fHE BEE: OMAHA. THURSDAY, JUNE 8. 1922. The Omaha Bee MOUSING EVENINGSUNDAY. IMS BE! rUPtUHlNO COMPANY NUXJM . UrbUS. rwkiiake S. SJUWI.B. bHnl Kui MSMBtB tr THS ASSOCIATED WES in a im.hu rm. m eat tumki .wua W It t S- NMnw MMIUM Mi 11 HMf, Sb SI Im ami art eaaluM erne, eu itaie at wwHimni TM Oauee mmm ef ate seil Sawa ef Cia "" ! HIMIII H SMralMlaB wi. ee ne wwauw W IWIII Mini laMf MHUMM The Ml clrcitUllea of TV Osuka Bn for May, 1921 Daily Average 72.038 Sunday Average ...78.642 THE BEE PUBLISHING COMPANY BREWER. Csaarel Msar ELMER Sl ROOD. CmuUliu U.... &wrm whI evaeerlfcee Baler ate Uit M ear j wit, im, (Sol) W. H. QUIVEY. NtUry Paella REE TELEPHONES PHtsU Braaek Eseaaate. Ak tor Um Dspertaent or tnoa Waated. Par ATlsall Nicbl Call Aftar IS P. M l Editorial i AAA Department, AT laatle 111 or Kit. 1000 OPPICES Mala Office 17tk and Pernae C. Biota II Scot I St. South Side Oil S. 4tk St. Now York : a rifta Ave. Weaalnften 1111 0. 8b Calrataim 8ttr Bldf. Pari. Fraaea 4 Bu St. Honor Understanding the Farmer. That the federal government affirm by law the right of farmeri to combine co-operatively for handling and marketing their product! hai been advised by the National Agricultural con ference and the Joint Commission of Agricul tural Inquiry. These bodiei are not to be sus pected of seeking to give the agricultural in dustry special license to exploit the public, nor ahould there be in the legislation any loophole for acts contrary to the general good. It would not be fair to allow the farmers to build up their co-operative enterprises only to have - the government, under a special in terpretation of the anti-trust laws, step in and break them down when they had done no ac tual wrong although legally without defense. Opposition to the co-operative marketing bill ' comes with little right from E. H. Gary, who heads the gigantic corporation familiarly known as the steel trust. Such legal restraint as has been imposed on his concern has been to pro tect the rights of the public. It can not be said that he speaks for the American people As near as his viewpoint can be expressed, it is that if the farmeri can be kept at work with a minimum of profit, less wages will have to be "paid to labor," whose living expenses will be lowered. In answer to Judge Gary comes Bernard . Baruch, yet his reply that the farmers aim by co-operation to do exactly what the manufac turers have done through corporations is neither true nor fair, i It is , impossible to understand how Mr Baruch, a Wall street speculator, has developed into a champion of the farmers. To admit the correctness of his statement would amount to agriculture giving a clean bill of health to a monopolistic system. Nor does his afterthought that it would be impossible for h,000,000 farmers widely scattered through every state to fix unfair prices either by limiting pro : tluction or hoarding improve the argument. If agriculture could be operated on any such ' basis as the great corporate industries,' one may be sure the individual farmer would be pushed ' out as the business of food production was an ' nexed by large aggregations of invested capital, such as one backed by the Morgan interests now operating an immense acreage in Montana. True co-operation is a vastly different thing, completely beyond the vision of either Gary or Baruch. It is democracy applied to industry, with the principle of one man, one vote, and sharing back of profits in proportion to patron age, ' ' Farmers are human, and they desire to make all- the profit they can from their toil and .in vestment. However, the aim of co-operation is not to do this bythe impoverishment of con sumers, but rather by eliminating waste. During the war period when everyone was at work at good wages people used more of the products of the farm per capita than now, and paid better prices. The farmers' hope is in general pros perity, not in any junkerism juch as Gary sus pects and Baruch mentions, that would seize an unfair advantage to the wreck of the national fortune. ' " ' Back from the Vacation'. Reams of good' white paper from our rapidly disappearing forests are used each year by writ ers who have witty things to say about vaca tioning. . Humorous writers gurgle gleefully about mosquito bites, sunburn and fish that fail to bites 1 And tons of highly illustrated literature, de picting comfortable observation platforms, snow capped peaks and clear, cool lakes, are distrib uted annually. But neither the humorous writers nor the travel pamphlets have a word to say about get ting back from the vacation. There's a reason; in fact there are several reasons. To begin with there simply isn't anything funny about return ing to work. Hence the humorists are stumped. And