio. piates. c . FRUITS. Bananas, per lb., 77c. Orangea: Blse 214 and larger. 18.75 1.6; aise 250. tl.00OI.25; also 288, 17.00; also 124, IS.60Ot.60. lismons: stoxccordlns to .lie, 16.40 S.40. i Grapefruit: Crabs, according to else. Apples: Wlneeap. according to aixe and grade. tt.00O4.00: Ben Davis, according te sue ana graae, .'.': newton rippins, according te sise and grade. 13.60. etrawaemes: crate zt-euart boxes, 44.71 Figs: 24 packages. cunses, 12.35. Figs: Bulk, per lb., lie 16c. . Pineapples: Cuban, according to alio, f3.40O6.00. -. Cherries: California, 4 lb. boxes, 14.00 VEGETABLES. Potatoes: New. No. 1. per lb., S4e; new, pto. z. per id., sc; western, r.ei., o. 1. per cwt 11.76: Wyoming russets aad pearls. IJ.J6; Idaho whites. No. 1. per ewt.. 12.25 2.61; Red River Ohio, No. L per ewt., 13.35; Oregon netted gema. per cwi., .2.2a, Sweet potatoee: Per bushel, 11.60 Celery: Tleaoav Ttei.4. , Head lettaee: Crates. 13.54; per dozen, SVttOLIt; leaf lettuce, per doxen. 20 . Onions: Texas crystal wax, 41 IK, crates, I3.4; Taxaa yellow, el lb. crates. 13.14 a.. CSBsmibars! Set hana. wee ei sa Tesaa. par bushel basket, 4-4 dosen. fin Cabbage: New. Be lb. ' suase. Teaatoea: Crates, S baskets. 15.08 I t; erw, awasuna. x.7tei.e9. Radishes: Per doxtn. 15 20c otneta aael Taralps: New, per dosen. a.aeyaje - . . , Live Stock Omaha, Juae S. Recelple weret Cattle, Hte. Offlalel Uililil a its 1 tit Rheea. ll.ttl 1.151 4.1 II 7.114 I. It till 21.111 4.114 II Ml 31,111 Official Ti..Jav...... l.4o 7. It (itttflmt .ul.v. . St If 11 140 Otfirtal TfcurMsy.... t ill ll.ltl B.,,m,e . ng.r .... ... . rivs days this week II. til 117 Name Ue la at wk.,.IO.Itt 11,711 Same days I w s ') H.Hf 11.114 wame .,71,, , ..ti,i.ii . Same days year ago.. i. lit K.ltl Cattle Receipts. 1.44 head. Steer wera llve end fully eleedy luday aonte ef the beat kind selling strong. Nothing reel prim was here sad the day's to was ! to en be'h light and heavy cattle. Per the week the market is fully He higher. Cows snd heifers were .pout .lead today at the week's lt)!0o ad vance. Aiorker and feedera have been unchanged all week.tbe receipts having been too light te make a market. Quotation, on can la: Choice te prime beeves. II 719 10; good to choice beeves, II lie)! 71 lair te good beeves, If.tOO III; common te fs'r beeves, 17. 197.11; choice to prime yesrllnaa, IS; sood to choir yesrlmgs, II llftl ll; fair to good yearling!. 17; common te fair yajrllnge, I7 007 75 'choice to prjme beifera. 0S)I.IS; food to cholc heifers. 17. 2111.00; fair to good heifers, It te7.l6; choice to prim eowa. It.loe) 7.00; good to c holes oows. II.SIO4.I0; fair to good rowa, II 00O4.00; common to fair cotre. IL00O 50; good to choice lVS!H: ""0; fair to good feeder. !I!J?!5!J: c""oa to fair feeders, eood to choice etockers, 17 fair to good Blockers, 17 00 7.10; common to fslr stocksrs, SI.IIO 7.00; etnrk heifers. Il.50ttt.00; stock rows,; slock rnlvee, II.I0A 11.10; veal cslvss. II.IOOU.7lt stock hulls. II.00O4.I0; bulls, stsga. etc., ll.ll OI.7I. BEEP STEERS. ' No. v. Pr. .No. A. Pr. ' I? U 754 II II l"l I 4 s II inoo I 10 J? J201 I 4 20 1111 I si l 117 I 71 11 U0I S SO j; ; uu 1 10 it 1100 1 00 STEERS AND HEIFERS. I? 7 10 II 31 T 10 ;; 10 434 s it 1 714 I 44 COWS. 1111 , 4 1 4 S4S 4 10 n. .....mi ii ' s mi , 1 01 I.. ....1410 7 1 , HEIFERS. 1 110 I 10 BULLS. ' 1 170S 4 25 at CALVES. . J 1I " S 241 11 SI I 141 U 10 - Hogs Receipts, . 7,700 head. Trading was actlvs today at prices mostly 5 10c higher. During th early rounds first sales were reported at atrons prices but strength wss gslned early, good demand being noted from all quarters. Light hogs sofa at (10.I5O12.40. with a top price of 110.41.- Mixed loada and butcher weights. ll.l0O10.3t. snd packing grades. It. 50 10.00, with extreme heavlea at I9.000v.25. Bulk of sale, waa HO.OOtf 'v H009 No. Av. 8h. Pr. No. Av. Sh. Pr. It. .431 ... I I SO 14. .151 280 I S 71 ,0 : I0..271 40 10 00 64.. 301 ... 10 01 . 71.. 341 70 1 1 6S..25S ... 10 15 47. .151 v.. 10 20 71. .222 110 10 26 . 60. .271 ... 10 10 50. .Ill ... 10 36 Is. .210 .... 10 40 70.. 217 10 10 46 Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 3,200 head. Trading today waa mostly at pricea steady to 2So lower, best quality spring lsmbs sold at IU.00O14.2i. Fed lambs opened fully steady and closed fully 26c lower, top price for the day 113.00 was paid for a short deck of choice 77-pound overages. Sheep were .bout steady, ons email lot of choice light ewes selling at 34.25, while extreme heavy native, weigh ing around 200 sounds .old at 12.10. Quotations onrsheep: Fat lambs, good to choice, I12.60O1I.00; fat lsmbs, fair to good, SU.00O12.26; spring lambs, 112.000 14.25; feeder lambs, IU.00O13.36: cull "ambs, 19.00011.00; fst yearlings, 18.00 MfS: elVeiS?! 6.60; fat ewes, its '5-00s'Jsi ft ewes, heavy, 12.609 , FAT EWES. No. 87 fed...... Av. Pr. 16 25 .110 FAT L'AUBS. 21 S native.... 7ft 12 71 ; Chicago Livestock. . FJileA0' Jun . Cattle Receipts. 