THK BKK: UMAHA, HitKSUAV, JUNK 8, Nowhere By RUBY M. AYRES. tctprrifH int. ((alijiuH IVnai XmfrAmj NOI WHO I THK TOV. VMh laslra,, wrxir km ixwrlr 4rei Kaslu I, im aalkUf elaaa Iaa4aa mini hi lha rata. a ear Mr MUls Hal to blown alf u4 aakslr Irasi.e aaoe ar a. w.u a nan a a4 ark )eua- ataa T lallae 1H1 aa Ike ralar4 kaafla Sa4 willmlir aWare a aar far M. eel to hai aaakillr laid kr (ha eatsa tkal aka U aa baager. With lata neurr a ae aa tit war ana ia. tot nn4i aa. kan, la raa tola awiar arMam Ml wkirk a ftavar ataataa wllk Utile kakr kar la kar anna la raa aer kr Ika aar. Tka ajethar to klllai. kul Nefteta, kar kaby, uriiw aakuH a4 to raagkl ua kr Vlutet, aka kurrladlr lakaa kiat la kar rhasa- Wlflag hawe. tow fa a Ha Ika Hyrt . , Violef3glfTyvJivel in the front bed-iitiiftavroom. m the second, floor. When he was in "work." at Mrs. Mipgi put ir, l)e psid her renrregu larlv. but lately the hid hid a run of bad luck, following an illness, and wis four wceki behind. Life had gone hardly with hrr. Naturally delicate, the found it diffi cult to krrp her health on the small Income the could earn, which often and often admitted only of one meal a day. She win, at ulie herself nut it, Jack of all trades. She colored Christmas cards for a firm at a slave rate; the taught music to ojie or two aspiring school girlt in the neighborhood; the had even told program! in a theater' and tried her luck in the show rooms at Catwiok't,the big drapers. But the continued standing had been too much for her, and that to gether with a chill, had resulted in the illness that was responsible for the arrears in the rent book. "Whv don't ver bo ' ver people r -Mrs. Higgs demanded one. . . . - .... . . ... day, at tni tiooa at me 1001 01 ine girl't 'beer- and stared down at her with browning brows above her one eye. "Ain't yer got no mother or tomeone who it be. glad to tee yer?:1 , In her rpugh yvay lrs. Higgt meant to be kind..' It was s rough way and Wiy those who knew her' most intimately could penetrate- her grim exterior and find . the kindly heart that Seat: beneath her tight,, black bodice. The girl turned her head wearily on the pollivi' without answering, but a faint; flush hai) tinged her pale checks; a mist oi' tears for a mo ment clouded her bluejves. he'ri'.ibfty;v:whct would, be glad fo'..he,-said presently in a hard vitfctV ;v " ' Mrs. Hig' JiM rtfajereupon drawji her own conclusion. -Jt. was not the first time tei JvadMl lodgers .of the tame typeyotlfljt'- girls who tpoke with (f) gtSlrtle breeding of, a lady, and who were $et as friendless and alone ai'-'tf they had "just growed" likeTopsy. of old. She ttood'1n the':-dingy passage now and followed .the girl's slim fig ure up the drk staircase with a sort of grim smile on her face. ? . "It werenTin the agreement for you to keep a child 'ere." she called after her resentfully. "And if that's what yer mean to . do. .up goes the rent see?" : The-girl made no reply. She owed a month's rent already, to per haps argument teemed a little super fluous in the face of such a, fact he went on her way up the two flights of uncarpeted stairs with the -sleeping boy held tightly in her tired arms. 'The front bed-sitting-room was in darkness. She groped her way to the narrow bedstead there and laid the child gently down. - He stirred a little, sleepily, and .murmured: ;. "Mumi-Mumf" a catch law a sob in his voice. -. A A sudden pain contracted the gtrl'i heart, there were tears in her eyes as she fumbled for matches, and Kt a cheap lamp on the small, rdund table in the center of the room. - With it in her hand she went back t the bedside and lookefl down at the chi$. He lay on his left side, one fliwhed cheek ' resting- on a chubby hand, brown curls tossed Over the pillow, ione tiny foot kicked free of its worn shoe, hanging, wear ily over tjte edge of the bed. Prayer Each Day Thru will I hear from Heaven, and for give JMlr sins. II Chr. 