the lads who put out the "ain't nature grand" literature are too wise to even intimate that a vacation has an end. It is with no joy,that the vacationer tosses his soiled linen into his suit case, applies what re mains of the cold cream to his peeling nose and boards a train for home and another year of work. The scenery which drew such interested glances from the car window but two weeks be fore, is now "old stuff and whirls by unheeded. Speeding car wheels sound the same click, clickety click, but now, to the returning vaca tioner, they seem to say, "back to work; back to the grind." . A day or so later the ex-vacationer is im mersed in work. A month or so later he wants another vacation. Eight months or so later he again is avidly reading travel pamphlets, and a year later he's speeding away on another vaca tion. All of which brings as to no particular conclusion, except, perhaps, that "two weeks with pay" is a permanent institution. Duty of the Jury. A juryman is entrusted with a high duty; it ; is to decide the facts in the case as developed by the evidence; to balance the conflicting testimony of witnesses and determine what is the truth. He is supposed to be, and ought to be, impartial, weighing carefully everything that is presented, and making his decision only after full consider ation of every statement made during the trial la criminal cases the jury reoresents the public. 1 Trial by jury it granted tvtry mm In the United States becaute it is the humane principle of the law that no man shall be condemned on the single judgment of my. Twelve men must agree that he is guilty before he cm be midt to suffer ny penalty, II a crime has been committed, it is an offense against the public at great is sgiinst the victim. So the Juryman is solemnly charged to protect the public; he is charged to give the prisoner the benefit of any reasonable doubt, but if the evidence clearly shows that the se cured is guilty, then simple justice requires thst he be convicted. And, after conviction, no false sense of mercy should interpose to induce the juryman to reconsider the conclusion he has reached and ak that the culprit be relieved of the penalty he has incurred. That it why Judge Cost said that some members of jury in hit court thowed little respect for the court, when they signed affidavits for an attorney who sought exculpation for a condemned client. Let mercy temper justice, but let it not impede the protec tion the law is intended to afford the community. Iowa Decides. A democratic senator for Iowa is hardly within possibility, hence the spirited free-for-all primary contest for the republican nomination that ends with the victory of Col. Smith V. Brookhart of Washington. To read the returns is to be convinced that the rank and file of. the republican party is pro gressive. Colonel Brookhart's support was double that of his conservative opponent, former Congressman Charles E. Pickett of Waterloo. Clifford Thome, recognized as a liberal through his early record on behalf of the shippers in railroad cases and through his connection with the farmers' co-operative marketing movement, ran a good third. That his headquarters for some time has been in Chicago rather than his home state without question lessened his draw ing power. Congressman Burton E. Sweet, campaigning on his connection with the farm bloc, placed fifth. Last of awl came Col. Claude Stanley of ' Corning, who tested out what is called "the soldier vote" by running mainly on his service record. This elimination contest is a step toward fill ing the vacancy in the senate left by the resig nation of Judge Kenyon, who himself was a progressive. The democratic opponent of Colonel Brookhart will be Clyde L. Herring, who courts on a pull with the farmers because of his having for many years been the distributor of Ford tractors and automobiles. Support for the administration of President Harding is made unmistakable by the renomin- ation of the present incumbents of congressional seats. Colonel Brookhart is frankly a radical in his attitude toward transportation and agri cultural questions, but there has been no over turn in Iowa. The American Standard. In many eastern mill centers textile work has been at a standstill because of disputes over wages and hours. A dispatch from New Hamp shire announces that attempts recently to re open the plants on a basis of a 20 per cent wage cut and a 54-hour week failed to attract enough workers to man the machines. From the distance of the middle west it is impossible to pronounce clearly on the situation. This much can be ventured, that a return to longer hours of toil for these spinners and weav ers, the majority of whom are women, is not in accord with either