Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 04, 1922, Page 9, Image 9

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Tirnll 5 Aiiotnre
Arrested in Probe
of Mexican Revolt
American Held for Importing
Airplanes Arron Border
Two Killed in Attack on
Military Escort.
Jurn, Mtx, June 2- Two Mexi
can cituens were killed, (wo Ameri
can aviator were arretted and a for
mer oiiicer of the Mexican army de
tained in connection with investiga
tion of revolutionary plots in Mexico
Tueday, according to official dis
patches received here today.
Col. Ernesto Argias and Rosendo
Velasquez were arrested at Iraptiato,
litianajuato, on a charge of liciiiK im
plicated in ploia to make Gen. I-'rlix
iJiax president of Mexico. On the
way to teleya for trial, friend at
tempted to free them, tin the attack
on the military escort, the two pris
oners were killed and two soldiers
were wounded.
At Jalapa, Vera Cruz, two Ameri
can aviators, whose names were not
Riven, were arreted alter they had
imported two airplanes otenibly fur
exhibition purposes. Federal authori
ties say they discovered that the two
aviators had leased the machines to
revolutionists. Mauricio Boltrani,
former Mexican army officer, was ar
jy ted on the charge of heuiff iiupli-
r-Matcd with the American airmen.
Sweeping invetiKatiou of what the
ofticer believe to he an extensive
ammunition smuggling plot was he
gun here today by i'aulino Guerrero,
customs collector. The inquiry fol
lows the- discovery ol 15.01)0 rounds
of pistol ammunition, billed as fann
ing implements at the local express
Wide Variety in Fall Styles
Length of Skirts to Be Determined by Particular
Type of Suit Tweeds to Be Popular for
Sport Wear.
II f lb Aum laird I'reM.
Cleveland, June J A wide varie
ty of style in fall and winter gar
ments is otfend by the National
C'lojik, Suit ;yii knt Manufactur
ers' association in its annual style
i.j oil, ismu-'I here yesterday.
1 lie tl:m-!iurd uilcrcd suit with
mannish, tailored collar, is supple
inentcd by tweed suits for iports
wear, and the more elaborate novelty
models for dress occasions. The
latter includes tie three-piece suit
and box-like models, embellished
with fur.
The skirt length is determined by
the particular type of suit. The ten
dency ' toward a somewhat longer
skirt for the dressy models only.
The mannish top coats in both
belted and unbelted models, are de
veloped in reversible fabrics, tweeds
and mixtures, that offer a real op
portunity for smartness and indivi
duality. Graceful and enveloping are the
new wrappy coats and capes, with
their convertible standing collars of
fur. There are many individual cuts
and unusual trimmings applied to
these garments.
Blouse backs, panel effects and
novelty girdles are features..
Des Moines Man
Facing Arrest
Ends Own Life
Still on Automobile l'ou'iul
Traveling Street Nejrro
Makes Will 'ilicn
Ends Life.
Des Moines, la.. June i. (SpeJal
Telegram.) Rather than face a
Dnughcrty Asks
Landis to Assist in
War Fraud Suits
Givt the fowls plenty of rn-
cura$enicnt to .scratch by keeping
a portion of each house or pen deep
ly bedded with leaves or straw. Noth
Jjiiff like it for promoting thrift and
.contentment among a flock of all
-ages and at all .seasons.
v in " mi
Attorney (ieneral Hopeful
Former Federal Judge Will
Consent to Aid Govern
ment in Proserutions.
Chicago. June X K. M. 'I.andis,
former federal judge, and Francis
McGovem, former governor of Wis
consin, will be asked to give their aid
to the federal government in the
prosecution of the war fraud ca.vcs,
now under preparation, it was ar
nounccd by Attorney General Daugh
crty cstenln.
Mr. Daugherty came to Chicago
to address the Illinois: State Bar asso
ciation. The attorney general said lie had
had a conference with former Judge
Landis in Washington recently.
"While he gave me no direct an-
Brand New
Behrs Brothers
Baby Grands
Now $635.
Terms, $3.00 per week.
f Brand New
Player Pianos
' Only $348.00.
, Terms, $230
per week.
MANY shrewd buyers have taken advantage of our great June
Clearance Sale. WHY? Because we have cut prices to bed
rock on 100 high-grade used Pianos and Player Pianos to make
room for our Spring stock which is arriving daily.
Good Used Player Pianos
Mansfield Mahogany
Harrington Mahogany
Hartford Oak
Terms As
Low As
$2.00 Weekly
Schmoller & Mueller
Artemis Mahogany
Solo Concerto Walnut
All Pianos
$10.00 Down Places the Instrument You Choose in Your Home
Guaranteed Grand and Upright Pianos
Smith & Nixon,
mahogany . . .
Schmoller & Mueller,
Behr Bros.,
McPhail, mahogany,
Gerhard, mahogany .
Marshall & Wendell,
Wccman, oak
Checkering, rosewood, $125
Shonniger, mahog $135
Price & Teeple,
mahogany $155
Kimball, walnut $175
Schmoller & Mueller,
mahogany $19g
Steger & Son,
mahogany $225
Emerson, mahogany, $275
Terms As
Low As
$1.00 w $2.50 wn,
These Prices
Cannot Be Duplicated
Your Dollars Will Do Double Duty During This Sale
Three to Five Years Time to Pay
Sdeob&ilkeller Piano Gi
Without obligation on my part
send me complete information
about your USED PIANO
SALE. I have marked with an
X the bargain I am interested
rriminsl duigf (or which he had
iliron arreted, lliij J.intr-s, 2, scut
1 4 built t tin uurfli lus brni at his home
, lure, )U itU'd iiftaiitl)', James
iluuctl villi ;t..4tiltiiii! MoiuclU
.r.ra(ur4. 1''. llumrs lu.l Wn pre
limed aiuiii-t James by MiutrlU'
uncles, D.iiurl ami I.anc uraiiorn.