7:14. I Almighty -God, our Heavenly Father, we thank Thee for the way of approach i to Thyself through the rent el of the flesh of Jesus Christ, our Lord;-for the efficacy of His most precious tyood which cleanseth from all sn; Sot 'the promise of- help through the Holy Spirit, .when we . knw'nof what we should pray! for; for the assurance. thajt. Thoynearest us, and dost delight to answer our prayers when they a"re'in accord with Thy Holy Will. We., bless .Thee for Thin unspeakable-Gift, for the matchless- expression -of Thy love in the sacrifice of Christ, and for the grace 'to' freely bestowed upon the sinfut sfens -of men. Accept the hom age f: our hearts, the surrender of our 'Wtlis.vtrie -consecration of our powers, and help us in all circum stances to be true -to .Thee. Deliver us in the time of temptation. Keep our feet so that our steps may- not '-slide,-and help us-not te sin against . Thee.' Enable us ta .realize that sin . is our enemy, that it hides Thee from ' us, and Will, if indulged in, -ruin us in time and eternity. Fill us with . the spiritof -Jesus, that all our speech and conduct . may reveal His life in us, and that we may constantly glor ify The, .our adorable God. "Gra . ciously , accept "Us and our .-'petitions in the name of Jesus our Lord. Amen. '.; HflV.-JAMES H. BQID.. tendon,. Canada. . Eicharc!6n County Crop ' ol Newly Weds Is Small Fattt---City Neb June- 17.-r-(Spe-cial.) Riehardson county has pros pect of a bumper crop agriculturally and horticulrurally" this year, but 'harvestingJias.been pretty poor for . paniel Cupid the poorest in years, in fact -: V , r i Thus.-Jar -tfts year the little love ' god has accounted for but 42 pairs of victims ;the of the couples; iall intr preyi to-"his markmanship. ia .the last 24 hours.. This is a decrease -of 10 for the corresponding 4 period- of 1921. t The expected June rush 'has not yet matexjalized. bujt .County Judge Virgil Faltoon has not given up hope and continues daily to spray his of- inc piauc mi crouc aimosBr.tfc ana cumulate business Slie stood, witching him for tome tecondt. her face wit almoit beauti ful in iU tenderiieka. He might have been her own boy, the hit mother. Thru the carried the lamp aay and buitd liertrlf prepariiii a meal. 'J'lie room wis barely turnikhrd. A strip of carpet covered the floor one tlie one tide of the narrow iron bedstead, a cheat ol drawers stood in the window with a tnntl looking glatt on it. and a chrap walistamt leaned cranly aiiainst the wall as if it wrrf tiirprikcd and dazed at iU turrounduigt. There we're no plcturet on the walls, but a portrait ot a man in a gilt frame ttood on the narrow man teUhell a young looking man with dark evet and a military appearance Many and many a time Mm. H'gRt quizzed tlut portrait with her one rye, often and often lie had burned to ask who he might be, but something had kept her from so doing. . . She never felt unite at ease with Violet Inglehy. She realized that the wide gulf of gen tility tcparated them impassably. A small fire struggled for exist enme in the tiny grate. The girl coaxed it into a blaze and set a kettle on to boil. Then the nude topie tea and rut a plate of thin bread and butter. She-moved about softly so as not to wake the . sleeping child, but presently he roused, sat up with a start, and began to cry. She was beside him in an instant. She sat down on the bed and took him' in her arms, speaking soothing ly to him, kissing his hair, as if he had -bee-her own child.. (Continued In The Haa Tomorrow.) Girl Arrested Here With Man to Return Home Catherine Lutje, 20, decided to go biuk Iiuihc vitli her father ycterday. Mie ujt arrett ed Tiu-d.iv eve ning at H J, at Mm South Twen tieth xtrcet with John llidy alu John W i 1 1 o n, who, police de clare. admitted he is married and the father of four children, all of whom now are with his parents in Frankfort, Kan. The girl and Hidy met w hen he was an iceman in Havclock, where 19 Catherine Lutje. the lived with her father. She came to Omaha May 3. the told Judge Wappich in South Omaha police court, and made her home with a sister, Mrt. Lena FUhbaugh. 