5.000 head: market arrive . , .nu steady on all classes; some grasa beef sua neners weaK to lower; psrt load beef steers, 11.60, weight, 1,284 pounds: light beet steers and yearlings In load lots, 19.40; tulk, beef steers, 18.40 8.90; bulk fat she-stock. I5.75O7.40; bulk canners and cutters, I3.254.26: bulk, veal calves, to packers, around 111.00. Hogs Receipts. 32,009 head: opened about steady with yesterday's best time; closed 10 to 15c lower than early or mostly 5 to 10c lower than veaterdav'a average; mixed end packing grades off uiusi, .up, siu.vo; ouik, tiu.looio.90; pigs, steady to strong, mostly flO.000 10 Kft 1inU.ii.. ..... . . .v.vv, ..WIUUTV. ffllUU.r.W, Sheep and Lamba Receipts, 11,000 head; including 8,400 direct to packers; market mostly 26o lower; top, spring lambs, S14.60; bulk, I14.00O14.60; culls. I8.00O8.60; lifht fed Texaa wethers. 17.50; heavy native ewes, slow; I2.003.50. Kansas City Live Stock. ceipts, 1.200 head; market, beet steers steady to higher; Colorados, 48.1009.60; she stock and calves steady to strong; cows, I6.00O6.25; plain and medium kinds, I4.60OS.50; top vealers, flO.00 v.u, uno iuau - lex, veaiers, iiu.oo; -. tf rf w ,.u,, u uijisr classes steady; good yearling steers. II.8S: ui.i. e i aue duiib, eo.uuQ'o.ou; caiiner Hogs Receipts, 4.600 head; market opened slow, latsr trading fairly active, steady to 10c: ton. 110.65: hulk 17 mnA 260-pounders, fl0.40O10.55; few closing saies, iiic lower; 500 to shippers; bulk of sales, I10.J5O10.55; sows steady; bulk of sales, 9. 2609.40; stock pigs 10c higher; bulk desirable natives, fl0.76Oll.00. Sheep Receipts, 1,600 head; market, sheep and spring lamb steady; light awes. yv.vv, omwi, VI.VV, VCSt B.UVO Spring lambs, 114.00. Bt, Louis IJreetoek. V!f fl. Tjtul. Til y.... a ... Ra.lnt. 1 RAA TI...U it cannera, lOo to 15c higher; other classes iuii vcaiera, ioc nigner at au.ou; bulk, 26e lower at 10.7511.00; bulk beef 19.40 for 738-pounders; medium and goad yearlings quotable at I7.50O8.76; bulk beer cows, 5.254.00: canners. S3.0oa 3.25; bulk bulls, (4.00O4.50; medium and arneiA afnrlc.ra IR 1E, IE Hnn RAin.M li EAA U 1... . i -v naii. jnai nci, uuik, gooa iou to S4U-IO. butchers 110 fiKffiHO 75- llcl., 11.1.. , A BAra.n P. : Visa, I10.26O10.50; packer sows mostly 8hA.n.Rialn,. 1 AAA i. j , . , . -r " ' , u.vuv HUaU. ItXKrHV, opened steady to 25c lower; closed fully 25o lower. Top, .Kentucky spring lambs, 114.00; bulk, natives. I13.2601S.75; light envo, ,v.,vvv.,ii neavies mostly is. ou St. Josenh TJve stvb JnaAnh ' Tnm. O TT 0 n . Markets.) Cattle Receipts. 1,100 head: oeer cattle and butcher stock, mostly steady; early sales, calvee, 60c to 11.00 lower; top light yearlings, 9.16; steer. ...vB.ijr to. to uowu; lew oaa loads, 19.00 Texas anapintln. e en n , . -7 ....... .... 1 .t.wviu' .... ; ae- alrable cows, mostly 16.00 down; a few Jaa? u? t0 8.'5(: "'vaa early mostly Ha.BwH..A(nta AAA 1. - . 7 " . v,wvu unuj lew early sales to shippers and packers, weak to 6c Mer tbu yesterday's average, bulk 170 w ..v-vvuuu ivvisnia, 9iu.4uvio.&o; .ver age coat yesterday, 110.24 for 231 pound' Sheep and Lambs Receipts. 1.00 head f.tlall5e.. .i'.!',.. t0P. . tiva spring te good wethers, 14.50; ewes, fl.to4.00. , Sioux City Live Stock. Sioux City, la.. June S. Cattle Re- r. v . ": lea steers and year- Inn , 7 KAiS9i. .A. i . . . - - b ...vw.o.ov, fimrnBi aieaay; warmed uo steers snd veapllnffa t7 aba, in, ... t''ffit4'5'751 ,at .cow" nd nsl'era. tvvv.v.wu. leeueri.; cslvss. 14.00 7. 50; feeding cows and heifers. II U 6.76; stockers, t.607.60. tC ADA,. EA. . 1 -. . . -. . . Hoga Receipts. 9,000 head; market steady; butchers, f 10.00O10.40; lights, 810.46; heavy, f9.00O14.00; heavy packers, IS.76O9.00: pigs, stags. f7.iS07.7t. Sheep Receipts, 140 head; market sieaay. ' Turpentine and Boaln. 8avannab, Oa June I. Turpentine rirm; "ic; sales, zei narreis; receipts, 321 barrels; shipments, 400 barrels; stock, 1,565 barrels. Rosin Firm: sales. S3I casks: reeelnta. 1.19 casks; shlpmsnts, 210 casks; stock. Quote: B. 14.20: D. 14.2504 35; E, tt.4504.55; F. 14.6604.75; O. H. 44.41; L 44.70: K, . f$.00O5.6; 14. 16.20; N, Ji.40; vr o,; w w, f.o. CRT Kegs. Kansas City, June I. Eggs Unchanged. urais. sue. . , Butter Unchanged; creamery. 2Se BBPkine. 21c. Poultry Heavy, bene.- HOlSe; 1 lewer; broilers, unchanged. Stc, luestars. Financial (UeNioQinkQlacj. By ALEXANDER DANA NOYES. Omaha Re Leased W ire. New York, June 9. Probably the simplest explanation of today's rather emphatic decline in the stock ex change Is the fact that - for several days the "pools" and "syndicates" had clearly shown inability to put up prices, or in stocks, which had beeiT bid up more extravagantly, to hold prices where they were. - Such visible, evidence of an ex hausted speculation is always the signal for another group of prolei sional operators to resume activity in selling for -the decline. They will usually drag with thm a tubitan tial company of belated outside spec ulators top. the rise, who had read or misread the familiar advice to clients by commission houses those curi ous bulletins which, to the untrained mind, seem