public sentiment or' public interest. No comment is advisable ori the wage question, although it is well to hold up certain standards by which this should be decided. The words are those of the secretary of labor, James J. Davis, in an article in which he endeavors to interpret the view of the national administration, on the general labor problem: 4i, ; War first gave us the living wage as a thing to think about. Since then it has stay . ed with us as a phase, a label . for the amount ot money that it was supposed to represent. We still hear much about it, with a good deal of confusion as to what is meant by a living wage. The trend of events since the war has put the employer in the position of clinging to the original meaning of the term, as a wage adjusted to the cost of living. But to the wage earner himself, the living wage has come to mean something more definite. If it means any thing to him, the living wage means a wage on which he can really live that is, a pay envelope that will permit him to do a little more than merely meet the day-to-day cost of his necessities and enjoy something of life in addition. I am convinced that this wider concep tion of what constitutes a living wage is entertained not only by the workman him self, buf that the American people as a ' whole will willingly concede it to him. From State and Nation . Civil War in China. Hope that China would be tranquilized and brought to something like political stability when General Wu defeated General Hsi and scattered his forces hangs by a very slender thread just now. Unification of China necessi tates the elimination of Sun Yat Sen, president of the Canton government, and strong man in the old" republic. Li Yuan Hung, president de posed two years ago, has been recalled by the old parliament, which was reassembled by Wu, and has just emitted a bitter denunciation of the tuchuns, who have reduced the kingdom to po litical impotency. Whether his appeal to the people will amount to more than so much wind depends on the attitude of the generals. Sun declines to yield to Wu, and the war between north and south China bids fair to proceed. However, it is well to remember that Sun is a skilled diplomat and wily politician as well as a successful military leader, while the same can be; said of Wu. What may take place between this pair will determine the course of the Chinese government for the next few months, at any rate. Li is back in office, with the original republican parliament functioning to. support him. Yet he is there by virtue of the generals. It" was' the military clique who re moved him, and the same power called him hack, and it is never very far away. There fore, any hope for the early establishment of peace conditions in China must be tinged with the uncertainty that is always felt in the pres ence of the military rulers. In blaming the high cost of living on "the unwieldy system of marketing and distribution," the joint commission of agricultural inquiry has pointed the wa yfor both needed reform and need less agitation. The "perfect lover" can go right on, unless the grand jury takes a notion to look into his case. Frank Reavis is starting out as if he meant to do something on his new job. Canada still is coy, but may be won. Mary" and "EJtsa" lie tiara, free Ik p.trau Nawa, 0!d-fhloni) names are aialn In stlye, and ths treat! of thm all Mary heada the lima of present day Patroli brldea, says Bart Msloney, marries license dark. "I Have a paaeion fur th nam of Mary." sang Uyron, and many a poatlral Detroltar will esperlenc a cuddly feeling st lbs news thst ths old names ar back ssaln. Ths popular ftarsha. Anna, Atnesaea and Janes of Uyron's time gave way to ths Ermen trudee, Clartaaaa and Yobls of recent yester days, but now they're coming Into their own sain. Of course, "Mary" nvr wnt entirely out. There's something elemental In It that denea banishment. It's sn sclent name of many tonruM. symbolically connected with mother hood, with lata and ths moon snd with ths re. generation of man. Hut concerning this ehrlatenlnr of baby girl according to ths nam fuahion of ths dsy thers arc soma disadvantages. It's Ilk tagging them with tha year of their birth for whan they grow up their names will proclaim ths period to which they belong. When Jans Is required to nsms th year of hr birth sh won't b able to aay "1921," In view of ths fact that Jans was th styls of 1S21 snd mothers were resurrecting Gwendolyn and Gladys In 1118. Incidentally Gladys wss considered a very rtlncal, affected nam whn It broke too among our mothers and aunts In ths later Vic torian pertoj). They clung to wuch respectable combinations ss "Ella Jans," "Mary Ann" and "Sarah Marie." In those days man's nsmes