2109 South Thirty-fourth street. Two wceki ago Hidy offered her a portion as his housekeeper. She afreptrd. Then slie wrote her father," E. F. Lutje of Havelock, the had secured a job as domestic, was getting poor pay but bad a home, was not mar ried yet and didn't know when she would be married, and asked that her mail he sent to the home of a friend at .1014 South Seventeenth street. 'Tuesday he younger sister, Emma, 17, was married to Andrew Jaikatw, young Athland farmer, lie- ' fiira ihpw left ltiir itiu liAmt in AihUnd, jatkton learned of the i hereabouts of hit bride't titter and notified her father. Lutjt told Judge Wappich hit wife lett him in IV I M and h4 ttarted lev. eral timet to divorce him, but never went through with it. lie offered to marry the Lutje girl after he thould get a divorce. He was released from custody when the rejected hit offer. Alliion Stoiknifn Sell Cattle on Omaha Market Max Wolf, representing Wolf ftrothm, feeders and stockmen of Albion, was on the market with 14 head of horned tteert that averaged 1,15.1 pounds, for which he received the highet price of the day, $9,05 a hundred. He alto brought in a load of Shorthorn cattle averaging 1,355 pound that brought $8.85. "There are quite a lot of cattle to be shipped from Albion," taid Mr. Wolf, "but I am of the opinion that by the next two weeks the heavy run of cattle will let up." Retletlicate Ellis Church Heatrice, Neb., June 7. (Special.) The remodeled Methodist church at Ellit wat rededicated, the termon bring given by Rev. J. R. Gettyt, district tuperintendent. The edifice it larger and much more com modiout. The improvements cost several thousand dollars. Special Weak of Juio a la II, lncluelva. Large Claaa el Avaloa Crap Drink, Two Large Delicious Sugar Cookies. Choice ot Special Ham or Chases Sand wich ALL FOR 10c ALL SIX RESTAURANTS ED)EEDGEIr?EYNOLDS fart of Sfaialiy Sfopt , Clearance Sale of : OR ESSES. For Porch or Summer House Wear Pleasing styles in those, fresh, brisk colors and materials which give that sensation of coolness and smartness so desired in one's warm weather wear about the house; in the yard or on the porch and just read the Reductions Offered for Thursday That Are Exceptional Splendid quality ginghams daintily trimmed with organdie and self-material. At Dresses that" have become ra as s e-d-1 and . soiled from handling and display. Thirty-fciuV dresses formerly priced at $6.95. Five dresses formerly priced at - $3.60; ' ' :- Seven . dresses formerly priced at $4.25. 21 etra" large sized gingham dresses, formerly priced at $6.45. Seduced for- immediate clearance. At Dainty checked materials in all the' popular colors such as pink, blue, orchid, green, yellow, etc. Made full and roomy and very cool and comfortable for sum mer. They are exceptionally good values at this price. Trimmed with rick-rack braid and pockets. At At All colors are included in this assortment of aprons which will ' be placed on sale Thursday in this great clearance sale. Well . made -of spelndid quality per cales in very pretty patterns, ..including checks, figured and, flowered materials. These are practically being given away at this price. There are mostly small sizes in the lot, suitable for the girls from 12 to 14. Although not all new . styles, the material alone is worth a great deal more than the price, 49c. There are sev eral in gray suitable for older ' women. Housedress Shop Main Floor 1- TAKE ADVANTAGE OF SALES IN Shoes Blouses Toilet Goods Underwear Infants' Wear Corsets GREAT REDUCTIONS IN EVERY SECTION FOR BAKING PURPOSES u uyi FIavp?dl IP0! SYRUP V$V p so urn SUGAR SYRUP Air any store I Warehoused and Distributed by The Jerpe Commission Co. Omaha, Neh. , AT 0850 BABY CHICKS 175,000 SOLD UP TO DATE Big, strong, healthy pure-bred chicks. Get a few more to fill in the early sesson's loss. Late broilers are al ways in good demand. 