He Mrnt 'lliuV.iI.iy evening at the
Ural lord home. I.ulf r he joined
Davis of ) larding iiiid Davit drug
lore, with whom lie went (ox hum-
!ng, Kftiiniing home he told hit
wile that he was in trouble with a
I girl and then going to his room
I killed himel(.
Negro Kills Self.
I 1). C. Sweet, 45, wealthy negro of
lort Worth, Tex, iinng at the
home r-f his hroiher-iii-law, V. V.
Iluintisrd, lute, comiiiiiitd suicide
ly putting hi head into the sti ve
nveil aii'l luriiiiig n the k.;, lie
tore rndins; hi hie he v.tntr It's will,
leaving everything t" hi Mttr. Mr.
Humburd, He is aid to he woitli
more than SIOO.iXHJ.
Still In Auto.
The l.itft dicovery of the police
department is a still in opeiatiou in
an automobile driving about the city.
After a .'0-mimite che police were
foiled in their efforts to catch two
distillers. Several shot were en
changed and the two men in the
machine threw out the still ami sped
'awav in the daiknrs., The suit was I
jvvjini when police picked it up. j
1 Injured in Pall.
! James Shealnn, N, nlht watch
nun ai t!ie Mandaid IWtiit com.
IMiiy line, vva perhaps fatally hi-
IJiirtd when he (ell .11 iret down an
ilrvalor shall. The night watchman
iilered oioken ribs, deep lacera
l.ons around the head, a fractured
limb and internal injuries. At the
Metbodut hospital his condition was
reported critical.
120 Sign Petition Ainp
Vrr to Hun for Trraisurfr
W. li. I're was akrd to run (or
county treasurer by IJ0 petitioners
who lilrd their petition ill the election
i'oiiiunimuer' oiiue Saturday,
Mr. 1'ie was loriiurly city conimis
sioiier siid has erved as toiiuty and
illy tuaxntt, He is a lep.'bhcan
and an espeit m city and county
llunilrrds Seek Kntrancc
to U. S. Uudt'r July Quota
l'ontantiuotde, June J. (By A.
P.i The American consulate here
hung out a "standing room only"
tinn v lit u hundreds of would-be
emigrants applied (or passports to
Ann ma under the July quota. The
applicants included 70 natiwlitis
from all parts of the near cast.
swer, I am convinced he looko on
my proposition favorably, said .Mr.
The former federal judge retired
from the bench several months ago
to give his entire time to his position
as rnnuni.-'ioiier of baseball.
"The prosecution of war frauds is
one of the greatest ii not the great
est undertaking ever confronting the
Department of Justice." the attorney
general said. "I have engaged 50
rooms in a building in Washington
to house the investigations.
"There arc more than 150,000 con
tracts entered into by the War de
partment alone. Those transactions
are beins looked over and as fast as
discrepancies are found, the cases are
being prepared. We nave touna
material so far tor itib cases.
Cura and Pattavina Held
for Trial on Liquor Charge
Snm Cura. 1352 South Twentieth
street, and Joe Pattavina. 1 244 South
Fourteenth street, were .ordered held
vi'.dcr $5,000 bonds each for trial in
district court on a charge of illegal
possession of a still and mash by
Jur'ge Foster in Central police court
413-15-17 South 16th St.
and a half
ftflf Hta Whs
(Every Item Sold Separately as Priced)
Look at this handsome dining room suite then think! We believe this to
be the greatest value in dining room furniture that Hartman's have been able
to offer in several years. We submit the set illustrated below for your con
sideration without further comment each piece being exactly as shown.
(No , Tea Wagon
or Rug
Attractive Queen Anne Dining Room Suite
(Special Markings for Monday Only)
.In Rich American Walnut Finish
Buffet, as Shown Has 46x20-inch top, (Pa c
42-inch mirror; silverware
china compartment
Oolong style xawe ltoium cornered (
edges; 42x45-inch top, which extends
to full 6 feet
Leather Seated Chairs Have high paneled backs with genuine
leather slip seats, each
.90 I Columbia
M I r . . IH! If A .
nr III I fHfVl IVJ ii I WimWmrl I PJE.
Via Mi .Ui J B --BD33SeBSFa6wl Mill I i I IMrWI Kl
fl 1 rmm&r..,. It 1-4-1 hr rlMfl
'my i
8-3x10-6 SEAMLESS WILTONS tp r 7c
Made with linen fringe; all HMli
new designs :
Good heavy long-wearing rugs;
$42.50 values
27x54-INCH BAG RUGS Suit
able for bath and bedroom; KfB
special at J
Comfortable Couch Hammock
Jt the thirs for your porch or iwn. Hammock ) md
at durable duck in choice of khaki or grar color. Has com
fortable tufted mattross nn full alte eprirs; complete with
talvaniied rhaln for hanifinit. Specially priced at
8tand to fit $4.75
No Canopy Included.
Three Stirring Bargains
for the Kitchen
(Isual Liberal Terms of Credit Offered)
Enamel Lined BefrlRprator A high-class Ranney make, top
icer; average family size
Cabinet Gas Bange-Guarantesfl Baker make; has broiler
and enamel splasher b; ?k and side
Kitehen Cabinet Base Wood top (not poreellron), with draw
er and bin arrangement
Name ..
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