alternately to resemble the oracle of Delphi and the report of a fortune teller. Today's declines were naturally greatest in stocks, which, like the "oil shares" and the "independent steels," had been promoted with par ticular violence in the recent artificial market. ' ' V Elchangs Bates Stationery. Foreign exchange waa wstched with considerable Interest, to see what Judg ment It would naee en the Parle delibera tions about a German loan. It appeared to express no opinion whatever. Rates hardly changed, a few early declines be. In. orettr muoh cancelled before the close. This fslrly reflected the judietouo public's attitude towards . the matter- that there waa no occasion yet te grow excited and that we were likely to know about th facta on Saturday than on Friday. By far the - meet striking fact in tha separate weekly atatemenls of the 12 rederel reserve bank is tnst, in in 200.000 decrease In total holdlnga of re- dlscounted bllla, every bank- In tha sys tem participated. When it is also snown that th present total rediscounts are less by 11.474,000,000, or 72 per csnt thsn they were a year ago this week the very time when trade had reached the perled'a lowest point of rsactlon and Inactivity the returna might seem strsngely incon sistent with belief In reviving trade. . Paradox Explainable. The paradox I. explainable, however. A yesr ego, both private banks snd rsserve banks portfolios were choked with loans carried over from the reckless day. ef 1I1S and from the subsequent swift col lapse which made It Impossible to pay them at maturity. ' 'When French capital, which lately sub scribed 4,700,000,000 franca to ons re. construction loan. Is new preparing to sub scribe 2,000,000,000 more It is not so dif ficult to understand why our own bona market holda up under hug requisitions. Thsss accumulations of Invsstment capi tal hava alwaya brought order out of chaos In such economic tangles as hava existed In Europe alnce the war. There Is no reason' to suppose that the achieve ment will not be repeated. New York Stocks Ranae of pricea of the leading stock furnished by Logan a. Bryan, 241 Peters Trust building: RAILROADS. ' Thurs. High Low Close Close A T A S F ...... 19 18 18 99 Bait A Ohio .... 49 48 48 49 Can Pao 137 134 137 137 New York Cent .. 89 89 89 89 Che. ft Ohio .... 66 46 65 64 Great North. .... 77 76 7f 77 Illinois Cent .. .. 10 K C South 4 24 24 21 Lehigh Valley 45 44 44 66 Missouri Fac .... 21 22 22 22 N Y eV N H 31 29 29 31 Nor Pao 76 76 76 75 Chi N W 76 75 71 76 Penn R R ...... 42 41 41 41 Reading 76 74 74 76 C R I df F 43 40ft 40ft 43ft Southern Pao .... 81 88 88 89 South Railway.... 24 23 23 . 24 C M Ac St F .... 2644 25tt 26 16 Union Paclfio ....137 136 137 138 STEELS Am. Car Foundry.. 17 166 165 167 AUis-Chalmers .... 60 48 4814 41 Am. Locomotive. ..114 112 112 .115 Baldwin ixco ut 112 uz lit Bethlehem Steel.. 78 77 77 78 Colo. Fuel ft Iron.. 33 88 '33 31 Crucible 76 74 74 76 Am. Steel. Foundry 38 37 37 18 Lackawanna Steel.. 74 78 73 74 Mldvale Steel 37 36 36 37 Pressed Steel Car,. 80 79 79 79 Rep. Steel & Iron.. 74 72 72 74 Ry. Steel Springs 104 oss-scnef field ... 47 45 1 45 U U. S. Steel 102 101 101 101 vanadium 61 41 49 50 COPPERS. Anaconda 64 62 '53 14 Am. S. & Ref. Co.. 62 60 60 62 Cerro De Pasco 38 17 97 snu. CW1I , 31 21 21 22 Cb!m ., 11, 80 30 31 Cal. A Arlxona. .... .... 43 Inspiration 48 42 42 42 Kennecott 37 35 85 37 Miami ........... 80 80 80 80 Nov. Consol 18 II 18 11 Rsy Consol 177 17 17 18 Seneea 13 Utah 67 16 16 677 . . OILS. General Asphalt.. 65 43 88 16 Ccsden j 58 . 48 41 51 Cel.. Peterol.; 46 64 14 66 Island Oil 1; 1 1 Invincible Oil 18 16 16 18 ' Mexican .Peterol.. 140 137 187V 139 Middle State. 16 14 14 15 Pacific Oil 44 43 43 64 Pan-American .... 71 69 61 71 Phillip. 68 56 64 17 Fierce oil 9 8. 9 9 Pure Oil 33 32 33 83 Royal Dutch ..... 44 .62 62 64 Sinclair Oil 38 36 36 37 Std. Oil. N. J. ...194 191 191 14 Texas Co 48 47 47 48 Union Oil 24 23 23 24 White Oil 10 9 1 t MOTORS. Chandler 76 74 74 74 Oen Motors ...... 14 14 14 14 Wtllys-Overlsnd ..9 1 1 9 Pierce-Arrow .... 21 ' 20 20 20 Whits Motor .... 60 60 50 60 8tudebaker .124 121 131 123 ' RUBBER AND TIRE'S. Fisk 17 11 16 17 Goodrich 43 41 41 42 neu-Bpring ...... sift 49 49 60 Keystone Tire .... 20 19 11 21 AJax 17 14 16 17 U S Rubber 64 63 63 44 XUUSTHIAi,B. Am Beet Sugar .. 49 . 47 47 47 At G & W 1 40 39 40 37 Am Int Corp .... 48 46 46 48 Am Sumatra .... 40 40 40 40 Am Tele .'..123 122 123 123 American Can .... 49 48 48 49 Cent Leather .... 39 38 38 39 Cuba Cane 19 17 18 18 Cub-Am Sug .... 26 25 25 26 Corn Prod ..105 102 103 104 Famous Player. . 84 83 83 84 urnerai uiectnc. ,ieift isi iss .... Ort. Northern Ore. 40 40 40 40 Inter. Harvester... 145 102 103 108 Am. it. as !.. pra.."toft 7v 10 104 V. S. I. Alcohol... S7 - 65 65 17 Inter. Paper tl 49 49 51 Inter. M. M. pfd.. 82 82 82 83 Am. Suaar Ref... 81 71 78 79 Sears-Roebuck ... 77 78 76 74 Btromsberg ax k si ez Tobacco Products. 80 80 , 60 10 Worth. Pump..,.. II 61 53 Wilson Co. t 44 West. Electric... 41 1 60 10 41 American Woolen. 