were fancier then women's snd many a Sarah was wed to a Baall, many a Jans to a Claud snd msny sn Ellta to a Nigel, and many a Maria to a Marmaduke. Then Gladys was discarded and "Yldygarde" and "Yseult" pranced on ths stage. Now they've got the gat and Mary and all her old pals ars back. Loving Animals. Prom th Kansas city Drovora' Tolosram. Howard Gore, chief of ths department of market practices of ths packer-stockyards con trol administration, charmed the National Live Block Exchange convention here last week with his atory of the big stser, "Brownie" that did not go to market to become ths highest priced bullock that ever appeared on the New York market. Most people, and all the right kind of people, like and love animal life. Monday at ths horse and mule barns a very remarkable appearing horse made a lot of friends and got a lot of human sympathy bestowed on him because he sustained a bad gash cut In his leg while being unioaaea xrom a car. He had ridden by rail from Parsons. Kas., where he had been the hero In a wild west show because of his keen cow pony sense. This animal was ours white excent for his ears which were red. He was lithe and slim, wfth one glasa eye, and came bearing ths repu tation of being one of the best cow ponies that ever performed in the cow country. But these facts did not go to make sympathy for him, now that ha was to be sold from off the ranee to other scenes of activity, probably a carnival or some snow wnere a trained horse would be valu able. The horse was injured and llmolns-. and seemed to be in pain. His remarkable appear ance and markings attracted attention to the animal and many a stroke and slan of symoathy wss given the horse by stable boys, yard men and aeaiers wno saw tne look of pain in the animal's eyes as It stood waiting its trip Into tha auction ring. One touch of adversity or pain makes men more cognizant that both men and dumb Drutes are creatures of the same great God. A Road Laboratory. Prom th. Norfolk Hews. Despite talk about tax reduction the srood roads movement is going to continue to move. There is no stopping an improvement which is as valuable to all elements of the community as smooth all-the-year-round highways. Our pres ent dirt roads will be replaced by hard pave ment unarrectea by weather conditions. A few states are taking the lead and the others will follow. All of the states, therefore, are indebted to Illinois for the thoroughness with which that state is investigating the value of various kinds of pavement for rural roads. The people of Illinois recently voted $60,000,000 bonds for highway construction and with federal aid this sum will be increased to about $100,000,000. The nignway department before beginning construc tion wisely decided to make some tests In an effort to prevent useless spending of the money for the wrong kind of pavement. Sections of all kinds of surfacing now in general use were laid and trucks, some loaded to the limit, were run over these sections continuously for days. When the test is completed and the results de termined Illinois will know what kind of pave ment it wants. The results of the Illinois tests will be avail able to other states. When the experiments are completed we will know just what effect frost and extreme heat, two of the worst enemies of hard surfaced roads, have on each kind of con struction. Nebraska by the time It gets ready for a large program of hard surfacing, will have before it data of great value to its road builders. Tills Is a case where there are some advantages in not "being at the very forefront of the procession. How to Keep Well By DR. W. A. (VANS Qusstieae aeacsralaa kvsisaa. aaalia. lie oaf arevealMNi el tfieeeee, eaa. wlttae) Dr. Evea by reeasra ml lea avee, will a aatweraS paraeaeNy eukjesa to eraser liatluttaa, trhar a taaiaed, aaud eavelat I etaaaa). Dr. tveei will aal dieiaael ar araearlke far laaUvMual diaeaeee. AMreaa lal lar la tar at I a Pa. Caarrii-hti lltt Gullible Americans. From ths Kanaaa City Journal. Many reports come from Europe concerning the manner In which American tourists are over charged by European landlords, amusement pro prietors and others who cater to the tourist trade. It seems that when a visitor is identi fied as an American, all prices automatically be come higher, whether it is a matter of investing in a bag of -roasted chestnuts at the town square or purchasing works of art in the galleries. Europe is bound to get her hands on the American pocketbook somehow. If she cannot do it through official cancellation of debts, her enterprising business men proceed to skin Amer ican tourists. These business men are not to be blamed. The American is the most gullible person in the world. He likes to