100 live de livery guaranteed. Odds and ends only ,9. l. r.t Uuj. mm it- ISc each! Pay us a visit. Write p phone your wants immediately. Orders booked in rotation. BERRY'S POULTRY FARM Clarinda, Iowa Mattress Sale at USE BEE WANT ADS-THEY BRING PROFITS SATURDAY ADVERTISEMENT. Needed at Dances And the Sea Shore (Aids to Beauty.) Here is a home treatment for re moving hairs that is quick, painless and inexpensive: With some pow dered delatone and water . make enough paste to thickly cover the objectionable hairs, apply, and after 2 or 3 minutes rub off, wash the sknn and it will be left soft, clear and hair less. This treatment will not mar the skin, but to avoid disappoint ment, be careful to get real delatone. Mix fresh as wanted. June Sales Group No. 3 Y urge you to read those June ads, for we promise that every one will contain some worth-while information. It is easy to make good on that promise; opportunities for profitable purchases comes to us daily. We don't like boasting about ready cash, etc., etc. You've read that sort, but we are getting wonderful deliveries at wonderful prices and turning them quickly. We're a bit old fashioned, but "Watch our smoke." A Sale That is opportune, unusual, of startling value and of great desirability , Imported Dotted Swisses in a great variety of shades. Go on sale Thursday at, yard, 98c Sale opens at 9 a. m. Promptness trill. profit Quantity is not large. New Ratines . Embroidered Organdy New Plain Voiles New Tissues Women's Silk Hosiery Here's where language might do us some good if we had the right sort.' How can we describe the beauty, the lustre, the sheerness of a new line of pure all silk stockings placed on sale for the first time Thursday! Made from an ingrain yarn without loading, full lustre, pure silk from toe to top in black, white, brown, gray. The price for months has been $4.00. Thurs day and until further notice they will be - sold at, pair- m ' - r French Organdy Dresses For coolness, daintiness and charm they are unequalled In Ruffles, Novelty Pockets, Plcot, Ribbon and Lace trim, accentuate their de lightful crispness and newness. Colors, Orchid, Jockey, Nile, White, Flesh and Tomato. $25 Women's and Misses' Section Second Floor. - . ' -s Two Exceptional Values in Our June Sales Muslin Underthings NIGHTGOWNS AND ENVELOPES They are daintily modeled In sheer batiste, muslin and nain sook; some with colored bias trimmings; blue,, flesh, honey ' dew and orchid. Gowns, round, square and V necks. June Sale prices, each $1.45 NIGHTGOWNS AND ENVELOPES A fascinating grouping they come in self-striped dimity with white bias trimming; fine nain sook and muslin trimmed with small checks and ' nigh 'colors. Gowns with shoulder straps and bateau necks. June Sale prices, each $2.45 Second Floor. Big Values in Corsets Practically every well known, stylish make is represented in these four great groupings: Warner, B. & G Gotham, Just rite, Sirls, Modart, Isabel, Nemo, La Camllle Redfern, Cameo, Styl ish Stoot and B. & J. Groups i and 2 Elastic sport models, extremely low tops with four hose support ers and high grade, models of fancy brocades and coutils for the slender medium and full figures. Sizes 22 to 32. June Sale Prices Outdoor Sports Attire The alluring delight of the outdoor comes with the new sweaters. Soft Wool Sweaters For outing use. A few of a kind from higher priced lots. Tuxedos and slipover. Col ors, tan, brown, navy, mo hawk, French blue, gray and combinations. . (PO Q(T Price, PaWeJ7ti Jersey Sport Coats Mannish and most desirable ' for golf, hiking and motoring. . Also a few fancy satin finish stripe effects any of which beautifully blend with wool skirts. Colors, black, navy, green, Jockey and (JJQ QT tissue heathers; at vOet7J