94 92 S3 13 MISCELLANEOUS. Am. Cotton Oil... 28 28 28 28 Am. Agri. Chera.. 44 29 39 44 American Linseed. 37 37 '37 .... Union Bag pfd.... 45 41 45 . 66 Bosch Magneto 4o Brklyn. Rapid Tr. 26 25 25 .... Cal. Packing 77 : 77 77 77 rm Ou A Electric 47 86 86 87 Col. Graph 6 6 6 5 United Drug 77 76 76 75 National Enamel.. 63 61 61 63 United Frnlt , 141 LerHlard 155 155 ids national LiCea e .an Philadelphia Co.... 38 38 38 3 Pullman ....120 119 12jD 120 Funta Alegre Sug. 63 tl tift tift flonth P. R. Sue... 64 5! 64H t Retail Stores 46 44' 44 44 Superior Steel 35 II.L4I. F 28 27 27 28 Va. Car Chemical.. 31 11 31 Jlft Total sales. 1.192.704. Money Close. S per cent; Thursday'. close, 1 per cent. . Marks Thursdar. close. .M36. Sterling close, 14.49; Thursday'. cieee, . - -j. New York Bonds (Tn Be It the only Omaha Mwapaper which pubUahtw the of. ftcia) close of the New York Stock exchange bondO New York. June Liberty Issues re. tamed plate aa leader l the bend market today, lour ef tnst group rie. la te par or heller, d .a Site irreaulanix snd cxveaional heaviuee is ether guv. ernmwiii mens. - Meauan manlfeaied further weakness In th early trading,, but rallied, allheusn turner bad It that th preeent renter, enree between International benaere and representatives ef the M.titen so.srnmeot Would b barren ef results. United Klmdum'e 4e were firm, re. ardless ef Hi ea.m of British as. rh.nge here. Cuba Republic ta ef lte. Chile Republic and Chinese Railway t. ai.o improved. Toledo, m. ims and Western 4s, St. Paul 4s. Brooklyn Ranld Trauit 7. mnn Consolidated Oee 7. were I to I points h.wer. but firmness waa shewn by Belli, more and hln convertible 4e, Reeding is, imnoia lenirai retutiding 4 and Rock Inland refunding 4a Total . i. m.r value) asgregeied III. Bxcopung tn suereaaful effsrlng of f:i0.0tl04 certificates of Indebtedness by the Tressury department, ike .lav ... devoid ef new underwriting. Nsw York. Jane (. 199 r.n.i.. ... lodsy high, low and closing prices ef bonds en the Nsw York stock exchange, and th tola) (ale of each bond; v. a. Bobmu. Sales On. ll.00) High Low 1 11 III Llbirty 1 ... .100 04 10 1 100 01 II Liberty Id 4s .... It II It tt 19 14 II Liberty let 4s ..100 04 100 00 100.04 SS Liberty Id 44 ..104.40 4I.IS till 611 Liberty Id ,ttae . .10 4 mn o laaee ltot Liberty 4th sua. .loo t si ss me as 1692 Victory 4 ....144.74 1 44 104.41 11 Argentin 7a. ...... 100 14 14 jo 23 Chlneee Govt Ry 6s. 14 14 14 I City Bergen Is... .10 lot lot 1 City Rsrns S 111 111 111 17 City Bordeaux Is.. 11 11 l S City Chrlatianla la. 110 11 lie II City Copnhgn 6a. 91 91 91 tt City Lyon Is It 11 14 City Marseilles le. . 14 14 14 . I Clty'Rio Janeiro It. 101 101 101 I City Ssn Psulo Is. .103 103 101 I City Toklo te 71. 11 71 1 Olty Zurich ss ....111 111 jl 2 Dan Muni I A. ...110 110 114 21 Dpt Seine 7 .... 94 11 S8 14 Dom Can S 21,101 100 100 7 Dom Can Is II... 11 ,11 11 It Dteh E Ind 4. 47.. 14 94 94 110 Dtch E Ind 4 41.. 44 44 S4 15 French Rep I. ..,.14 11 101 IS French Rep 7s ..101 101 101 II Japanss 1st 4s .. 11 ll- 1 17 Japanese 4. '.77 77 77 S King Belg 7... .101 101 10814 17 King Belg I. ....101 101 101 II King Den I. 18 SS 11 1 King; Italy S... 16 11 11 lit. King Ntbrlnds 4s.. 94 17 17 It King Norway Is. ...110 114 110 4 King Sweden 6s. .101 101 101 II Paris-Ly-Med Is .. II 11 81 14 Rep Chile 8 41. ...104 104 104 I Rep Cuba Is -04.... 8 48 S3 1 Rep Uruguay It. ..101 10S 14S 36 State Qun.lnd 7s. .110 109 114 14 State Qunslnd 4. ..101 101 101 101 Swiss Con Is 111 ' 117 117 15 K O B A I 6s 11.109 101 109 It K O B sc I 6. 29.109 101 109 IIXOBI1 6s 17.102 101 102 71 U 8 Brssll Ss 104 104 ' 104 191 U S Mexico 6 17 tt 16 213 U S Mexico 4 41 45 47 Railway end Miscellaneous. 17 Ajax Rubber Ss ...103 101 103 14 Am Ag Chm 7..103 13 103 114 Am Smelt 6s .... 82 93 82 S3 Am Sug 6s 100 104 100 49 Am T ft T cv 6s. .115 116 116 ' S Am T ft T col tr t 97 97 97 3m Writ Pa 7.. 87 87 17 21 Armour ft Co 4s.. 90 90 90 11 A T ft S F gen 4s.. 89 89 89 I At C L 1st con 4s.. 18 88 18 8 At Ref 4s 104 103 104 43 Bait ft Ohio 4s 99 99 11 111 Bait ft Ohio cv 4s 83 83 82 17 Bell Tel Penn 7s ..107 107 107 I Beth St ref 6s.... 92 02 02 20 Beth St p m 6s.... 91 11 91 17 Bkln Ed gen 7s D..107 106 106 1 Bkln R T 7s ctf st 78 7 79 5 Csn North 6s ..112 111 US 26 Can Pao deb 4s.. 71 77 71 1 Cent Oa Is 98 98 18 6 Cent Leath It.... 97 97 97 83 Cerro Pasco 8s.... 121 IIS lis 21 Ches ft O cv 6s.. 93 92 92 82 Ches ft Ohio cv 4a 81 . 87 17 25 C B ft Q ref 6 A.. 99 99 99 24 Chi ft E III 6s.... 80 80 ,. 80 8 Chi Ot West 4s.... 61 61 61 41 C M & St P cv 4s 69 69 . 69 23 C M ft St P ref 4. 63 63 63 18 Chi Ry. 5s 82 82 82 4 C R I ft P gen 4s. 83 83 83 12 C R I ft P ref 4s.. 81 80 81 11 Chile Cop 7s 147 106 106 66 Chile Cop 6s 91 91 91 - 4 Colo Ind 8s ....... 76 74 76 ' 3 Col G ft EI6s...... 95 94 96 12 Con Coal Mrylnd Is 88 87 87 280 Con Gas 7 120 116 118 33 Cub Cn Sug d 8.... 85 85 85 12 Cub Cn Sug d 7.. 86 86 86. 2 Cuba R R J. A. 104 104 104 . 2 Cub Ab Sug 8. ..104 106 106 8 D ft R G Imp 6s.. 82 82 82 - 4 Dt Ed ref 6s 102 102 102 2 Det Utd Rys 4... 