pay high for what he gets, and he usually is not satisfied if he doesn't. If the European tradesmen have sufficient Insight into human nature to observe this characteristic, they ought to be congratu lated and told to go to It. The money is there and it's theirs if they have sufficient brazen -ness to get it. The chances are the victimized American will enjoy the swindling process. If he doesn't, he can stay at home. . If Americans continue the presen ttate of gadding to Europe, and if Europeans show no softening of the conscience, it should not be long before the present economic disorders abroad are alleviated. Good American cash is drifting into European money drawers, from where it is taken to pay high taxes. Eventually, America will pay the Allied debt with her own money, and the American tourist will hold the enviable position of the prize-winning dupe. BATKINO BEACH PERILS. A committee of the American rub llo Health association set out to find what the ear. eye and noaa anarlal lets and th public health officers thought about bathing beachea snd swimming pools sa agencies for the preaa or disease. Th replies received msy not be scientific evidence, snd they may be half-baked opinions, but they record what 600 men know or think they know, snd. as such, ar entitled to some weignt. About three-fifths of the number thought swimming pools and bath ing beaches Important factors In ths spread of disease. When asked how dlaesse was spread about one-third replied by miectea water, one-third by Infected towers ana tne other third by both water, towels and suits. In reply to the question as to what was the chief danger two thirds replied Infection, about one quarter drowning and the remainder gave a miscellaneous Hat of dangers As to the Importsnce of bsthlng beaches and swimming pools In spresdlng certain dlaeases th an swers were ss follows: A llttls more than half those re plying thought typhoid wss epread that way. The proportion thinking gonorrhea was so spread was some what smaller. Less thsn one-half thought syphlllls was spread by that agency. Fifty-nine per cent held that ringworm was so spread, 47 per cent answered affirmatively as to dys entery. 67. per cent ss to colds, 77 per cent as to pink-eye and 62 per cent as to nous. One hundred and twenty-nine thv slclans reported hat they bad seen Infections of the middle ear so caused, 77 had seen cases of con junctivitis so caused, 73 reported cases of pink-eye, sinus' Infections were reported by 71 physicians, $7 reported miscellaneous ear Infec tions, 85 reported colds, 33 reported furuncuiosia and Z5 reported bolls. Thirty-one reported gonococcus In' fections, including gonococcus eye infections. 24 reported rhinitis and 13 tonsolltis; 19 reported impetigo, Z4 reported ringworms and 11 re ported itch. Eighteen physicians reported cases or typnoid so caused. These were reports of Isolated single cases. As "to epidemics, seven physicians reported epidemics of sore eyes due to bathing places, six reported epi demics of skin troubles of different kinds, twa reported epidemics of middle ear infection, two reported epidemics of tonsolltis and one re ported an epidelmic of typhoid clear ly traced to infection from bathing in polluted water. Few cases resulted fatally, except some of the typhoids. There was one fatal mastoid and four fatal cases of meningitis following nose in fections. Maybe a good many of these cases could have been traced to other causes by careful Investigation. Nevertheless, the opinion was so general and the number of cases so large that we must admit that there is some danger. And Keep the Window Open. H. S. writes: "1. Is sleeping on the stomach harmful? "2. What is the correct position when sleeping? v REPLY. 1. No. "3. What is the correct position ful. Snorers should avoid sleeping flat on the back as much as possible. Persons disposed to stoop should sleep without pillows. With the re mainder it is go as you please. A Little too Mild. From th Detroit Tree Frees. New York appears to have added a new one to the multitude of schemes for making auto mobilists be good. Under an ordinance just adopted by the board of aldermen every motor ist must carry a card with his photograph at tached thereto.