Thursday Sale of 600 Coats, Capes Wraps Worth $55 to $85 Middy Blouses Thursday An Unusual Sale of 39 1.00 Me n 89 Regulation and Co-ed Styles For outincs they never invented anything to heat a middy. And we believe you'll look a lontj time to boat this price. The styles in clude all white, white with red or blue col lars, braid trimmed. Sizes 6 to 14, 14 to 20, 34 to 44. Second Floor South A Special Selling of Muslin Under Garments Regular 1.29 and 1.50 1.00 Gowns Petticoats Corset Covers Envelope Chemises A special purchase of fresh crisp lingerie made of nainsook, batiste and lingerie cloth. The petticoats are lace trimmed, embroidery trim med, both with uuderlay and those with dou ble panel, front and back. Long sleeved gowns with V necks merit special mention among the night gown styleg. All these gar ments are generously proportioned and well made, the kind that would ordinarily sell at 1.29 and 1.50. Third FloorCenter WHS 100 wraps of those aris tocratic materials that are found only in the more exclusive models Marvella, Orlando and Gerona. Wraps that proclaim their quality in the careful details of tailoring end their fine silk linings. All greatly reduced. Second Floor West Smart Summer Frocks 7.95 Dresses Made to Sell at 10.00 and 15.00 We were only able to obtain 500 of these good looking tub frocks to sell at this low price. The story of their quality is told in these high-grade materials: 1 Imported David & John Anderson Ginghams (among them new Picadilly checks), Genuine Normandy Voile, Imported Organdies, Linens, Dotted Swisses, Ratines. The story of their styling is partially portrayed in the accompanying sketches. The Nor mandy voiles are particularly smart and practical in the dark colorings. The organdies are at their best in ruffled or tucked bouffant styles. All the summer colors in a profusion of lovely shades may be found in this group. Sizes 14 to 20 years and 34 to 44. Second Floor West Long Silk Gloves 1.55 In White Only 16-button length gloves made of heavy Milan ese silk. Regular 2.50 values that are termed "substandard" because of slight discolora tions in bleachins:. White Suede Fabric Gloves-2-clasp styles; 1.00 values in a washable white fabric glove. Sizes S1 to 81-:. Special, per pair, 39c Main Floor North Drugs, Toilet Goods 2.00 Triple Bristle Hair Brushes Removable cush ion, for 98 Bauer and Black Lakeside Gauze, 5 yards 49c 60c Djer Kiss Face Powder, for , 35c 25c Mavis Talcum Powder for 17? 10c Hardwater Castile Scap for 6? Bathing Caps Large as sortment; all new 1922 stock, priced 25 to 2.50 Vacuum Bottle Pint size, made with heavy coiled spring, at 89 Main Floor West A Word to Mothers-to-Be How Your Corset Contributes To Health You dream of the glor ious future for the coming baby, but do you, realize how much you can do -towards giving him that price less possession h e a 1 1 h! You want to look as well as possible, you want en joy perfect comfort and you want the health and well-being of yourself and child thoroughly safeguarded. The maternity corset is built to do these very things for you. It is designed to give thorough nipport, yet it is ideally pliable. Adjustable lacines permit it to be altered from time to time. It has enabled so many mothers to retain a well proportioned figure with entire safety and comfort to both mother and child that its sales have been pfcenorrrnal. It is also desirable for invalids who ar con valescing, when other corsets would be too unyield ing. Physicians recommend maternity corsets. We have a most complete assortment of maternity cor sets, both front and baek lacing models. Priced 1.50 to 6.50 Maternity Fitting Service Our skilled and scientific fitters not only fit the maternity corsets when they are purchased, but you are privileged to return to have frequent re adjustments made when necessary. There is no extra charge for this follow-up service. Third Floor North Sale of 1200 Samples of Men's Knit Union Suits in Two Groups and Values 1.25 to 2.00- 12 Values 2.25 to 3.00 An opportunity of this kind is seldom yours. The fore most makers in the country will be represented in this sale. Suits worth 1.25 to 2.00 for - 85c Suits worth 2.25 to 3.00 for 1.35 Every style of union suit is, here. All sizes but not in each style. These low prices merit quantity buying. You'll be sure to regret it if you don't stock up. Main Floor South Put Away Your Woolens in Moth -Defying Cedar Chests At Savings of 33V3 to 50 All made of genuine Tennessee red cedar with fine cabinet finish; these are the best chest values we have been able to offer for years. Putting winter things away in a cedar chest is the most economical and satisfactory way to store them. There is only one cost as these chests last a lifetime. Group A, $15 Values at 10.00 Group B, $30 Values at 15.00 Size 36x18x18. Size 44x20x22. Group C, $35 Values at 22.50 Size 48x22x22. Sixth Floor East Novelties for Graduation Gifts From the Art Department Imported Sewing Baskets Brown woven baskets finished in bag effect with cord to draw np and carry by. Attractively decor ated with beads. At 2.00 Desk Set These make especially de lightful gifts for it's the sort of thing one wants but rarely buys for oneself. Sets of five and seven pieces are shown tn mahogany, metal, fabric and polychrome. Priced at 9.00 to 13.50 Third Floor East Book Ends Of solid ma hogany or polychrome in antique silver and gold finished. Specially priced at, 6.00 to 20.00 A Special Sale of Stewart's Portable Phonographs For Picnics, Camping, Boating Sold Regularly for $15 Priced for This Sale . 10.98 One Dcy Sale of Regal Records Popular Dance Instrumental Vocal Numbers 10-inch Double-faced, value 75c. One Day Only 3 LOO Main Floor West El