82 82 82 1 Dlmnd Mtch 7. ..107 107 107 83 Dpnt Nem 7. ..107 106 107 32 Duqussn Lt .,... 103 103 108 25 Erie gen 4s 54 64 14 6 Erie pr Hen 4s.... 44 44 44 14. Fisk Rub 8s . ..106 106 106 2 Florida E Cst 4s.. 90 90 10 3 Framer I D 7s... 98 98 ' 18 5 Gen Elec deb 6s.. 100 100 . 100 66 Goodyear T 8s 31. ,102 101 ,101 t Goodyear T 8 ti..tis litft nt 22 Gnd Tnk Ry O 7s. 113 '113 111 8 Gnd Tnk Ry C 6s.. 103 103 101 41 Ort Nor 7s A. ......109 101 199 28 Ort Nor !s B.... 100 81 89 6 Hud ft M ret 5s A.. 11 81 83 5 Hud ft H ad In Ss.. 63 63 68 1 III Cent 6a ....1,01 101 101 6 III Cent ref 4s..... 87 84, 17 6 HI 8t deb 4s.... SI SI . 91 . 1 Ind St Is 96 95 96 11 Int Agrlc t 79 79 71 127 Int Met 4. 13 12 12 200 Int Met 4s ctfs. 13 12 13 113 Int R T ref 5s..., 68 68 64 24 Int M K sf S 97 97 17 10 Int Pa ref 5s B... 86 86 86 4 Invlnc Oil Is ...... 18 97 17 7 Iowa Cent ref 4s.... 47 , 47 47 12 K C Ft S ft M 4s.. 79 78 78 2 K C South 6 87 - 86 87 1 Ksll-Spring T 8... 108 108 108 21 Lacka St 6s 23 100 197,, 100 2 Lacka St 6 50.. 88 81 81 10 LS ft MS 1 4a 28. 94 94 94 - J Lehigh Val 6. ..103 103 108 4 Llg ft My 6s........ 97 96 97 22 L ft N ref Ss ....103 103 108 1 L ft N unified 4s.. 90 90 90 1 Mkt St Ry con 6s.. 89 89 89 5 Marland Oil 8s ....101 100 101 2 Mex Pet 8s 107 107 107 2 Mich Cent d 4s.... 90 90 90 13 Mid St cv 6s 90 89 89 S M A St L ref 6s.... 46 46 41 1 M St P & SSM 4S.102 103 102 SMKftTnpltA 83 83 83 II II K 7 new ad 6s A 66 64 66 , 79 M K ft T 1st 4s 80 80 80 5 M Pac ref 6s 28.... 100 100 100 25 Mo Pac gen 4s 63 63 63 2 Mont Pow 6s A 96 96 96 8 N O T ft M Inc 5s.. 72 72 72 29 N Y C col 7s 105 105 105 67 N Y C d 6s. 103 103 103 N T C ft St L d 4s.. 84 84 84 2 N Y Ed ref 6s..l08 109 109 36 NY NH ft H c 6s 48 80 79 7 1 N Y Tel d 6s 49.. 106 106 105 28 N Y Tel ref 6s 41.104 104 104 64 N Y W ft Bos 4s. 66 64 54 16 Nor ft West cv 4s. .108 103 108 11 Nor ft West con 4s., 88 68 88 43 Nor Pao p lien 4s. 86 86 86 2 Nor Pac gen 3s.. 61 61 61 121 N P-O N Jt 4s..l04 105 106 5 Nor States rf 6s A 91 90 91 It N W Bell Tel 7s .'.106 106 106 6 Or ft Cal 1st 6s.... 99 98 99 16 O 8 L gtd 6s ctfs. 104 103 104 33 Or-Wsh R R ft N 4s 81 61 81 2 Otis Steel 8s A 101 101 101 7 Pao G ft El Is 14 90 SO 4 Pao TAT 6s 27 96 97 7 Packard Mot Cr 8s..ll 107 107 1 Pan-Am PAT 7.102 101 102 33 Psnn R R 6s 109 109 109 19 Penn R R gen 6s.. 19 99 99 1 Penn R R gen 4s. 91 II 91 I Per. Mart, ref 5s.. 16 94 46 21 Peoria ft E inc 4... 37 35 36 13 Pro ft Ref 8. ......12 101 101 43 Reading gen 4s 31 14 84 I R I A ft L 4s. 81 80 80 1 St L I Mt ft 8 4s.. 87 ' 87 87 14 St L ft 8 F ad 4s.. 76 76 78 63 St L ft S F Ina 4s.. 44 67 47 11 8t L ft 8 F p In 4s A 71 71 71 2 St L S W 1st 4s.. 78 78 78 1 BtPftKCSL 4S II 81 II 41 Sbrd A L con 4s.. II ' tl II 49 Sbrd A L ad Is.. 27 26 31 16 Sbrd A L ref 4s.. 42 41 41 4 Sharon St Hp 8a A. 89 99 99 44 Sin Oil CT 7. ..104 14 104 It sin Oil col 7s.' 91 91 91 So Bell Tel ts.... 94 94 14 61 80 Pao cv 4s 91 91 91 , 12 Se Pao ret 4a 87 87 87 , 5 So Pac col tr 4.. 16 85 16 II So Ry gen 64s.... 99 91 99 47 So Ry con Is .... 95 94 14 14 Bo Ry gen 4s .... 44 44 41 2 Se Prt Rie 8g 7s. 94 44 91 15 Stsn Oil Cal d 7s.l4t 144 16 Flaxseed. Duluth. June t. Flaxseed July, tlSU: Seotember. 11.41 bid: October. j 12.310 bid. I Tex ft Pas 1st Se.. SS St SS 48 Third Ave .41 Is. 6 4 Third Av. 4., 44 11 tit f Teb fed 1 ,...ll 11 11 II Into, fee let .. 11, 11 5 I'ni.e Eae av I.... Sit. 11 93 4 I nto) P.a ref 4... 44 61 I t Union Tank Cr 1.4 11 11 I t'niied Drag ...... Ill llt III I Utd Ry la lit I r 14 t U Ralty I..,. 44 tt II V a Rub 7 111 It! 1 lot 5 U 8 Rub Sa SS 11 44 US Steel ef I.,. .HI 11 !l S l'th p ft L te ... t t st S chm tb li l"i 1 V 1 Va-Cr Chm 1st I., tit, t 11 1 V Ry 1 s 44 S S Wsbssh 1st 6 .... II SI S West Kiev te 14 t 14 14 Weal Mi lad 1st 4. 41 41 41 I Waal P.e I. .... 17 11 17 S Weel Union 6e ..14 1(1 11 Wearing Kit It... 17 17 101 I Wheel ft I, SS 4. 41 41 11 I Vt'lck.Sp) St 1e .lt 11 II II Wiisee ft O sf 7s,10t 101 104 3D Wilson ft C ev 4s.. 11 11 SI I Wis Cent gen 4s .. 4 Its lo It Dom Csn I II W.0 lot 140 t Cseche.Sle le ctfe, 17 17 17 Total sale of bends today ware 117.. III.!, compared with 114.071,006 prevl. eue day and fll.ll.4t a year ago. vN. Y. Curb Bonds Nsw Tork, June I Following the flee ing of a nsw stork at subscription there wss trading tn the shares of American Meiat common and preferred on the New York Curb exchange this morning, the common at 10 and the preferred et 101 te ll. both issues .bowing substantial sd vsnees ever the subscription coats. Th. tobacco group was a feature today, Philip 11 or rla. which recently sold down to It. edveared le II but reacted from that Isvsl around midday. Tobacco Products. New stock, when Issued, ranged from 17 to 17 and th preferred at II te . United Profit Sharing waa Strong. . Petroleum, stocks were generally In supply at concessions, slthough thee I, sues srs still comparative!, high. Stand ard Oil ef Indiana Bold at 111 te 111. and Kentucky declined from 101 to 140 followed by a shsrp rally. Inter national Petroleum aeld at 24 te 21. Msxlrsn Seaboard waa extra dividend and demand continued good at around Its re cent high. Mining dock, wer quiet Mother lode, we ejuottd lower because ef sailing ex. dividend. Boston and Montana officials msde favorable report ef the condition of that property and It wee on ef th active Issues la th mining group. New York. June 9 Transsetlons en the New York curb band market today wer as follow: Bait (In 11.400) High 4 Allied Packera I. .. 