- When he parks in front of a fire hydrant or commits some other minor In fraction of the law a policeman will reprimand him and make a record of the fact on the iden tification card. There are four spaces on which such records can be entered, and after they are full the culprit must go to court. - In this part of the country, where they "treat 'em rough," this deliberate policy of long suffer ing looks like straining the quality of mercy in the wrong direction. Why give a man four slams at the law before the law begins to hit back? One would also like to know just why any policeman should be entrusted with the ju dicial power that is evidently involved in deter mining the guilt of a motor driver, the degree of his guilt and in the infliction of a punishment, even when the punishment is nothing more than a bad mark. Satisfactory answers to such questions are not easy to find, and the country is not likely to follow the example of its greatest city in this regard. If All the Flivvers Voted. From Um Coicafo Nn Politicians might be less scornful of that "Henry. Ford' for President" club if they stopped to consider the flivver vote. . - Oklahoma's Woes From th Baa Fraaclico Chronicl. Oklahoma certainly has Its troubles. Just about the time tha state gets rid of most of its train robbers and cattle rustlers the bullfrogs start stealing the chickens. The Veil of Superstition. Young Wife writes: "1. Is there anything In the old belief that a child born with a veil is very gifted, etc.? "2. Also, what are the first signs of pregnancy, and how soon do they appear?" REPLY. 1. No. 2. Suppression of menstruation. nausea, distaste of food, Irritable bladder. Dangers In Iodine. R. E. R. writes: "Would you ad vise the use of iodine internally as a disinfectant? If so, In what doses In milk and water? "How would you advise use of uro- tropin for same purpose In cap sules or in liquid form, and what doses?" REPLY. I do not think you will get any where taking either iodine or uro- tropin internally as a general dis infectant. The rule is that disinfectants are more poisonous to people than they are to bacteria. If taken Internally, in doses suf ficient to kill bacteria within a man. they will first kill a man. There is a limited field for the use of iodine and urotropin Internally, but It is not good judgment to use them unless a physician directs. . Coal Gas Poisoning. R. A. E. writes: "1. What effect would coal gas have on a family? A family of six people lived In a house for eight years with a hot air furnace filling the house with gas. "Four are dead heart disease, kidneys, pernicious anemia, apo plexy. Could any be traced to the gas? "A fifth member of the family Is now having acute heart attacks." REPLY. Probably what is called coal gas poisoning is poisoning by carbon monoxide gas. Acute carbon monoxide poisoning is a very important and very wide spread trouble. It causes many symptoms and is often fatal. Chronic monoxide poisoning Is a condition about which we know lit tle. It has been frequently reported in Europe, but so far there are few American reports of chronic poison ing. There Is no proof that chronic coal gas poisoning causes either heart disease, kidney disease, apoplexy or pernicious anemia. Lung Air Babbles. J. W. writes: "Will you kindly give me the definition of rale on the lung and why it more often appears In climate of lower altitude rather than high, and the best way to cure it?" . " 1 REPLY. A rale Is a sound., made by air bubbling through fluid in a bronchia tube, generally in a small tube. The presence of rales, therefore, means that some part of the lung contains mucus, pus, blood, water or other fluid. When ralea are heard In the lungs consumption, pneumonia, bronchitis, asthma or some other disease Is the cause. The cure depends on the disease which causes the symptom. About Prohibition. Omaha, June I. To the Editor of The Bee: What will the Committee of Five Thousand do at lis pro posed meeting? Abuse the present city administration.? The organisers of this meeting, If thay are not down snd out polltlilana, will easily be recognised as ths leaders of the prohibition movement. The bllndnoaa of theae enthusi ast a, thalr Inaccessibility to any sound Idea retarding prohibition would b pat hllo If It waan't so Idiotic. Don't thy know that th present polk fore of Omsha can not enforce theae laws? If it was doubled 10 times they would still nave the same difficulty. Why? Because half the population of th city Is sngaged In th national In door sport, turning hops Into kicks. Why Irritate the administration? It functions beat hn least Inter fered with. But you will have your how. What will you accomplish? you win, or course, be filled with the holy joy ef knowing you have don your duty. Your leaders will be as sured Ian following snd ait aa furdinsly lre subecripuon list The politician Mealed with lb proapect of sn ey l1oii. Th city and law enforcement? Well, th poor chief will saaign more police to the rum siuad. thereby giving the gunmen, chammen and banditti more opportunity to carry on their professions unmoleated. Of course (here will b mor arreats for fin drinking, home brewing, etc, etc, and that will pleaee th holy reformers. Ho