Iceland and Shetland Wool Sweaters With the new deep neck ef fect in slipover and tuxedo models. Colors, orchid, white, navy, jade, Cuban, Copen, brown and the new (J J QpT gray, at JrseJ Others from $8.95 to $16.75. Fiber Sweaters They come in a variety of novel weaves including "lace" stripe and two-tone effects slipover and tuxedo models. Colors, white, jockey, sand : Nile, tomato browa, navy, -gray and jade, flQ QK at tpOeetl Others from $10.95 to $19.75. Pure Thread Silk Sweaters They are so popular that it is different to get them fast enough new shipment just arrived, tuxedo and slipovers. The new block and lined ef fects are very 91 popular, at eJJaeieJ Others at $29.50, $37.50, $15.00. . Women's and Misses' Sections Second Floor. Cool, Summery Frocks for Girls and Small Women Every imaginable summer fabric and smart com bination may be had and the styles! Well, they are limitless in selected charm. Bright colored tissues, colored organdie and checked gingham with bias gingham edgings and organdie bows, dotted Swisses in cotors, high colored voiles and linen combinations,-figured voiles, ginghams trim med with Cash's braid; ratine in block effects, yarn trim Sizes 12, 14 and 16. $7.75 $12.75 $15.75 $21.75 Children's gd Junior Sections Second Floor. Polly Prim Aprons of Amoskeag Gingham in checks, pink with white, blue with white, brown with white. red with white, orchid with white and black with white; rick-rack trim med, pocketed: Easily slipped on over a dress this precau tion pays for an apron many times over. Very special. 59c ON THE SQUARE THURSDAY. Very Special Values in Our June Sales for Infants & Children PRINCESS SLIPS Lace and embroidery trim. 2 to 14 years, 69c S to 16 years, 98c, $1.49, $1J98 WHITE DRESSES Long and short . models, I months to 2 years. Both yoke and gathered ef fects, lace and embroidery trimmed. . 98 81.98 $2.98 MUSLIN DRAWERS Ruffle and tuck ' trimmed. 2 to 6 years, 25c 8 to 12 years, 30c MUSLIN BLOOMERS Elastic knee, band top. 2 to 6 years, 35c 8 to 12 years, 45c 14 to 18 years, 55e $2.45 $3.95 Groups j and 4 -Beautiful highest grade models in best quality fancy brocades for the slender, medium and large fig ures. Sizes 22 to 36. June Sale Prices- $5.95 $8.95 Not every site in eech model, but you may be properly fitted in one or more of the groupings. Corset S c c t i o n Second Floor. . x for Men Buy Your Athletic Underwear Thursday. Wanting the best, we sought the very finest check nainsook obtain able made into perfect fitting undersuits by the Harvard Mills who have unexampled reputation for perfectly cut gar ments. A most sensible perfectly staple much better than usual men's undersuit for Sport Shirts Now showing in suitable variety. Soft attached collars are favored. Up from - Oi- Others higher. eputatiOtt $1 Our Complete Stock of Gingham Dresses Go on Sale Thursday And while this great Clearance Saie is confined to what is known as the House Dress and Apron Sec tion, the dresses may be most appropriately used For Home For Business For Sports For Street Wear The ginghams used are soft arid drapy; the trim mings are as fresh and varied as summer' flowers and every color guaranteed. All dresses have been greatly reduced and the low prices will enable every woman to have several fresh frocks for summer wear at a very small cost The larger number of these dresses are of the famous makes L'Aiglon and True Worth There are checks, broken checks, plaids, stripes, the much wanted London smoke checks and chambrays In pink and blue. Your Color Choice Is Here. Baby Pink and White Chocolate Brown and White, Grass Graen and White. Bright Red and Wh?te, Navy Blue and White, Tile Blue and White, Wisteria and White, Orchid and White, Black and White. Sizes 16 to 52-formerly priced to $12 Dresses for all figures there are no reservations every dress must go. $2.49 $3.69 $4.69 $5.69 $7.69 House Dress an Apron Section Second Floor. 1 11