81 2 Allied Packer 8. .. 11 1 Am L ft T- 4. 107 i Am. T. A T. 4s. '21 100 1 Am T ft T Ss 24. .101 t Anacon Cop 4a ..100 13 Ana. Cop. 7s. '24 ..108 II Angle Am Oil 7.. 101 - 1 Armour A Co 7. ..104 I Besver Board Sc.. 41 11 Beth. Steel 7., '22 104 14 Beth. Steel 7s, 'IS 102 10 Csn Nat Ry. Is .. 11 12 Cent Steel ts ....104 14 Con. Gs. of B. 7. 106 11 Con. Tsxtlia Is ....100 1 Cop Ex Asa Is 22.. 101 5 Cop. Ex. A. Ss, '24 102 S Cop. Ex. A. Is, '26 104 I Dsere A Co. 7. ..101 1 Em G ft F 6a Lew 2:11 11 11 94 96 17 107 100 100 101 101 10 10 103 103 103 103 104 104 64 46 104 104 102 102 91 98 104 104 105 106 100 100 101 101 101 103 104 104 101 101 101 101 104 104 104 104 100 100 103 104 98 18 101 101 0 90 100 100 : 7 Oalsna Big Oil 7s. .104 - s uen Aspnslt Ss 18 Goodrich T 7. . II Ouif Oil 7. . S Hood Rubber 7. S Humble Oil 7s 71 Interb. R. T. Is, 104 14 ..100 ..104 ..18 ..101 '22 90 is L.cieae as. 7. S Llbby, McN. A L.'7. 100 S Manitoba 7. 98 5 National Acme 7a 97 IS National C ft S Is.. 103 1 Nat Leather da .... 13 IS NY NH A H 4s.... S7 89 N. Y. N. H. A H. 7s 16 1 Phil El 6s 108 II Pub. S C. N. J. 7s 101 2 Robert Galr 7 ..99 2 Eaka A Co. 7. .... 19 22 Bhawsheen 7. 101 1 Solvay A Cle I ..101 14 S. W. Bell Tel. 7. ..102 1 Stan O N Y 7. 26.. 101 ; 1 Stan O N T 7. II.. 109 ' IS Swift A Co. It. '21 101 2 Swift A Co 7. II.. 141 II Texa. Co 7s. ...... .101 I Tid.l Osage 7a. ...102 14 Tol. Edison 7a ....108 , 18 Un Oil Prod 8s.. 107 7 Utd Rys Hsv 7s..l7 ' 2 Vacuum Oil 7s... .106 -"llWest. Electric 7. ..107 , 10 Winchester 7. ..100 3 A O ft u I 6s...... 48 14 Un Gas 7a 110 6 Com Paw 6s to ll Con Gas Bait 4s.. 19 161 Freeport, Tex, 7s... 160 211 Int G N ta 65 S Magma Cop 7. ,.108 4 M ft M 7. ........ 19 10 Un Oil Cal 6..... ..101 Foreign Bonds. 5 Argentine 7. 22 ....104 . S45 N. Y N. H. Fr. 7. 71 " 21 Swls. . ........102 117 V 8 Mexico 4..... 39 115 Mex govt 5. , 17 20 U 8 Braxll' 7. .... SS 6 97 96 97 103 99 97 103 99 st 86 86 103 103 101 101 99 91 98 98 103 108 105 105 102 102 101 101 109 109 101 101 103 101 101ft .01 101 101 luaft 105ft 107 107 107 107 106 106 107 107 100 100 63 63 110 110ft 90 90 99 99 148 149 44 64 10a 101 9 99 iv 1. - ivi 99 89 70 70 101ft .103 88 39 17 17 86 86 New Tork Cotton. Nsw Tork, June 9. After early hesita tion, the cotton market resumed Its ad vance today and after gaining nearly e a pound, closed at a gain of about c' on most options. The ooenine was narrowly irregular at IS points loss to t points gain, but before the -end of the second hour the list showed a betterment 01 zs to is .point from Thursday' final prices, Th. market aaaln waa under the Influence of weather reports from the south, Nw Orleana was a prominent Buyer, susines. incroassa a. tne seeslon progressed and under new support from th trade active and short covering, the list reached new high level, for the lessen in' the afternoon. Price at th peak were up II to 71 point. Profit taxing orougnt about a modest reaction and at the close tha tier waa 11 tn se point, net better, except January op- uonB, wnicn .nowea a lz-potnt gam, Spot cotton wa. steady. 60 point, ad vance, 22.610 for middling upland. Southern .pot markets were: Galveston, 22.10c, 50 points advance; New Orleans, 32c, 60 polnta advance: Savannah. 21.81o. 60 polnta advance; Augusta, 21.81c, 50 polnta advance; Memphis, . 21.60c, 25 point, advance; ' Houston,! 22.60c, 60 points advance; Little pick, 21c, 21 points advance. . r 1 New York Sugar. New York. June 9. The raw sugsr mar kst wss a shade easier today and while spot Cubas were unchanged et 3e cost and freight, equal to 4.61c for centrifugal, July shlpmsnt waa lower, belnr auoted at 8 l-16c, cost and freight, equal - to euro tor centnrugai. rorto Rices ana Philippine Islands were unchanged at 4o c.i.t The day's business Included snout 110,000 bags of Philippine Islands and Porto Ricos at quoted prices; 62.900 bsgs of Cubsa for Juna and July ship ment to operators at f.tOe snd 2.96c f.o.b. Cuba; 7,006 bags of Cubas to sn eutport refiner or operator, June ahlpment. at 8 1-ltc, cost and freight and 75.400 bsgs of Cubas to a local refiner with outport options. June ahlpment, at 3c, cost and freight. The raw sugar futures market was ac tive again and price were essisr under scstttered liquidation for over the week end. Trade Interests and commission houses were the principal sellers and final prlcee showed declines of 1 to S points. July. 3.11c: September, 2.12c; December, 8.22c; March. 