also will th banditti be pleased. n. D'ATUET. The Saiopbonc. The Birmingham Age-Herald wanta tn know If anybody dos sessea enough courage to gat up In publlu and speak a word in behalf of the aaxophon. Why, certainly. A saxophone can make enough noise to drown out a ukulele. Detroit Free Press. ae te THI BRIDE. Near I S saeib wkiirrrTa nr. ne u re. at Ik tea -leal . lb " r' ae aal el Js. rare la lha aual.ekl ,'" ''I fur is ika m amk Ike Saw 4aias. ruraet el U l ie e k. f la ika aaaalf's ss ','sfi a lla etttliaal three a as lj. Sam la lha ralm 4 b laa aaiMt ef all I lb Sftde'S "I " Firm U Ika baart taeaf b lb vlv leliar. Wkala I kr truil, as Ike etrallsg bead Wl4iaf. he'ere ika elaraal alter. Soul aal aoul a baad M bead, Se he ske ew aa aa ferever, Bn4a la lha ma ake lee the bat Tlrna, ear Irauhla. aar Stalk dieeever, Piscer thraaiia, sar 4iukl maim. Wkoihor Ike krl4 he bisk ar le1y. Whaihar lha 44in( ha sraaS ar email, Trtia a ih iruat aa4 lha hue ha holy. Else le haihlna. aa4 Lava la AIL K4maa4 Vanit Cease, la the Treaecnal. Umm! Umm! Umm! Frozen Cijstard! Truly fit for the Gods p7 Here is the recipe! Try it today. FROZEN CUSTARD 1 quart Rich Milk cup Sugar H cup Nat Meets, cterptwd 1 handful Raisins Heap Kara . 2 taaspoorta Vanilla Begs Pinch of 8alt lcupCream 2 teaspoons Kinfsford's Corn Starcb Heat the nisins and Corn Standi in the nulk in doublet bofler foe twenty minutesj. Make a costard of the othtr ingredients, adding the not meats when cold. Freeze at ice cream. "This may be varied by adding chopped figs, dates, etc. , In every American kitchen Kinesford's Com a a) . Md 4 a as 0 atarcn is tne one stand Djr for delicious, economical and nutritious desserts. KINOSFORtrs CORN STARCH ' PUDDING ieapaacaMedkfllk JfenpSoftr fBcgs tsaspoon Salt teaspoon VsolTla 4 level tableepooas Klacaford'a Cora Starch 1 ot. Chocolate mattad (optional) Wx the com starch with a tittle cold milk. Stir the hot milk slowly into th corn starch and stir over water till it thickens. Cook fifteen minute. Best ths eggs alightly, add the sugar and salt. Add the com starch mixture to the eggs, and cook, stirring constantly, one min ute longer. Remove from fire, add th vanilla or mslted chocolate aa desired. Serve cold with cram and sugar. (Serves) six persona.) FREE Aik yser eraser ar writ Care Praaueti Sslw C.. Sth Jscktsa Stl.. Omaha. Nik., for kMaUlol falser af lha . ) KIsitord Cera Starch ratllM. j IP IlPahl I Lal I J-7i ma rooe, con iFiri Mir Loss ' Commencing June 1st, 1922 ROUND TRIP FROM OMAHA Alexandria Bay, N. Y $75.06 Asbury Park, N. J. 87.48 Asheville, N. C 50.70 Atlantic City, N.J. 83.96 Bar Harbor, Me. (via Portland). 103.40 Buffalo, N. Y. (boat from Cleveland) 57.90 tBuffalo, N. Y. (boat from Cleveland) 56.30 Buffalo, N. Y. (boat from Cleveland) 56.30 Charlevoix, Mich v . . . . 48.55 Chautauqua Lake Points 56.11 f Chautauqua Lake Points 54.15 Fabyan, N. H.J 87.20 Lake George, N. Y. 82.05 tLake George, N. Y. 79.65 Long Beach, N. Y. (via New York City) 82.85 Mackinac Island, Mich, (via . Chicago) 52.10 Mackinac Island, Mich, (via Mackinaw City and boat) . . . 52.35 MarbIehead, Mass. (via Boston) .. fMarblehead, Mass. (via Boston) .,- Montreal, Quebec "'Niagara Falls, N. Y. fNiagara Falls, N. Y. ....... .- Petoskey, Mich Plattsburg, N. Y. fPlattsburg, N. Y Portland, Me. (via Montreal). Portland, Me. (via Montreal and Boston) Quebec, Quebec -. '"Saratoga Springs, N. Y. .... . t Saratoga Springs, N. Y. ..... Toronto, Ont. Toronto, Ont. (via Buffalo) . . Toronto, Ont (via Buffalo) . . Traverse City, Mich, (via Chicago) 90.11 89.23 75.45 58.80 57.68 48.55 85.57 83.17 91.60 92.78 84.50 82.05 79.65 57.05 60.45 57.05 45.90 STOPOVERS ENROUTE, LIMIT OCTOBER 31; ROUND TRIP FARES to many eastern localities, including ateamer trip along th St. Lawrenc River, the Hudson River, Long Island Sound, the Great Lakes, etc. SHORT LIMIT DIVERSE ROUTE TOURS TO Nsw York, N. Y., one way via Mon treal, other way via Standard Route. $100.63 Via Differential Route 98.83 New York, N. Y., one way via Nor- I (oik, other way via Standard ' Routes . Via Differential Routea 8 97.55 95.75 Boston, Mass., one way via Montreal, other way via Standard Routes... fj 99,91 Via Differential Routes 9815 Boston, Mass., one way via Norfolk and Washington, D. C, other way via Standard Routes $110.62 Via Differential Routes 11011 Standard Routes. STOPOVERS ENROUTE, LIMIT SIXTY DAYS NOT TO IiXCEED OCTOBER 31 t Other Routes. 30 "CHICAGO LIMITED" P.M. ARRIVES CHICAGO 8:05 A. IY1. Other Desirable Trains at 3:45 P. M. and 7:30 A. M. AT YOUR SERVICE - City Ticket Office and Travel Bureau 1 5U8 r arnam Street ATlantic 5578 J. W. Sharpe, City Pass. Agent DO uglas "3580 J. B. Reynolds, City Ticket Agent 53 a(a(a(aBBBlBSsB Ms 4