8.21c. Th market for refined eugar was un changed at 1.8004.00c for fine granu lated. There wa a good Inquiry with exporters again In th market. Refined futures Nominal. Closing: July and September. t.30c; December, .25e. New York Hrrgooda. New York. June 8. Cotton goods stif fened and were more active today, fol lowing the rise In cotton. Denims were advanced c a ysrd In some quarters, to a basis of 17c for 1.20s and le a yard In other pieces. Yarns were, higher. Bur laps showed, little change, the market still being irregular because of the col lapse In Calcutts. Silk production Is slowly Increasing in the large centers. Jobbers report a moderate business with the tendency very marked toward email purchase, for nearby delivery. - , New York Money. New York. June . Money Call, easy; high, S per cent; low, a per cent; ruling rate, 3 per cent; closing bid, 2 per cent; offered at 3 per cent; laat loan. S per cent. Leans Call, against acceptances, t per cent; time, eesler; IS days, 4 per cent; 94 days. 4 per cent; six months, 4 per cent. Mercsntlle Paper Prime. 404. Chirac Prod ece Ch f cage, June S. Butter Higher; ereamsrv extras, tie; firsts. !4l4e; sec onds 24 O 29c; standards, 25c. Eggs Unchanged t receipts. 11.14 rases. Poultry Alive, lower; fowl., 21c: broil er, 11029c; roost are. 14c, Steele) Wee, tteei en, June The. i'"mmernl Weel Bulletin lemerww will asyi 'White he msrvei st in eaatera se. kaard he been eel meaarsiely arm, II has nevertheless been veiy firm. In the weel ike new flip le tavln tdi. y .1 firm prises al.e Th .llen mille ere generally eoupted, hile lb wor.ied nianulactuier still find buslnu 1 at net llow Th primary market te a mi sealer s top. making Marina, while good rnmb. Ing wool ie firm. Vuik.hlr rfiect th same rendition nf sffaire." The l ommemsi weei nuiienn - lomer. row will pubiieh wool uuvutlan fol ios et Ohio snd Psnnsylvsnla fle.cee- Pelalns uaweehed. II 4 tie: fin unwsabed, 44 ft 4lei half-blend combing, te . blood combing, 44 41c. Michigan and New Yerh fleecoei Te. lalne unwaahed. IIOI4r: fins unwa.h... 4144ei balf-ninod unwaanea. eir; k. blood enweansd, oy.ici -k"i un washed. 4s 44f. Wisconsin. Misaeurt and aver. New Englend; Half-Mood, 441ttc; -blood, 44 title I V-blood, 4104J. Scoured baala, T line 1: mnmn; 11 iasi lir fine I menth. tl. 1061 tn; California northern. II.ISOI.IS; mlddl county, fl. 10O lit: seutnsrn, ikii Oregon eaalern No. 1, elapl.- tl.34t I II; fin and fins medium combing, fl.2 I. II; saltern clothing 11.100 1.30; val ley No. I. II 101 II-, , .-, ... Tsrrllery fin stsple choice. ll.fOO III- u.blaad combine. 11.114111; - bleob combing, 110 10c; -blood comb- "pulled de'laln. II 150121; AA. tl 10 1.11: A-eupers. ft 10111. Mohairs beat combing. 16 lie; bell carding, 14061c. " Iter Sitter. ' Nw York. June I. Foreign Bar Sit-, vr 71e. Mexican Dollars ite. ALL WEEK "The Green Temptation" featuring BETTY COMPTOK, . THEODORE KOSLOFF and MAHLON HAMILTON DanceaThrillaRornance Alio LLOYD HAMILTON in "Poor Boy" . . A comedy with a hundred laughs t m'MI KiiSl siSH ryE Two shows k om., Cool as the Seashore TODAY IVAtlDA 11A17LEY "Too r.iucii Wife" Last Time Tonight CONSTANCE TALMADGE ; STARTS TOMORROW "find the Woman" Season's Beat Myatery Melodrama. BEBE JACK PANELS d HOLT in m great outdoor story, NORTH the RIO GRANDE BEN TURPIN in 'Step Forward" "June Jubilee" Bill Opens Today Headed by VILLARD MACK (HIMSELF) In "Kick in" 6 Other Jubilee Acts 5 and Photoplay Mats, 30c 1 Children 10c; Evenings 50c STARTS TODAY Charles ORPHEUM ALL WEEK THE ORPHEUM PLAYERS IN "The Hottentot" A Riot of Laminter Mats. Tnea.-Thu.-Sat., 2S-5Sc Sjipyt urrtr "The Broken Wing" See the Aeroplane Crash A Big Dance Will Be Given in the NASHVILLE HALL. Nashville. Neh. Naahville ts a new town live mile north ef Florence en the Washinrton Highway. SATUKOAT NIGHT. JUNK 10. 1Z3 Geo' Ordr-Excelleat Floor Good Mueie ADMISSION aOc Ladle Free 2 Prises Given ef $2 JO Each r ras srorj M STATU A- bTIIMUPAT. NflTICESL 01 HON er!i.. June t. llll, M4 t I )ere. S ntntha. IS Sari .1 r uneral HewrJar, s It m , from -Juhtieu aauan eaepel, list rums'. . .mermen, vea, 14., wnwt.rr. , Uurvlved by I wo erothefe, Hsrmsn n4 V Aifreit of Omahai Motnsr, prolh.r t4 f al.lerol ie4en. ' LYNCH Mr Junanna. sis II l.ara. wmeer or me lata remmoeore James I rnt li. Khe is survive by ons aau.Mer, His. Mail. Hart ef New York, on nieee. lira. Clear Sutton f Omsh. funersl at unlay ftraooa from John A Gentleman mortuary al I I. Interment Holy aepulrlisr remelary. II Icy Martha 1.'., ee II ..are. June S. nil. el the home of bar sen, t. V. in,',, in -no ih at. Hotly le be mm front M N. I. awanaun r ha pel Kaiurdey morning le l.ynrlon. HI- fr Interment tAKtKt.N Mr. FlnrsiKS, beloved wife et a1, r. .araon. Funeral Haturrlsy aflsrnoon from Jhn A. (lentlemsn s mortuary at t. In lermenl Forest liwn remetery. CARD OP THANKS. CABI DF THANKS. W wish 10 thank our msny hind frlende snd neighbors for the sympathy and kindness shown us during the 1 death ot uur beloel njiehand and father snd for the msny besutiful floral of fering, laigned) Mr. Frank KreJIeelc . and family, FLORISTS. LEE LARMON fin ..VaV iAY IT WITH FI.OWKRR FHOM HKAS ewirniiUA. leia rannaAi iina.i, I. HKSmcnsON. 1141 Fsrnam. JA. ISIS. JOHN BATH. 1144 Fsrnam. JA. 1104. LOST, FOUND AND REWARDS. LOST Urown traveling bag. betwssa Fre mont snd Omaha, on BIsrK Hills trscK or .Military rosd. Reward. Phone Truck and Tractor corporation, Omaha. Doug las Dill. LOST Mlark traveling bag en Farnam rer Thursday containing nurse's uniform snl lady a wearing apparel, call AT. 2 ll or Bt. Joseph ho.pltal. Rswgrd. LOFT i'm Tuesday, two whlls msres, ene sorrei norse, one nay norast reward ror return. Call at Tth and Orsce Bis., or sddrees Box H-ll. Omaha Bee. WILL pay liberal reward for return ef traveling bag. a. A. K. en bottom and under label, a. A. Kull, Oaklsnd. Neb. LOT Bins of keys, two night Istoh. three flat, on large brass, ons com mon door key. Rewsrd. WA. till. LOHT Ladles' gold square wrist watch, vicinity 24th and Maple. Finder call Webster 471!. Liberal reward. LOST Dlark and whit Boaton Bull Tor rler I months old. Answers to name of "Pal." WA. 110. STRAYED Two chestnut sorrel horeee, one horse rnached mans. Suitable rewsrd. WA. 1053. LOST Dlsmond stick pin snd Elk cuff button, Reward to finder. DO. llll. LOST Blue silk bsg on N. 14th St. car. Reward. KB. 1444. LOST Canary, rewsrd. Csll Walnut 4111. Found Two sorrel horses. WA. 4711. SPECIAL NOTICES. FRATERNAL Aid Union will dance at Krug park Friday evening. Ticket for sale st Merrltt drug store, 111 8. 14th St. Admission to park and ball room, dsnce all evening, per couple, 11.04. PERSONALS. MATERNITY HOME, electrlo bath for nervousness. 1412 Emmet, - Wli. llll. MAGNETIC bathe; Violet Ray treatment with maesagea. 114 S. llth. AT. till. '. THEATRICAL historical masque costumes, for plays and parties, at Lleben's, Omaha. SULPHUR baths, Swedish massage, chl ropody. Evenlnge to I. 201 & I4th St.. FOR nurses by the hoar or for massage tall AT. 1188. er WA. 4211, MASSAGE Emma Brott, 1717 Webster. EXPERT MASSAGE. ATLANTIC 1141. RENT vacuum cleaners. 71c HA. 107T. FISHER Bath, mass. 120 Arthur Bldg. EXPERT masssge. 110 N. 17th St. ANNOUNCEMENTS. Accordion PleatJnsr. ACCORDION, aide, knife, box plestlngt covered buttons, ell etyles; hemstitch ing, buttonholes. Write Ideal Button as Pleating Co.. I0S Brown Block, Omaha. Kes. Telephone JA. 1494. NEB. PLEATING ed. Button. 1101 Farnam, Sri Floor. DO. 5670. Chiropractors. Pav.Brvn DR. A. N.. Chiropractor, 10? Jd,llSVU Paxton block. AT. S74T. WE. 4929. Office hrs.. 11 a. ra.-t:14 p. m. Contractors. GARAGES built, any atyle and slie, 1100 up. Concrete work. Mlcklln Lumber At Wrecking Co. Tel. WE. till. - . CARPENTER work, contract or hour; near and old work; reasonable. KE. 4664. Screening and house-repairing. WA. 1144. Dancing Academies. LEARN to dance; summer clsssss; 14 les son.. 14. Keep's, 1811 Farnam. DO. 1440. .Dentists. DENTAL X-RAYS, II each. IS a full set. 411 Securities Bldg.. 16th and Farnam. - Detectives. Independent Detective Bureau, 144 Neville Blk. AT. BS01; night. WA. 1015; KE. 041 RELIABLE Dteci! Bureau, Railway E. Bldg., JA. 20Ei night. KE. II1S. JAMES ALLAN. Ill Neville Blk. Evidene secured In all eases. AT lantte 111. Dressmaking;. Emhrolderlnir, dressmaking. AT. KIT. Furriers. r?TTRQ remodeled, rellned. cleaned. UXVO Kneeter Alaska Fur Co.. 203 So 15th St DO. 7283. Hauiing. GRADE cellars, do team work. WE. 4114. Kodak Finishing. FILMS DEVELOPED FREE. The Ensign Co., 1607 Howsrd St, Mattresses. CITY MATTRESS CO. Mattresses made over. New ticks. Box Spring. Repaired. Sill Cuming fit. AT. 4S7S. Osteopaths. DR. MABEL WESSON. Osteopath, 441 woria-tieraia mag. At. zieti. ja. B72t. Printing. EDDY Printing Co. SIS 8. II St. Do. 1147. Paint and Paper Hanging. p Tutpcairv n.(ti. -n . u i ing done reasonable by hour er con-, tract. AT. 27.- ' CLEAN paper, wash walla; exp. JA 144L PAPERING, painting; low price. JA.IQ2I. Patent Attorney. J. W. Martin. Patent Attorney, 1711 Dodge, room SOS. Also Washington. D. C. I help Inventor, .ell their patents. Wedding Stationery. WEDDING invitations and announcement, printed or engraved: ssmpies sent upon request. Brsndels Printing department. Miscellaneous Announcements. DIAMONDS pri-c. to buv back at email profit. OROSS JEWELRY CO.. Omaha. Neb 411 M. 16th St Telephone DO. S44S. GAITED saddla horses for rent hy hoar or dsy. All are gentle. My personal ettention given, to beginners. Smith Crsne. proprietor. OMAHA RIDECO ACADEMT. ' Ak-Sar-Ben Field. Phone WA. SOU. HAVE your trees cared for by expert our geone. not tree butchers; cavity work and tree trimming eur specialty. Horn ' f q V E,. SI IS. wanteo For Fourth of aJly for open air entertainment ef It hrs.. vendaviiia troupe. Correspond with Free. Com. Club, Gothne Center, la. WANTED For the Fourth, man with portable dene floor. Frae concession. Correspond with Pre, of Com Club, Oath rie Center. la. . WB boy. sell safes, make deske. ehew caeea. etc, Omaha, Fixture at Supply c 8. W. Cor. llth and Douglas. JA. ST 14. Oil AHA PfLLOW COMPANT, sfattTseee r.,r in new ncae at nail price Of new beda. 1 197 Canlas IL tie. DR. Louis N. Rmernorr. idlsease. ef women ) I tie. ''i - . - C I A ' a ;